Normal Physical Exam Template

A flexible and practical Normal Physical Exam Template that improves your patients' examinations.

By Ericka Pingol on May 13, 2024.

Fact Checked by RJ Gumban.

Use Template

What Is A Normal Physical Exam Template?

A is a guide for a healthcare practitioner to follow when conducting a physical exam. During the exam, the practitioner will assess the patient’s general health, checking vital signs such as temperature, pulse, and blood pressure, as well as checking for any signs of physical illness or injury. The practitioner may also assess a patient’s range of motion, listen to their heart and lungs, and palpate different areas to check for any abnormalities. Depending on the patient’s age and gender, additional screening tests may be performed, such as a Pap smear for women or a prostate exam for men. The practitioner will also ask questions about the patient’s medical history, lifestyle, and lifestyle habits. This information is used to help assess their overall health and provide advice on how to improve it. The practitioner may also perform a mental health assessment by asking the patient questions about their mental state and any current issues they are having. At the end of the physical exam, the practitioner will make any necessary recommendations for follow-up tests or further examinations. They may also provide information about lifestyle changes that could help improve the patient’s overall health. Following up with a regular physical exam can help to ensure that any health issues are detected and treated early on.

Printable Normal Physical Exam Templates

Download these Normal Physical Exam Templates to improve your physical examination progress and your client's treatment journey.

How To Use This Template For Normal Physical Exam

Our normal physical exam template is functional and intuitive. A normal physical exam example is available on this page to help you quickly understand this template. Follow a few steps below to get yourself started with this template:

Step One: Download the Template

You can down the free PDF template onto your devices, or access it from the Carepatron template library which allows more flexibility in terms of the template design and content.

Step Two: Patient Information & Vitals

Document the necessary patient information for identification purposes. Then start taking all the vitals and record them on the template for a quick assessment of the patient’s basic health status.

Step Three: Review the System

We have listed lots of systems for you. This certainly doesn’t mean you need to assess all of them, only those that are relevant to the patient’s specific presentation. Select and comment on all the reviewed systems, and marked those not examined ones as ‘not examined’.

Step Four: Additional Note

You can practically write down anything in this section, from basic documentation of patients’ presenting complaints to highly specialized areas of examination that are not included in the worksheet. Essentially, you are adding anything that brings a holistic picture of the patient to anyone that would be viewing this examination result in the future. 

Step Five: Documentation

Once everything is recorded appropriately, you would want to store this document in an organized and secure manner. Due to the confidentiality of the patient and the importance of the information within this document, treat it with care and professionalism.

Normal Physical Exam Example (Sample)

To facilitate the process of you understanding this template and getting familiar with its usage of it, we have created a sample template based on a simulated patient. Feel free to download it and use it as a reference when carrying out a physical exam using this template.

Download this Normal Physical Exam Example (Sample) here: 

Normal Physical Exam Example (Sample)

Who Can Use this Printable Normal Physical Exam Template (PDF)?

Normal physical exam templates can be used by any medical professional or healthcare provider, such as a doctor, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant. The template provides an organized approach to documenting and reviewing the results of a patient's physical examination. The normal physical exam template is designed to provide a comprehensive review of the patient's current health status. It covers all major body systems including cardiovascular, respiratory, musculoskeletal, neurological, abdominal, and genitourinary. The template also includes sections for reviewing other information relevant to the patient's overall health such as weight measurement and vital signs like blood pressure and pulse rate. Additionally, there are sections that allow for a more detailed assessment of specific organs or areas like the eyes or ears. Using this type of pre-formatted document during each patient visit helps ensure that all important information is collected in a consistent manner so it can easily be compared over time. This allows healthcare providers to quickly assess changes in their patient's health status which may warrant further investigation or treatment options. Furthermore, using a normal physical exam template ensures that no pertinent data is missed during the evaluation process which could lead to misdiagnosis or missed diagnoses. All these benefits make this type of documentation instrument ideal for use both in clinical settings and regular check-ups with primary care physicians.

Why Is This Form Useful For Clinicians

Streamline Record Keeping

A physical exam template helps a clinician streamline the record-keeping process. It clearly outlines what needs to be documented when examining a patient and provides an easily accessible platform for tracking progress over time. The template also keeps track of vital signs and all systems reviews that must be recorded in order to make informed decisions about the patient’s treatment plan when necessary. 

Improved Patient Care

By utilizing a normal physical exam template, clinicians can provide better care for their patients as they have access to all the necessary information regarding their condition in one central location. This type of documentation makes it easier for clinicians to accurately assess how well treatments are working and adjust them accordingly if needed without missing important details or overlooking potential problems that may require further evaluation or attention from another medical professional. 

Enhanced Professionalism

Using an established protocol such as this ensures that every patient receives consistent care regardless of who is conducting the examination. Medical care involves complex knowledge and skills so having a standard format in place helps ensure each provider maintains high standards while still being able to customize treatment plans according to individual needs or preferences. Having an organized form also instills trust between practitioners and patients which ultimately contributes towards improved outcomes across the board.

EHR software feedback

Why Use Carepatron For Normal Physical Exam Software?

Carepatron is an excellent choice when it comes to managing physical exams. Carepatron is a comprehensive system for managing physical exams for patients. Carepatron allows physicians to easily access patient information and perform physical exams. It also makes it easier to track physical exam results. Carepatron is a secure, HIPAA-compliant platform that is designed to simplify the physical exam process. It allows healthcare providers to quickly and easily document and review physical exam findings. Carepatron also allows physicians to access patient health records, lab results, and imaging studies in a secure and convenient manner. With Carepatron, physicians can quickly assess a patient’s condition and make decisions about their care. Carepatron also makes it easier to track physical exam results. Physicians can easily review and compare physical exam results over time and make informed decisions about patient care. Carepatron also makes it easier to follow up on physical exam results and keep patients informed of changes in their condition, and eliminates the need for paper forms and manual data entry. This helps to ensure accuracy and reduce paperwork.

Normal Physical Exam Software
When to use a Normal Physical Exam?
When to use a Normal Physical Exam?

Commonly asked questions

When to use a Normal Physical Exam?

A normal physical exam should be conducted annually, or more frequently as recommended by your doctor. This exam typically includes a comprehensive assessment of your height, weight, and body mass index (BMI), blood pressure check, pulse rate and rhythm check, heart, and abdominal examination, lymph node test (to look for signs of infection), etc. The results from the physical exam may help determine if further testing is needed or if any changes in lifestyle are necessary.

How to use a Normal Physical Exam?

Explain to your patient why a physical exam is necessary and ask if they have any questions or concerns. Let them know that you will be asking them to undress and provide privacy during the exam. You will then take their temperature, pulse, respiration rate, and blood pressure and record these. Inspect the body for any swelling, discoloration, lumps, or other abnormalities before deciding if any further tests are necessary. Finally, thank the patient for their time and explain the next steps before leaving the room.

What are the 4 types of physical examination?

1. General physical examination: This type of exam is a comprehensive assessment of overall health, including vital signs, physical appearance, and mental status. 

2. Systemic physical examination: This physical exam focuses on specific systems of the body, such as the cardiovascular, respiratory, or nervous systems. 

3. Specialized physical examination: This type of exam is tailored to a specific condition or problem, such as an eye exam or a musculoskeletal exam. 

4. Screening physical examination: This type of exam is used to identify potential risks for a disease or disorder. It may include tests such as blood pressure readings, cholesterol tests, or vision tests.

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