High uric acid foods chart

Provide a Diet Chart for patients with high uric acid to guide them with their meal planning. Click here for a free template copy!

By Patricia Buenaventura on Jul 17, 2024.


Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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What is high uric acid?

High uric acid, referred to as hyperuricemia, is a medical condition characterized by elevated uric acid levels in the bloodstream. Uric acid is a metabolic byproduct generated by the body during the digestion of purine-containing foods.

Purines are natural substances in various foods, including organic meats, seafood, and certain vegetables. When the body produces more uric acid than it can efficiently eliminate, the excess accumulates in the blood, leading to hyperuricemia.

Elevated uric acid levels can result in crystals forming in joints and surrounding tissues, which may cause gout attacks. Furthermore, persistent hyperuricemia may contribute to the development of kidney stones. Monitoring and managing high uric acid levels are essential to prevent associated complications and maintain overall health.

How to detect uric acid in blood?

Urine levels in blood are detected through a urine blood test, also called a serum uric acid measurement. This diagnostic tool gauges the quantity of uric acid in the bloodstream, offering insights into the body's production and elimination of uric acid.

Before undergoing uric acid testing, adequate preparation is essential. This may involve a 4-hour fasting period, during which consumption of food and drink is restricted. One must also avoid ingesting certain substances, including alcohol, specific medications like aspirin and ibuprofen, high vitamin C levels, and dyes from X-ray tests since it can interfere with test accuracy. Disclosing all medications and supplements to the healthcare provider is crucial because it may also affect the uric acid test results. This uric acid test template is an excellent tool for managing clients effectively.

The actual procedure is a straightforward blood draw, typically taking a few minutes. A healthcare professional extracts blood from a vein, usually in the inner elbow or the back of the hand. While there may be a slight sensation during needle insertion, risks are minimal and may include slight bleeding or bruising, dizziness, or infection.

The uric acid blood test results aid in diagnosing and monitoring various conditions such as gout, kidney disorders, and the impact of chemotherapy or radiation treatment. Elevated uric acid levels are often associated with conditions like gout and kidney stones, while insufficient uric acid may indicate underlying liver or kidney issues. Consulting with a healthcare professional is paramount for personalized advice and interpretation of results.

What are the symptoms of having too much uric acid?

Hyperuricemia can manifest with various symptoms, although it's noteworthy that only around one-third of individuals with elevated uric acid experience noticeable signs.

Gout flare-ups

Gout, a painful form of arthritis, affects approximately 20 percent of individuals with hyperuricemia. While it can impact any joint, it often initiates in the large toe. Gout symptoms include intense joint pain, stiffness, difficulty in joint movement, redness and swelling, and potentially deformities in affected joints.

Tophaceous gout

If one has excess uric acid, crystals may aggregate into clumps known as tophi. These firm lumps form beneath the skin, around joints, and in the curvature at the top of the ear. Tophi exacerbates joint pain, potentially causing long-term joint damage or nerve compression.

Kidney Stones

Uric acid crystals can lead to the formation of kidney stones. These stones may be small and pass through urine, but they can also grow to a size that obstructs parts of the urinary tract.

Diet recommendations to lower uric acid levels

Managing high uric acid levels involves making informed dietary choices. Here are some valuable diet tips to help regulate uric acid:

Limit purine-rich foods and reduce sugar intake

Foods high in purines contribute to increased uric acid levels. Restrict consumption of organ meat like liver, seafood such as tuna, anchovies, herring, shellfish, shrimp, sardines, red meat, and fatty foods like bacon.

Follow a low-purine diet

Aside from consuming nuts, fruits rich in Vitamin C, like citrus fruits, vegetables like gourds, especially bitter gourds, and whole grains found in pasta, wheat bread, and certain specific unsweetened cereals. As for drinks, one can opt for fat-free or low-fat products like low-fat milk and non-dairy products.

Reduce Sugar Intake

When the body breaks down fructose, it releases purines, elevating uric acid levels. Controlling one's sugary foods and drinks intake to manage uric acid levels is encouraged. Specifically, one must avoid alcohol, sweets - especially those with high fructose corn syrup - sweet drinks, and carbonated beverages.

Stay Hydrated

Adequate fluid intake assists in faster uric acid elimination by the kidneys. Patients must carry a water bottle to ensure consistent hydration.

Limit Alcohol

Alcohol consumption can trigger elevated uric acid levels and contribute to dehydration.

Manage Weight

Excess weight increases the risk of gout. If already diagnosed with gout, maintaining a healthy weight can reduce the frequency of flares.

Treatments for high uric acid levels

Treating high uric acid levels, or hyperuricemia, encompasses a combination of lifestyle adjustments and, when necessary, pharmaceutical interventions. Here are common approaches to managing elevated uric acid levels:

Lifestyle changes

Initiating alterations in lifestyle forms a fundamental aspect of hyperuricemia management. This involves dietary modifications, the maintenance of a healthy weight, and ensuring adequate hydration. Mitigating uric acid levels often involves abstaining from alcohol and restricting the intake of purine-rich foods, such as red meat, organ meats, and seafood.


When lifestyle adjustments prove insufficient, healthcare providers may prescribe medications to lower uric acid production or enhance its elimination by the kidneys. Medications may include uricosuric agents or xanthine oxidase inhibitors.

Pain relief

During gout flares, managing pain and inflammation becomes pivotal. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), corticosteroids, or colchicine may be prescribed for effective control.

Self-care steps

In less severe cases, individuals can take self-care measures to alleviate symptoms. This involves abstaining from soft drinks and alcohol, using ice for pain relief, elevating the affected leg to mitigate gout symptoms, and maintaining adequate hydration¹.

Seeking guidance from a healthcare professional is paramount for personalized advice. Treatment plans tailored to individual needs and conditions can be provided by primary care physicians, nephrologists specializing in kidney diseases, and endocrinologists focusing on the endocrine system. Consulting with a healthcare professional ensures an effective and comprehensive approach to managing high uric acid levels.

It's because the body is making an excess of uric acid or isn't efficiently getting rid of it. Furthermore, uric acid levels increase in the body due to multiple reasons. Among them are genetics, drinking too much alcohol, ingesting certain foods rich in purine or high fructose corn syrup, and having medical conditions like high blood pressure, kidney problems, leukemia, etc.

Although uric acid is often reduced rather than eliminated, some sources state that increasing one's water intake can flush the uric acid from one's system faster.

With medication, it can take a few weeks to a few months for one's uric acid levels to drop. However, it may vary significantly for those without medication, even if they follow a strict diet, as each body is unique. To better track and manage one's levels, in this case, one may have their uric acid levels checked as often as the referring physician recommends.

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