Coping Statements for Panic Attacks Worksheet

Use our specialized worksheet to empower yourself with effective coping statements for panic attacks. Take control of your healthcare journey today.

By Bernard Ramirez on Jul 15, 2024.


Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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What are Panic Attacks, and What is Panic Disorder?

Panic attacks are sudden, intense episodes of extreme fear or discomfort accompanied by distressing physical and psychological symptoms. These episodes typically peak within a few minutes but can last longer. Symptoms often include a rapid heart rate, shortness of breath, trembling, sweating, nausea, chest pain, dizziness, and a profound dread. Specific situations can trigger panic attacks or seemingly occur out of the blue.

On the other hand, panic disorder is a type of anxiety disorder characterized by recurrent and unexpected panic attacks. To be diagnosed with Panic Disorder, an individual must experience these attacks repeatedly, and persistent worry or behavior changes must accompany them. Individuals with this disorder often fear future panic attacks, which can lead to avoidance of certain places or situations, impacting their quality of life.

Coping Statements for Panic Attacks are crucial in managing acute episodes and the overall disorder. These statements are designed to help individuals regain control during a panic attack. Some effective coping statements may include:

  • "This too shall pass." Reminding patients that panic attacks are temporary and will eventually subside can reduce the intensity of their fear.
  • "I've survived this before." Encouraging individuals to draw from past experiences in overcoming panic attacks can boost their confidence.
  • "Focus on your breathing." Guiding patients to concentrate on slow, deep breaths can alleviate some of the physical symptoms of panic attacks.
  • "I am safe." Reminding patients of their safety in the present moment can help counter the irrational fear that often accompanies panic attacks.
  • "I can handle this." Instilling a sense of self-efficacy empowers individuals to confront panic attacks with resilience.

For healthcare practitioners, educating patients about these coping statements and teaching them various relaxation techniques can be valuable in treating Panic Disorder. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is often recommended to help individuals reframe their thoughts and develop better coping strategies for long-term disorder management.

Coping Statements for Panic Attacks Worksheet Template

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Coping Statements for Panic Attacks Worksheet Example

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How to use the Coping Statements for Panic Attacks Worksheet

The Coping Statements for Panic Attacks Worksheet is a valuable tool designed to assist individuals dealing with panic attacks in managing their anxiety and regaining control during distressing episodes. Here's a comprehensive guide on how to use this worksheet:

Step 1: Introduction

Begin by introducing the worksheet to the client, emphasizing that it's a resource aimed at helping them cope with panic attacks. Stress that panic attacks are treatable, and learning to manage them is a significant step towards regaining control over their emotional well-being.

Step 2: Understanding the Purpose

Clarify the purpose of the worksheet. Explain that it provides a set of pre-determined coping statements to help shift their mindset during a panic attack. These statements are designed to counter the irrational fears and physical symptoms of panic attacks and guide them toward a calmer state of mind.

Step 3: Personalization

Encourage the client to make the worksheet their own. Each coping statement should resonate with their unique experiences and thought patterns. They can modify the provided statements or create new ones that align with their preferences.

Step 4: Filling in the Worksheet

Guide the client through the worksheet, helping them fill in their responses to each coping statement. Encourage them to provide detailed, meaningful responses for each statement, explaining why each is essential for their coping strategy.

Step 5: Practice and Application

Highlight the importance of practicing these coping statements in a calm, non-panic state. This practice helps clients become familiar with the statements, making them more accessible and effective during panic attacks. Encourage clients to use the worksheet as a reference when needed.

Step 6: Ongoing Usage

Reiterate that this worksheet is a tool to be used continually. Encourage clients to keep it accessible and to revisit and revise it as needed. The coping statements may evolve as they become more adept at managing their panic attacks.

By using the Coping Statements for Panic Attacks Worksheet, individuals can develop a personalized set of coping strategies to navigate the challenging experience of panic attacks. It equips them with a powerful tool to shift their focus and regain control over their thoughts and emotions during these distressing episodes, ultimately improving their mental health. It's an essential resource for healthcare practitioners working with clients with panic disorder and is instrumental in providing support and guidance to those in need.

When Would you use This Coping Statements for Panic Attacks Worksheet?

The Coping Statements for Panic Attacks Worksheet is a valuable resource that can be effectively employed during various stages of managing panic attacks. Here are some of the best and most appropriate times to use this worksheet:

1. During Panic Attacks:

This worksheet can be an immediate tool to help individuals regain control amid a panic attack. By referring to their personalized coping statements, they can redirect their thoughts and emotions to reduce the intensity and duration of the episode.

2. Preemptive Preparation:

Filling out the worksheet during calm periods is beneficial to prepare for future panic attacks. Clients can create personalized coping statements in advance, making them readily available.

3. Regular Practice:

Regular practice of these coping statements in non-panic states helps clients become familiar with them, ensuring they can be deployed effectively during the height of an anxiety episode.

4. Integration in Therapy:

Healthcare professionals, such as psychologists and therapists, can integrate this worksheet into cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) sessions. It provides clients with practical tools to apply CBT techniques in real-life situations.

5. Self-Help and Empowerment:

Individuals can independently use the worksheet to take control of their anxiety management. This resource empowers them to engage in their treatment actively, promoting self-help and reducing their reliance on healthcare professionals.

6. Support in Crisis Situations:

Crisis helplines, counselors, and support groups can utilize this worksheet to assist individuals experiencing acute panic attacks over the phone or in person, offering immediate strategies to manage their distress.

7. Progress Tracking:

Healthcare practitioners, including psychiatrists, can use this worksheet to monitor clients' panic disorder progress. Regular updates and revisions to the coping statements can reveal the individual's evolving coping strategies.

What are the Benefits of Using This Coping Statements for Panic Attacks Worksheet?

Using the free Coping Statements for Panic Attacks Worksheet offers several significant benefits for individuals managing panic attacks and their healthcare professionals:

Immediate Anxiety Reduction

The worksheet provides a readily accessible set of coping statements that help individuals shift their focus during a panic attack. This can lead to a rapid reduction in the intensity of the anxiety episode.

Personalized Coping Strategies

The worksheet encourages individuals to customize the coping statements to align with their unique thought patterns and preferences, making the strategies more relevant and effective for their needs.


By using this worksheet, individuals take an active role in their anxiety management. They become better equipped to regain control during panic attacks, fostering a sense of empowerment and self-reliance.

Integration in Therapy

Healthcare professionals can seamlessly incorporate this worksheet into therapeutic sessions, enhancing the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and other treatment approaches for panic disorder.

Preparation and Prevention

By filling out the worksheet during calm periods, individuals can prepare for future panic attacks and improve their ability to prevent these episodes from escalating.

Progress Monitoring

The worksheet is a valuable tool for healthcare practitioners to monitor their clients' progress. Revisions and updates to the coping statements can reflect the individual's evolving coping strategies and journey toward better anxiety management.

Are the coping statements customizable?
Are the coping statements customizable?

Commonly asked questions

Are the coping statements customizable?

Yes, the coping statements in the worksheet are often customizable. You can personalize them to align with your specific thought patterns and preferences, making them more effective for your unique needs.

When should I use the Coping Statements for Panic Attacks Worksheet?

This worksheet is best used during panic attacks to help you regain control. It's also valuable for preemptive preparation during calm periods, practice in non-panic states, and an ongoing resource to empower individuals to manage their anxiety.

Can healthcare professionals integrate this worksheet into therapy sessions?

Yes, healthcare professionals, particularly those practicing cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), can integrate the Coping Statements for Panic Attacks Worksheet into their sessions to assist clients in managing panic attacks effectively.

What other benefits does this worksheet offer besides managing panic attacks?

This worksheet promotes empowerment, personalization, and self-help. It can be used in various mental health scenarios, enhancing the client's ability to cope with anxiety, stress, and related conditions.

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