Allergy Action Plan

Knowing how to manage an allergic reaction can be life-saving. Learn how to help someone experiencing a reaction using our Allergy Action Plan Template.

By Priya Singh on Jul 02, 2024.


Fact Checked by RJ Gumban.

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What is an Allergy Action Plan Template?

An Allergy Action Plan Template is a resource designed to guide health professionals, such as general practitioners, and nurses, in creating action plans with patients who have known allergies. Patients can then carry a physical copy with them, or have a digital version accessible on their devices, to guide actions during and after an allergic reaction. 

Every year, over 50 million individuals have an allergic reaction and allergic reactions have become a major contributor to long-term illnesses in the United States (Cleveland Clinic, 2022). Allergies occur when the body reacts to a substance (allergen) that is commonly harmless, such as animal fur to dust. When exposed to an allergen, the immune system elicits a response to attack the foreign allergen (John Hopkins Medicine, n.d.). 

The symptoms experienced by allergic individuals can differ depending on the type of allergen exposure, the severity of the allergy, and the type of reaction. Mild symptoms are often uncomfortable, and can range from sneezing to skin hives (Burke, 2023). Severe or anaphylactic reactions escalate quickly and can be fatal without intervention. These reactions can result in fainting, shortness of breath, and unresponsiveness, and require emergency medical attention as soon as possible. 

When a reaction occurs, the individual and those around them need to act quickly and effectively, to ensure their health and safety. By using our template, health practitioners and individuals can create a concise, comprehensive allergy action plan that outlines all of the essential information and actions required to overcome a reaction. This can support and assure the individual and those around them.

Printable Allergy Action Plan

Download this Allergy Action Plan for general practitioners, and nurses, in creating action plans with patients who have known allergies.

How does it work?

The template works to provide health practitioners with a standardized structure that can be used to devise individual allergy action plans. It contains all of the essential information regarding reaction symptoms, identifying severity, contact numbers, and actions to take when a reaction is occurring. Here are some steps that may guide you, when devising your own or a client’s allergy action plan: 

Step 1: Access the template

Begin by accessing the template here, or downloading a printable copy using the link below:

Download our Printable Allergy Action Plan Template. 

Step 2: Interpret the template 

Familiarize yourself with the template, taking time to understand the various sections and making amendments to fit your practice or the types of allergies your clients experience. 

Step 3: Collaboration 

In your consultations, such as routine health checks or annual wellness exams, it may be beneficial to present the action plan to clients with allergies. This may involve providing a digital or physical copy, discussing the sections of the plan, and explaining how it may be beneficial for their health and safety. 

Step 4: Personalize the plan 

Incorporate the client’s medical history, notes, contact information, and procedures that are relevant to their allergies. This will help develop an informative plan that provides clients and those around them with practical steps to manage an allergic reaction.

Step 5: Ongoing monitoring and support  

It is essential to provide ongoing oversight and support to clients with allergies. This may involve completing routine checkups, and updating the plan as information and experiences change. Additionally, it is essential to revise the allergy action plan following an allergic action plan, by making any amendments to information or procedures where necessary. 

Allergy Action Plan Example (sample)

Creating an informative yet concise allergy action plan is essential to managing allergic reactions. By including practical steps and allergy information, the plan provides practical steps to guide individuals or those around them experiencing a reaction. In using our template, health practitioners can devise a customized plan to mitigate adverse outcomes. 

To show you how our plan works, we have devised an example allergy action plan. It is recommended to use this structure as a reference. Please consider that information used in the example is fictitious, and should not supplement personalized advice or action plans. 

Download this Allergy Action Plan:

allergy action plan

When would you use this Template?

This Allergy Action Plan Template is a versatile resource designed to aid practitioners and individuals with allergies, in taking effective actions during an allergic reaction. It assists in creating a concise document with all of the steps and information based on the severity of the reaction. Here are instances in which this resource is used: 

  • Reaction identification: Individuals with allergies, and those around them may use the resource to identify when an allergic reaction is occurring. The plan includes the different symptoms in association with the severity of the reaction. 
  • Taking action: When an individual or someone near them is experiencing an allergic reaction, the plan provides practical steps on what to do next. These steps are based on the symptoms and severity. 
  • Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR): During anaphylactic reactions, some individuals may become unresponsive and require CPR. The plan provides simple steps on how to do CPR for babies, children, and adults, which can save lives during severe reactions. 
  • Epinephrine Injection: Some reactions, such as anaphylactic or severe food allergies may require an epinephrine (adrenaline) auto-injector. The plan outlines the steps on how to use the device, as well as the protocols following. 
  • Prevention planning: The plan may be implemented in a client’s broader treatment or prevention planning. 
  • Educational resources: Allergies are common and can happen at any time. By presenting the plan as a visual resource in training paramedics, schools, or workplaces, individuals can take action to mitigate the effects, and save lives.


Our free Allergy Action Plan Template is a resource that offers a range of benefits for healthcare professionals, caregivers, and individuals with known allergies. Here are some of the main advantages of this resource: 


Individuals without allergies may not have as much of a comprehensive understanding of allergies and anaphylaxis. As an educational resource, the plan can effectively disseminate information in workplaces or schools, ensuring that more of the population understands the protocols to take effective action. Anaphylaxis can be detrimental to an individual’s health, thus by ensuring effective action, this may serve as a secondary prevention strategy and has the potential to save lives. 

Effective action

To reduce the severity and the risk of symptoms worsening, individuals must take quick action. The plan provides practical steps to manage the reaction for all levels, beginning from identification and elaborating on CPR and recovery positioning for more severe cases. In providing all the necessary information, the plan 

Reassurance and support 

Allergic reactions can be distressing for the individual and those around them, particularly when they are unsure of what to do next. The plan can help individuals identify the reaction that is occurring, and outline the necessary steps to mitigate the effects. This can provide reassurance and support them through this experience. 

Research & evidence

Allergies are extremely common, with around 30% of adults and 40% of children experiencing allergies in the United States (WebMD, 2022). Though the degree of severity differs, reactions are very common with more than 50 million individuals having an allergic reaction in the United States every year (Cleveland Clinic, 2022). The high prevalence of allergies and reactions makes it essential to know how to manage one. 

Reactions can range from mild skin rashes to cardiovascular collapse, and may result in mortality if untreated. The difficulty with reactions is that they can escalate towards anaphylaxis (severe reactions) very quickly, which can put the body into a state of shock. This can be incredibly distressing for both the individual and those around them, particularly when they are unsure what the symptoms are pointing towards (Burke, 2023). 

Research has shown that when individuals are aware of how to avoid allergens and manage allergic reactions, they may be more able to manage reactions and reduce the chance of recurrence of food allergies (Kapoor et al., 2004). Therefore, individuals with reactions and those around them need to know about allergies, and the practical steps required to avoid adverse outcomes (Ross & Montoya, 2015). 

Although there is little evidence establishing causality between action plans and reduced adverse reaction outcomes, the value of this resource lies in its ability to educate and inform. The plan provides all essential information from key indicators, to severity, and practical steps that are easy to follow. Knowing this information can be definitive for the outcomes of an allergic reaction.

Why use Carepatron as your Allergy Action Plan app?

In the revolution of healthcare, digital platforms like Carepatron are essential to developing resources, tools, and guides like this to optimize health management. Carepatron supports health practitioners by streamlining tasks, allowing them to focus on delivering effective care to their patients. 

One of the most beneficial aspects of using our software is access to extensive well-researched resources, including guides and plans for various health management strategies like allergy action plans. This not only helps practitioners enhance their own knowledge but supports the dissemination of this knowledge to patients. 

Carepatron is also a patient portal software, which allows patients to access relevant notes and resources recommended by their health provider. For patients with allergies, our Allergy Action Plan app provides mobile access to their customized allergy action plan and resources which is crucial for managing reactions. Having this information easily accessible may also help support others with the individual, in providing practical steps and seeking medical attention. 

Our Allergy Action Plan software also integrates note-taking, patient management, and appointment scheduling seamlessly, for an all-in-one platform. This saves time and resources consumed by typical clinical practices, allowing you to focus on providing optimal care. 

Begin enhancing your practice and prioritize patient health with Carepatron today!

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American Academy of Pediatrics (n.d.). Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan. American Academy of Pediatrics.

Burke, D. (2023). What is an Allergic Reaction? Healthline.

Cleveland Clinic (2022). Allergies. Cleveland Clinic.

John Hopkins Medicine (n.d.). Allergies and the Immune System. John Hopkins Medicine.,itchy%20eyes%2C%20and%20other%20symptoms.

Kapoor, S., Roberts, G., Bynoe, Y., Gaughan, M., Habibi, P., & Lack, G. (2004). Influence of a multidisciplinary pediatric allergy clinic on parental knowledge and rate of subsequent allergic reactions. Allergy, 59(2), 185-191.

MedlinePlus [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US); [updated 2022 January 23]. Allergic reactions. Available from:

NHS (2022). Allergies. NHS.,or%20a%20raised%20rash%20(hives)

Ross, S. M., & Montoya, M. I. (2015). Allergic Reactions. Basic Clinical Anesthesia. Springer, New York, N.Y. DOI:

St John (n.d.). Baby Resuscitation CPR. St John.

St John (n.d.). Child Resuscitation. St John.

St John (n.d.). Resuscitation: Adult CPR. St John.

How do you create an Allergy Action Plan?
How do you create an Allergy Action Plan?

Commonly asked questions

How do you create an Allergy Action Plan?

These can be created using our simple Allergy Action Plan Template! This template includes all of the necessary information to structure your plan, while still being customizable to suit your patients. 

When are Allergy Action Plan Templates used?

These plans are typically used to help individuals and those around them manage an allergic reaction. 

‍‍‍‍How are the Allergy Action Plan Templates used?

The plan provides a step-by-step guide to managing allergic reactions, including how to identify the severity of a reaction, how to seek medical attention, as well as how to administer epinephrine and CPR in severe anaphylactic reactions.

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