7 Stages Of Dementia Chart

Explore the comprehensive 7 Stages of Dementia Chart for understanding and managing the progression of dementia. Learn about tailored care insights for each stage.

By Joshua Napilay on May 09, 2024.

Fact Checked by RJ Gumban.

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What is a 7 Stages Of Dementia Chart?

The 7 Stages of Dementia Chart is a visual resource designed to provide a comprehensive overview of the progression of dementia. Dementia is a broad term encompassing a range of cognitive disorders, with Alzheimer's disease being the most common form. This chart breaks down the journey of dementia into seven distinct stages, helping caregivers, healthcare professionals, and families better understand the changes and challenges that individuals with dementia might experience over time.

Individuals might exhibit mild memory lapses and confusion in the early stages, often dismissed as normal aging. As the disease advances, memory loss and difficulties in communication and problem-solving become more pronounced. Emotional and behavioral changes may also occur, leading to increased frustration and anxiety.

As dementia enters the middle stages, individuals require more assistance with daily tasks, such as dressing, eating, and grooming. Hallucinations, delusions, and wandering can also become more prevalent. Gradually, the ability to recognize loved ones diminishes, and self-care becomes increasingly challenging.

In the later stages, individuals become highly dependent on caregivers for even basic activities. They may lose the ability to walk, sit, and eventually swallow. Communication becomes extremely limited, and individuals often become bedridden.

The 7 Stages of Dementia Chart is a valuable reference for caregivers and healthcare professionals, offering insights into what to expect and how to provide appropriate care at each stage.

To further streamline the caregiving process and enhance patient management, a practice management software solution like CarePatron offers tools to track and manage the care of individuals with dementia. For more information on this software and the , visit our website.

Understanding the progression of dementia through this chart and utilizing specialized software can significantly improve the quality of care provided to those with dementia.

Printable 7 Stages Of Dementia Chart

Download this 7 Stages Of Dementia Chart to manage the progression of dementia.

How does it work?

The 7 Stages of Dementia Chart is a valuable tool for caregivers, healthcare professionals, and families to understand and navigate the various stages of dementia. Here's how it works:

Chart Overview

The chart is organized into seven stages, each representing a different phase in the progression of dementia. These stages are designed to help individuals anticipate changes and plan appropriate care.


To access the printable version of this chart, simply follow these three easy steps:

  • Step 1: Access the printable version of the 7 Stages of Dementia Chart. This can be found on this page or through our resources library.
  • Step 2: Review the introductory information to understand the purpose and structure of the chart. This will help you better understand how to use the chart and what to look for as you observe the individual's behaviors and cognitive abilities.
  • Step 3: Observe the individual's behaviors and cognitive abilities to identify relevant symptoms and challenges. As you do so, keep the chart handy and refer to it as needed to help you identify which stage of dementia the person may be in and what specific symptoms and challenges you should look for.

Stage Determination

  • Step 4: Compare the observed symptoms with the descriptions provided for each stage.
  • Step 5: Select the stage that best aligns with the individual's cognitive and functional status.

Symptom Breakdown

  • Step 6: Once the stage is determined, refer to the breakdown of symptoms and behaviors associated with that stage.
  • Step 7: Gain insights into memory loss, communication difficulties, emotional changes, and other specific challenges related to that stage.

Recommended Care

  • Step 8: Utilize the chart's recommendations for the most appropriate care strategies for the identified stage.
  • Step 9: Incorporate memory aids, communication techniques, and behavioral management approaches as suggested.

7 Stages Of Dementia Charts Example (sample)

The 7 Stages of Dementia Chart offers a comprehensive depiction of the progressive stages of dementia. In Stage 1, no cognitive decline is evident, and memory functions appear normal. Stage 2 reflects mild cognitive decline with minor memory lapses often attributed to normal aging. By Stage 3, mild cognitive decline becomes more pronounced, encompassing increased forgetfulness and challenges in concentration.

As the stages progress, individuals enter Stage 4 with moderate cognitive decline marked by difficulties in problem-solving and organizing thoughts. Stage 5 witnesses moderately severe cognitive decline, where assistance with daily activities becomes necessary. Stage 6 embodies severe cognitive decline, characterized by further loss of independence and recognition of loved ones.

The final stage, Stage 7, signifies very severe cognitive decline. Individuals are highly dependent on caregivers for even basic tasks and may lose the ability to communicate or move independently. For a detailed breakdown of symptoms and recommended care strategies for each stage, please refer to the downloadable PDF version of the 7 Stages of Dementia Chart.

Download this 7 Stages Of Dementia Chart Example:

7 Stages Of Dementia Charts Example (sample)

When would you use this Chart?

The 7 Stages of Dementia Chart is a versatile tool designed to aid practitioners and caregivers in understanding the progression of dementia and providing tailored care. Here's when this invaluable resource comes into play:

  • Diagnosis and Assessment: Medical professionals such as doctors, neurologists, and geriatric specialists can use the chart during the diagnostic process. It assists in categorizing the stage of dementia based on observed symptoms, aiding in accurate assessment.
  • Treatment Planning: Practitioners can develop targeted treatment plans once the stage is identified. The chart's breakdown of symptoms and recommended care strategies provides a roadmap for planning interventions.
  • Nursing Care: Nurses and nursing home staff can integrate the chart into daily care routines. It helps recognize changing behaviors and symptoms, ensuring timely adjustments to care plans as the disease progresses.
  • Family Caregiving: The chart is an indispensable resource for family caregivers. It offers an accessible way to understand the different stages, enabling caregivers to anticipate challenges and provide informed care.
  • Educational Programs: Training institutions and workshops catering to caregivers and healthcare professionals can incorporate the chart into their curriculum. It serves as a visual aid to teach the characteristics and challenges of each stage, enhancing learning outcomes.
  • Care Monitoring: Practitioners and caregivers can use the chart for ongoing care monitoring. By comparing observed behaviors with the chart's descriptions, they can assess if a patient's condition is evolving into a new stage.
  • Support Group Discussions: Support groups for caregivers and families of individuals with dementia can use the chart as a discussion reference. It facilitates sharing experiences and strategies that align with the specific stage of dementia.
  • Transition Planning: As individuals progress through stages, practitioners can assist families in planning for transitions, such as moving from home care to assisted living, ensuring continuity of appropriate care.


The 7 Stages of Dementia Chart is a resource that offers a wide array of benefits for healthcare professionals, caregivers, and individuals engaged in caring for those with dementia. Here's a comprehensive look at its advantages:

Structured Understanding

The chart provides a systematic breakdown of each of the seven stages of dementia. This structure enhances the disease's progression comprehension, allowing practitioners and caregivers to track changes.

Tailored Care Strategies

The chart offers recommended care strategies for each stage. These strategies address specific symptoms and challenges, enabling caregivers to provide individualized care that aligns with the individual's current stage.

Informed Decision-Making

Healthcare professionals can use the chart to make well-informed decisions regarding treatment options, interventions, and medication management based on the identified stage of dementia.

Anticipation and Preparation

Caregivers can anticipate and prepare for the challenges associated with each stage. This foresight allows them to proactively manage behavioral changes, cognitive decline, and physical limitations.

Effective Communication

The chart is a standardized reference point, facilitating communication between practitioners, caregivers, and family members. It ensures that everyone involved has a shared understanding of the individual's stage of dementia.

Caregiver Empowerment 

Armed with knowledge from the chart, caregivers gain a deeper understanding of the disease. This knowledge reduces anxiety, enhances confidence, and empowers caregivers to provide better care.

Education and Training

The chart is a valuable educational tool for training programs and workshops. It aids in educating future caregivers, nurses, and healthcare professionals about each stage's unique characteristics and challenges.

Support Group Resource

The chart is particularly useful for support groups. It provides a framework for discussions, sharing experiences, and exchanging practical strategies for managing different stages of dementia.

Free Accessibility

The 7 Stages of Dementia Chart is free, making it accessible to practitioners, caregivers, and individuals. This accessibility increases awareness and improves dementia care on a broader scale.

Why use Carepatron as your  7 Stages Of Dementia Charts app?

Using Carepatron as your 7 Stages of Dementia Charts app provides numerous advantages due to its specialized features tailored for effective dementia care management. Here's why Carepatron stands out as the ideal choice:

  • Tailored Care Plans: Carepatron's software offers a platform to create and manage personalized care plans based on the specific stage of dementia an individual is in. This alignment with the 7 Stages of Dementia Charts ensures that care strategies are precisely tailored to the individual's needs and challenges.
  • .Progress Tracking: The software allows for real-time tracking of an individual's progress through different stages. Caregivers and healthcare professionals can easily monitor changes, enabling timely adjustments to care plans and interventions.
  • Communication and Collaboration: Carepatron facilitates seamless communication and collaboration among the care team, including family members, nurses, doctors, and caregivers. This ensures everyone is on the same page regarding the individual's care needs.
  • Documentation and Reporting: Carepatron's documentation features enable caregivers and healthcare providers to maintain comprehensive records of care interventions, symptoms, and responses to treatment. This data can be invaluable for future reference and decision-making.
  • Integration with Resources: Carepatron can seamlessly integrate with resources like the 7 Stages of Dementia Charts. This integration enhances care management by incorporating valuable educational content directly into the software workflow.
  • Customization: The software allows customization of care plans, goals, and interventions to match the unique requirements of each individual with dementia. This flexibility ensures that care remains person-centered and holistic.
  • Ease of Use: Carepatron's user-friendly interface makes it accessible to caregivers with varying levels of technical proficiency. This ensures efficient adoption and utilization of the software's features.
  • Data Security and Privacy: Carepatron prioritizes the security and privacy of sensitive patient information, adhering to industry standards and regulations.
Practice Management Software


  1. Davies, G. (2019). 7 Stages & Signs of dementia | What to look for? Carehome Selection. https://carehomeselection.co.uk/7-stages-signs-of-dementia-what-to-look-for/
  2. Dementia: 7 stages. (n.d.). Compassion & Choices. https://compassionandchoices.org/resource/dementia-7-stages
  3. DementiaCareCentral.com. (2023). Stages of Alzheimer’s & Dementia: Durations & Scales Used to Measure Progression (GDS, FAST & CDR). www.dementiacarecentral.com. https://www.dementiacarecentral.com/aboutdementia/facts/stages/
  4. Dementia.org. (n.d.). The Seven Stages Of Dementia. https://www.dementia.org/stages-of-dementia
  5. Gupta, S. (2022). The 7 Stages of Dementia: What to expect. Verywell Mind. https://www.verywellmind.com/the-7-stages-of-dementia-symptoms-and-what-to-expect-6823696
  6. Hallstrom, L. (2023). The 7 stages of dementia and symptoms for each. www.aplaceformom.com. https://www.aplaceformom.com/caregiver-resources/articles/dementia-stages
  7. Senior Services of America. (2023, July 12). What are the 7 stages of dementia? - Senior Services of America. https://seniorservicesofamerica.com/blog/what-are-the-7-stages-of-dementia/
  8. The Good Care Group. (2023, July 21). What Are the 7 Stages of Dementia? | The Good Care Group. https://www.thegoodcaregroup.com/live-in-care/dementia-care/7-stages-of-dementia/
  9. What Are The Seven Stages of Dementia? | IP Homecare. (2021, October 12). IP Homecare. https://www.ip-live-in-care.co.uk/7-stages-dementia/
How can the 7 Stages of Dementia Chart help caregivers?
How can the 7 Stages of Dementia Chart help caregivers?

Commonly asked questions

How can the 7 Stages of Dementia Chart help caregivers?

The chart offers caregivers insights into each stage's specific symptoms, behaviors, and care strategies. This knowledge helps caregivers anticipate challenges, provide appropriate support, and tailor interventions to the individual's needs.

Is the chart suitable for all types of dementia?

The chart generally applies to various forms of dementia, including Alzheimer's disease, vascular dementia, and more. However, each type of dementia may have specific nuances, so it's important to consider the individual's diagnosis and consult with healthcare professionals.

How accurate is the information in the chart?

The information in the chart is based on extensive research, clinical observations, and empirical evidence gathered from individuals with dementia. However, it's important to remember that dementia affects each person differently so individual experiences may vary.

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