Basic Metabolic Panel Chart

Ensure you have immediate access to a basic metabolic panel chart for evaluating, diagnosing, and monitoring your patient’s condition.

By Patricia Buenaventura on Jul 02, 2024.


Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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What is a Basic Metabolic Panel Chart?

A Basic Metabolic Panel (BMP) chart is a comprehensive tool that provides valuable insights into the normal ranges of the eight essential substances in a person’s blood that aid in maintaining their metabolic health. The chart aids practitioners in interpreting the measurements and results vital for assessing an individual's chemical balance and overall well-being. The BMP chart is widely used in clinical settings for multiple purposes encompassing general physical health evaluation, diagnosis, screening, and monitoring various medical conditions. 

On a basic metabolic panel chart, you can expect to find the normal ranges of the following substances: glucose, calcium, BUN (blood urea nitrogen), creatinine, sodium, potassium, bicarbonate, and chloride. Typically, healthcare practitioners use the chart to compare their patient’s test results with these reference ranges. Any deviations from the ranges can provide valuable diagnostic information and indicate potential health issues related to their metabolic status. 

Our specific basic metabolic panel chart template goes beyond providing normal ranges of the eight substances. On it, you’ll find space where you can write your patient’s results, interpretations, and any additional notes you may have, like next steps, recommendations, etc.

Printable Basic Metabolic Panel Chart

Download this Basic Metabolic Panel Chart to document and monitor your patient’s health.

How does it work?

Step 1: Acquire the template

For your convenience, ensure you have access to a valuable resource, namely the basic metabolic panel chart. You can simply select the "Download Template" or "Use Template" options to obtain it. Or, on the Carepatron website or within the application, you can also locate the chart by searching for "Basic Metabolic Panel Chart" in Carepatron's template repository.

Step 2: Document vital information

Including critical patient details, such as the outcomes of the metabolic panel tests and the patient's personal information, is prudent. So don’t forget to fill in vital information like name, date of birth, etc. 

Step 3: Compare and differentiate

Juxtapose the patient's test results with the established reference values and use the information provided within the template. Bear in mind that the normal ranges within the template may vary from the range offered by the laboratory.

Step 4: Record your observations

In addition to documenting the results and their corresponding interpretations, you can also employ the template to track your patient's metabolic panel levels post-procedure or during treatment.

Step 5: Safeguard your template securely

Ensure the template is stored securely, with access restricted to authorized individuals. In the case of digital copies, we recommend utilizing Carepatron, a HIPAA-compliant software that can protect electronic patient records, given its adherence to global security standards.

Basic Metabolic Panel Chart example (sample)

In this resource, we have prepared a PDF document that is both printable and accessible as a digital version, containing a completed basic metabolic panel chart template. Please feel free to review, print, or save a copy whenever you require guidance on utilizing these templates for assessing and interpreting your patient's results. It is essential to remember that the information presented in this illustration is entirely fictitious.

Furthermore, how this chart has been employed is one of several potential approaches to maximize its utility. We recommend customizing it according to your specific requirements, considering data derived from the results of laboratory tests. You can access the sample below or click the "Download Example PDF" button to acquire a copy for downloading or printing.

Download this Basic Metabolic Panel Chart example:

Basic Metabolic Panel Chart example (sample)

When would you use this chart?

The Basic Metabolic Panel (BMP) chart, or template, is a valuable tool for healthcare practitioners in various clinical scenarios because it is pivotal in enhancing patient care and treatment decision-making. 

Here are some everyday situations in which the use of the BMP chart is particularly pertinent:

Routine health checkup

One fundamental application of the BMP chart is during routine health checkups. Even when a patient appears in good health and does not manifest symptoms of a specific disorder or condition, healthcare providers may use the template upon receiving the results. This proactive approach helps ensure the patient's overall health is thoroughly assessed, identifying any underlying issues early on. 

Symptom checking

When a patient experiences symptoms or exhibits signs of a medical condition such as diabetes, electrolyte imbalance, or metabolic acidosis/alkalosis that remains undiagnosed, the BMP chart becomes an invaluable tool during analysis and interpretation. Practitioners can utilize it to pinpoint the cause of the symptoms. The information on the BMP chart aids in guiding healthcare professionals toward an accurate diagnosis and developing an effective treatment plan.

Monitoring chronic conditions

Patients with chronic medical conditions who are on prescribed medications frequently require regular monitoring to assess the impact of the treatment. In such cases, the BMP chart is a crucial instrument. With a BMP chart, healthcare providers can gauge the medication's effects on the patient's body, ensuring the treatment remains effective and safe.

Preparation before a procedure

Before subjecting a patient to a surgical procedure, evaluating the patient's physical condition and overall health is imperative. The BMP chart can assess vital metabolic parameters, helping to determine the patient's suitability for surgical intervention. This step is essential for patient safety and the success of the procedure.

What do the results mean?

The normal ranges on the Basic Metabolic Panel (BMP) chart provide crucial insights into an individual's metabolic health and can aid in interpreting, diagnosing, and monitoring various medical conditions. 

Here is a general interpretation of what the ranges and potential results for each substance on the BMP chart signify:


A fasting glucose level within the 70-99 mg/dL range is considered normal. Values exceeding this upper limit may suggest prediabetes or diabetes, while values below the lower limit may indicate hypoglycemia, signifying low blood sugar.


Normal calcium levels typically fall between 8.5 and 10.2 mg/dL. Elevated calcium levels may indicate hypercalcemia, often linked to conditions like hyperparathyroidism or cancer. Conversely, lower levels may suggest hypocalcemia, associated with hypoparathyroidism or vitamin D deficiency.


In adult men, the standard range for creatinine is 0.74 to 1.35 mg/dL, while for adult women, it is 0.59 to 1.04 mg/dL. Elevated creatinine levels may signal impaired kidney function.


The normal range for sodium is 135-145 mEq/L. Values exceeding the upper limit may indicate hypernatremia, whereas values below the lower limit may suggest hyponatremia.


Typical potassium levels range from 3.5 to 5.2 mmol/L. Elevated levels may indicate hyperkalemia, while low levels may signify hypokalemia.


The standard chloride range in the blood is 96-106 mEq/L. Elevated chloride levels may suggest hyperchloremia, and lower levels may indicate hypochloremia.

Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

A normal CO2 range is 20-29 mmol/L. Values outside this range may indicate issues with lung or kidney function.

Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)

BUN levels within the normal range of 6-20 mg/dL are typically expected. Values above this range may indicate improper kidney function.

It is important to note that reference ranges may vary slightly between laboratories. The physician must consider the numeric values and the patient's symptoms, medical history, and other relevant factors to make a comprehensive assessment. 

Why use Carepatron as your Basic Metabolic Panel app?

Carepatron, a versatile cloud-based software solution that simplifies the management of general medical practices, offers compelling incentives for healthcare providers and professionals seeking to integrate it into their daily operations. Mainly, when interpreting results with the help of a basic metabolic blood panel and conducting the basic metabolic panel test, Carepatron provides numerous valuable benefits.

Within the Carepatron platform, healthcare practitioners can efficiently optimize various aspects of their clinical document management, patient appointment scheduling, clinical note creation, medical billing, and more. This centralization significantly enhances operational efficiency, enabling healthcare professionals to redirect their attention away from administrative tasks and prioritize delivering high-quality patient care.

Furthermore, Carepatron enhances its attractiveness by providing customization features that empower healthcare professionals to adapt their tools and workflows to suit their specific requirements. Additionally, the software offers exceptional customer support, guiding users to maximize their potential.

Moreover, Carepatron strongly emphasizes global security compliance and steadfastly adheres to stringent standards such as HIPAA, GDPR, and HITRUST. This unwavering dedication to security establishes Carepatron as a secure and trusted platform for healthcare professionals worldwide.

If you are contemplating how Carepatron can enhance the quality of your medical practice, we urge you to take advantage of this opportunity. Register and create an account for complimentary access to Carepatron today!

Practice Management Software
Who typically uses a Basic Metabolic Panel Chart?
Who typically uses a Basic Metabolic Panel Chart?

Commonly asked questions

Who typically uses a Basic Metabolic Panel Chart?

General practitioners and other healthcare practitioners seek information about the basic metabolic panel test results.

When are Basic Metabolic Panel Charts used?

The test can be used when establishing a diagnosis, devising a treatment strategy, or monitoring the number of substances pre-procedure or during a patient’s course of medication for a specific medical condition. 

How are Basic Metabolic Panel Charts used?

Basic metabolic panel charts are used as a guide, reference, or document where you can record your patient’s results and their corresponding interpretation.

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