Panic Attack Log Worksheet

Manage anxiety effectively with our Panic Attack Log Worksheet. Download the free PDF and learn how to use the Panic Attack Log Worksheet to track panic attacks.

By Audrey Liz Perez on Jul 15, 2024.


Fact Checked by Nate Lacson.

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What are Panic Attacks, and What is Panic Disorder?

Panic attacks and panic disorders are debilitating conditions that can severely impact one's quality of life. Understanding the nature of these episodes is crucial, and a Panic Attack Worksheet can be a valuable tool in this context.

  • Panic Attacks: A panic attack is a sudden and intense episode of extreme fear or anxiety that often occurs without apparent reason. During a panic attack, individuals may experience many distressing symptoms, such as rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, trembling, and a sense of impending doom. These attacks can strike unexpectedly and can be highly distressing.
  • Panic Disorder: When a person experiences recurrent and unexpected panic attacks and constantly fears having more in the future, they may be diagnosed with panic disorder. This condition can significantly impact a person's life, causing them to avoid certain situations or places for fear of having an attack. It is a treatable condition, and using a Panic Attack Worksheet can aid in managing and understanding panic disorder.

By using a Panic Attack Worksheet, individuals can track and monitor their panic attacks' frequency, triggers, and symptoms, which is crucial in managing and overcoming this challenging condition.

How to Use the Panic Attack Log Worksheet

A Panic Attack Log Worksheet is a practical and valuable tool for individuals grappling with panic attacks or panic disorder. It offers a structured approach to tracking, analyzing, and managing these episodes. Below, we will guide users through using this worksheet effectively.

Step 1: Download the Worksheet

Download a copy of the worksheet at our website.

Step 2: Complete the Header

Enter the date on the date column of the worksheet. This is essential for tracking when each panic attack occurs.

Step 3: Rate Your Panic Level

On the worksheet, you will notice a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 representing no panic and 10 indicating the worst possible panic. At the onset of an attack, assign a rating to your level of panic.

Step 4: Identify the Attack Type

Determine the type of panic attack you are experiencing. There are three categories:

  • Spontaneous (S) attacks, which appear to come out of nowhere.
  • Anticipatory (A) attacks occur while thinking about something you fear.
  • Situational (Si) attacks happen during a feared situation.

Step 5: Document Attack Details

Record the time the attack began and ended. Note the symptoms you experience during the attack, such as rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, trembling, and other relevant sensations.

Step 6: Contextual Information

Detail where you were when the panic attack occurred and what you were doing. Indicate if you were alone or in the company of others. This context can provide valuable insights into potential triggers.

Step 7: Explore Your Thoughts

Before the attack, document the thoughts or emotions that were on your mind. These may provide essential clues regarding your panic's root causes or triggers.

Utilizing the Panic Attack Log Worksheet can empower you to take control of your panic attacks. Patterns and triggers can emerge by consistently recording this information, leading to a better understanding of your anxiety. With this knowledge, you and your healthcare provider can develop effective strategies for managing and overcoming panic disorder.

When to Use the Panic Attack Log Worksheet

The Panic Attack Log Worksheet is a versatile tool that can benefit various individuals and scenarios. Here are the most appropriate times and situations when this worksheet can be effectively employed:

1. Personal Use

Anyone experiencing panic attacks or living with panic disorder can use the Panic Attack Log Worksheet to understand their condition better. It is beneficial when they want to:

  • Track Patterns: Use the worksheet to identify recurring triggers, situations, or thought patterns associated with panic attacks. This information can be invaluable for self-management and recovery.
  • Monitor Progress: If individuals are undergoing therapy or taking medication, the worksheet can help monitor their progress and identify the effectiveness of their treatment.
  • Self-Reflection: Recording thoughts and emotions before an attack can encourage self-reflection and developing healthier coping strategies.

2. Clinical Use

Healthcare professionals, including therapists, psychologists, and psychiatrists, can utilize the Panic Attack Log Worksheet for several purposes:

  • Diagnosis: It aids in diagnosing panic disorder by providing a comprehensive overview of the patient's panic attacks, their frequency, and associated triggers.
  • Treatment Planning: Therapists can tailor treatment plans more effectively by understanding the individual's triggers and symptoms, making therapy more personalized.
  • Outcome Assessment: Over time, this worksheet allows healthcare professionals to assess the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions and make necessary adjustments.

3. Support Systems

For those with loved ones experiencing panic attacks, the Panic Attack Log Worksheet can serve as an informative tool to understand better what their family member or friend is going through. This can facilitate empathy and support.

In summary, the Panic Attack Log Worksheet is a versatile tool that individuals can use for self-help, by healthcare professionals for diagnosis and treatment, and support systems to understand and provide assistance. It plays a crucial role in tracking, managing, and ultimately overcoming panic attacks and panic disorder, offering a structured approach to achieving mental well-being.

Benefits of Using the Panic Attack Log Worksheet

The free Panic Attack Log Worksheet is valuable for individuals with panic attacks and panic disorder. Its benefits are substantial and include the following:

Enhanced Self-Awareness

Consistently recording panic attacks fosters a deeper understanding of one's condition. It encourages individuals to recognize patterns, triggers, and their emotional responses. This increased self-awareness can be transformative, aiding in identifying stressors and developing more effective coping strategies.

Effective Treatment Planning

Using a Panic Attack Log Worksheet can significantly enhance treatment outcomes. Healthcare professionals can tailor interventions more precisely based on the detailed data, potentially leading to more successful outcomes (Craske et al., 2005). Moreover, individuals can monitor their response to therapeutic interventions as treatment progresses, allowing for necessary adjustments (Cuijpers et al., 2016).

Empowerment and Control

Feeling out of control during a panic attack is distressing. The act of filling out the worksheet can provide individuals with a sense of control over their condition. By documenting their experiences and understanding their triggers, they can actively work towards managing and mitigating panic attacks.

Improved Communication with Healthcare Providers

The worksheet can serve as a communication bridge between individuals and their healthcare providers. Patients can articulate their experiences more effectively, allowing therapists or doctors to make informed treatment decisions. This benefits the healthcare system by optimizing the use of resources and facilitating a more efficient diagnosis and treatment process.

Reduces Anxiety

Research indicates that tracking panic attacks using a structured worksheet can alleviate anxiety symptoms (Hoyer, 2002). Recording the episodes can be therapeutic by creating a sense of organization and control in the face of anxiety.

Encourages Supportive Relationships

For those with support systems, sharing the worksheet with loved ones can foster understanding and empathy. This can lead to a more supportive environment, which can be instrumental in recovery.

In conclusion, the free Panic Attack Log Worksheet offers numerous advantages, from heightened self-awareness to improved treatment outcomes. It empowers individuals to manage their panic attacks actively and fosters better communication with healthcare providers, ultimately leading to recovery and emotional well-being.


  • Craske, M. G., et al. (2005). Does the Panic Attack Log predict treatment outcome across conditions. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 73(2), 207-214.
  • Cuijpers, P., et al. (2016). The effects of psychological treatment of panic disorder on comorbid personality disorder. Journal of Personality Disorders, 30(2), 157-171.
  • Hoyer, J. (2002). Exposure therapy of panic disorder with and without agoraphobia: a controlled study with a novel design. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 70(4), 678–687.
How long does it usually take to accomplish the Panic Attack Log Worksheet?
How long does it usually take to accomplish the Panic Attack Log Worksheet?

Commonly asked questions

How long does it usually take to accomplish the Panic Attack Log Worksheet?

The time it takes to complete the Panic Attack Log Worksheet can vary depending on the individual and the complexity of the panic attack. Typically, it takes about 5-10 minutes to fill out all the relevant details for each episode. It is essential to complete the worksheet as soon as possible after the attack while the details are fresh in your memory to ensure accuracy.

How can the Panic Attack Log Worksheet help?

The Panic Attack Log Worksheet is valuable for individuals with panic attacks or panic disorder. It helps by providing a structured approach to tracking and understanding these episodes. By consistently using the worksheet, you can identify patterns and triggers, monitor your progress, and better understand your anxiety. 

This information can be shared with healthcare professionals to aid diagnosis and treatment planning. It empowers you to take control of your panic attacks and work towards managing and ultimately overcoming them.

Who can use the Panic Attack Log Worksheet?

The Panic Attack Log Worksheet is designed for anyone experiencing panic attacks or panic disorder. It is suitable for personal use by individuals looking to manage their anxiety and gain insights into their condition. Healthcare professionals, including therapists, psychologists, and psychiatrists, can use the worksheet to aid diagnosis and treatment planning. 

The worksheet can be shared with loved ones to help them better understand what you are going through, fostering empathy and support. It is a versatile tool that can benefit anyone seeking to track and manage panic attacks effectively.

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