Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q)

The PAR-Q is a screening tool to determine if individuals are ready for physical activity. Get a free PDF download & step-by-step guide here.

By Audrey Liz Perez on May 09, 2024.

Fact Checked by Nate Lacson.

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What is a PAR-Q?

The Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire is a widely used screening tool designed to help individuals assess their readiness to participate in physical activity. It consists of questions about an individual's medical history, the current level of physical activity, and any symptoms or conditions that might affect their ability to exercise safely.

Fitness professionals, coaches, personal trainers, and health practitioners use the PAR-Q to assess an individual's readiness to participate in physical activity or exercise programs. If potential risks are identified through the PAR-Q, a health professional may be consulted to determine the appropriate action.

Remember, the questionnaire is not just for fitness enthusiasts or gym rats. Anyone considering starting a new physical activity program should use the PAR-Q as a screening tool. It's essential for individuals over 40, those who have been inactive, or those with medical conditions or concerns.

PAR-Q is a valuable tool that helps individuals assess their readiness to be physically active or participate in physical activity or exercise programs. It's a simple and effective way to identify any potential risks or contraindications to exercise. It can help you stay safe and healthy while working towards your fitness goals.

Download this Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q) and assess whether your clients are ready for physical activity.

Printable Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q)

Download this Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q) and assess whether your clients are ready for physical activity.

How does this PAR Q form work?

Using the PAR-Q form is quick and simple but provides valuable insights about your readiness to engage in physical activity. Here are the steps involved:

Step 1

Download the PAR-Q form from a reliable source such as Carepatron. We also offer a free downloadable PAR-Q example form in PDF format to help guide you in filling out your questionnaire.

Step 2

Read the instructions carefully. This step is essential to ensure you understand the questions and know how to answer them truthfully and accurately.

Step 3

Answer the questions truthfully and to the best of your knowledge. The PAR-Q typically poses questions to gather information to know your partial or complete medical history, the current level of your physical activity, and any symptoms or conditions that might affect your ability to exercise safely.

Step 4

If you answer "Yes" to any of the questions, consult your healthcare provider before engaging in physical activity. The PAR-Q is designed to identify potential risk factors or contraindications to exercise, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or musculoskeletal problems. Consult with your healthcare provider to determine the appropriate course of action before starting any physical activity program.

Step 5

Beginning a physical activity program is generally safe if you answer "No" to all the questions. However, it is still recommended that you start slowly and gradually increasing the intensity and duration of your activity as your fitness level improves. Always listen to your body and stop any activity that causes pain or discomfort.

Using the PAR-Q form is a simple and effective way to assess your readiness to participate in physical activity or exercise programs. It's like taking the first step on your fitness journey – by completing the PAR-Q, you're already on your way to a healthier, happier you.

PAR-Q example (sample)

To help you fill out your PAR-Q, we have provided a sample form you can download for free. It is important to remember that the PAR-Q is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult your healthcare provider before starting any new exercise program, especially if you have any medical conditions or concerns.

In addition to consulting with your healthcare provider, it's also important to remember that physical activity should be enjoyable and sustainable. Finding an activity you enjoy and incorporating it into your daily routine can help you stay motivated and achieve your health and fitness goals. Whether dancing, hiking, or playing a sport, there are plenty of fun and engaging ways to stay active and improve your overall health and well-being. 

So, take the first step today by filling out your PAR-Q and exploring the many benefits of physical activity!

Download this Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q) Example (Sample) here:

PAR-Q example (sample)

When to use a PAR Q Test?

Using the PARs-Q is like taking the first step in any journey. It helps you assess where you are and what you must do to reach your destination. In this case, the goal is engaging in physical activity safely and reaping all the benefits that come with it.

Using the PAR-Q as a screening tool before starting any physical activity or exercise program is recommended because it helps identify potential risks or contraindications to exercise. This test is especially important if you are over 40, have been inactive, or have any medical conditions or concerns.

Think of it this way: would you start a road trip without checking if your car is in good condition? Probably not.

Similarly, checking your body's needs before starting any physical activity or exercise program is important. The PAR-Q can help you do just that.

Using the PAR-Q, you can identify any potential risks or contraindications to exercise and take the necessary steps to address them. This test can help you engage in physical activity safely and effectively and reduce the risk of injury or other adverse effects.

So, if you're considering starting a new physical activity or exercise program, use the PAR-Q as your first step. It's a small step that can make a big difference in helping you achieve your health and fitness goals.

Who is this PAR Q PDF for?

The PAR-Q PDF is a versatile resource that can benefit various individuals, from fitness enthusiasts to seasoned health practitioners. Here's a breakdown of who might find this resource particularly helpful:

Fitness professionals

Any personal trainers, gym instructors, and fitness coaches can use the PAR-Q to assess the readiness of their clients to participate in physical activity programs. By identifying any potential risks or contraindications to exercise, fitness professionals can ensure that their clients engage in physical activity safely and effectively.


The PAR-Q is also useful for sports coaches who want to assess the readiness of their athletes to participate in physical activity. By identifying any potential risks or contraindications to exercise, coaches can help prevent injuries and ensure their athletes perform at their best.

Health practitioners

Doctors, physiotherapists, and other health practitioners can use the PAR-Q to assess the readiness of their patients to engage in physical activity. By identifying any potential risks or contraindications to exercise, health practitioners can help prevent the worsening of any conditions or symptoms and ensure that their patients engage in physical activity safely.

Individuals looking to start a physical activity program

The PAR-Q is not just for professionals - anyone looking to start a physical activity program can benefit from this resource. By completing the PAR-Q, individuals can assess their readiness to engage in physical activity and identify any potential risks or contraindications. This test can provide peace of mind and help individuals engage in physical activity safely and effectively.

The PAR-Q PDF is suitable for anyone who wants to assess their readiness to engage in physical activity or exercise programs, from fitness professionals to individuals looking to start a new fitness routine.

Physical Therapy Software Feedback

Why use this PAR-Q app?

You should use the Carepatron app to access the PAR-Q form for several reasons. For starters, we offer a free downloadable sample form in PDF format, which means you can save yourself some money and hassle by not having to buy a physical copy or pay for a template elsewhere. 

We want to ensure that anyone needing the PAR-Q form can access it readily, regardless of their financial situation.

But we continue beyond offering a free PAR-Q form. Our platform is also user-friendly and easy to navigate, making finding and downloading the resources you need simple. You won't have to spend hours searching through a complicated website or figuring out how to download a file. With Carepatron, you can get the PAR-Q form you need in just a few clicks.

And let us be honest here - filling out a form like the PAR-Q can be daunting, especially if you are unsure what to expect. But with Carepatron, you do not have to worry about that. We provide clear instructions and guidelines for filling out the form, so you can be confident you're doing it correctly. Plus, with our free PAR-Q example form, you can see precisely what a completed form looks like, which can help you understand what is expected of you.

So, if you are looking for a hassle-free and easy-to-use platform to access the PAR-Q form, we got you covered!

Physical Therapy Software
When should I use the PAR-Q?
When should I use the PAR-Q?

Commonly asked questions

When should I use the PAR-Q?

It is recommended to use the PAR-Q as a screening tool before starting any physical activity or exercise program. This tool can help you identify potential risks or contraindications to exercise and ensure you are ready to engage in physical activity safely.

What does "PAR-Q" stand for?

PAR-Q stands for Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire. It is a simple and widely used screening tool designed to help individuals assess their readiness to participate in physical activity.

What does the PAR-Q achieve?

The PAR-Q helps individuals assess their readiness to participate in physical activity or exercise programs and identify any potential risks or contraindications to exercise. It can also provide peace of mind for individuals unsure about their ability to engage in physical activity safely. Additionally, it can be used by fitness professionals and health practitioners to screen clients before beginning an exercise program.

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