Notice of Privacy Practices (NOPP)

A Notice of Privacy Practices (NOPP) is a requirement by HIPAA that all healthcare providers follow. Learn more about it through this guide and download a template from us if needed!

By Matt Olivares on Jul 02, 2024.


Fact Checked by RJ Gumban.

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What is a Notice of Privacy Practices (NOPP)?

A is an essential document that all healthcare providers should have as required by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). This document aims to explain to patients or clients of healthcare providers or organizations how exactly they will collect, use, and disclose their protected health information.

This notice often includes information about the types of protected health information that a healthcare provider or group collects, for what purposes they will use and disclose the information, and the patient’s rights concerning their protected health information. Suppose a provider or group uses electronic health records (EHRs) or other technologies to manage their patient's protected health information. In that case, their notices will most likely include (and should include) a section about how they will use these EHRs or technologies regarding their information.

The NOPP is an essential document because it is designed to help patients understand how their healthcare provider will use and protect their information. The document is a bridge that will establish transparency and trust between both parties. It ensures that the provider will comply with HIPAA regulations and that the patient can exercise their rights and even request amendments regarding the health information.

Printable Notice of Privacy Practices (NOPP)

Download this Notice of Privacy Practices (NOPP) and ensure your practice maintains HIPAA compliance.

How does the Notice of Privacy Practices work?

A Notice of Privacy Practices normally begins with the healthcare provider's or organisation's name and address. This part also contains the number patients can call to discuss privacy-related matters with the provider’s privacy officer.

After that, the next section is all about the compliance of the provider with HIPAA regulations. It’s an outline that details the provider’s responsibilities when it comes to handling and protecting the patient’s health information. This outline will discuss how they will use the patient’s health information for their treatment, payment, healthcare operations, public health issue reports, legal matters, and much more. It also talks about the right of the patient to ask for disclosures upon request and how the provider is legally obligated to comply with disclosure requests.

The last part is a list of the rights that a patient can exercise when it comes to their protected health information:

  • They have the right to inspect and have a copy of your protected health information (fees may apply)
  • They can request copies of their medical records (fees may apply)
  • They have the right to request a restriction of your protected health information
  • They have the right to request to receive confidential communications
  • They have the right to request an amendment to your protected health information
  • They have the right to receive an accounting of certain disclosures
  • They have the right to receive notice of a breach
  • They have the right to obtain a paper copy of this notice

Notice of Privacy Practices (NOPP) Example

Now that you know what the Notice of Privacy Practices (NOPP) is all about and what it contains, then it’s time for you to see what one normally looks like! We have a template that has editable fields so you can indicate your information as a healthcare provider. Here’s what our Notice of Privacy Practices (NOPP) sample looks like.

Download this Notice of Privacy Practices (NOPP) Example (Sample) here:

Notice of Privacy Practices (NOPP) Example

We adapted this from the Arizona Community Physicians’ NOPP template. We just made some slight adjustments to accommodate your group’s name and contact information, plus, we added line breaks between certain parts so that you’re not reading a massive wall of text.

If you like what you see, feel free to use this template for your services! You’re going to need one, of course, given that it’s required by HIPAA, so we recommend that you copy it if you haven’t made your own or if you’re looking for a template. It’s free! Just make sure to revise the sections based on your group’s privacy practices.

When is the Notice of Privacy Practices (NOPP) normally used?

Healthcare providers and organizations should make Notices of Privacy Practices readily available, especially in hospitals and clinics. If the provider has a website, the notice should also be available.

If a walk-in patient shows up within the premises and is looking to get checked by a physician, typically, they are handed a patient intake form for them to fill out while they wait for the physician to be available. It’s highly recommended that a Notice of Privacy Practices is attached to the patient intake form since they will be talking about their medical histories and other sensitive information regarding their health. By attaching a NOPP to an intake form, the patient can take the time to read it and know their rights.

The Notice of Privacy Practices can also be used in other contexts. One would be if you, the provider, made changes to your privacy policies (they should still be HIPAA-compliant). If you’ve made changes to the privacy policies, you need to update your NOPP and redistribute it. If you have patient emails, you must send the revised version to them via email.

Another time that a NOPP can be used is when you suffer an information breach and the health information of patients is compromised. You can use a NOPP to explain things to your patients and inform them about what you are doing to address the breach.

What are the benefits of using a Notice of Privacy Practices (NOPP)?

It ensures compliance.

The Notice of Privacy Practices (NOPP) is an essential requirement for healthcare providers. This isn’t just for informing customers about their privacy rights. It’s also used to inform customers that the healthcare provider they chose is compliant with HIPAA regulations. This promotes transparency and trust between patients and healthcare providers. A high amount of trust from a patient is indicative of high patient satisfaction.

It protects the privacy rights of the patient.

Since one of the primary functions of the Notice of Privacy Practices (NOPP) is to inform patients about their privacy rights, and how their healthcare provider will use and disclose their health information, patients will be able to make more informed decisions regarding their healthcare and take the necessary steps to ensure that their privacy will be respected and protected by the provider. The NOPP will allow patients to access their protected health information, ask for an audit of their health information to check for any discrepancies or errors, and then request any amendments they deem necessary, especially if there are errors.

The notice can help improve the quality of healthcare services.

If your Notice of Privacy Practices instills a sense of security in your patients, they will feel compelled to be fully transparent with you about their health. If they read this before filling out a patient intake form, they might indicate things they were hesitant to indicate at first. And these things might be beneficial for both the patient and the provider because they might help the professional handling the patient cover more ground, which could lead to better and tailor-fitted treatment plans and expand treatment options!

Why use Carepatron for healthcare forms?

If you’re reading this guide, then it’s likely that you are looking for a template for Notices of Privacy Practices. Feel free to download our template, if you like what you saw above! You can use it as is or write your own while using it as inspiration!

We also mentioned earlier that one of the best ways to get this into your patients' hands is to attach it to a patient intake form. That way, they can read it before answering the form. Just so you know, we also have templates for patient intake forms, like our adult counseling intake form, so if you’re looking for a template for that type of form, we have one you can use.

Carepatron is a treasure trove of clinical resources, so you take your time to browse around and download as much as you want and need! We even have survey templates that you can download, like our Nurse Satisfaction Survey, Emergency Room Survey, and many other forms that can benefit your services, your patients, and your employees/coworkers.

Here at Carepatron, we’re all about helping healthcare professionals with their work, and if these forms can benefit you in the sense that you’ll be able to protect yourself and your patients, give you opportunities to determine where you can improve, and even streamline your work, nothing would please us more.

Clinical Documentation Software
Are all healthcare providers supposed to have Notices of Privacy Practices?
Are all healthcare providers supposed to have Notices of Privacy Practices?

Commonly asked questions

Are all healthcare providers supposed to have Notices of Privacy Practices?

Yes. Every healthcare provider and other entities covered by HIPAA are legally required to have Notices of Privacy Practices and they must provide them to their patients.

Are patients allowed to object to certain uses and disclosures of their health information?

Yes. They are definitely allowed to do that. If you need a specific example, patients can request that their health information can be kept from certain members of their family. Healthcare providers are obligated to accept such requests, and the only time they can decide not to comply with one is if there is a legal or medical reason behind the use or disclosure of their health information.

What happens if a provider violates the rules set by the notice?

Then they will pay! No, really. They will. If a provider violates HIPAA privacy regulations, the provider will face fines and/or penalties. The patient can file a lawsuit against them for damages to their privacy.

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