Wellness Wheels

Explore the Wellness Wheel, a holistic tool that assesses seven critical dimensions of health. Understand, visualize, and improve your overall wellness effectively.

By Telita Montales on Jul 15, 2024.


Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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What is a Wellness Wheel?

A wellness wheel, often called a Wheel of Wellness, is a visual representation that encapsulates multiple dimensions of personal well-being. It is a valuable tool for individuals to evaluate and enhance their wellness journey introspectively. Traditionally, a Wellness Wheel is segmented into diverse sections, each embodying a unique facet of wellness. These typically include physical, emotional, spiritual, social, intellectual, and occupational health, although some models may consist of additional dimensions like environmental and financial wellness.

Each sector of the wheel allows individuals to self-assess their current state of wellness in that specific area. This assessment aids individuals in identifying their strengths and areas requiring improvement. Using a Wellness Wheel fosters a balanced and holistic approach to overall health and well-being, promoting an understanding that wellness extends beyond physical health.

How does it work?

The Wellness Wheel is a practical tool to understand, assess, and enhance personal well-being. Here's an in-depth look at the steps involved in effectively utilizing a Wellness Wheel:

Step 1: Understanding Each Dimension

Each sector of the Wellness Wheel symbolizes a unique aspect of wellness. It's crucial to comprehend what each section signifies and how it contributes to your holistic well-being. This understanding lays the foundation for an effective self-assessment. It helps you recognize that wellness isn't just about physical health but includes emotional, spiritual, social, intellectual, and occupational facets.

Step 2: Self-Assessment

Once familiar with each dimension, the next step involves introspective evaluation. Rate yourself on a scale of 1-10 for every aspect based on your current state, where one implies discontentment, and ten signifies complete satisfaction. This self-rating process visually represents your wellness across different dimensions, offering a clear snapshot of your present wellness status.

Step 3: Reflection

Reflecting on your self-assessment is a critical part of the process. Identify the areas where you're thriving and those where you need improvement. This process of reflection enables you to gain a deeper understanding of your well-being and recognize any imbalances that might exist.

Step 4: Action Plan

After reflecting on your scores, develop an action plan to enhance the areas needing improvement. This plan could include setting SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals, which provide a clear roadmap to track your progress and achieve your wellness objectives.

Step 5: Reassessment

Reassessment is essential to measure your progress and make necessary adjustments to your action plan. After a predetermined period, reassess your scores in each dimension. Observe any changes and adjust your action plan accordingly to ensure continuous improvement.

We have printable Wellness Wheel worksheets to get you started. These resources offer a convenient way to visualize your wellness journey and monitor your progress over time.

When would you use this Form?

The Wellness Wheel, owing to its versatility and comprehensive approach to health, can benefit many individuals and professionals. It is an invaluable resource for anyone keen on enhancing their well-being or aiding others.

The Wellness Wheel is particularly advantageous for healthcare practitioners like doctors, nurses, and dieticians. They can use it to help patients understand the interconnectedness of different wellness dimensions and encourage them to adopt a more holistic approach to health. By visually representing a patient's current state of wellness, practitioners can effectively communicate areas that need attention and collaboratively develop a personalized improvement plan.

Wellness coaches and therapists can incorporate the Wellness Wheel into their practice to facilitate self-awareness and promote balanced living. By helping clients visualize their wellness across different dimensions, they can guide them in identifying strengths and areas for improvement, setting realistic goals, and tracking progress over time.

Counselors can use the Wellness Wheel as an assessment tool to understand their client's overall well-being better. It can assist in identifying potential stressors or imbalances in a client's life and inform the development of personalized coping strategies and wellness plans.

Educators, too, can utilize the Wellness Wheel in their classrooms to teach students about holistic health and wellness. It can be a practical tool for encouraging students to assess their fitness and understand the importance of maintaining balance in different areas of their lives.

Whether you're a healthcare professional, wellness coach, counselor, educator, or an individual seeking to improve your wellness, the Wellness Wheel offers a visual, tangible, and comprehensive approach to understanding and enhancing overall well-being.


Using a wellness wheel offers numerous benefits:

Increased Self-Awareness

By assessing each dimension of wellness, individuals gain increased awareness of their overall health.

Holistic View

The wellness wheel encourages a holistic view of health that includes physical, mental, and social aspects.

Identification of Imbalances

Our free wellness wheel can help identify imbalances that could lead to health issues if not addressed.

Personalized Action Plan

Based on the assessment, individuals can create a tailored plan to improve their wellness.

Track Progress

By regularly using the wellness wheel, individuals can track their progress.

Research & Evidence

The Wellness Wheel, a tool widely used to promote holistic health and well-being, is rooted in history and cultural heritage. Its origins can be traced back to Indigenous cultures, particularly the Medicine Wheel symbol used by Native American tribes. The Medicine Wheel served as a sacred symbol representing all universe knowledge.

In the 1970s, Dr. Bill Hettler, a co-founder of the National Wellness Institute, adapted and modernized the concept of the Wellness Wheel. He developed an interdependent model for wellness, the Six Dimensions of Wellness, which emphasized the interconnectedness of various aspects of health. This model has been instrumental in changing perceptions of health, shifting focus from merely the absence of disease to a more holistic view encompassing physical, emotional, intellectual, social, spiritual, and occupational wellness.

Over time, the model has evolved, with some versions of the Wellness Wheel incorporating additional dimensions such as environmental and financial wellness. Despite these variations, the core principle remains the same: visually representing different wellness dimensions and encouraging individuals to strive for balance.

The Wellness Wheel is backed by numerous studies and research, demonstrating its effectiveness in fostering self-awareness, identifying areas for improvement, and promoting overall well-being. For instance, a model developed by Witmer, Myers, and Sweeney found spirituality "the core characteristic of healthy people and the source of all other wellness."

Thus, the Wellness Wheel is a tool and a testament to our understanding of health as a holistic, multi-dimensional concept. Its historical roots, evolution, and the scientific research supporting it all contribute to its relevance and effectiveness in today's wellness-focused society.

Who typically uses Wellness Wheels?
Who typically uses Wellness Wheels?

Commonly asked questions

Who typically uses Wellness Wheels?

Wellness wheels can be used by anyone interested in improving their overall wellness. They're trendy among healthcare providers, wellness coaches, therapists, and educators.

When are Wellness Wheels used?

Wellness wheels can be used anytime someone wants to assess their wellness and create an improvement plan. They're often used during initial assessments, regular check-ins, or wellness workshops.

How are Wellness Wheels used?

Users rate their level of satisfaction or wellness in each area represented on the wheel and then use this information to identify strengths and areas for improvement. They then create an action plan to improve their overall wellness.

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