Nursing Handoff Report Template

Improve patient care with our Nursing Handoff Report Template. Simplify communication during shift changes with this easy-to-use resource.

By Joshua Napilay on Jul 02, 2024.


Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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Nursing Handoff Report Template PDF Example
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What is a Nursing Handoff Report Template?

A Nursing Handoff Report Template is a structured document or form used in healthcare settings to facilitate the transfer of patient information and responsibilities between healthcare providers during shift changes or care transitions. 

This standardized template ensures that essential patient details are communicated accurately and comprehensively, promoting continuity of care and patient safety.

The report typically includes critical information about the patient's health status, medical history, ongoing treatment plans, medications, allergies, and specific care requirements. It may also cover the patient's response to interventions, recent diagnostic tests, and upcoming procedures or consultations. 

Additionally, the template may incorporate information about the patient's emotional and psychosocial well-being, providing a holistic view of their healthcare needs.

The structured format of a Nursing Handoff Report Template helps healthcare professionals convey information efficiently, reducing the risk of miscommunication or omitting crucial details. 

It follows a systematic approach, ensuring that key points are consistently covered during handoff sessions. This is particularly important in fast-paced healthcare environments where effective communication is essential to maintain the quality and safety of patient care.

Using a standardized template for nursing handoffs promotes collaboration and enhances the efficiency of healthcare teams. It contributes to a smoother transition of care between shifts, enabling incoming nurses to quickly grasp the patient's condition and seamlessly continue their care. 

The Nursing Handoff Report Template supports high-quality, patient-centered care delivery by facilitating communication and coordination among healthcare professionals.

Printable Nursing Handoff Report Template

Download this easy-to-use resource to simplify communication during shift changes.

How does it work?

1. Accessing the template

Obtain the printable nursing handoff report template from a designated location, either physically or electronically.

2. Patient identification

Identify the patient for whom the handoff report is intended. Input essential identifiers such as the patient's name, medical record number, and other required details.

3. Patient information section

Provide a comprehensive overview of the patient's health status and medical history. Complete designated sections covering recent diagnoses, ongoing treatments, medications, allergies, and specific care requirements.

4. Vital signs and trends

Report the patient's vital signs and any notable trends or changes. Fill in fields related to heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, temperature, and other relevant metrics.

5. Recent interventions and responses

Detail recent medical interventions and the patient's responses to those interventions. Input information on procedures, medications administered, and the patient's reaction or progress.

6. Diagnostic tests and results

Summarize recent diagnostic tests and their results. Fill in details regarding laboratory tests, imaging studies, and other diagnostic procedures.

7. Upcoming care plans

Communicate any upcoming procedures, consultations, or changes in the care plan. Complete sections that mention scheduled interventions, consultations, or changes in medications.

8. Psychosocial and emotional well-being

Provide insights into the patient's emotional and psychosocial state. Address any concerns, emotional challenges, or psychosocial factors influencing the patient's well-being.

9. Special considerations

Highlight any special concerns or precautions for the patient's care. Include information about mobility restrictions, dietary restrictions, or other specific needs.

10. Signatures and confirmation

Facilitate accountability and validation of information. Ensure spaces for signatures or initials of the healthcare providers involved in the handoff, indicating acknowledgment of the information provided.

Nursing Handoff Report example (sample)

In this sample, the Nursing Handoff Report, a standardized template, ensures the comprehensive communication of crucial patient information during a shift transition. 

The patient, Jane Doe, admitted for pneumonia treatment, exhibits stable vital signs and positive responses to interventions, including antibiotics and nebulizer treatments. The template covers essential categories, such as current medications, allergies, diagnostic tests, and upcoming care plans, providing a holistic view of Jane's health status. 

It highlights psychosocial factors and special considerations, offering insights into her emotional well-being and needs. This detailed and organized report facilitates a seamless exchange of information between healthcare providers, promoting continuity of care and patient safety. 

Using a Nursing Handoff Report Template in PDF format ensures accessibility and consistency in documenting and sharing critical patient data during care transitions.

Nursing Handoff Report example (sample)

When would you use this template?

The Nursing Handoff Report Template proves invaluable in various healthcare settings, especially during shift changes, handovers, and care transitions. Registered Nurses (RNs), nurse practitioners, and other healthcare professionals involved in direct patient care can efficiently utilize this template to communicate critical patient information in a structured and standardized manner.

  • Shift changes: During the transition between shifts, healthcare providers can use the Nursing Handoff Report Template to relay pertinent patient details to ensure continuity of care. This is crucial in busy hospital environments where seamless handovers contribute to patient safety.
  • Cross-departmental handoffs: When patients move between different departments or units within a healthcare facility, such as from the emergency department to an inpatient unit, the template aids in conveying essential information to the receiving healthcare team. This ensures that all relevant details, from diagnoses to upcoming procedures, are accurately communicated.
  • Patient transfers: When transferring a patient between healthcare facilities or from one healthcare provider to another, the template facilitates a smooth transition by consolidating patient information. This is vital for maintaining the quality of care and preventing disruptions in the treatment plan.
  • Multidisciplinary collaboration: The template is beneficial during multidisciplinary rounds or collaborative care, where professionals from various specialties work together to address a patient's needs. It provides a comprehensive overview that professionals with different areas of expertise can easily understand.
  • Ensuring compliance and accountability: Using a standardized Nursing Handoff Report Template promotes accountability and adherence to protocols. It ensures that all necessary information is consistently documented, reducing the risk of critical details being overlooked or miscommunicated.
  • Educational purposes: Nursing students and healthcare trainees can utilize the template as a learning tool to understand the structured approach to patient handoffs. It is an educational resource to instill best practices in communication and patient care.

What do the results mean?

Interpreting the results of a Nursing Handoff Report is crucial for healthcare professionals to ensure a seamless continuation of patient care. The report captures information, and understanding common results helps healthcare providers make informed decisions and interventions.

  • Stable vital signs: If vital signs such as heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, and temperature are within normal ranges, it typically indicates the patient's stability. Healthcare providers can proceed with the current care plan, monitoring for changes.
  • Positive responses to interventions: When the report reflects positive responses to recent interventions, such as medications or treatments, it suggests that the patient responds well to the prescribed therapies. This information guides healthcare providers in continuing effective interventions or modifying the plan as needed.
  • Diagnostic test results: Interpreting diagnostic test results is critical. Improved or stable results may indicate positive progress, while deteriorating results may prompt a reevaluation of the treatment plan. Pending results may necessitate continued monitoring and adjustment based on the findings.
  • Upcoming care plans: Anticipated procedures, consultations, or medication changes outlined in the report signal the next steps in the patient's care journey. Healthcare providers use this information to prepare for upcoming interventions and ensure a seamless transition between shifts.
  • Psychosocial and emotional well-being: Insight into the patient's emotional state and psychosocial factors aid in providing holistic care. Positive psychosocial indicators may contribute to a smoother recovery, while identified concerns may prompt additional support or resources to address the patient's emotional well-being.
  • Special considerations: Special considerations, such as mobility restrictions or dietary needs, guide nursing care. Compliance with these considerations ensures the patient's safety and comfort during their hospital stay.

Research & evidence

The adoption of nursing handoff reports as a standardized practice in healthcare has evolved, propelled by an increasing focus on patient safety, care continuity, and efficient communication among healthcare providers (Bundy, 2020). 

Historically, handoffs were informal and lacked structure, posing risks of information oversight during care transitions (Friesen, 2008). Researchers recognized patient safety as paramount and highlighted the need for systematic handoff approaches (Kay, 2023).

Research consistently underscores the impact of standardized handoff processes on reducing medical errors and improving patient outcomes (Gartley, 2023). Studies also emphasize the risks of poor communication during handoffs, including adverse events and care delays (Wagner, 2018). This evidence has been pivotal in advocating for structured handoff protocols (Secrest).

Professional organizations like the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) and the Joint Commission have contributed to the endorsement of standardized handoff practices, emphasizing the importance of clear communication and the use of tools such as handoff templates (Ghonem & El-Husany, 2023). 

The widespread adoption of nursing handoff reports in healthcare settings globally reflects their recognized value as a critical component of patient safety initiatives (Upshaw-Owens). 

This evolution exemplifies a continuous effort to enhance patient safety through evidence-based practices in healthcare communication, showcasing the collaboration between research findings and practical implementation.

Why use Carepatron as your Nursing Handoff Report app?

Elevate your nursing practice with Carepatron, an innovative all-in-one software designed to revolutionize how nurses manage Nursing Handoff Reports. This dynamic solution offers a suite of features tailored for healthcare professionals, providing a seamless and efficient experience.

Unlock the potential of our key features, including downloadable, editable, and printable templates for Nursing Handoff Reports. Streamline your workflow with automated appointment scheduling, simplified billing and payment tracking, and a patient portal that facilitates easy access to patient information and communication.

Experience the future of healthcare with our advanced telehealth platform, empowering you to conduct remote patient monitoring and consultations effortlessly. This is particularly advantageous for follow-ups and managing patients facing physical challenges visiting a healthcare facility.

Our intuitive design is crafted to simplify complex tasks, allowing healthcare professionals to prioritize patient care over administrative burdens. Security is paramount, and we employ advanced measures to safeguard patient information, ensuring compliance with stringent healthcare privacy regulations.

Join the ranks of over 10,000 healthcare professionals who trust Carepatron every day to optimize Nursing Handoff Reports. 

With a free plan available, we enable users to explore its features risk-free, making it the comprehensive and user-friendly solution you've been searching for to streamline your Nursing Handoff Report processes and enhance overall patient care.

Nursing Handoff Report app


Bundy, E. Y. (2020, May 1). Implementation of a handoff report tool among trauma intermediate care nurses.

Friesen, M. A. (2008, April 1). Handoffs: Implications for nurses. Patient Safety and Quality - NCBI Bookshelf.

Gartley, C. E. (2023, October 12). Standardizing handoff communication. American Nurse.

Ghonem, N. M. E., & El-Husany, W. A. (2023). SBAR Shift Report Training Program and its Effect on Nurses’ Knowledge and Practice and Their Perception of Shift Handoff Communication. SAGE Open Nursing, 9, 237796082311593.

Kay, M., RN. (2023, June 16). How to do a Proper Shift Report and Handoff in Nursing. Nursa.

Secrest, N. M. (n.d.). Improving nursing shift Handoff Reports: A quality improvement project. USF Scholarship: A Digital Repository @ Gleeson Library | Geschke Center.


Wagner, A., & Wagner, A. (2018, October 18). Communication is Key: The Importance of Effective Hand-off Reporting - Minority Nurse. Minority Nurse - Diversity in Nursing.

How do you create a Nursing Handoff Report template?
How do you create a Nursing Handoff Report template?

Commonly asked questions

How do you create a Nursing Handoff Report template?

Creating a template outlines essential patient information, including demographics, diagnoses, medications, vital signs, recent interventions, and upcoming care plans. Templates can be developed digitally or in document formats for ease of use.

When are Nursing Handoff Report Templates used?

Templates are used during healthcare shift changes, patient transfers between departments or facilities, and when there's a need for standardized communication during care transitions.

How are the Nursing Handoff Report Templates used?

Fill in the template with accurate and up-to-date patient information. Share the completed template during handoff periods to ensure a clear and comprehensive exchange of patient details among healthcare providers.

Who creates a Nursing Handoff Report Template?

Nursing Handoff Report Templates are typically created by healthcare administrators, nursing educators, or experienced nurses. They collaborate to design a template that meets the facility's standards and regulatory requirements.

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