What is a Doctor's Note for Work Template? 

When obtaining a Doctor's Note for Work, it's crucial to understand its purpose and what it entails. Essentially, doctor's notes are official documentation from a healthcare provider regarding a patient's medical condition and the need for time off work or any necessary accommodations (Cott & Goldberg, 1985).

Typically, when an individual is unable to attend work due to illness or medical appointments, their employer may require them to provide a doctor's note to validate the medical reason for their absence. This note shows the employer that the absence is legitimate and medically necessary.

In the context of the human resources department and employers, a doctor's note is a work note because it helps them manage employee absences effectively and ensure compliance with company policies. It also assists in maintaining a record of employee health and well-being, which can be essential for the employee's welfare and organizational management.

However, it's essential to note that obtaining a legitimate doctor's note or work excuse should be done in consultation with the healthcare provider responsible for the patient's care. The note should accurately reflect the patient's medical condition, the need for time off or accommodations, and other pertinent details.

Printable Doctor’s Note For Work template

Download this Doctor’s Note For Work template or a physician to provide to an employer regarding an employee’s medical condition and absence from work.

How does it work?

Carepatron's Doctor's Note for Work Template simplifies obtaining a note for missing work due to a medical condition. It ensures that employees can communicate their absence effectively while adhering to company policies and federal regulations.

Step 1: Access the form

Begin by accessing Carepatron's doctor's note template online.

Step 2: Personal information

Provide personal details such as your name, address, and contact information. This ensures that the note is correctly attributed to you and can be used for documentation.

Step 3: Medical condition description

Describe your medical condition accurately. Include details about your medical history, treatment plans, necessary medications, or recommended care.

Step 4: Date of absence

Specify the date you will be absent from work due to your medical condition. If you anticipate more than one appointment or an extended period of absence, provide this information as well.

Step 5: Physician's information

Enter the name and contact information of your healthcare provider. This may include physicians, physician assistants, or nurse practitioners managing your care.

Step 6: Doctor's signature

Ensure that the doctor's note includes a signature from your healthcare provider. This signature confirms the doctor's note's authenticity and validates your need for time off work due to your health condition.

Step 7: Compliance with company policies

Review your company's sick leave policy to ensure your absence meets their guidelines. This helps prevent any issues with your employer regarding your work absence.

Doctor's Note Template example (sample)

We created a Doctor's Note for Work PDF sample to help healthcare professionals provide accurate and professional documentation more efficiently. This template includes sample filled-out answers to guide you in completing the form efficiently.

A standardized and well-drafted sick note is crucial for verifying patient conditions, ensuring workplace compliance, and supporting employees' legitimate health-related absences. This tool streamlines the process and provides clarity for all parties involved.

Download this Doctor’s Note For Work template example:

Doctors Note For Work example (sample)

When would you use this template?

A Doctor's Note for Work Template is essential for employees needing to document absences due to medical reasons. Using an official doctor's note template helps maintain transparency and accountability while safeguarding the patient's privacy and well-being. Here are instances of using the template:

Medical leave

Employees who miss work for health-related reasons can use the template to get a doctor's note. This includes absences due to chronic conditions, recovery from surgery, or any extended period of medical care. The doctor's note template ensures the employer is informed about the necessity and duration of the leave.


In the event of an injury, whether work-related or not, the template helps document the diagnosis and the required recovery period. This official doctor's note template is crucial for HR departments to process leave requests by company policies and possibly disability forms if the injury has long-term impacts.

Medical appointment

Regular medical appointments, such as follow-ups, therapy sessions, or specialist consultations, often necessitate time off work. The template can specify the dates and times of these appointments, among other benefits, ensuring the employee's schedule is adequately adjusted.

School requirements

Students or parents may need a real doctor's note from the school to excuse absences due to illness or injury. This template can be adapted to provide the necessary information to school administrators, ensuring compliance with school attendance policies.

Federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) compliance

This template provides detailed medical information the law requires for employees applying for leave under the FMLA. It includes the diagnosis, symptoms, and expected duration of the leave, helping the employee and employer navigate the legal requirements.

Why use Carepatron as your Doctors Note for Work app?

Carepatron is a comprehensive and user-friendly clinical notes software ideal for creating doctor's notes for work. Its integration with clinical notes software allows healthcare providers to create, store, and manage doctor's notes, ensuring all patient information is accessible and accurately reflected in the doctor notes. This streamlines the process, making it easier for providers to document and validate sick days. Carepatron also functions as a telehealth platform by offering online doctor services, reducing the need for physical visits and saving time for patients and providers.

The platform's versatility caters to various requirements, including work or school needs, such as excusing absences or complying with company policies and work or school requirements. It is entirely HIPAA compliant, ensuring patient privacy and data security. This compliance is crucial for maintaining trust and confidentiality in medical documentation.

Ready to streamline your medical documentation process? Get started with Carepatron today and experience the ease and efficiency of our Doctor's Note for Work app!

Clinical Notes Software


Cott, A., & Goldberg, W. M. (1985). Doctors’ notes to employers and insurers. Canadian Family Physician, 31, 1919–1925. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2327870/

When should I use a Doctor's Note for Work?
When should I use a Doctor's Note for Work?

Commonly asked questions

When should I use a Doctor's Note for Work?

You should use a Doctor's Note for Work when taking time off due to a medical condition, injury, or medical appointment. It is also helpful for long-term medical leave, school requirements, or requesting work accommodations.

How can I get a doctor’s note online?

You can get an online doctor note through telemedicine services offered by platforms like Carepatron. You can obtain a legitimate doctor’s note without needing an in-person visit by consulting an online doctor.

What information is included in a doctor’s note?

A doctor’s note typically includes the patient’s name, the medical condition or diagnosis, dates of absence, recommended treatment plan, and the healthcare provider’s signature. It may also include information on necessary medications or future appointments.

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