Session Notes Template
Make documentation during clinical sessions easier with our intuitive Session Notes Template.

What is a Session Notes Template?
Healthcare practitioners must maintain various clinical documentation, such as writing therapy progress notes and mental health progress notes. Staying on top of this note-taking helps ensure the care delivery process is transparent and that patients receive the best care possible.
For this reason, many healthcare practitioners are looking for solutions that will elevate the quality of their documentation, which is precisely what our template aims to do. A structured template can be helpful for clinicians writing ABA session notes or those documenting comprehensive notes for a therapy session.
Unlike a progress note, a Session Note Template is not a legal document. Instead, it is an optional note that primarily reminds practitioners of critical details about a patient's health condition or a client's progress. Although writing session notes is not a requirement, they are often recommended. They help ensure the practitioner remains well-informed and can make accurate clinical decisions when treating patients, contributing to better overall health outcomes.
Session Notes Template
Session Notes Template Example
How to use this Session Notes Template
The process of using this Session Notes Template is very simple. We have designed it to apply to as many practitioners as possible, ensuring ease of use. To make the most of the template, follow these steps:
Step 1: Download the template
Download the template using the link we've included in the document. It is optimized for digital use, but you can also print it. You can also customize this template through the Carepatron platform based on your needs. For instance, you can modify it to document group therapy notes or to create effective ABA session notes. We also have a sample template you can refer to as a guide on using it.
Step 2: Complete the note
After your session with a client, it's time to complete the note. Make sure that you include the primary concerns, a possible review of the previous session, client progress, and a plan for the next session. Although there are no specific requirements regarding when you have to write these notes, we recommend writing them immediately after your session.
Step 3: Save the note securely
When the note has been written, it's time to store it securely. Although session notes are not legal documents, they still contain confidential information that must be stored securely. We recommend using an electronic patient records system to store clinical session notes.
Benefits of using a Session Note Template
In addition to being customizable for the needs of different practitioners across various fields, this Session Notes Template can provide multiple benefits for your healthcare practice. Some of these advantages include:
Informed care and accurate decisions
One primary purpose of writing session notes is to inform the practitioner about their client's health condition. This helps to ensure that they are making the best possible treatment decisions and can maintain a comprehensive understanding of how their client is progressing.
Meaningful client relationships
If practitioners use accurate and organized session notes, they are more likely to develop meaningful relationships with their clients. Session notes facilitate better decision-making and allow practitioners to understand their clients' progress.
Improved communication
Although session notes are not made to be shared with third parties, they can still improve communication. Session notes inform practitioners about important information, which can be relayed to other patient care team members or insurance providers when necessary.
If you choose to use this Session Notes Template, you will facilitate a streamlined documentation process. The template can be accessed, written, and stored easily, improving your practice's productivity.
Better clinical outcomes
The benefits of writing session notes include that they will contribute to better clinical outcomes. Finding ways to improve clinical outcomes is one of the foundational goals of all healthcare practitioners. You can achieve this goal by using this template and focusing on improving the accuracy and organization of your documentation.
Tips for good session notes
Good session notes help you remember important details and make it easier to track progress over time. They also ensure that everyone involved stays informed and can quickly understand what was discussed and decided. Here are five tips for crafting one:
Be brief
It is essential to provide basic information such as the appointment time, place, and other service codes. This includes a basic description of how the client appears regarding their effects and behavior. You may use a specific approach, such as the SOAP note format, to help structure your notes.
List symptoms
It's essential to provide a representative picture of the patient's feelings, along with objective observations. This entails describing what the client reports in subjective and objective terms to help improve their mental health.
Include testing
You may also need to include other objective data to support your observations. During a session, you should also write therapy progress notes, review documents, test results, medical information, and other counseling notes.
Outline your interventions
It is also essential that you list the interventions used for the patient. This may include CBT, relaxation techniques, or other mental health awareness and training programs and approaches. This is especially essential when you write ABA session notes or RBT session notes. Within this, you should outline whether the therapeutic interventions and their objectives are being met within your session.
Sign off
It's also essential to include signatures to meet HIPAA compliance standards. This allows for higher authorization processes and ensures client information is protected and officially recognized.
Commonly asked questions
Although writing documentation is very important, practitioners can understandably find it very time-consuming. We recommend writing brief shorthand notes during your sessions. These should just be a couple of lines, and you need to ensure it isn't distracting for your patient if you are writing during the session. You can also write your session notes digitally. Although using a physical copy is perfectly fine, it can take much longer, is more likely to contain errors, and is at higher risk of being lost or stolen.
This depends on your session with a client, although around a page is probably a good rule of thumb. You want to include all information that could be useful later without going into a minute-by-minute summary.
You have a couple of options when it comes to storing session notes. You can store them in a physical location, like a securely locked filing cabinet. Another option is to use an online platform or EHR. These systems employ sophisticated security protocols and features to ensure that your patient's information is protected at all times while also allowing you to access your notes whenever you like.