Chart Note Template

Keep your notes organized, well-formatted and readable with this chart note template.

By Audrey Liz Perez on Jul 15, 2024.


Fact Checked by Nate Lacson.

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What is a Chart Note Template?

Chart notes are an important tool for facilitating communication between members of a patient's care team about any updates on the patient's condition. Our chart notes template is designed to make it easy to keep track of entries and maintain shareability and accountability within your patient's team. Chart notes act as a chronological journal of relevant updates for your patient, and using a pre-formatted, laid-out template like Carepatron's chart notes template is a great way to keep you organized.

Printable Chart Note Template

Check out our downloadable chart note template to keep your notes HIPAA compliant.

How to use this Template For Chart Notes

This template makes taking chart notes a breeze. With column titles pre-filled in for you and clear spaces for you to add in your entry to your chart notes, you can save time formatting your notes and get back to looking after your patients. Follow these easy steps to start taking chart notes with Carepatron's handy template.

1. Download the PDF

First, you need to download the PDF from the provided link to edit it locally or continue to print it out and fill it in by hand.

2. Fill in the patient information

This only needs to be done once per sheet and includes the patient's name, date of birth, optional identifier, and room number. 

3. Enter the date and time, and focus

The date and time column makes it easy to remember to date your entries into a patient's chart notes. Make sure you include this for each separate entry. Timing can be crucial in chart notes as well, as often, a patient will have many entries on the same day. The focus column is for a summary of what particular issue your note refers to. 

4. Write your progress note

The progress note column is for your chart note. There are many acronyms for taking progress notes, such as SOAP or F-DAR, and our template is simple enough to allow you to take notes in your preferred style. Alternatively, you can find SOAP note templates in our template library.

5. Sign the note, and store it securely

Once you've finished writing your progress note, sign or initial it so others know who wrote it when they come to read it. Finally, your patient's chart notes need to be stored securely to prevent a violation of HIPAA and in a place that can be easily accessed by other healthcare workers who need to add to the chart notes.

Who can use this Printable Chart Note Template?

Ward nurses commonly use chart templates but might be used by many different members of your patient's care team. These might be:

  • Nurses
  • Resident doctors
  • Overnight shift staff
  • Allied health workers
  • Care workers 
  • Resident or trainee healthcare workers.

Regardless of who is writing an entry into the chart notes, this clinical template standardizes everyone's entry and keeps the chart notes simple and readable.

Why is this Template useful for nurses?

Don't rely on your memory

Our template takes the stress out of remembering to date and sign your chart notes. Additionally, with one space for patient information in the header, once this is filled in appropriately, you won't have to worry about it again! Nurses are often incredibly busy and pressed for time during their shifts, so anything that takes a bit of the mental load off is a win!

Encourage collaboration

Having a template that clearly shows how to add an entry to the patient's progress notes encourages collaboration across your patient's team, as writing a short update in a patient's progress notes is a lot quicker than sending out a communication to everyone who might need to know in the future.

Provide evidence of your professional development 

Nurses may be required to provide evidence of their activities to get signed off as part of their training if they are still students, or professional development if they are already qualified. Our chart notes template is a great way to provide evidence to your tertiary institution or professional body of your abilities as a nurse.

Benefits of using Chart Notes Templates

Keep your chart notes organized

With space for the date, time, and signature of the chart notes entry- you won't be chasing up the writer of an accidentally anonymous note or trying to piece together a timeline from many different notes again.

Improve communication between your staff members

A simple chart notes template can create a dialogue between your patient's care team members. Any important updates observed by one team member can be noted down and seen, in chronological context, by another team member who sees the patient after them.

Support handwritten or digital progress notes

This PDF chart template can be printed and filled in by hand whenever someone needs to add an entry or kept digital. Be careful about overwriting file versions if using this template digitally, though, as many people accessing the same template simultaneously could result in information being accidentally lost.

Maintain accountability

By ensuring each entry is signed and dated, you ensure that every entry is traceable and if further information on a particular entry is needed, you can find the author of the chart notes entry in question. 

Keep notes well-formatted

Notes with multiple authors may quickly become chaotically formatted! Using a chart notes template with premade formatting saves you time formatting your own notes. It is also important that these chart notes can be easily shared and understood by third parties such as insurance companies, and using a well-formatted template will help ensure others can easily follow these progress notes.

What is the purpose of writing a chart note?
What is the purpose of writing a chart note?

Commonly asked questions

What is the purpose of writing a chart note?

The main purpose of writing an entry into a patient’s chart notes is to create a record of important updates, information, or results relevant to your patient. This written documentation is required under HIPAA for health practitioners as part of your patient’s medical record, but it is also an important tool for communicating between staff members.

How do I format a chart note?

Chart notes are succinct updates on your patient given in chronological order and often created by various members of a multidisciplinary care team. As such, it is important your chart notes are legible for others, have your initials or signature so others know who wrote the entry, and are succinct enough to cover just the key information or update. With this in mind, our chart note template has separate columns for the date and time, and your signature, to ensure you don’t forget these important details.

How do I keep track of chart notes?

Since different staff members might be using the same chart notes for one patient, it’s important to put the date and time of your chart note and fill in the template chronologically from top to bottom. Additionally, if you are keeping this resource digital- it is important to make sure all members of the patient’s care team are aware of the risks of overwriting each other when using the same document. It’s a good idea to ensure a document cannot be opened in multiple places at once when it is being shared by multiple people.

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