Vitals Chart Template

Utilize our free PDF vitals chart template in your medical practice to achieve better communication, data accuracy, decision-making, and clinical outcomes.

By Alex King on Jul 02, 2024.


Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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What is a Vitals Chart Template?

Doctors and nurses measure their patients’ vital signs frequently. At their most basic, vital signs indicate to healthcare practitioners how your body is functioning. If there are concerns regarding vital signs, practitioners will be able to quickly and appropriately make clinical decisions. A is a tool that many doctors and nurses use to track their patients over a specific period of time, for example one full day (24 hours), one week, or one month. By charting these results, practitioners can easily assess whether their patients’ health condition is stable, or if treatment needs to be changed. To help make the process of taking and recording vital signs as easy as possible, we’ve created a vitals chart template. The template can be accessed and downloaded for free, where practitioners can either print the document or edit it online. Using the vitals chart template will guarantee a standardized format for taking vital signs across your healthcare practice, helping to improve organization, efficiency, and accuracy. In turn, improving how vital signs are obtained will hopefully contribute to better overall clinical outcomes.

Printable Vitals Chart Template

Download these Vitals Chart templates and examples to improve clinical documentation, compliance, and healthcare outcomes.

How to Use This Template For Vitals Chart

Fortunately, implementing our vitals chart template into your healthcare practice is very easy. You just have to adhere to the following steps, and you’ll be reaping the advantages of the template in no time: 

Step One: Save the PDF

The first thing you need to do is access the PDF template. We’ve included a link to the document on this page, and you simply have to click the link and you’ll be taken directly to the PDF. From here, you can save the document to your device, where it can be easily accessed whenever you need it. 

Step Two: Make the template accessible 

After you have saved the template to your computer you have two main options: you can either print the document so that hard copies can be filled out, or you can keep it on your computer to be edited online. Both of these options have their pros and cons and the executive decision should be based on what makes the most sense for the kind of work that you do. 

Step Three: Complete the chart 

When you are treating a patient whose vitals need to be taken, it’s time to fill out the chart. Take your time when taking the measurements so you can ensure the data you have recorded is accurate (accuracy is absolutely essential when it comes to vitals charts). Depending on whether you are taking the vitals for your patient over a short period of time (e.g. 24 hours) or a longer period of time (e.g. 7 days), you will need to ensure the chart is stored in an easily accessible place. 

Step Four: Store the chart securely

After you have completed the vitals chart, you need to store it securely. It has patient identifying information, as well as data concerning the patient’s health condition, so it is of utmost importance that you store the completed chart in a HIPAA-compliant manner.

Vitals Chart Example (Sample)

Sometimes viewing a resource in action is the best way to understand how it truly works, which is why we have created a sample vitals chart. This example demonstrates how the chart is formatted and how it will look once you have completed it. The sample is based on a fictitious 52-year-old male whose vital signs were taken every 4 hours over a 12-hour period, and then every 6 hours until the patient was discharged.

Download the Vitals Chart Example here: 

Vitals Chart Example (Sample)

Who Can Use this Printable Vitals Chart Template?

Our vital charts template has been designed with ease of use and applicability in mind. As I’m sure you know, there are a range of different healthcare practitioners that take vital signs in order to assess their patient’s health. Regardless of the medical specialization that you work in, if you are required to measure your patient’s vital signs, then our printable chart will suit your working needs. 

This vital signs chart is also perfectly suitable for healthcare practitioners of any experience. If you are a seasoned professional who has been working in your field for many years, you can use our template to elevate your organization and introduce a greater consistency into your work processes. On the other hand, if you are a junior or trainee doctor/nurse, then our template will help consolidate your understanding of how vital sign measurements can be structured. It will also introduce a base level of organization into your work, which will be extremely useful as you grow and develop your skills. The same usability applies to different patients, regardless of age or whether or not their health condition is severe.

Why is This Template Useful For Medical Professionals?

The day-to-day lives of nurses, doctors, and other healthcare professionals are typically very busy. In creating this vitals chart template, we’ve tried to develop a solution that will ease the burden that is placed on these medical professionals. Some of the uses of implementing our template include:

  1. Saves time: Choosing to utilize this vitals chart template is guaranteed to save you time. The template is already structured and organized for you, so all you have to do is enter in the relevant data. After you have accessed our template, you can choose to keep it online or you can print out physical copies. Whichever of these options works best for you is perfectly suitable. 
  2. Communication: Having a vitals chart form that is easily read will help improve the communication at your practice. You can complete the chart and make sure it is accessible to other practitioners that may need to assess the patient’s vital signs. These practitioners will find it much easier to extract the relevant data if you are using a standardized form.
  3. Organization: Focusing on organization can be an under-prioritized component of working in healthcare, particularly if you work at a busy practice. Using a predesigned template is one of the best low-effort ways to optimize organization.
Vital chart feedback

Benefits of Vital Charts

In addition to having a variety of uses, this vital charts template also has a range of advantages for healthcare practitioners, including the following: 

Identify early signs of an infection

Keeping accurate and organized vital signs charts help healthcare providers identify early signs of infections in their patients. Vital signs are indicators of how well a patient’s body is functioning, and if you monitor these signs closely, you’ll be able to quickly identify if anything is abnormal. If an abnormality is observed, you can respond instantly, helping to deliver necessary care to patients in need.

Prevent misdiagnosis 

Vital sign charts are essential in providing medical practitioners with all necessary data relating to a patient’s current health condition. It is only when these measurements are recorded accurately and in a structured way that practitioners can be informed enough to make the right clinical decisions. By utilizing this vital sign chart, you can prevent the possibility of misdiagnosis. 


In addition to having clinical benefits for the patient, using the vital sign chart can also help with broader operational processes, including workflow. Productivity and efficiency are very important when it comes to healthcare businesses, but it is important that solutions don’t compromise the quality of care. Our vital sign chart is the perfect resource for this; it streamlines a clinical process and improves efficiency all while improving the accuracy of clinical data. 

Standardized practice 

As we mentioned, utilizing a vital sign template improves communication between providers. It also plays an important role in coordination of care and ensuring that all members of a patient’s care team are kept informed about the current health of the patient. The standardization of this data is what facilitates improved communication and ensures everyone is kept on the same page. 

Improved clinical outcomes 

Last, but definitely not least, using the vital signs chart will help to improve clinical outcomes. By optimizing productivity, preventing misdiagnosis, and improving communication, you will be able to elevate the care you are delivering to your patients, which ultimately contributes to improved clinical outcomes.

Why Use Carepatron For Vitals Chart

Measuring and recording vital signs is a major component of working as a medical practitioner. They are the most important aspect of determining the current condition of a patient, and whether or not the patient required urgent care. As such, it is important that healthcare practitioners are constantly on the lookout for innovative solutions that will help improve the accuracy of their vital signs chart – which is where Carepatron comes in. An entirely online practice management software, Carepatron has a range of tools that are guaranteed to optimize both administrative and clinical processes at your clinic. In addition to having access to a variety of different templates, Carepatron has voice-to-text transcription software and robust storage capabilities that will help save you time while also adhering to HIPAA guidelines. In addition to having these documentation tools, Carepatron is also integrated with features that target other healthcare processes, including billing, scheduling, patient engagement, and mobile health. If your practice is looking for a solution that will elevate productivity while also improving clinical outcomes then look no further than Carepatron, a platform guaranteed to satisfy all of your business needs.

Vitals Chart App
How do you complete a vitals chart?
How do you complete a vitals chart?

Commonly asked questions

How do you complete a vitals chart?

The patient whose vital signs you are measuring will have specific needs. For example, a patient whose condition is more severe will require a nurse or doctor to take their vital signs more frequently than a patient who is being treated for a mild condition. For example, if your patient is at high risk of contracting a post-surgical infection, then you may be taking their vital signs every hour. If this is the case, then you would go to your patient and measure each of their signs every hour, before recording these results in the chart template.

What does a vital signs chart include?

Vital signs charts can vary slightly in the data they are collecting, and this can be dependent on the medical practice or the specialization of the practitioner. That being said, the most common vital signs included in these charts are weight, temperature, blood pressure, pulse, respiration, and pain.

Do I need to sign the vital signs chart after I record data?

Yes, you are required to either sign or write your initials on the vital signs chart after you input data. This ensures that any important changes can be tracked properly and helps to maintain medical compliance.

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