UB 04 Forms

Navigate healthcare billing with ease using our UB 04 Forms tool. Benefit from a user-friendly interface, automated processes, and secure data handling.

By Joshua Napilay on Jul 02, 2024.


Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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What is a UB 04 Form?

The UB-04 form, more formally recognized as the CMS-1450 form, is a standardized billing document that has become an indispensable tool in the healthcare industry. It is extensively employed by a wide range of institutional providers, including but not limited to hospitals, nursing homes, and other healthcare facilities. This form, easily identifiable by its unique red hue, is the primary method for these institutions to submit claims for medical services they have rendered.

This meticulously detailed form is a cornerstone in the healthcare payment process. It captures a wealth of essential information such as patient identification details, diagnosis codes that specify the nature of the patient's illness or injury, procedure codes that outline the treatments performed, dates specifying when the services were provided, individual charges for each service rendered, and the total charge that gives an overall cost incurred. With an expansive structure comprising over 80 different lines of information, the form provides a comprehensive and detailed record that enables precise billing and expedites the reimbursement procedure.

Originally conceptualized and developed by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS), the has transcended its initial purpose and is now universally accepted across all insurance carriers. Its design is specifically tailored to be compatible with optical scanning equipment, emphasizing the critical need for clarity, precision, and accuracy in data entry on the form.

A thorough understanding of the UB-04 form is necessary for medical billing, coding professionals, or healthcare administration. Any discrepancies, misrepresentation, or falsification of information on this form can lead to serious consequences, including legal action. Therefore, it's paramount to maintain high accuracy and honesty when filling out these forms. The UB-04 form is not just a billing tool; it's a testament to the transparency and integrity of the healthcare system.

For a more detailed explanation of the UB-04 form, here is an explainer video:

Printable UB 04 Form

Download this UB 04 Form to improve billing processes.

How does it work?

The UB-04 form, or CMS-1450 form, is essential for submitting claims for medical services in the healthcare industry. Here's a step-by-step guide on how it works:

H3 Step 1: Obtain a UB-04 Form

You can purchase printable UB 04 forms from approved vendors or download them from online resources. Print the form in red ink since the scanning machines are designed to read this color.

H3 Step 2: Patient and Insured Information 

You must fill in the patient's personal and insurance details in this section. This includes the patient's name, address, birth date, sex, and the insured's details if different from the patient's.

Step 3: Claim Related Information 

This part requires information related to the claim. You'll need to provide details such as admission date, admission hour, status, and type of bill (which identifies the type of facility and the bill classification).

Step 4: Diagnosis Information 

Here, you'll enter the diagnosis codes related to the patient's condition. These codes come from the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) manual.

Step 5: Procedure Information 

In this section, you list the procedures performed using the appropriate procedure codes. You also need to include the date of each procedure.

Step 6: Provider Information 

This part requires the details of the facility or provider that rendered the services. This includes the name, address, and National Provider Identifier (NPI).

Step 7: Service Information 

You'll list all services provided, their dates, and charges here. Each line represents a different service.

Step 8: Total Charge and Signature 

Finally, add all charges listed in the service section to get the total charge for the claim. Once everything is completed, the provider should sign the form.

UB 04 Forms Example (sample)

A UB-04 form, or the CMS-1450, is a crucial document used by healthcare facilities to claim compensation for medical services provided. It is a comprehensive form that contains multiple fields to capture all necessary details for billing and reimbursement purposes.

The UB-04 form includes sections for patient identification, insured's information, claim-related information, diagnosis and procedure codes, provider details, service information, and total charges. Each field must be filled out with precision and accuracy to ensure timely and correct payment.

For instance, in the diagnosis section, the healthcare provider must input the appropriate International Classification of Diseases (ICD) codes representing the patient's condition. In the procedure section, the procedures performed are listed along with their respective dates.

The UB-04 form also captures the National Provider Identifier (NPI), a unique identification number for covered healthcare providers in the United States. It's important to note that handwritten information is not accepted on the UB-04 form and must be printed in red ink to be recognized by scanning machines.

There are various resources available online where you can find sample UB-04 forms. These samples provide a practical view of how the form should be correctly filled out. Some websites even offer printable UB 04 Forms PDFs for ease of use.

Download this UB 04 Form Example:

UB 04 Forms Example (sample)

When would you use this Template?

The UB-04 form, commonly called the CMS-1450, is an indispensable tool in the healthcare sector, especially for institutional providers. This form is primarily utilized to claim reimbursement for medical services rendered. Here are some scenarios when this template would be used:

1. Billing for Hospital Services: When a hospital provides medical services, either inpatient or outpatient, it uses the UB-04 form to document all the relevant details and bill the insurance companies. Accurate documentation ensures proper reimbursement for the services rendered.

2. Nursing Homes and Rehabilitation Centers: These facilities offer long-term care services and use the UB-04 form to bill for their services, including room charges, therapy services, medical supplies, and any other services provided to the residents.

3. Home Health Agencies and Hospices: Home health agencies providing skilled nursing care, physical therapy, or other home health services use the UB-04 form for billing purposes. Similarly, hospices use this form to bill for palliative care services provided to terminally ill patients.

4. Claims Processing by Insurance Companies: Insurance companies receive UB-04 forms from various healthcare providers. They use this form to process claims and determine the reimbursement amount. The detailed information on the form helps them verify the services provided and the associated costs.

5. Medical Audits: During medical audits, auditors review UB-04 forms to ensure that the billed services are necessary and appropriately documented. The form serves as a crucial piece of evidence in case of any discrepancies or disputes.


Streamlined Billing Process 

The UB-04 form standardizes the billing process across healthcare institutions. This uniformity simplifies the process, making it more efficient for providers to submit claims and for insurance companies to process them.

Comprehensive Documentation 

The UB-04 form provides a detailed record of the services rendered, including diagnosis codes, procedure codes, dates of service, and charges. This comprehensive documentation allows for accurate tracking and auditing of healthcare services.

Faster Reimbursement 

With all the necessary information in one place, insurance companies can process claims more quickly, leading to faster reimbursement for healthcare providers.

Easy Accessibility 

UB-04 forms are readily available and easy to access. Many online platforms provide free UB 04 forms, making it convenient for healthcare providers to download and use them.

Compliance with Regulations 

The UB-04 form helps healthcare providers comply with billing regulations set by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and other insurance carriers. This compliance reduces the risk of penalties and claim denials.

Enhanced Communication 

The standardized format of the UB-04 form enhances communication between healthcare providers and insurance companies, reducing misunderstandings and disputes over claims.

Research & Evidence

The UB-04 form, or CMS-1450, is a critical asset in the healthcare sector that has evolved through comprehensive research and development. The form's history traces back to the efforts of the National Uniform Billing Committee (NUBC), which includes major national healthcare organizations. The NUBC introduced the UB-04 form in 2007 as an upgrade to the older UB-92 form, intending to make the billing process more streamlined and standardized across different healthcare providers.

The development of the UB-04 form wasn't a one-time event but a continuous process. The form undergoes regular updates based on ongoing industry feedback, changes in healthcare regulations, advancements in medical practices, and evolving technological capabilities. This continuous improvement ensures that the form remains relevant and effective in the ever-changing landscape of healthcare administration.

Various studies and practical evaluations have underscored the effectiveness of the UB-04 form. Research indicates that the form's standardized format helps curtail billing errors, enhances communication between healthcare providers and insurance companies, and accelerates reimbursement. For instance, a study published in the Journal of Healthcare Management emphasized the UB-04 form's role in reducing claim denials, thereby improving cash flow for healthcare institutions.

Moreover, compliance audits have repeatedly demonstrated the importance of the UB-04 form in adhering to billing requirements set forth by authoritative entities like the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and other insurance carriers. This adherence to regulations mitigates the risk of penalties and ensures timely payment for services rendered.

Why use Carepatron as your UB 04 Forms app?

Carepatron is not just a UB 04 Forms app; it's a comprehensive, user-friendly solution that revolutionizes how healthcare professionals manage and process their billing information. Here's why Carepatron should be your go-to UB 04 Forms software:

  1. Intuitive Design and User Experience: Carepatron has been designed with ease of use at its core. Its intuitive interface simplifies the often complex process of filling out UB-04 forms, making it accessible even to those with minimal technical skills. This user-centric design reduces the potential for errors, enhances productivity, and ultimately leads to more efficient billing processes.
  2. Advanced Automation Capabilities: Carepatron shines in its ability to automate routine tasks. The software can auto-populate fields like patient demographics or recurring billing information, significantly reducing manual data entry. This automation saves precious time and minimizes the risk of human error, ensuring accuracy in your billing processes.
  3. Robust Security and Compliance: Carepatron takes data security seriously. It provides secure storage for your UB-04 forms, protecting sensitive patient information through high-level encryption protocols. Moreover, the software stays abreast of the latest healthcare regulations, regularly updating its features to ensure your UB-04 forms remain compliant, thereby reducing the risk of non-compliance penalties.
  4. Seamless Collaboration and Accessibility: As a cloud-based platform, Carepatron allows you to access your UB-04 forms from any location at any time. This flexibility enhances your productivity and allows for seamless collaboration among team members. Multiple users can work simultaneously on the same form, promoting teamwork and efficiency.
  5. Unmatched Customer Support: Carepatron prides itself on its responsive and helpful customer support. Whether you're encountering technical issues or need assistance navigating the software, the support team is always ready to ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience.
Medical Billing and Coding Software


Chaikin, B. (n.d.). HCFA-1500 & UB04 Medical Billing Claim Form News & Press. https://ub04software.com/about/news-press

Institutional paper claim form (CMS-1450) | CMS. (n.d.). https://www.cms.gov/medicare/billing/electronicbillingeditrans/15_1450

Patterson, D. (2023). UB-04 Claim Form Anatomy (2023 Update) - Streamline Health. Streamline Health. https://streamlinehealth.net/ub-04-form/

Provider manual: UB 04 Instructions and Sample Claim Form. (n.d.). Security Health Plan. https://www.securityhealth.org/providers/provider-manual/shared-content/claims-processing-policies-and-procedures/ub-04-instructions-and-sample-claim-form?claims-processing-policies-and-procedures-group--direct-pay

Ub04 claim forms: Fill out & sign online | DocHub. (n.d.). https://www.dochub.com/fillable-form/206-ub-04-form

Wanga, E. O. (2023, February 21). Understanding The Basics of the UB-04 Form for Long-term Care - Experience Care: Long-Term Care EHR & Experience Care: Long-Term Care EHR & Financial Software Solutions. https://experience.care/blog/understanding-the-basics-of-the-ub-04-form/

Who uses the UB 04 Forms?
Who uses the UB 04 Forms?

Commonly asked questions

Who uses the UB 04 Forms?

Institutional healthcare providers predominantly use the UB-04 forms. These include hospitals, rehab facilities (including physical, occupational, and speech therapy centers), general health centers, federal health centers, and rural clinics. These institutions utilize the UB-04 form to bill Medicare, Medicaid, and other third-party payors for patient services.

When do you use the UB 04 Forms?

The UB-04 form is used whenever an institutional healthcare provider needs to bill for services provided to a patient. This could be after a patient has been discharged from a hospital, completed a series of rehabilitation sessions, or received treatment at a health center. The form must be filled out accurately and completely to ensure that the insurance company processes the claim correctly.

How are the UB 04 Forms used?

The UB-04 form provides a detailed account of the patient's treatment, including the services rendered, the diagnosis, the duration of the treatment, and the charges incurred. Each field in the form must be filled in with the appropriate information. This includes the provider's name and address, patient's demographic information, diagnosis codes, procedure codes, dates of service, charges, and the provider's National Provider Identifier (NPI) number. Once completed, the form is submitted to the appropriate insurance company for processing and reimbursement.

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