Physical Therapy Intake Form

Implement our high-quality physical therapy intake forms to ensure you capture important client information. Work towards more effective physical therapy treatments without sacrifice.

By Ashleigh Knowles on Jul 15, 2024.


Fact Checked by RJ Gumban.

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What is a Physical Therapy Intake Form?

Intake forms are an essential component of healthcare businesses, as they ensure you can effectively organize, manage, and store client information without fuss. Intake forms ensure you have all relevant and critical client details before you meet with them, in order to smoothen appointment sessions and ensure that the client is treated with the highest standard of care. are a great way to identify client physical concerns, as well as other external factors that may be influencing the efficacy and responsiveness of the client. With the physical therapy intake forms, you can track the client's history, any medication, as well as their personal and insurance information, in addition to referrals. To help you get started on the right track, we've curated physical therapy intake forms with information on what they are, who can use them, as well as their many benefits. Download our PDF template to get started right away!

Physical Therapy Intake Form Template

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Physical Therapy Intake Form Example

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How To Use This Template For Physical Therapy Intake Forms

Using a physical therapy intake form is easy, and all you have to do is follow the step-by-step guide to ensure that you're using them to their fullest potential. Effectively incorporate physical therapy intake form templates without fuss.

Step One: Download the PDF template 

When using a physical therapy intake form, the first step you need to take is to download the template. While this seems obvious, it's important to double-check that your PDF can open within a reliable PDF reader and that you are able to edit the document to suit your needs. If you prefer to handwrite you can also print the template for your convenience.

Step Two: Distribute to patients 

The next step you need to take is to distribute the physical therapy intake form to your patients to fill out. Ideally, this is completed before your appointment so you can oversee the information, and have a greater understanding of the purpose of your meeting. However, clients can also fill out the intake forms in the waiting room.

Step Three: Upload data to your practice’s system 

Once your clients have completed the intake form, you will then need to upload the data within your preferred system. This means that you have one place to access client information when it comes to insurance claims and referrals, or when you're simply needing to review details. It's far more convenient and ensures that only authorized users have access.

Step Four: Ensure it is stored securely

Finally you'll also need to ensure that your documents are stored securely as they contain private information that shouldn't get into the hands of unauthorized users. Your platform should be HIPAA compliant and have security measures and protocols in place to safeguard client information at all times.

Who Can Use this Printable Physical Therapy Intake Form (PDF)?

Physical therapy is a very broad field and compasses a variety of specializations. Because physical therapy intake forms follow a universal and standardized format, any healthcare practitioner under the physical therapy umbrella can take advantage of the benefits they have to offer. Regardless of the size of your clinic, the number of clients you see, or the years of experience you have under your belt, any practitioner that is interested in physiology and the physical treatment of clients can integrate physical therapy intake forms. This pertains to a variety of professionals including the following:

  • Occupational physical therapy
  • Rehabilitative physical therapy
  • Pediatric physical therapy
  • Geriatric physical therapy
  • Orthopedic physical therapy
  • Neurological physical therapy

Additionally, if you are a physical therapy assistant, or if you aren't seeing your role listed here, keep in mind that physical therapy intake forms are an inclusive tool. You can increase organization, improve your structure, and streamline your workflow to ensure that you're working efficiently to support clients and their concerns.

Why Is This Form Useful For Physical Therapists?

There are various uses for physical therapy intake forms, including the following:

  • Increase organization - Utilizing physical therapy intake forms can significantly increase the level of organization within your clinic. You don't have to compile multiple forms together, and you don't have to spend time planning as all of this is completed for you. With our ready-made templates, you can present information in an easily digestible format that makes note of every critical piece of information integral to your treatment.
  • Keep track - Physical therapy intake forms serve as great reference points for you to keep track of your client's progress and their past physical history. You can utilize this information to create more effective treatments, and ensure that you're closely following your clients at each step of the way in their healthcare journey.
  • Enhance workflow - You can also enhance your workflow through more streamlined operations that eliminate unnecessary tasks. As the saying goes, you can work smarter not harder, and stay constantly on top of your day-to-day requirements. At the end of the day, you're running a business and it's important that you have mastered your workflow and priorities, with this template allowing you to do so.
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Benefits of Printable Physical Therapy Intake Forms

Physical therapy intake forms also have a multitude of benefits that you can take advantage of.

Informed decisions

Physical therapy intake forms compile all the essential information that you need to make the right informed decisions. Having in-depth information pertaining to the client's background means that you can provide more holistic assessments, which in turn, lead to more informed decisions when it comes to client physical therapy treatment. Help clients accomplish their health goals quickly, and make the best decisions you could with the resources available.

Increase clinical outcomes

Naturally, having more informed decisions when it comes to healthcare means that you can also increase clinical outcomes when it comes to your patient. Physical therapy intake forms are comprehensive in nature, meaning that you can evaluate past treatments or past visits, as well as any flare-ups, and what was prescribed for improvement. You can identify strengths and weaknesses in the client's condition, and utilize these to facilitate treatment that directly addresses the issue at hand.

Save time

Having a ready-made physical therapy template means that you can save time when it comes to your practice. You don't have to worry about creating all the relevant sections, with all critical information listed for you. You can cut straight to the point without sacrificing quality, and use the critical information to work towards delivering high physical therapy outcomes in a much shorter time frame. Spend less time on administrative tasks, and get to doing what you do best.

Elevate the client experience

With physical therapy intake forms, you can significantly elevate your client experience. Reduce waiting times, and impart control onto your client by allowing them to fill out the form, and address the concerns that they want to alleviate. Instead of working above the client, you can work in collaboration with the client, which only works to boost satisfaction and increase the retention rate within your clinic.

Improved productivity

Finally, incorporating physical therapy intake forms means that you can improve productivity right across the board within your operations. Compile all essential client information in seconds, without having to play a repetitive game of telephone tag to follow up on details. You can save time, and increase the number of tasks achieved each day without fail.

Can I include body diagrams?
Can I include body diagrams?

Commonly asked questions

Can I include body diagrams?

Remember that physical therapy intake forms pertain to information that the client fills out. Intake forms differ to note formats used by physical therapy practitioners to assist and evaluate a client's condition. It's easy to conflate the two, however, remember to keep your notes separate. You should not include body diagrams on your physical therapy intake forms as they are not note-taking spaces.

Who can access the physical therapy intake form?

Only authorized users should be able to access physical therapy intake forms, which typically include the client and the practitioner. Depending on your clinic, this may also involve administrative staff who need to have access to the form in case information must be removed or updated. Physical therapy intake forms contain highly sensitive information, so it is important that there are only a small number of authorized users who have access.

What is required on a physical therapy intake form?

Depending on the insurance that you're with, such as Medicaid, or the specialization that you're in, each physical therapy intake form will have different requirements. It is important to consult other healthcare professionals in your area if you are unsure, and if your insurance has specific requirements, it is important to follow that up with the organization itself.

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