Vitamin E

Explore the clinical uses, result interpretations, etc., of the vitamin E test through our guide. Click here for more information and a free request template.

By Patricia Buenaventura on Jul 02, 2024.


Fact Checked by RJ Gumban.

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What is a Vitamin E Test?

A Vitamin E test, also medically known as a tocopherol test, is a medical test commonly included in the diagnostic procedure that aids healthcare practitioners in quantifying vitamin E concentrations in an individual’s blood. There’s a need to check a patient’s Vitamin E levels due to its crucial role as a vital nutrient to prevent blood clot formation, strengthen your immune system, and maintain the functioning of nerves and muscles.

More specifically, the Vitamin E test serves multiple purposes. Among these are assessing the absorption in the body, evaluating excessive levels, or monitoring levels. To determine if the patient needs the test ordered, the practitioner must also consider the exhibited and experienced symptoms of too much or too little consumption of vitamin E.

The process itself is similar to other blood tests. A practitioner in charge will collect a blood sample from a vein in the patient’s arm. Then, the sample will be analyzed through a method called Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS/SM) which can quantify the vitamin E concentration in the bloodstream.

A request form and document to write down the analysis and interpretation of the Vitamin E test will vary from one referring practitioner to another. However, if you’re a practitioner and you don’t have one for yourself, we created a template you can download and use in your practice. Keep reading below for information on how to get your hands on it.

Printable Vitamin E (Tocopherol) Test

Download this Vitamin E (Tocopherol) Test for quantifying vitamin E concentrations in an individual’s blood.

How does it work?

Step One. Grab a Copy of the Template

Grab a digital and printable Vitamin E (Tocopherol) Test template copy when the need arises by following one of the two steps mentioned below:

  • Clicking the “Use Template” or “Download Template” button
  • Searching “Vitamin E (Tocopherol)” on Carepatron’s template librarys search bar on the app or website

Step Two. Make the Request

It’s best to interview, assess, or physically examine your patient before having them undergo a Vitamin E (Tocopherol) test to determine if this is necessary for identifying underlying causes or formulating a diagnosis. If it is, request by filling out the section on the template designed for that purpose. 

Step Three. Show the Form 

You or a fellow practitioner caring for the patient must present the form prior to the blood sample collection as proof of the request. Only then will the practitioner in charge collect and process the specimen. 

Step Four. Analyze and Interpret

When you’ve received the results of the Vitamin E test, you can analyze and interpret them. Make sure you have a record of it to refer to when diagnosing, formulating a treatment plan, or in the future by writing down your observations and findings on the document section of the template.

Step Five. Store the Template Securely

Once finished, remember to store the template securely. Digital copies are recommended to be stored in Carepatron’s patient portal, where you and fellow healthcare practitioners can store electronic patient records for security and effortless retrieval.

Vitamin E Test Example (sample)

Check out our printable and digitally accessible completed PDF file of a Vitamin E test template you can view and print. Feel free to gain insight from it on how to use the template as a request form and/or a document for analysis and interpretation. However, do note that the answers you will find in the sample template are fictional. 

Download this Vitamin E (Tocopherol) Test Example:

Vitamin E Test Example (sample)

When would you use this test?

Medical practitioners typically request a Vitamin E test for the following clinical purposes:

  • Diagnosing Suspected Malabsorption: If a patient exhibits symptoms of a malabsorption disorder like a rare genetic condition, cystic fibrosis, or Chron's disease, the practitioner may request a Vitamin E test to confirm the suspected diagnosis. 
  • Diagnosing Vitamin E Deficiency: During scenarios wherein the patient exhibits symptoms of a Vitamin E deficiency like muscle weakness, vision impairments, difficulties in motor coordination, etc., the practitioner may request a Vitamin E test to diagnose and possibly recommend supplements. 
  • Adjusting Doses or Stopping Vitamin E Supplementation: When the patient self-administers vitamin E supplements and experiences symptoms of excess vitamin E like nausea, fatigue, and diarrhea, a practitioner may request a test. The results will be used to confirm if the levels of Vitamin E are elevated and if ingesting the supplement should be stopped or its doses should be adjusted. 
  • Treatment for Premature Babies: Premature infants born before the 37th week of pregnancy are usually recommended to undergo a Vitamin E test since they often manifest vitamin E deficiency. The test results help prevent the onset of any complications if the baby has lower than normal Vitamin E levels. 

What do the results mean?

Although it’s highly encouraged that a practitioner considers multiple factors before writing down their analysis and interpretation on the free Vitamin E test template, if they need a general idea of what the levels mean, keep reading below. 

Normal Levels

Their desired Vitamin E (Tocopherol) level range is between 5.5 to 25.1 mg/L. If the patient’s Vitamin E levels fall within the range, they have appropriate levels of vitamin E in their body. Do note that the provided level range may vary from one laboratory to another. 

Low Vitamin E Levels: 

If the patient’s Vitamin E levels are below the lower limit of the provided range, it signifies a deficiency in Vitamin E, which may be the cause of inadequate dietary intake or a condition that prevents adequate absorption. 

High Vitamin E Levels

Meanwhile, suppose the patient’s Vitamin E levels are higher than the upper limit of the provided range. In that case, it indicates excessive intake, typically due to consuming too many Vitamin E supplements, which may cause hemorrhagic strokes or increase the risk of a bleeding disorder. In this case, the patient needs medical intervention as soon as possible. 

Why use Carepatron as your Vitamin E app?

Carepatron has been one of the preferred choices for practitioners who are looking for an efficient and user-friendly app that can aid them in conducting the Vitamin E test for multiple compelling reasons. The primary advantage of Carepatron is the software’s ease of use. 

Because of its intuitive and user-friendly design, practitioners don’t need special training to get on board and benefit from its tools and features. That way, at the end of the day, they can direct their time and energy to providing quality healthcare. 

There’s a comprehensive set of features offered by Carepatron, which is another reason for practitioners to check it out. Carepatron will equip doctors with the tools to manage tasks and processes more effectively, from handling electronic patient records to making video appointments on a single telehealth platform. This streamlines processes, improves practice management, and enables seamless client interaction. 

Finally, on Carepatron, collaboration is encouraged. On the software, practitioners can easily share and communicate across teams, professional networks, and clients to foster a sense of teamwork, consequently enhancing the overall patient experience. Whatever they do or store on the app is also guaranteed to be safeguarded because of Carepatron’s compliance with global security requirements, including HIPAA, GDPR, and HITRUST. 

If you’re not convinced yet, know that you can customize the app to fit your specific needs to boost efficiency and productivity and ensure better client outcomes. 

With all these and more available to you on no other practice management software than Carepatron, don’t you think Carepatron is worth a shot? If you think so, don’t miss out on gaining free access. Sign up for an account on Carepatron today!

Clinical Documenation Software
Who typically requests a Vitamin E Test?
Who typically requests a Vitamin E Test?

Commonly asked questions

Who typically requests a Vitamin E Test?

General physicians, nurses, and even specialists like a neonatologist may typically request a Vitamin E test. 

When are Vitamin E Tests used?

The Vitamin E test is mainly used to measure the Vitamin E levels to either identify the cause of the low/elevated levels or decide on the type of medical intervention needed by the patient. 

How long does a Vitamin E Test take?

The collection of the sample will only take a few minutes. However, processing the sample to produce results can typically take 3 to 4 days.

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