Urgent Care Doctors Note

Access our Urgent Care Doctors Note Template with practical examples. Download the free PDF for quick, effective patient documentation.

By Liliana Braun on Jul 15, 2024.


Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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What is an Urgent Care Doctors Note template?

An urgent care doctor's note is a written statement from a healthcare provider in an urgent care setting that documents a patient's visit and provides written instructions for follow-up care. It is official documentation of a patient's medical condition and the need for treatment or rest, which can be given to their workplace, school, or other relevant institution.

Multiple reasons may lead to someone requiring a doctor's note template to be completed: 

  • The note provides a detailed record of the patient's symptoms, diagnosis, treatment plan, and follow-up instructions to document the patient's visit. This information can be used by the patient's primary care physician or specialist to provide ongoing care.
  • An urgent care doctor's note can be used to excuse absences from work or school as a patient may need to miss work or school due to illness.
  • Patients can submit their urgent care doctor's note to their insurance company to support their claim for reimbursement for the services they received, as urgent care tends to be more costly than a regular doctor's appointment. 

In non-emergency situations, people might go to urgent care if they need a quick doctor's note for an upcoming event and can't get into a regular doctor fast enough. Urgent Care's walk-in availability makes it a practical choice when time is a pressing factor.

How does it work?

A printable urgent care doctor's note template is a pre-formatted document that can quickly and easily document a patient's visit to an urgent care center. When filling out an urgent care doctor's note template, the following steps can be used:

  • Download the printable urgent care doctor's note template in our template gallery.
  • Fill in the patient information, which includes the patient's name, date of birth, contact information, and insurance information if relevant.
  • Record the date on which you examined the patient. This date is usually indicated in the template's opening section.
  • Document the medical diagnosis or condition, and make sure it is clearly stated. This information is crucial for the employer to understand why the employee is absent.
  • Specify the duration of absence, as this information will help the employer plan for the employee's absence and make necessary arrangements.
  • Outline work-related limitations or restrictions. If the employee's medical condition limits their work duties, clearly outline these restrictions. This information will help the employer determine if any accommodations are necessary.
  • Have the physician sign the note and provide their specialty and contact information. This ensures the note's authenticity and allows the employer to verify the physician's credentials.
  • Provide a purpose statement that indicates that the note is to excuse the employee from work due to their medical condition. This statement reinforces the note's purpose and provides context for the employer.

When would you use this template?

An urgent care doctor's note template is valuable for documenting a patient's visit to an urgent care center. This template would be used when the patient has an event or place to be soon in which their injury or illness is prevented, so the form acts as official documentation to excuse them. 

Urgent care doctor's note templates are commonly used to verify employee absences due to medical conditions such as illness or injury, justifying their absence and supporting their request for sick leave or other leave benefits. Additionally, urgent care doctor's notes can support requests for work accommodations by detailing an employee's medical condition and any work-related limitations. 

Urgent care doctor's note templates are also frequently used in educational settings to excuse student absences due to illness or injury. These notes provide official documentation of a student's inability to attend school, supporting their absence and helping to maintain their academic records.

Like the workplace, urgent care doctor's notes can support requests for special educational accommodations in schools. Additionally, urgent care doctor's notes may be required to verify participation or exclusion in school activities, such as extracurricular sports or field trips. 

Urgent care doctor's note templates can also be helpful in various situations beyond the workplace and school. For instance, doctor's notes may be required to support travel insurance claims related to a medical condition that necessitates the cancellation or interruption of a trip.

These notes provide official documentation of the condition and its impact on the traveler’s ability to complete the trip, allowing them to seek reimbursement or compensation from their insurance provider. 

What do the results mean?

The results and impacts of a free urgent care doctor’s note template can be significant across various aspects of an individual’s life. In the workplace, doctor’s notes serve as official documentation of medical conditions, supporting employee requests for sick leave or disability benefits, and facilitating communication between the employee, employer, and healthcare provider. This clear understanding of the employee’s condition promotes informed decision-making regarding accommodations and supports a productive and safe work environment.

In educational settings, doctor’s notes are critical in excusing absences due to illness or injury and justifying individualized support services. These notes help schools maintain attendance policies reasonably, provide personalized attention to students with special needs, and ensure that students are medically able to participate safely in school activities.

Beyond work and school, doctor’s notes support insurance claims, verify medical fitness for travel or activities, and protect individual rights in legal or administrative matters. They provide official documentation of medical conditions, substantiating claims or arguments and ensuring that medical needs are considered in decision-making processes.

They mean that people have reduced stress about illness or injury to the relevant field of commitment, where doctor notes serve as a bridge between the medical world and the individual's personal and professional life, ensuring that medical conditions are recognized, supported, and appropriately managed. 

Research & evidence

The rising demand for emergency services to obtain urgent care doctor notes reflects individuals' challenges in securing timely appointments with regular doctors. This well-documented trend leads to crowded emergency departments, increased costs, heightened pressure on services, and extended waiting times.

Contributing factors include an aging population, a growing number of individuals with multiple chronic conditions, and shifts in behavioral patterns regarding how people access healthcare services. As difficulties persist in obtaining prompt appointments with primary care physicians, more people turn to emergency services as a pragmatic option for getting necessary documentation, highlighting a broader shift in healthcare utilization patterns (Coster et al., 2017).

When looking at doctors' notes to employers and insurers, the research and support for using doctors' notes for work templates is underscored by the critical role these notes play in safeguarding patients' employment and disability benefits.

In assessing job performance and safety, employers rely on accurate documentation from physicians to make informed decisions. The distinction between 'hurt' and 'harm' is crucial, as it determines whether a worker can endure pain and still perform their job or if the job itself exacerbates the patient's condition.

Furthermore, physicians must carefully consider factors such as a definite diagnosis, optimal medical therapy, fundamental limitations, contraindications, and the temporary or permanent nature of the disability when crafting these notes. This research emphasizes the importance of precise and comprehensive doctor's notes to ensure the well-being of patients in both the workplace and the context of disability benefits (Cott & Goldberg, 1985). 


Coster, J. E., Turner, J. K., Bradbury, D., & Cantrell, A. (2017). Why Do People Choose Emergency and Urgent Care Services? A Rapid Review Utilizing a Systematic Literature Search and Narrative Synthesis. Academic Emergency Medicine, 24(9), 1137–1149. https://doi.org/10.1111/acem.13220

Cott, A., & Goldberg, W. M. (1985). Doctors’ Notes to Employers and Insurers. Canadian Family Physician, 31, 1919–1925. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2327870/

How do you create an Urgent Care Doctors Note template?
How do you create an Urgent Care Doctors Note template?

Commonly asked questions

How do you create an Urgent Care Doctors Note template?

Carepatron has a ready-made urgent care doctor’s note template that you can access for free using our platform. 

When are Urgent Care Doctors Note Templates used?

When someone attends an urgent care doctor due to a medical illness or injury and needs to verify employee absences, support requests for accommodations, and support insurance claims.

How are the Urgent Care Doctors Note Templates used?

Urgent care doctor's note templates provide a resource to document employee medical conditions, provide official documentation for absences, and facilitate communication between employers and employees. 

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