Tattoo Pain Chart

Provide patients with a Tattoo Pain Chart to help them make decisions and determine if their post-tattoo pain is due to an adverse reaction.

By Patricia Buenaventura on Jan 16, 2025.


Fact Checked by Gale Alagos.

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What is a Tattoo Pain Chart?

A Tattoo Pain Chart is a diagram from head to toe, colored and labeled according to the pain intensity to expect if one gets a tattoo on a particular body area. Commonly, there are two pain charts, one for a biological woman and another for a biological man, where painful tattoo spots are identified with colors.

Though this chart is commonly used by clients planning to get a tattoo to anticipate the potential pain level of a location, medical professionals can use our take on the Tattoo Pain Chart. Based on their expertise, they will find it helpful when the client asks where to get a tattoo and write notes if their client comes back, post-tattoo appointment, with pain that may indicate an infection.

Without further ado, if you want a copy of our Tattoo Pain Chart (male and female), keep reading for instructions on downloading our template, when to use it, and its benefits.

How to use the Tattoo Pain Chart

You can use our Tattoo Pain Chart as a visual tattoo pain map. However, if you want to make the most of our template, follow these steps.

Step 1: Access and download the template

Access and download a digital and printable copy of the “Tattoo Pain Charts” template by doing either of the following:

  • Clicking the “Use template” and “Download template” button
  • Searching “Tattoo Pain Chart” in Carepatron's template library's search bar on the app or website

Step 2: Talk to or examine the patient

Patients may visit before or after their tattoo appointment with their tattoo artist. If they visit before, it is important to discuss what may increase and affect tattoo pain, like skin damage due to eczema, and how much pain they might expect in different areas of the body during tattooing, even if they are told that they will only experience small, sharp or stinging pain due to the tattoo needle.

In either scenario, you may use the template to advise before they get a tattoo or write down the patient’s symptoms and your observations upon examination in the space provided below.

Step 3: Fill out the template

Make the most out of the template using the space at the bottom.

Your client can write down your tattoo location recommendation below so they don't forget. For example, if they are biologically male and have low pain tolerance, they can expect that their rib cage tattoo pain, stomach tattoo pain, and inner bicep tattoo pain are less than their inner thigh tattoo pain. Therefore, it's recommended that they get their tattoos in the former areas rather than the latter.

Alternatively, you can write down examination results of the patient's skin should they express concerns about a possible infection.

Step 4: Security store the template

Don't forget to securely store the template in a secure location or on Carepatron for access by relevant parties, especially if the notes section has sensitive information on the patient.

Step 5: Proceed with the next steps

Proceeding with the following steps may be wishing your patient well during their tattoo appointment or prescribing a treatment plan if they have an infection.

When would you use this Tattoo Pain Chart?

This template is designed to be used by both the patient and medical professionals who specialize in skin, like a dermatologist. In case you need ideas of the situations or circumstances when to use our template, we've provided a list of samples below:

  • When your patient needs advice on whether or not to get a tattoo and where to place it based on the indicated painful areas on the template and your suggestions.
  • When your patient expresses concerns about prolonged pain post-tattoo appointment due to an MRI burn or infection.

However, note that multiple factors may affect the patient's tattoo experience. So, even if the diagram does state that the patient may experience extreme or little/no pain in a particular area, it still depends on their pain tolerance, experience, sex, tattoo design, etc.

Benefits of using our Tattoo Pain Chart

There are numerous benefits to using our paint chart for tattoos. Here are some of them:

Easy to use and understand

The template only has two sections - the diagram and the notes - and no instructions. This makes it easier to use and understand because it's ultimately up to the client/practitioner how they will make the most out of the template.

Better evaluate your patient

As a practitioner, you are among the best people to determine whether or not a patient must get a tattoo based on their pain tolerance, medical history, etc. You can use the template as a visual aid when explaining and showing where the least painful places to get a tattoo due to fewer nerve endings, thicker skin, and more muscle mass or most painful places to get a tattoo are due to the area having more nerve endings thin skin or closer proximity to bones.


Because of its simplicity, the template can be used by the client and referring physician in multiple ways. It's truly up to the user's creativity to utilize the template.

Easily accessible

Our free Tattoo Pain Chart is portable and easily accessible on a PDF editor on any gadget you have on hand. So, wherever you are, you can refer to the diagram or notes and create your notes.

Who typically uses Tattoo Pain Charts?
Who typically uses Tattoo Pain Charts?

Commonly asked questions

Who typically uses Tattoo Pain Charts?

Patients planning to get a tattoo and medical practitioners specializing in caring for their skin, such as dermatologists, can use our Tattoo Pain Chart.

When are Tattoo Pain Charts used?

The Tattoo Pain Chart can be used when deciding where to place the tattoo or after the dermatologist’s examination.

How can the Tattoo Pain Chart help a person?

It can help a person determine where they can most likely ask for their tattoo to be placed based on their pain tolerance. It can also be used to determine if the patient's pain is natural or if there are signs of an infection or MRI burn.

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