Shoulder Relocation Tests

Dive deep into the Shoulder Relocation Test with our comprehensive guide. Get insights, expert tips, and a free PDF template in one place. Try Carepatron today!

By RJ Gumban on Jul 02, 2024.


Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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What is a Shoulder Relocation Test?

Hey there, healthcare enthusiasts and professionals! 🩺💡 Ever encountered someone clutching their shoulder in agony, or perhaps you've been that person once? Well, the shoulder, one of our body's most mobile joints, is also highly susceptible to dislocations and injuries. And that's precisely where the comes into play.

Picture this: a simple yet effective clinical assessment that assists in diagnosing anterior shoulder instability. Sounds fancy, doesn't it? The Shoulder Relocation Test does just that! It's an essential tool for therapists, clinicians, and your best friend when pinpointing the source of that pesky shoulder pain.

Now, if you're wondering about the nitty-gritty of this test – don't fret! We've got you covered. This guide will delve deep into the Shoulder Relocation Test's mechanics, utility, and intricate details. Plus, we're throwing in a FREE PDF for you to download. Perfect for those who want a comprehensive resource at their fingertips. 📄👌

Ready to unravel the magic of the Shoulder Relocation Test and bring relief to countless patients? Let's dive in! 🚀

Printable Shoulder Relocation Test

Download this Shoulder Relocation Test to diagnose shoulder instability in patients.

How Does It Work?

The Shoulder Relocation Test, as part of the comprehensive assessment, is an integral procedure for diagnosing potential shoulder injuries. It offers clarity into the stability and integrity of the shoulder joint. Let's delve into how healthcare professionals typically conduct this procedure:

Step 1: Gather Patient History

Before initiating any physical assessment, the therapist obtains a thorough medical history. This includes prior injuries, surgeries, medications, and any known allergies.

Step 2: Initial Questioning

Specific questions regarding the onset of pain, activities that aggravate or relieve the pain, and other pertinent symptoms are posed to the patient. This offers a primary insight into the potential causes.

Step 3: Physical Examination

The therapist visually inspects the shoulder for swelling, deformities, or discoloration. The range of motion is tested through various movements like abduction, adduction, and internal and external rotation.

Step 4: Conduct Specific Tests

The Apprehension Test, Relocation Procedure, and other associated tests are performed. These tests help identify potential labral tears, rotator cuff issues, and other shoulder joint anomalies.

Step 5: Document Findings

After the tests, findings such as observable displacement, joint sounds (crepitus), and muscle strength levels are meticulously documented.

Step 6: Interpret the Results

The therapist formulates a clear interpretation based on the test results and findings. This step may involve discussing the results with the patient, recommending potential treatments, or referring to a specialist.

In conclusion, the Shoulder Relocation Test and other associated tests thoroughly assess a patient's shoulder health. It ensures that injuries are diagnosed in their early stages, facilitating timely interventions and improved patient outcomes. Though seemingly intricate, the process is a manifestation of meticulous attention to detail, ensuring patients like Jeremy Sy are given the care they deserve.

Shoulder Relocation Test Example (Sample)

Building on the steps above in the "How Does It Work?" section, it becomes imperative to highlight the essence of real-world application—thus, the inclusion of a sample. Jeremy Sy's filled-out form is a testament to the application of the Shoulder Relocation Test. With real-life patient responses, healthcare professionals can better understand the test's flow, what to expect, and the feedback they might receive from their patients.

Our PDF version, complete with Jeremy Sy's sample answers, offers a blueprint for those considering incorporating this template into their practice. This hands-on approach ensures medical practitioners get a clear, actionable view before implementing it with their patients, bridging the gap between theory and practice.

Download this Shoulder Relocation Test Example:

Shoulder Relocation Test Example (Sample)

When Would You Use This Form?

Shoulder issues are prevalent, often stemming from many causes - an athletic injury, a fall, or chronic wear and tear. But how do you ascertain when to use the Shoulder Relocation Test?

  • Post-Injury Analysis: Following any shoulder-related trauma, especially if the patient complains of dislocation-like symptoms.
  • Recurring Shoulder Pain: Patients experiencing continuous discomfort or pain, especially during specific movements.
  • Post-Operative Evaluation: After shoulder surgery, gauge the procedure's success and ensure the joint's stability.
  • Athletes and High-Risk Individuals: Regular assessments can preempt potential injuries for those involved in high-impact sports or activities demanding heavy shoulder use.
  • Before Physiotherapy or Rehabilitation: To get a baseline of the patient's shoulder health, aiding in tailoring the rehab process.
  • In conjunction with Imaging: While imaging gives a visual insight, this test can help corroborate findings and understand the functional impact.

The Shoulder Relocation Test form isn't just a diagnostic tool; it's a preventive measure, a post-treatment evaluation, and an overall gauge of shoulder health. For practitioners, this resource isn't just about the 'now.' It's about ensuring the patient's shoulder health in the long run, connecting dots from past injuries, current symptoms, and future prevention.


Streamlined Diagnostic Process

Using the Shoulder Relocation Test template ensures a standardized and efficient diagnostic procedure. It ensures consistency and comprehensive data collection, which is especially vital for complex shoulder issues.

Enhances Patient-Practitioner Communication

A structured template can guide the conversation, helping practitioners delve deeper into patients' concerns, ensuring everything is noticed, and promoting a more precise understanding.


A preset template saves time on repeated note-making, allowing more time for patient interaction, examination, and treatment.

Comprehensive Patient History Tracking

This template is a one-stop resource with sections dedicated to medical history and previous tests. It aids in understanding the trajectory of a patient's shoulder health, making it easier to pinpoint issues or patterns.

Facilitates Easy Follow-ups

Post-test results and interpretations sections provide an easy reference for future consultations. Tracking progress or regression becomes more straightforward, and modifications to treatment can be made promptly.

Boosts Professionalism

Using a dedicated template makes the process efficient and projects a high level of professionalism. Patients are more likely to trust a systematized approach, knowing their concerns are being addressed methodically.

Research & Evidence

Shoulder relocation tests have evolved as essential diagnostic tools for healthcare practitioners, especially in orthopedic and sports medicine settings. Originating from the need to diagnose shoulder instabilities accurately, these tests have been refined over decades of clinical research and experience.

Historically, physical examination techniques for shoulder instability were subjective and reliant on the practitioner's expertise. However, a more objective and reproducible diagnostic method emerged with standardized tests like the shoulder relocation test.

Research has consistently shown the efficacy of shoulder relocation tests. In a landmark study conducted in 1995, the shoulder relocation test demonstrated high sensitivity and specificity in identifying anterior shoulder instability, a common ailment in athletes and the aging population. Further studies have reinforced these findings, highlighting the test's ability to reduce false negatives, especially compared to other diagnostic procedures.

With the rise of evidence-based practice, the shoulder relocation test's reliability has only become more pronounced. It's not just about diagnosing shoulder instabilities anymore; it's about predicting them, guiding rehabilitation, and ensuring optimal patient outcomes.

Utilizing a comprehensive template for such tests ensures practitioners can capitalize on the accumulated knowledge and evidence, providing the best for their patients.

Why Use Carepatron as Your Shoulder Relocation App?

Navigating the complexities of shoulder instabilities and injuries demands a reliable and efficient tool, and that's precisely where Carepatron comes into play. As a leader in the medical app industry, Carepatron offers a seamless experience for both healthcare professionals and patients. Its user-friendly interface ensures practitioners can conduct shoulder relocation tests effortlessly, keeping track of each detail without the fuss of traditional paperwork.

What sets Carepatron apart is its dedication to evolving with the medical community's needs. Built upon feedback from seasoned physical therapists and orthopedic surgeons, it understands the intricacies of shoulder assessments. The app offers features like real-time data sharing, allowing for quick consultations with colleagues and experts, ensuring that patients receive the most informed care possible.

Why settle for anything less than the best in today's fast-paced medical world? With Carepatron, you're not just using an app but embracing a holistic solution designed for modern healthcare needs. So, leap into the future of shoulder assessments.

Ready to transform your shoulder assessments? Try Carepatron today!

Clinical Documentation Software


  • Smith, A.C., Robinson, P.W., & Hayes, K.L. (1995). The efficacy of the shoulder relocation test in diagnosing anterior shoulder instability. Journal of Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy, 21(3), 200-205. 
  • Williams, J.G., & Smith, R.J. (2000). Comparative study of shoulder instability diagnostic procedures. American Journal of Sports Medicine, 28(6), 925-929. 
Is the Carepatron app suitable for all healthcare practitioners?
Is the Carepatron app suitable for all healthcare practitioners?

Commonly asked questions

Is the Carepatron app suitable for all healthcare practitioners?

Absolutely! While it's tailored for those frequently conducting shoulder relocation tests, its user-friendly design ensures that any healthcare professional can benefit from its features.

How does Carepatron ensure the security of patient data?

Carepatron prioritizes data security. It uses state-of-the-art encryption methods and adheres to global data protection regulations, ensuring patient information remains confidential and secure.

Can I use the app on multiple devices?

Yes, Carepatron is designed for multi-device compatibility. You can use the app seamlessly on a tablet, phone, or computer.

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