Human Design Chart Template

Explore our high-quality human design chart template for an in-depth, introspective look at your client’s well-being. Elevate health outcomes and strengthen the level of care in your practice.

By Patricia Buenaventura on Jul 02, 2024.


Fact Checked by RJ Gumban.

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Human Design Chart Template PDF Example
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What is a Human Design Chart Template?

As part of non-traditional healthcare and alternative well-being, a human design chart works to understand clients’ genetic designs. Sometimes referred to as the new astrology, the science of the aura, and the science of differentiation, combine teachings from western astrology, Kabbalah, I-Ching, and the Chakras. Human design charts can be used to increase decision-making skills by providing a greater understanding of one’s self and can reveal unique insights. While human design charts are not commonly accepted in science or in traditional medicine, many alternative medicine and wellbeing specialists benefit from the results they provide, and use the system and teachings to boost self-exploration. It can outline information pertaining to the client's personality, energies, and tendencies, which has enhanced the quality of life for many individuals. Implementing this template can work towards developing a greater sense of self and increased well-being in clients who are interested in non-conventional mental health and medicine routes.

Printable Human Design Chart Template

Check out these templates for human design charts to improve your documentation, workflow, and health outcomes.

How to Use this Free Human Design Chart Template

To ensure that you’re using human design chart examples correctly, we’ve created an easy step-by-step guide for you to follow. You can make the most of the template, without cutting corners or making compromises.

Step One: Download the PDF resource

The first step is to obtain and download the PDF template. On this page, we've included a link to the document, so all you have to do is click on this, and the PDF will open within your designated reader software. You can then save the document directly on your computer, where it will always be accessible and ready to edit at any time.

Step Two: Complete all sections

After the session with your client, you can then fill out your human design chart in complete detail. Some clinicians prefer to do this during the appointment which is totally okay, so long as you don’t detract from the client’s experience! You can complete the document within the online software on your preferred device, or you can print it out and complete a physical copy. This is perfectly fine, so long as you remember to scan the document back onto a secure platform once finished.

Step Three: Save the note securely

More on this note, you will also need to save the note within a HIPAA-compliant platform to ensure that it is not at risk of being released without authorization. While human design charts don’t contain traditional medical information like other documents, they still encompass private personal information that should be kept confidential. There are many practice management software options out there that can help you with this process!

Human Design Chart Example (Sample)

We’ve created a high-quality human design chart template for you to integrate into your practice, and amend to suit your needs. It provides the essential backbone to your human design charting notes, with plenty of space for you to provide valuable commentary if needed. Sometimes it also helps to see an example of what a completed human design chart looks like - and we’ve also got you covered here! Simply click on the link to download the PDF template and/or the completed sample.

Download this Human Design Chart Example here: 

Human Design Chart Example

Who Can Use this Human Design Chart Template?

Because human design charts encompass a variety of well-being factors, they can be used by many different healthcare professionals and specialists who aim to improve the quality of life of their patients. Anyone who desires to understand patients’ character through a non-traditional format can benefit from human design charts, which typically involves mental health and life coaches, and clinicians. Various types of individuals who can use human design chart templates include the following:

  • Mental health professionals
  • Psychologists
  • Life coaches
  • Spiritual coaches
  • Astrologists
  • Alternative medicine specialists

Each type of professional will approach human design charts differently, and that’s okay! So long as you complete all the sections, and benefit from this type of client assessment, then you are more than welcome to reap the range of benefits and uses that human design charts provide.

Why is this Human Design Template Useful?

This template has multiple uses for professionals who implement it within the services and practice, including:

  • Simplified workflow - Using a human design chart is a great way to simplify your workload and clinical processes. You don’t have to worry about crafting the document’s structure every time you meet with a client, and you can get down to business in no time. 
  • Higher organization - With ready-made human design charts, you can approach each client with the same level of care. Provide high-quality well-being evaluations to all your clients, and ensure consistency across your notes. You can access all information in one place without perusing through multiple files, and implement smoother health processes. Staying on top of your client details can work towards more concentrated treatments and plans, as well as more efficacy within your assessments.

Benefits Of Using The Human Design Chart

Beyond its practical uses, there are also many benefits to working with human design charts.  

Save time

Perhaps one of the most obvious benefits is that human design charts work to save time when it comes to your practice. You don’t have to spend time planning what goes into the template, and when you meet with clients, you can cut straight to the point and capture rich insights without compromising on quality. Take more time doing what you do best; seeing and assessing patients. 

Greater client satisfaction

Having a higher focus on the patient at hand means you can provide your complete undivided attention. Communication and attentiveness go a long way when it comes to supporting clients and improving their session quality, and will only work towards boosting client satisfaction. You can strengthen relationships and increase the number of clients that walk through your doors.  

Comprehensive evaluation

Human design charts evaluate a number of factors that contribute to a client’s well-being, which means you can assess the holistic nature of an individual as opposed to their surface-level traits. You can work towards looking into a number of different well-being factors, which can elevate the quality and depth of your treatment. 

Higher well-being

Utilizing human design templates can elevate the quality of a patient’s day-to-day life, with a greater understanding in regard to their personality, decisions, and personal tendencies. Many clients benefit from human design charts and can improve their mental health and relations with others, which is always a plus. As the name implies, human design charts focus on human elements that can enrich client lifestyles and alleviate stress. 

Developed professional relationships

Implementing human design charts allows you to connect with patients on a professional level, and help them achieve health goals. You can foster strengthened relationships, and increase positive experiences with clients.

Why Use Carepatron for Human Design Chart Note?

Carepatron is one of healthcare's leading practice management software that enables you to elevate the quality and standard of your care while prioritizing your patient needs. You can design and create human design charts with ease, and without having to spend time planning what goes into the templates. You can evaluate the quality of life of your clients, as well as their personality and internal desires, through a nontraditional medicine route without compromise. Using Carepatron, you can produce high-quality documents within the platform, and store them using HIPAA compliance standards. With 24/7 support and encryption safeguards in place, you can ensure that patient's needs are always first. Minimize security risks and protect all your patient information without concern.

You can also benefit from many other features, including appointment booking and scheduling, medical billing and coding, video consultations and messaging, patient portals, online payments, and many more. You can reap the benefits along with 10,000+ other healthcare practitioners, and work to streamline your operations to stay organized. Flourish within the mental health and well-being space with Carepatron’s many sophisticated features.

Human Design Chart Note Software
Can my client view the human design chart?
Can my client view the human design chart?

Commonly asked questions

Can my client view the human design chart?

While it’s not required, it’s highly recommended that your client views your human design chart.  Not only can you showcase your authority and expertise, but your client can also benefit from the insights you produce. The client can better understand their personality and can use the results to implement within their own lives in their own unique way, beyond the advice you provide. Human design charts are designed so clients can keep and review them when needed and know where to make improvements in their own day-to-day.

Is there a specific way to notate the chart?

While it is recommended that you fill out the human design chart according to standardized formatting, which we’re sure you’re aware of, every clinician will approach this differently. There is no black-and-white or right-and-wrong approach when it comes to notating human design charts, so long as you follow the practice that you know and that your client is able to understand the note. You may benefit from including a key, where you can note out what certain colors and shapes represent for clarification.

Can I attach other images?

If there is supporting evidence that you believe to be useful to the client's case, then feel free to attach this either in the document or on the pages following. Sometimes additional imagery or testing can enhance the insights you create, and it is completely fine to alter the human design chart to accommodate these needs.

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