Nursing Home Admission Checklist

Learn the ins and outs of this comprehensive tool and guide for effective and well-informed transitioning into a nursing home setting.

By Harriet Murray on Jul 02, 2024.


Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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What is a Nursing Home Admission Checklist?

A Nursing Home Admissions Checklist is a comprehensive tool used by individuals, families, and healthcare professionals to ensure a smooth and well-informed transition when admitting a loved one or a patient to a nursing home facility. This checklist serves as a guide, detailing essential factors and considerations that need attention before, during, and after admission. 

Nursing home admission checklists typically cover a wide range of crucial aspects, including medical, social, financial, and emotional considerations. For instance, it may include items such as medical history documentation, medication management, personal care needs assessment, insurance coverage verification, legal paperwork review, and discussions about the resident's preferences and expectations.

The checklist offers several valuable benefits in the nursing home admission process. Firstly, it is a comprehensive framework that helps individuals and families organize and gather necessary documents and information. It ensures xdno critical details are overlooked, facilitating a smoother and more efficient admission process. Instigating the use of this checklist promotes informed decision-making. 

By outlining various aspects to consider, such as medical needs, facility amenities, staff-to-resident ratios, and available services. The checklist assists in evaluating different nursing home options, which in turn aids families and caregivers in choosing a facility that best aligns with the resident's needs and preferences.

The checklist fosters communication and collaboration among healthcare professionals, families, and the nursing home staff. It encourages discussions about the resident's care plan, expectations, and any specific requirements, ensuring that everyone involved is on the same page regarding the resident's care and well-being. 

This checklist also serves as a reference tool beyond the admission phase. It remains a valuable resource for ongoing care planning, helping families and staff stay organized and attentive to the resident's evolving needs throughout their stay in the nursing home.

Printable Nursing Home Admission Checklist

Download this Nursing Home Admission Checklist to ensure a smooth and well-informed transition when admitting a patient to a nursing home facility.

How does it work?

The admissions process for a nursing home can be lengthy and requires thorough detail to ensure all aspects of care are discussed and can be met by both the facility and the individual. Below are the steps involved to create a viable Nursing Home Admissions Checklist:

Step one: Gather your resources

Admissions checklists for nursing homes are a valuable resource and essential to keep on hand. Make sure that you have a copy of the free printable PDF when the need arises by either clicking the “Download Template” or “Use Template” button or by searching “Nursing home Admissions Checklist” on Carepatron’s template library’s search bar on the website or app.

Step two: Gather information

Begin by collecting information about the resident/patient. This includes their medical history, current medications, care needs, preferences, and any legal or financial documents relevant to their care.

Step three: Identify key categories

Outline the different categories or sections that need consideration in the checklist. This often includes medical information, personal care needs, legal and financial aspects, facility amenities, and resident preferences.

Step four: Consult resources

Utilize resources such as nursing home admission guidelines, healthcare facility checklists, and regulatory requirements to ensure the checklist encompasses all essential areas.

Step five: Medical assessment

Include items related to the resident's medical needs. This involves details about medical conditions, allergies, required medications, and any treatments or therapies the resident requires.

Step six: Personal care needs

Document the resident's daily living requirements, such as bathing, dressing, mobility assistance, dietary needs, and any specific care instructions.

Step seven: Legal and financial documentation

Include a section for legal paperwork, insurance coverage verification, financial considerations, and advance directives, ensuring all necessary legal documents are in place.

Step eight: Facility assessment

Evaluate the nursing home facility against specific criteria. Consider factors like staff-to-resident ratio, available services (rehabilitation, social activities), safety measures, cleanliness, and overall quality of care

Step nine: Resident preferences

Incorporate questions or items that inquire about the resident's preferences regarding activities, meal choices, social interactions, religious considerations, and any specific requests they might have.

Step ten: Review and revision

After creating a draft, review the checklist to ensure it covers all necessary aspects. Seek input from healthcare professionals, family members, and the nursing home staff to refine and enhance the checklist.

Step eleven: Finalize and distribute

Once the checklist is comprehensive and inclusive, finalize the document. Share copies with involved parties, including family members, healthcare providers, and the nursing home staff, to ensure everyone is informed and prepared.

Nursing Home Admission Checklist example (sample)

Discover our Nursing Home Admission Checklist PDF for a comprehensive guide to assessing and enhancing senior living spaces and the care provided. This downloadable example covers care requirements, personal preferences, and assurance factors for maintaining quality of life. 

Utilize this checklist to help with the admissions process or to begin conversations around wants and needs within the nursing home setting. Access a pre-filled PDF example below for future confident use of the resource. 

Download this Nursing Home Admission Checklist example: 

Nursing Home Admission Checklist example (sample)

When would you use this template?

Nursing home admission checklists are used at various stages of the admissions process:

Pre-admission planning

Families and healthcare professionals use these checklists when considering different nursing home options during the initial planning phase. They help evaluate facilities, assess their services, and compare them based on the resident's specific needs.

Admission procedures

When the decision is made to admit a loved one or patient to a nursing home, the checklist guides the gathering of essential documents, medical information, legal paperwork, and personal preferences needed for admission.

Facility tours and evaluations

During visits to potential nursing homes, the checklist is a reference tool to assess the facility's amenities, staff-to-resident ratio, safety measures, and overall suitability for the resident's needs.

Communication and coordination

Healthcare professionals, families, and nursing home staff use the checklist to communicate effectively. It ensures that everyone involved is aware of the resident's medical history, care needs, preferences, and any specific requirements.

Ongoing care pllanning

Even after admission, the checklist remains valuable for ongoing care planning. It serves as a reference to ensure the resident's evolving needs, preferences, and care plans are continuously reviewed and updated.

Regulatory compliance

Nursing homes may use standardized admission checklists to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and to maintain documentation of the admission process for legal and regulatory purposes.

What do the results mean?

The results of a nursing home admissions checklist offer a comprehensive overview and assessment of various critical factors related to the admission process. They represent a thorough evaluation of the nursing home facility, the resident's needs, and the alignment between the two. These results hold significant implications for the well-being and quality of care provided to the residents entering the facility.

The checklist results signify the suitability of the nursing home facility for accommodating the resident's specific needs. They encompass an evaluation of the facility's amenities, staff capabilities, safety measures, available services, and overall environment. 

Positive results indicate that the facility meets or exceeds the necessary standards to provide adequate care and support tailored to the resident's requirements. These results also serve as a snapshot of the facility's adherence to regulatory and quality standards. 

A thorough checklist assessment ensures that the facility complies with legal and regulatory requirements, ensuring that the resident's rights are protected and that the facility operates within established safety, care, and services guidelines.

Additionally, the results of the checklist provide insights into the resident's individual needs and preferences. They document specific care requirements, medical history, dietary needs, mobility assistance, personal care preferences, and other crucial aspects. This information is vital for the nursing home staff to create a personalized care plan that addresses the resident's unique needs, ensuring a comfortable and supportive environment.

The results of this particular checklist facilitate informed decision-making for families and healthcare professionals. They help in choosing the most suitable nursing home that aligns with the resident's needs, preferences, and overall well-being. Positive checklist results can reassure families, indicating that the chosen facility can provide the necessary level of care and support.

These results serve as a starting point for ongoing care planning within the facility. They form the basis for developing a comprehensive care plan that adapts to the resident's evolving needs, ensuring that the care provided remains tailored and effective throughout their stay.

Research & evidence

In recent times, as global life expectancy continues to rise, the proportion of elderly individuals is rapidly increasing (World Health Organization, 2022). Typically, when seniors face health conditions that limit their daily activities, they initially receive care at home. However, when these limitations significantly disrupt their caregivers’ lives, many elderly individuals are often relocated to nursing homes (Butcher et al., 2001). 

While some may prefer spending their final days in their familiar home environments, placing loved ones in nursing homes can alleviate the burden on family caregivers, although it often comes with feelings of guilt (Ryan & Scullion, 2000). An admissions checklist can help alleviate this guilt by ensuring needs can be met by a facility and also assist in helping a caregiver who may be apprehensive about looking into institutional care to see that the loved ones' issues can be managed more confidently out of the home, for example, daily cares with a hoist and larger staff ratios may increase the quality of life. 

Despite not being inherently negative, geriatric researchers and caregivers are extensively studying factors associated with nursing home admissions. Studies are exploring the risks related to various aspects, such as gender, whereby women are more inclined to enter nursing homes (Gaugler et al., 2005), and higher caregiver workload often leads to care recipients being admitted (Chenier, 1997). 

In terms of financial status, lower caregiver incomes correlate with higher admission rates (Yaffe, 2002). The likelihood of admission for patients with cognitive decline increases as ability decreases, and distressing side effects such as weight loss can also trigger the need for admission (Harboun et al., 2008). By utilizing a Nursing Home Admissions Checklist, personal preference and assurance around care delivery can be gained, and empowerment can be placed within the family and patients' hands. 

Why use Carepatron as your  Nursing Home Admission Checklist app?

Carepatron stands out as a comprehensive Nursing Home Admission Checklist app due to its user-friendly interface and multifaceted functionalities. Its intuitive design simplifies the admission process by providing a structured framework to gather and organize essential information seamlessly. The app's versatility accommodates various aspects of nursing home admission, including clinical documentation, personal care needs assessment, legal paperwork review, and facility evaluation.

One of its significant advantages lies in its adaptability to individual needs. Carepatron allows customization to tailor the checklist according to specific requirements, ensuring that every aspect relevant to the resident's admission is covered. This flexibility ensures a personalized checklist that aligns precisely with the resident's unique needs and preferences.

Carepatron is a centralized platform for collaboration and communication among family members, healthcare professionals, and nursing home staff. It facilitates streamlined communication by allowing multiple stakeholders to access and update the checklist in real time through patient portal software. This fosters transparency and ensures that everyone involved is well-informed and on the same page regarding the resident's care needs and preferences.

Carepatron's adherence to security and privacy standards ensures the confidentiality of sensitive information. The app's robust security measures comply with global security requirements, including HIPAA, GDPR, and HITRUST. Safeguarding personal and medical data is paramount to Carepatron and helps instill trust and confidence in users regarding protecting their information.

Clinical Documentation Software


Butcher, H. K., Holkup, P. A., Park, M., & Maas, M. (2001). Thematic analysis of the experience of making a decision to place a family member with Alzheimer’s disease in a special care unit. Research in Nursing & Health, 24(6), 470–480. 

Chenier, M. C. (1997). Review and analysis of caregiver burden and nursing home placement. Geriatric Nursing, 18(3), 121–126. 

Gaugler, J. E., Kane, R. L., Kane, R. A., & Newcomer, R. (2005). Early Community-Based Service Utilization and Its Effects on Institutionalization in Dementia Caregiving. The Gerontologist, 45(2), 177–185. 

Harboun, M., Dorenlot, P., Cohen, N., Steinhagen-Thiessen, E., & Ankri, J. (2008). Impact of hip fracture, heart failure and weight loss on the risk of institutionalization of community-dwelling patients with dementia. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 23(12), 1245–1252.

Ryan, A. A., & Scullion, H. F. (2000). Nursing home placement: an exploration of the experiences of family carers. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 32(5), 1187–1195. 

World Health Organization. (2022, October 1). Ageing and Health. World Health Organization. 

Yaffe, K. (2002). Patient and Caregiver Characteristics and Nursing Home Placement in Patients With Dementia. JAMA, 287(16), 2090.

How do you create a Nursing Home Admission Checklist?
How do you create a Nursing Home Admission Checklist?

Commonly asked questions

How do you create a Nursing Home Admission Checklist?

To create a comprehensive Nursing Home Admission Checklist, simply utilize the checklist provided by Crepatron and identify priorities for you and your loved ones from the list that resonate with the kind of care you are seeking. 

When are Nursing Home Admission Checklists used?

This multi-use tool may come in handy while looking for a nursing home or deciding whether a patient needs to seek nursing home-level care. 

How are the Nursing Home Admission Checklists used?

These checklists are used in many ways, whether for nursing home hunting, assessment of care needs, or to act as a discussion point of care priorities between loved ones and the patient. 

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