IgE Levels Chart

IgE Levels Chart: Comprehensive visual guide detailing normal and allergen-specific IgE levels by age, from newborns to adults, including RAST ratings.

By Emma Hainsworth on Jul 02, 2024.


Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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The IgE antibody

The IgE antibody, or Immunoglobulin E, is a class of antibodies primarily associated with allergic reactions and asthma. It plays a crucial role in the body's immune response to allergens. When an allergen enters the body, it triggers the production of specific IgE antibodies. These antibodies bind to immune cells like mast cells and basophils, releasing inflammatory substances like histamine, which cause the symptoms of an allergic reaction.

IgE is also involved in immunity against parasites. However, in developing countries with less common parasitic infections, IgE is more associated with allergies and allergic diseases such as hay fever, food allergies, and atopic dermatitis.

Understanding IgE levels can be important for diagnosing and managing allergic diseases. Elevated IgE levels can indicate allergic sensitivity, but they need to be interpreted in the context of clinical history and specific allergen testing. The Radioallergosorbent Test (RAST) is one method used to measure specific IgE antibodies to particular allergens, helping to pinpoint specific allergic triggers.

Printable IgE Levels Chart

Download this IgE Levels Chart that typically categorizes the results into different ranges, indicating the amount of IgE present in the blood.

IgG vs. IgE

Comparing IgG and IgE antibodies is essential for understanding different aspects of the immune system and its response to various challenges, such as infections, allergic reactions, and autoimmune conditions.

IgG (Immunoglobulin G)

  • Role in immunity: IgG antibodies are critical for long-term defense against infections. They're the most abundant immunoglobulin in serum and play a key role in the immune system's response to bacterial and viral infections.
  • Structure and function: IgG molecules are Y-shaped and help in opsonization, neutralizing pathogens, and activating complement systems.
  • Persistence: IgG antibodies are produced later in an immune response but provide long-term immunity. They're crucial in the effectiveness of vaccines.
  • Blood test and serum levels: Serum IgG levels are often part of a blood test to assess immune function, especially in infectious diseases and immunodeficiencies.
  • Reference range and clinical significance: The reference range for IgG levels varies with age. Significant differences in IgG levels can indicate various conditions, including immune dysregulation and autoimmune disorders.

IgE (Immunoglobulin E)

  • Role in allergic diseases: IgE is essential in allergic reactions and protects against parasitic infections. High IgE levels are often associated with allergic rhinitis, asthma, and atopic dermatitis.
  • Allergic reaction mechanism: IgE antibodies bind to allergens and trigger mast cells to release histamines, leading to symptoms of an allergic reaction. Serum IgE levels are crucial in diagnosing allergies.
  • IgE Test: An IgE test measuring total IgE or specific allergen-related IgE is commonly used in allergy testing. It helps in the clinical diagnosis of allergic conditions and can indicate the presence of an allergic disease.
  • Hypersensitivity reactions: IgE is involved in immediate hypersensitivity reactions, and elevated serum IgE levels are a hallmark of allergic disorders.

Key differences

  • Abundance: IgG is more abundant in the serum than IgE.
  • Primary function: IgG primarily protects against infections, while IgE is crucial for immediate allergic responses and defense against parasites.
  • Disease association: Elevated IgG levels are often associated with infections and autoimmune conditions, whereas high IgE levels indicate allergic diseases and certain parasitic infections.
  • Immune response: IgG antibodies are essential for long-term immunity and memory, while IgE antibodies are involved in immediate hypersensitivity reactions typical of allergic responses.

Understanding the differences between IgG and IgE is crucial for accurately diagnosing and managing various immune-related conditions, from infectious diseases to allergic reactions and autoimmune disorders.

Test types

When discussing various test types in the context of immunology and allergy diagnostics, integrating key terms such as IgE levels, allergic diseases, serum IgE levels, and others is crucial. Here are some of the primary test types with an emphasis on these keywords:

Serum IgE test

  • Purpose: Measures total IgE and specific IgE antibodies in the blood.
  • Relevance: Essential for diagnosing allergic diseases like allergic rhinitis, atopic dermatitis, and asthma.
  • Procedure: A blood sample is analyzed to determine the level of IgE antibodies, providing insight into the patient's allergic status and immune system function.
  • Interpretation: High serum IgE levels are indicative of allergic conditions. The normal range of IgE levels varies with age (IU/ml), and understanding these levels is crucial in clinical diagnosis.

Skin prick test (SPT)

  • Purpose: Identifies immediate allergic reactions to specific allergens.
  • Process: Small amounts of suspected allergens are introduced into the skin, observing for a reaction.
  • Connection to IgE: A positive reaction indicates IgE-mediated hypersensitivity to the allergen tested.

Radioallergosorbent test (RAST)

  • Purpose: Measures specific IgE antibodies to particular allergens.
  • Use in allergy blood testing: Helpful in situations where skin tests can't be performed, such as with severe skin conditions or when patients take medications that interfere with skin testing.
  • Allergic disease diagnosis: Useful in diagnosing specific allergic triggers in allergic rhinitis, food allergies, and other allergic conditions.

Complete blood count (CBC)

  • Purpose: Provides a broad overview of immune system health.
  • Relevance: Elevated eosinophil count, a part of the CBC, can be associated with allergic diseases and parasitic infections.
  • Serum immunoglobulin assessment: CBC may be accompanied by serum immunoglobulin tests to evaluate IgE and other immunoglobulins.

Patch Test

  • Purpose: Identifies delayed hypersensitivity reactions, often used for contact dermatitis.
  • Process: Allergens are applied to patches on the skin and monitored for a reaction over a few days.
  • IgE involvement: Unlike SPT and RAST, patch tests are not typically associated with IgE-mediated reactions but are important in the broader context of allergic diseases.

Basophil activation test (BAT)

  • Purpose: Assesses the activation of basophils in response to allergens.
  • Significance in allergic reactions: Basophils, like mast cells, play a role in IgE-mediated allergic responses.
  • Application: Used in research and specialized clinical settings to study allergic reactions and hypersensitivity.

Notes on IgE and allergic diseases

  • Normal IgE levels: Understanding the normal range of IgE levels is essential for interpreting these tests.
  • Allergic rhinitis and asthma: Specific tests like serum IgE and RAST are critical for diagnosing these conditions.
  • High IgE levels: Consistently high IgE levels might indicate allergic diseases or immune dysregulation.

In conclusion, these test types, each with its unique approach, are integral to diagnosing and managing allergic diseases, assessing serum IgE levels, and understanding the immune system's response to various allergens and infectious agents.

What Do High IgE Levels Cause or Indicate?

High IgE levels in the blood can indicate or be associated with several conditions, primarily related to allergic diseases and immune system responses. Here's an overview integrating the relevant keywords:

  • Allergic diseases: Elevated serum IgE levels are commonly associated with allergic conditions. These include:
  • Allergic rhinitis: High IgE levels can indicate sensitivity to inhaled allergens such as pollen, dust mites, or pet dander.
  • Atopic dermatitis (eczema): This skin condition is often linked with increased IgE levels.
  • Asthma: Asthma, particularly allergic asthma, can be associated with higher IgE levels.
  • Food allergies: High serum IgE levels may indicate an allergic response to specific food allergens.
  • Parasitic infections: Elevated IgE levels can also be a response to parasitic infections. The immune system produces increased levels of IgE as a defense mechanism against parasites.
  • IgE myeloma: Although rare, IgE myeloma is a type of cancer that affects plasma cells, leading to elevated IgE levels.
  • Immune dysregulation: High IgE levels sometimes indicate an underlying issue with immune regulation, not necessarily linked to an allergic condition.

Testing and diagnosis

  • IgE test: A blood test measuring total IgE and specific IgE is used to assess IgE levels. These tests are part of allergy blood testing protocols.
  • Normal IgE levels: It's essential to compare the test results with normal IgE levels (often expressed in IU/mL) to determine if they are unusually high.
  • Clinical diagnosis: Elevated IgE should be interpreted in the context of clinical symptoms and history to arrive at a diagnosis. For instance, high IgE levels and relevant symptoms point towards an allergic etiology in allergic rhinitis or asthma.

Management and treatment

  • For allergic diseases, management may involve avoiding known allergens, medication to control symptoms, and, in some cases, immunotherapy.
  • Parasitic infections are treated with specific antiparasitic medications.
  • In the case of IgE myeloma, treatment involves addressing the cancer with chemotherapy, immunotherapy, or other modalities.

High IgE levels are a significant marker in diagnosing allergic diseases, assessing immune response to parasitic infections, and identifying rare conditions like IgE myeloma. Understanding the context and associated symptoms is crucial in interpreting these elevated levels and determining the appropriate action.

What are normal IgE levels in adults?

Normal IgE levels in adults can vary widely depending on individual factors and the specific reference ranges used by different laboratories. However, as a general guideline:

  • The typical range for normal IgE levels in adults is 3 to 423 International Units per Milliliter (IU/mL).
  • The median level, representing the middle value in a population sample, is often cited as around 39 IU/mL.

It's important to note that various factors, including age, gender, genetic predisposition, environmental exposures, high IgE levels, and relevant symptoms, point towards an allergic etiology in allergic rhinitis or asthma and can influence normal IgE levels. Additionally, having IgE levels within this range does not necessarily mean an individual is free from allergic diseases, as specific IgE antibodies to particular allergens might still be present and cause allergic reactions.

For accurate interpretation of IgE test results, it's always recommended to consult with healthcare professionals who can consider the full clinical context, including symptoms and any specific allergen sensitivities. They can also guide if there's a need for further allergy testing or treatment.

IgE Levels Chart example (sample)

The IgE Levels Chart example is invaluable if you're seeking a comprehensive resource to understand IgE levels. This chart, available for free download, offers a detailed overview of IgE levels, assisting in interpreting these crucial indicators in various clinical contexts.

Ideal for healthcare professionals, students, or anyone interested in immunology, the chart is a well-organized, user-friendly guide. It breaks down IgE levels into categories, correlating them with potential health implications, and provides a clear visual representation. Whether for educational purposes or as a quick reference in clinical practice, this IgE Levels Chart is an essential addition to your medical resources.

Download it today to enhance your understanding and application of IgE-level readings.

Download this IgE Levels Chart example:

IgE Levels Chart example (sample)

Symptoms of conditions that increase IgE

Food allergies, eczema (atopic dermatitis), asthma, and hay fever (allergic rhinitis) are interconnected allergic diseases, often characterized by an overactive immune system response involving Immunoglobulin E (IgE) molecules. These conditions are common examples of hypersensitivity reactions mediated by IgE, primarily Type I hypersensitivity.

Allergic rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis is often triggered by IgE molecules responding to specific allergens like pollen, resulting in symptoms like runny nose and sneezing. Diagnostic tests, including serum IgE and allergen-specific IgE blood tests, help diagnose allergic rhinitis.

Atopic dermatitis (Eczema)

Higher total IgE levels are frequently observed in individuals with atopic dermatitis, indicating an allergic component. Eczema involves an immune dysregulation, often linked to genetic factors affecting the skin barrier and immune responses, including those mediated by B cells and IgE.


IgE antibodies react to inhaled allergens in allergic asthma, leading to airway inflammation. Elevated total IgE levels in a blood test can support the diagnosis of allergic asthma, especially when correlated with clinical symptoms.

Food allergies

Food allergies involve a hypersensitivity reaction to specific food allergens. Testing for specific IgE related to food allergens helps identify potential triggers for food allergies.

Five ways to improve immune health

Improving immune health is vital for overall well-being and can impact conditions related to Immunoglobulin E (IgE) and allergic reactions. Here are five ways to enhance immune health, integrating the relevant keywords:

Balanced diet and nutrition

  • A healthy diet can modulate the immune system, potentially influencing IgE levels and reducing the risk of hypersensitivity reactions.
  • Key Nutrients: Focus on foods rich in antioxidants, vitamins (like Vitamin C and E), and minerals, which support the immune system, including B cells, a crucial part of the adaptive immune response.

Regular exercise:

  • Immune system benefits: Physical activity can boost the immune system's overall function and help maintain normal levels of immune cells.
  • Allergy management: Exercise can also play a role in managing conditions like atopic dermatitis and allergic rhinitis by reducing inflammation and stress, which can sometimes trigger allergic reactions.

Adequate sleep:

  • Restoring immune function: Quality sleep is essential for restoring and balancing the immune system, including maintaining normal IgE levels.
  • Reducing allergic sensitivity: Good sleep hygiene can help mitigate the severity of allergic reactions and support the body's ability to cope with allergens.

Stress management:

  • Lowering IgE responses: Stress can impact the immune system and potentially elevate IgE levels, increasing allergic sensitivity. Managing stress through techniques like mindfulness, yoga, and relaxation can help keep IgE within the normal range.
  • Preventing hypersensitivity: Stress reduction is significant in atopic diseases, where stress can exacerbate symptoms.

Regular health check-ups and allergy blood testing:

  • Monitoring IgE levels: Regular blood tests, including checks for total IgE and specific allergen IgE, can help detect changes in the immune system early.
  • Tailored allergy management: Understanding specific allergen sensitivities through allergy blood testing allows for more personalized management of allergic conditions.

These strategies contribute to maintaining a robust immune system, which is crucial for general health and regulating immune responses, including those mediated by IgE. This holistic approach can help manage and potentially prevent allergic reactions and hypersensitivity, particularly in individuals with conditions like atopic dermatitis, allergic rhinitis, and other IgE-mediated allergic diseases.

Drug treatment

Drug treatments for conditions related to elevated IgE levels, such as allergic diseases and atopic conditions, involve a variety of medications. These treatments manage symptoms, prevent hypersensitivity reactions, and regulate the immune system response. Here's an overview integrating the relevant keywords:


  • Use: Primarily for allergic rhinitis and some symptoms of atopic dermatitis.
  • Function: Block the action of histamine, a substance released during an allergic reaction that contributes to symptoms like runny nose, itching, and swelling.


  • Forms: Available as nasal sprays, inhalers, topical creams, or oral medication.
  • Purpose: Reduce inflammation in asthma, allergic rhinitis, and atopic dermatitis. Inhaled corticosteroids are particularly effective in managing asthma.

Leukotriene modifiers:

  • Application: Mainly used in asthma and allergic rhinitis.
  • Mechanism: Block the action of leukotrienes, chemicals involved in the body’s allergic response.

Monoclonal antibodies (e.g., Omalizumab):

  • Target: Specifically designed to target IgE molecules, reducing the immune system’s overreaction.
  • Indication: Used in moderate to severe allergic asthma and chronic urticaria not responsive to antihistamines.


  • Allergen-specific immunotherapy: Can alter the natural course of allergic diseases by gradually increasing doses of the allergen, leading to tolerance.
  • Impact on IgE: Can help decrease sensitivity to allergens by modifying the immune response, including effects on IgE levels and B cells.


  • Use: For immediate treatment of anaphylaxis, a severe allergic reaction.
  • Action: Counteracts the effects of severe allergic reactions by constricting blood vessels and opening airways.

Mast cell stabilizers:

  • Example: Cromolyn sodium.
  • Function: Prevent mast cells from releasing histamine and other chemicals contributing to allergic reactions.


  • Purpose: Relieve nasal congestion in allergic rhinitis.
  • Note: Generally recommended for short-term use due to potential side effects with long-term use.

Calcineurin inhibitors:

  • Form: Topical ointments.
  • Application: Used for atopic dermatitis to reduce skin inflammation and irritation.

Why use Carepatron as your practice management solution?

Carepatron is tailored for healthcare professionals and built to help enhance blood testing processes in medical practices, offering a comprehensive suite of features designed to integrate seamlessly with your existing healthcare systems. Here’s how Carepatron can transform your approach to managing blood tests:

  • Streamlined record management: The platform consolidates patient details, blood test results, interpretations, and recommendations, providing a holistic view of each patient’s health through comprehensive electronic health records. This unified approach to record management is crucial for maintaining accurate and easily accessible patient histories and improving communication within healthcare teams.
  • Versatile practice management tools: The software includes customizable features for patient communication, and online payments software, making it easier to manage various aspects of a medical practice. These tools help ensure that comprehensive medical histories, including blood test details, are readily available.
  • High data security and privacy standards: Carepatron strongly emphasizes the security and privacy of healthcare data, complying with HIPAA regulations. This commitment to data protection is integral to their healthcare compliance software, ensuring that patient information and susceptible blood test results are handled with the utmost care.

With Carepatron, medical practices specializing in blood tests can significantly enhance operational efficiency and patient care quality. The software’s innovative features offer a comprehensive solution to the unique challenges faced in blood test management.

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What are normal serum IgE levels, and how are they measured?
What are normal serum IgE levels, and how are they measured?

Commonly asked questions

What are normal serum IgE levels, and how are they measured?

Normal IgE levels vary, typically from 3 to 423 IU/mL for adults. They are measured using a blood test, which assesses total IgE in the serum. This test is crucial for diagnosing allergic diseases and understanding the immune system's response to allergens. The normal range can differ slightly depending on the laboratory's reference intervals.

How do IgE levels relate to allergic reactions and atopic dermatitis?

Elevated IgE levels are often associated with allergic reactions and atopic diseases like atopic dermatitis. IgE, or Immunoglobulin E, plays a crucial role in hypersensitivity reactions, where the immune system overreacts to specific allergens, leading to symptoms like itching, redness, and swelling.

Can allergy blood testing determine specific allergens causing my symptoms?

Yes, allergy blood testing, which includes measuring specific IgE levels against certain allergens, can identify what you might be allergic to. These tests help diagnose allergies, including food and allergic asthma, by detecting IgE molecules specific to different allergens.

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