Comprehensive Metabolic Panel

Explore the clinical uses, result interpretations, etc., of the comprehensive metabolic panel test with our guide. Click here for information a free template. 


By Patricia Buenaventura on Jul 15, 2024.


Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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What is a Comprehensive Metabolic Panel Test?

A comprehensive metabolic panel, or CMP, is a blood test that assesses specific components within the blood composition and is considered a vital diagnostic tool among healthcare practitioners. The difference between the basic metabolic panel is, and the comprehensive panel is the number of components being measured. 

The BMP only measures 8, while the CMP measures 14. To enumerate, the 14 components which the CMP evaluates are glucose, calcium, sodium, potassium, bicarbonate, chloride, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), creatinine, albumin, total protein, alkaline phosphatase (ALP), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), and bilirubin. 

Through the results of these substances, the practitioner will get valuable information and indication on the condition of the patient�??s body fluid balance, concentration of essential electrolytes, and functional performance of the liver and kidney. 

Like other blood tests, the comprehensive metabolic panel will require a blood sample from a patient who has fasted up to 12 hours before the test. The laboratory will then do a meticulous analysis and provide results within a few days. 

Generally, you can expect to see the following information on the document of results on a comprehensive metabolic panel test: quantified measurement value, standard reference range established, specific parameter measured, and diagnostic information that states whether the level of the substance is within or deviates from the normal range. 

Comprehensive Metabolic Panel Template

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How does it work?

Step One. Secure a Template Copy

Get your hands on a digital and printable copy of the comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP) test template that you can bring out when needed. Access and download a copy by doing either of the following:

  • Clicking the �??Download Template�?� or �??Use Template�?� button
  • Searching �??Comprehensive Metabolic Panel�?� on Carepatron�??s template library�??s search bar on the website or app

Step Two. Create a Request

When you create a request, filling out every possible information on the template is ideal. Therefore, you must either interview, assess, or examine your patient so you may write down a reason for the test.

Step Three. Present the Form

Depending on the test's purpose, you, your patient, or a fellow healthcare practitioner caring for the same patient will show the form to a phlebotomist before sample collection as proof of the request.

Step Four. Note Observations and Findings

As soon as you have the results of the comprehensive metabolic panel, you can analyze and interpret them during your next appointment with the patient. To ensure you and your client have information you can reference to understand the condition, diagnose, or formulate a treatment plan, you may write down your observations and findings in the document section of the template.

Step Five. Securely Store the Template

Finished with using the request form and document section of the template? Don�??t forget to store the template securely. If you used the digital copy, we recommend storing it in HIPAA-compliant software that can safeguard electronic patient records like Carepatron.

When would you use this test?

A healthcare practitioner like yourself may request that your patient undergo a comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP) test for various clinical purposes and scenarios to gather insights and assess their health status. Here�??s a list of situations wherein requesting and utilizing CMP can benefit you and your patient:

Routine Checkup

During a routine checkup, a comprehensive metabolic panel test is commonly included to screen for any health issues, monitor chronic conditions, and check if any medications the patient takes are not negatively impacting their liver or kidneys. It has become a valuable tool when it comes to preventive healthcare.

Assessment and Evaluation

You may also request and use the comprehensive metabolic panel for a comprehensive health assessment wherein you can check the person�??s metabolic function and chemical balance to get an overall picture of their well-being.

Suppose the patient exhibits symptoms of a kidney, liver, or metabolic condition or disease. In that case, you can use the comprehensive metabolic panel as a diagnostic tool to identify the underlying cause, track the progression of such a condition, and even evaluate the treatment intervention�??s effectiveness.


Suppose the patient already has a medical condition. In that case, healthcare practitioners can use the comprehensive metabolic panel test to assess the effectiveness of ongoing treatments and identify if said treatment or medication has any potential side effects, specifically on the liver or kidney. They can use this information to adjust the treatment as needed.

What do the results mean?

There are valuable insights practitioners can gain regarding their patients based on the level of the substances that keep one�??s chemical balance and metabolism functioning properly. Before proceeding to an overview of what certain results mean, first, here�??s a list of examples of normal ranges per substance:

  • Glucose: Varies depending on the fasting or non-fasting state
  • Calcium: 8.5 to 10.2 mg/dL
  • Sodium: 135 to 145 mEq/L
  • Potassium: 3.6 and 5.2 mmol/L
  • Bicarbonate: 22 and 29 mmol/L
  • Chloride: 96 to 106 mEq/L
  • Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN): 6 to 20 mg/dL
  • Creatinine: 0.6 to 1.3 mg/dL
  • Albumin: 3.4 to 5.4 g/dL
  • Protein: 6.0 and 8.3 g/dL
  • Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP): 20 to 130 U/L
  • Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT): 4 to 36 U/L
  • Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST): 8 to 33 U/L
  • Bilirubin: 0.1 and 1.2 mg/dL

Here are some examples of general interpretations for the results of particular substances:

  • A patient with high or low blood sugar may have an endocrine disorder or diabetes. 
  • Any sodium, potassium, bicarbonate, or chloride deviations indicate an underlying condition connected to electrolyte imbalances, dehydration, or kidney disease. 
  • Abnormal levels of ALT or AST are indicative of liver disease or damage. 
  • Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine levels that deviate from their respective normal ranges may indicate kidney damage or disease.
  • Finally, any abnormal calcium, protein, and albumin levels indicate a nutritional imbalance or organ dysfunction. 

Do note that interpretations must be made considering the results of as many substances with abnormal levels as possible and considering the context and condition of the patient. 

Who typically requests a Comprehensive Metabolic Panel Test?
Who typically requests a Comprehensive Metabolic Panel Test?

Commonly asked questions

Who typically requests a Comprehensive Metabolic Panel Test?

Primary care physicians and specialists like nephrologists, gastroenterologists, and endocrinologists are the healthcare practitioners who typically request a comprehensive metabolic panel test.

When are Comprehensive Metabolic Panel Tests used?

Generally, comprehensive metabolic panel tests are used to assess one�??s condition, evaluate the function of one�??s organs, check the overall health of the patient, and monitor the effectiveness and side effects of medication that may affect the patient�??s electrolytes, liver, and kidney. 

How long does a Comprehensive Metabolic Panel Test take?

The collection of a sample for the comprehensive metabolic panel test will only take a few minutes. However, results are typically available after 1 to 2 days or longer, depending on the laboratory.

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