Barriers to Healthy Emotions and Behaviors DBT Worksheet

Identify obstacles to emotional well-being with Barriers to Healthy Emotions DBT Worksheet. Enhance healthcare through behavioral awareness.

By Bernard Ramirez on Jul 02, 2024.


Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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Barriers to Healthy Emotions and Behaviors DBT Worksheet PDF Example
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What is Dialectical Behavior Therapy?

is a comprehensive and evidence-based form of psychotherapy that Dr. Marsha Linehan developed in the 1980s. It was initially designed to treat individuals with borderline personality disorder (BPD), but its effectiveness has been recognized in addressing many emotional and behavioral challenges.

DBT is rooted in cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) principles and incorporates elements of mindfulness and acceptance strategies. Its core focus is helping individuals regulate emotions and manage emotional impulses more effectively. This is particularly significant for individuals who struggle with intense mood swings, impulsivity, and difficulty controlling their reactions to distressing situations.

Central to DBT is dialectics, which emphasizes finding a balance between seemingly opposing viewpoints. Emotional regulation means striking a balance between accepting one's emotions and working to change problematic behaviors. DBT recognizes that emotions are valid responses, but it also aims to empower individuals to respond to those emotions in healthier and more adaptive ways.

DBT introduces various skills to achieve emotional regulation and impulse control:

Mindfulness: Individuals learn to cultivate present-moment awareness without judgment. This helps in acknowledging emotions without being overwhelmed by them.

Emotion Regulation: Skills are taught to identify and label emotions, understand their functions, and learn strategies to manage and modulate emotional responses.

Distress Tolerance: This focuses on developing coping strategies to tolerate distressing situations without resorting to harmful behaviors.

Interpersonal Effectiveness: Communication skills are honed to foster healthier relationships, navigate conflicts, and set boundaries.

Middle Path: Finding a middle ground between acceptance and change is central to DBT, as it encourages embracing emotions while working towards constructive change.

DBT is particularly effective for individuals with extreme emotional states and impulsive behaviors. By teaching practical skills and strategies, DBT equips individuals with tools to navigate challenges, reduce emotional suffering, and lead more balanced and fulfilling lives. It's not just about suppressing emotions but about harnessing their energy constructively.

Printable Barriers to Healthy Emotions and Behaviors DBT Worksheet

Download this Barriers to Healthy Emotions and Behaviors DBT Worksheet to improve emotional regulation.

How to use the Barriers to Healthy Emotions and Behaviors DBT Worksheet:

The Barriers to Healthy Emotions and Behaviors DBT Worksheet is a valuable tool designed to assist individuals in identifying and addressing obstacles that hinder emotional well-being and healthy behaviors. Rooted in Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) principles, this worksheet guides users through a structured process of self-reflection and strategic planning.

How to Use the Barriers to Healthy Emotions and Behaviors DBT Worksheet:

Step 1: Identifying Barriers

Start by listing situations, triggers, or patterns where you find it challenging to regulate emotions or engage in healthy behaviors. This step encourages honest self-awareness about specific challenges.

Step 2: Understanding the Barriers

Select one barrier and delve into its details. Describe why it presents difficulties in managing emotions and behaviors. This exploration enhances self-understanding and insight into the underlying causes of the challenge.

Step 3: Exploring Strategies

For the chosen barrier, brainstorm at least three strategies to overcome it. These strategies are personalized coping mechanisms and problem-solving approaches tailored to the specific challenge.

Step 4: Setting Intentions

Formulate a clear intention based on the identified strategies. This step involves committing to a plan of action that addresses the challenge, setting the stage for practical implementation.

Step 5: Mindfulness Practice

Conclude the worksheet by engaging in a brief mindfulness exercise. This step encourages self-awareness and promotes emotional regulation by observing emotions and thoughts without judgment.

Barriers to Healthy Emotions and Behaviors DBT Worksheet Example

The Barriers to Healthy Emotions and Behaviors DBT Worksheet PDF is a structured tool for self-reflection and growth. This template assists individuals in identifying emotional and behavioral challenges by listing triggers, analyzing barriers, brainstorming strategies, setting intentions, and practicing mindfulness.

It's a comprehensive resource rooted in Dialectical Behavior Therapy principles, enabling users to explore obstacles and develop personalized plans for improved emotional regulation and healthy behaviors. The PDF format ensures easy accessibility and usability, fostering greater self-awareness and emotional well-being.

Download this Barriers to Healthy Emotions and Behaviors DBT Worksheet Example:

Barriers to Healthy Emotions and Behaviors DBT Worksheet Example

When would you use this Barriers to Healthy Emotions and Behaviors DBT Worksheet?

The Barriers to Healthy Emotions and Behaviors DBT Worksheet is a valuable tool to employ during various stages of personal growth and therapeutic processes. It is particularly relevant when individuals aim to enhance their emotional regulation and behaviors. Healthcare professionals, including therapists, counselors, psychologists, and psychiatrists, can use this assessment to guide their patients toward improved emotional well-being.

Therapeutic Settings

Therapists can incorporate the worksheet into their sessions to encourage patients to identify and articulate their emotional challenges and barriers. This aids in tailoring therapeutic interventions for specific needs.

Treatment Planning

The worksheet is apt for devising personalized treatment plans. It enables healthcare professionals to work collaboratively with patients to address barriers hindering progress.


Individuals can independently utilize the worksheet as part of their self-improvement journey. The worksheet offers a structured method to self-reflect and strategize during heightened emotional distress or when facing recurring behavioral challenges.

Skill Reinforcement

For those undergoing Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) or similar interventions, the worksheet reinforces the skills learned in therapy. It acts as a practical tool to put learned strategies into action.

Progress Tracking

Over time, the worksheet becomes a progress tracker, showcasing how patients evolve in managing their emotions and behaviors. It can serve as a visual reminder of achievements and areas for continued growth.

Transition Phases

During life transitions, such as career changes, relationship shifts, or significant life events, the worksheet can help individuals navigate the emotional challenges arising from these transitions.

What are the benefits of using this Barriers to Healthy Emotions and Behaviors DBT Worksheet?

The free Barriers to Healthy Emotions and Behaviors DBT Worksheet offers several valuable benefits for individuals seeking to enhance their emotional well-being and behaviors:


The worksheet prompts users to identify triggers and challenges hindering emotional regulation. This heightened self-awareness is crucial for understanding underlying patterns and making informed choices.

Structured Reflection

It provides a structured format for users to analyze and understand their emotional barriers. This process facilitates deeper reflection and insight into their thoughts, feelings, and reactions.

Strategic Planning

The worksheet guides individuals through brainstorming practical strategies to address identified barriers. This empowers users to develop more effective personalized approaches for managing emotions and behaviors.

Goal Setting

By setting clear intentions based on chosen strategies, users establish concrete goals to work towards. This promotes a sense of purpose and direction toward improved emotional well-being.

Mindfulness Practice

The inclusion of a mindfulness exercise fosters emotional regulation by encouraging users to observe their thoughts and emotions without judgment. This practice enhances present-moment awareness.

Collaborative Therapy

Healthcare professionals can use this worksheet to engage patients in collaborative discussions about emotional challenges and coping strategies. It strengthens the therapeutic relationship and tailors interventions to individual needs.

Progress Tracking

Over time, the worksheet acts as a visual record of growth and accomplishments. It allows users to track their journey, celebrate successes, and recognize areas needing further attention.

The Barriers to Healthy Emotions and Behaviors DBT Worksheet draws its foundations from Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), a well-established psychotherapeutic approach developed by Dr. Marsha Linehan in the late 1980s. DBT was initially designed to treat individuals with borderline personality disorder (BPD), characterized by emotional dysregulation and impulsive behaviors. It has since been recognized for its effectiveness in addressing a broader range of emotional challenges.

Research conducted in psychotherapy supports the use of DBT-based interventions, emphasizing the significance of emotion regulation and behavioral change. Studies by Linehan and colleagues (e.g., Linehan et al., 2015) have highlighted the efficacy of DBT in reducing suicidal behaviors, improving emotional regulation, and enhancing overall functioning among individuals with BPD.

While specific research on the "Barriers to Healthy Emotions and Behaviors DBT Worksheet" may not be available within the given 2018-2021 timeframe, the principles of DBT, including identifying triggers, developing coping strategies, and fostering mindfulness, have been consistently endorsed in the empirical literature.

Additionally, studies such as Rathus and Miller's work (2015) on "Dialectical Behavior Therapy: A Contemporary Guide for Practitioners" underscore the importance of incorporating practical tools like worksheets into DBT interventions to enhance therapeutic outcomes.

Why use Carepatron as your Dialectical Behavior Therapy app?

Carepatron is a top-tier Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) app for healthcare professionals. It offers a tailored toolkit for therapists and patients, allowing them to administer DBT worksheets and manage appointments.

The app also provides comprehensive patient management tools, enabling professionals to track progress and set goals. It ensures secure communication between professionals and clients, facilitating encrypted messaging and seamless remote consultations. Carepatron provides data-driven insights, enabling professionals to tailor interventions based on patient progress and engagement. It encourages a collaborative approach, allowing professionals to share resources, track treatment progress, and communicate with colleagues. 

The user-friendly interface ensures easy navigation and engagement for both professionals and patients. Carepatron's versatility and specialized features make it the ideal solution for healthcare professionals' comprehensive examination needs. 

With its commitment to innovation and holistic patient care, Carepatron elevates mental health therapy practice while providing a comprehensive platform for general healthcare needs.

Electronic Health Records Software


Linehan, M. M., Korslund, K. E., Harned, M. S., Gallop, R. J., Lungu, A., Neacsiu, A. D., ... & Murray-Gregory, A. M. (2015). Dialectical behavior therapy for high suicide risk in individuals with borderline personality disorder: a randomized clinical trial and component analysis. JAMA psychiatry, 72(5), 475-482.

Rathus, J. H., & Miller, A. L. (2015). Dialectical behavior therapy: A contemporary guide for practitioners. Guilford Press.

Who can benefit from using this worksheet?
Who can benefit from using this worksheet?

Commonly asked questions

Who can benefit from using this worksheet?

This worksheet benefits individuals seeking to enhance emotional regulation, behavioral patterns, and overall well-being. It's also a valuable resource for healthcare professionals, such as therapists and counselors, to guide their patients in therapeutic journeys.

Is the worksheet suitable for all age groups?

While the worksheet is designed for adults, it can be adapted for adolescents under the guidance of a qualified healthcare professional or therapist.

How often should I use the worksheet?

The frequency of use depends on personal needs. It can be used as a self-reflective tool during emotional distress and as part of regular therapy sessions to track progress and adapt strategies.

Can I use the worksheet independently, or should I consult a healthcare professional?

The worksheet can be used independently as a self-help tool. However, consulting a qualified healthcare professional, especially when dealing with complex emotional challenges, is recommended for personalized guidance and support.

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