Activity Intolerance Nursing Care Plan

Download our comprehensive Activity Intolerance Nursing Care Plan. A guide for healthcare professionals to enhance patient care.

By Joshua Napilay on Jul 02, 2024.


Fact Checked by RJ Gumban.

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What is an Activity Intolerance Nursing Care Plan?

Engagement in activities is often celebrated for its health benefits. Yet, some individuals face physiological or psychological barriers, such as prolonged bed rest or generalized weakness, that prevent them from participating fully. This condition, known as activity intolerance, can stem from mixed reasons, including underlying medical conditions, physical limitations, or psychological energy challenges. Recognizing and addressing these causes early can foster inclusivity and support individuals toward improved well-being.

Caring for someone can be done efficiently with the help of an Activity Intolerance Nursing Care Plan. Healthcare professionals use this document to outline a comprehensive approach to caring for patients with limited physical activity due to medical conditions, injuries, or overall health status.

The Activity Intolerance Nursing Care Plan guides nurses through assessing, diagnosing, and addressing patient activity intolerance. It involves gathering medical history, assessing activity levels, formulating diagnoses, setting realistic goals, implementing exercises and pain management interventions, and continuously evaluating progress. Education is integrated to empower patients to manage their condition and participate in their care effectively.

Printable Activity Intolerance Nursing Care Plan

Download this Activity Intolerance Nursing Care Plan nurses in assessing, planning, implementing, and evaluating the care provided to patients with activity intolerance.

How does this Activity Intolerance Nursing Care Plan work?

Exercise tolerance can be improved by giving proper attention and interventions. To use this care plan, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Assess the patient

A nursing assessment of the patient's medical history, current health status, vital signs, blood pressure, and activity levels using standardized tools to identify limitations and challenges.

Step 2: Create an activity intolerance nursing diagnosis

After gathering information about the patient's abilities and limitations, a nursing diagnosis for activity intolerance might point to their struggle with doing activities due to low energy or physical weakness. This diagnosis helps nurses plan treatments to help patients become more active and improve their health.

Step 3: Determine goals and expected outcomes

Establish measurable and realistic goals that focus on improving the patient's ability to engage in physical activity. Goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

Step 4: Formulate nursing interventions

Outline a comprehensive plan of nursing interventions to address the identified issues. Include therapeutic exercises, mobility assistance, and pain management strategies.

Step 5: Evaluate

Assess patient progress towards goals regularly. Use measures to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions. Modify the care plan as needed.

Step 6: Educate patients

Create an education plan that empowers patients to understand their condition, how to manage it, and when to seek medical attention. You may teach energy conservation techniques to help them move forward as they face this challenge.

Step 7: Document

Create a comprehensive and accurate nursing care plan for Activity Intolerance. Include relevant data, assessments, diagnoses, goals, interventions, and evaluations.

Step 8: Review and collaborate

Review the care plan regularly with the healthcare team for consistent care. Collaborate with other professionals for holistic patient management. Encourage a culture of continuous improvement by seeking feedback from the healthcare team and incorporating lessons learned into future care plans. Stay updated on evidence-based practices and adjust the care plan accordingly.

Activity Intolerance Nursing Care Plan example (sample)

If you want a sample care plan, check out this Activity Intolerance Nursing Care Plan for a 68-year-old patient with chronic heart failure. It showcases tailored interventions like therapeutic exercises and mobility assistance. Goals include increasing walking distance and achieving independence in daily tasks, supported by patient education on self-management. Healthcare professionals can adapt this example for patients with similar needs, enhancing communication and maintaining evidence-based care through its structured PDF format.

Download this Activity Intolerance Nursing Care Plan:

Activity Intolerance Nursing Care Plan

When would you use this template?

The Activity Intolerance Nursing Care Plan template is particularly useful in the following scenarios:

  • Post-surgery or hospitalization: Patients recovering from surgery or a hospital stay may have activity limitations. Nurses can use this template to create personalized care plans catering to their patient's needs and aiding recovery.
  • Chronic illness management: Patients with chronic illnesses often have reduced tolerance for physical activity. The template helps healthcare practitioners manage and improve the patient's activity levels over time.
  • Rehabilitation programs: Rehabilitation patients benefit from a structured care plan tailoring interventions to enhance activity tolerance gradually.
  • Elderly care: Individuals may have mobility and activity issues due to aging or health conditions. Nurses in senior care can use this template to create safe activity plans.
  • Home healthcare settings: Templates are valuable tools for nurses to create in-home healthcare plans that can be easily communicated and implemented in a patient's home environment.
  • Preventive care: Using templates proactively can help identify and address issues before they escalate, especially in wellness programs or for those with activity intolerance risk factors.
  • Palliative care: The template can be adapted in palliative care to alleviate symptoms of activity intolerance, improving patient comfort and well-being.
  • Long-term care facilities: Nurses can develop care plans for long-term residents using the provided template to ensure structured activity maintenance or improvement based on their unique needs.

By employing the template in these scenarios, healthcare practitioners can enhance patient care quality, promote better outcomes, and facilitate effective communication among the healthcare team. 

What are the benefits of using an Activity Intolerance Nursing Care Plan?

Activity intolerance can hinder an individual from performing physical activities and affect their emotional well-being. As a healthcare provider, you know very well that each patient's journey is unique, and having a care plan can bring about certain advantages. Here are some of them:

  • Improved activity tolerance: Interventions like therapeutic exercises and mobility assistance can lead to positive outcomes such as increased stamina, mobility, and performance in physical activities, contributing to improved activity tolerance.
  • Stabilized condition: Effective management and mitigation of factors contributing to activity intolerance can stabilize the patient's condition.
  • Achieved goals: Meeting the specified goals within the set timeframe signifies successful care plan implementation. For instance, if the goal was to increase the patient's walking distance by a certain percentage, achieving or exceeding this target demonstrates progress and effectiveness in care.
  • Patient satisfaction and adherence: Assessing patient satisfaction and adherence to the care plan is crucial. If the patient reports satisfaction with their progress and adheres to the prescribed interventions, it suggests a positive response to the plan and the likelihood of continued success.

A free Activity Intolerance Nursing Care Plan helps healthcare professionals document quantitative and qualitative data related to patient activity levels and experiences. Regular reviews contribute to continuous improvement, and the template promotes accessibility and cost-effectiveness.

Optimizing wellness through an Activity Care Plan

An Activity Care Plan is essential for people struggling with activity intolerance. It helps doctors and nurses devise a plan to help these patients improve their daily activities.

Creating an activity-based care plan is a structured process focusing on individual needs and preferences. A comprehensive Activity Care Plan tailored for patients with decreased activity tolerance focuses on maximizing the patient's peak energy level while incorporating energy conservation techniques. Nurses play a critical role in formulating this plan, which may include a variety of interventions, such as active ROM exercises to maintain joint flexibility and deep breathing exercises to enhance pulmonary efficiency.

Giving patients different activities to try that match what they can do helps them feel better and enjoy life more. Moreover, an Activity Care Plan helps patients feel more in charge of their daily routines and lets them join in activities that make them healthier and happier.

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When is an Activity Intolerance Nursing Care Plan used?
When is an Activity Intolerance Nursing Care Plan used?

Commonly asked questions

When is an Activity Intolerance Nursing Care Plan used?

It is used when patients experience limited ability to engage in physical activity due to various health issues. It is applicable post-surgery, during rehabilitation, in chronic illness management, and for elderly care, among other scenarios.

How can nurses help manage activity intolerance?

They can design personalized care plans that include energy conservation techniques, appropriate exercise regimens, and vigilant monitoring of vital signs.

What are the potential complications of unmanaged activity intolerance?

Left unmanaged, it can weaken muscles, increase the chances of falling, and worsen other health problems.

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