A1C Goals By Age Chart

Use our free A1C Goals by Age Chart to learn the recommended A1C goal for people of different ages. Download our free PDF and example here.

By Ericka Pingol on May 09, 2024.

Fact Checked by RJ Gumban.

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What is an A1C Goals By Age Chart?

An is an excellent tool for healthcare professionals and patients to refer to when considering their blood sugar level goals. It is a chart that provides recommended A1C goals, or average blood sugar levels, for people of different ages.

A1C levels vary depending on the age of a person. Generally, the target A1C level for adults is around 6%, corresponding to an average blood glucose level of 126 mg/dL. Target A1C levels are typically below 6% for children and teenagers, translating to a daily average blood sugar of less than 126mg/dL.

Pregnant people should aim for an A1C level between 5.7% and 6.4%, as higher levels can increase the risk of complications during pregnancy and birth. It is important to note that these are general guidelines only, and a doctor's advice should always be followed.

It is also essential for people with diabetes to regularly check their blood sugar levels, as this will help ensure that their A1C levels remain within the recommended range. In addition, regular physical activity and healthy eating can help a person maintain good blood glucose control and thus keep their A1C levels under control.

Printable A1C Goals By Age Chart

Download this A1C Goals By Age Chart to learn the recommended A1C goal for people of different ages

How does an A1C Goals by Age Chart work?

Our free printable A1C Goals By Age Chart provides a helpful visual guide to what A1C levels are considered normal for different age groups. It also provides ranges of ideal and recommended blood glucose control. You can use this template by following the steps below:

Step One: Access the free worksheet

Get a copy of the free A1C Goals By Age Chart using the link on this page. You can also download it from the Carepatron app or our resources library.

Step Two: Determine your patient's age range

Look at the chart to determine which age range your patient falls into. Depending on what it says, the ideal A1C goal may be different.

Step Three: Analyze the results

Once you've determined the patient's age range, look at the chart to see their ideal A1C goal. Create a plan with your patient to help them reach their ideal A1C levels.

Step Four: Track progress

Make sure you keep track of your patient's progress. You can use Carepatron to help you monitor A1C levels. Our app allows you to easily track and analyze your patient's data, so you can quickly adjust their treatment plans as needed.

A1C Goals By Age Chart example (sample)

We have designed an A1C Goals By Age Chart PDF example to showcase how this form works. This can be used for educational purposes or as a reference. You can view the sample here or download it as a PDF.

Download the free A1C Goals By Age Chart example (sample)

A1C Goals By Age Chart example (sample)

When would you use this A1C Goals By Age Chart?

You can use our free printable A1C Goals By Age Chart to help you monitor and guide your patient's diabetes treatment. You can also utilize this to:

Make more informed decisions about your patient's diabetes treatment plans

An A1C Goals By Age Chart can help you determine the appropriate goals for your patient's age and health. This can help keep your patient motivated and on track with their diabetes treatment plan.

Help your patient better understand the importance of diabetes control

Using an A1C Goals By Age Chart is a great way to make your patient aware of the importance of controlling their diabetes. This chart can help your patient understand what an ideal A1C target should be and why it matters.

Keep track of your patient's diabetes progress

The A1C Goals By Age Chart is also a great way to monitor your patient's progress toward their diabetes control goals. With this chart, you can quickly monitor the changes in their A1C levels over time to ensure they stay on track with their diabetes management plan.

Benefits of free A1C Goals By Age Chart

This free A1C Goals By Age Chart is a valuable tool for healthcare professionals and patients. Here are some of its benefits:

It's entirely digital

You can access this chart anywhere, anytime – whether you're at your clinic or in your own home. This makes it especially accessible for busy patients and healthcare providers.

It's easy to use

The chart's layout is straightforward, making it simple for healthcare professionals and patients to read and interpret.

It helps identify patterns

The chart allows you to track changes in A1C levels over time, which can provide valuable insights into the underlying causes of diabetes. This data can then be used to customize treatment plans for each patient's needs.

It helps patients stay motivated

Seeing apparent changes in their A1C levels over time can be a powerful motivator for diabetes patients. The chart can also provide helpful feedback to those trying to stay on top of their diabetes management.

How to use an A1C Goals By Age Chart?
How to use an A1C Goals By Age Chart?

Commonly asked questions

How to use an A1C Goals By Age Chart?

Simply compare your patient's A1C results over time to the chart. This will help you assess how well your patient manages their diabetes and identify areas where they may need more assistance.

What does an A1C Goals By Age Chart measure?

An A1C Goals By Age Chart measures your patient's average blood sugar levels over the past two to three months. It is used to determine the ideal levels based on age.

What is the reliability of the A1C Goals By Age Chart?

The A1C Goals By Age Chart is a highly reliable measure of average blood sugar levels. It is based on clinical research and has been proven to accurately determine ideal blood sugar levels based on age.

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