Walking Heart Rate

A walking heart rate chart visually represents the fluctuations in heart rate during walking. 

By Liliana Braun on Jul 02, 2024.


Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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What is a Walking Heart Rate Chart?

A walking heart rate chart is a tool used to guide individuals during brisk walking exercises, optimizing the cardiovascular benefits of this form of physical activity. Brisk walking, typically performed at a rate of 50-70% of your maximum heart rate, is known to be a highly effective cardio workout with numerous health advantages. 

To determine your target heart rate range for brisk walking, you can calculate it based on your maximum heart rate, which is calculated as 220 minus your age. It is recommended that a target heart rate of 50-70% for moderate-intensity exercise and 70-85% for vigorous activity should be used. Using this information, a walking heart rate chart helps individuals maintain a pace that challenges the heart and lungs, ensuring they derive maximum benefits from their workout without overexertion.

It's a practical tool for anyone looking to enhance their physical and mental well-being through the benefits of brisk walking, a simple and accessible form of exercise. It can be beneficial in a range of situations. Still, people recovering from sickness or injury who want to move their body without causing extra stress on it often utilize a walking heart rate chart, as well as those who choose walking as their preferred form of exercise.

Printable Walking Heart Rate Chart

Download this Walking Heart Rate Chart to assess and record your patient’s heart rate.

How does it work?

A printable walking heart rate chart is a helpful tool for people who want to track their progress and ensure that they are exercising within the appropriate intensity zone by using a beats-per-minute heart rate chart for walking to calculate this. 

Here are the steps on how to use a walking heart rate chart:

  1. Calculate your maximum heart rate by subtracting your age from 220. For example, if you are 30 years old, your maximum heart rate would be 190 beats per minute (bpm).
  2. Find your age group on the walking heart rate chart. Most charts categorize individuals into age groups, such as 20-29, 30-39, and 40-49.
  3. Identify target heart rate zones for moderate and vigorous intensity exercise based on your age group. These zones are typically expressed as a percentage of your maximum heart rate. For example, if you are 30 years old, your moderate-intensity target heart rate zone would be 95-133 bpm, and your vigorous-intensity target heart rate zone would be 133-162 bpm.
  4. Monitor your heart rate during exercise using a heart rate monitor or fitness tracker. This will allow you to determine whether you are within the appropriate target heart rate zone.
  5. Adjust your walking pace as needed to ensure that your heart rate stays within the target zone. For example, if your heart rate falls below the target zone, increase your pace, and if your heart rate exceeds the target zone, slow down your pace.
  6. Track your progress over time by recording your heart rate and pace during each walk. This will help you see how you are improving and adjust your exercise routine as needed.

Walking Heart Rate Chart example (sample)

Carepatron provides a readily accessible and convenient walking target heart rate chart in PDF format, making it easy to stay informed and optimize your exercise routine. 

This downloadable chart is designed for convenient printing and can be easily kept within reach for quick reference. Whether you're at home, in the gym, or on the go, the Carepatron target heart rate chart is readily available to guide your exercise decisions and ensure you're working out within the appropriate intensity zones. It focuses on the three main heart rate zones and is specialized based on your age.

Download this Walking Heart Rate Chart example:

Walking Heart Rate Chart example (sample)

When would you use this chart?

You would use a walking heart rate chart for individuals of all fitness levels who want to optimize their walking workouts and achieve their fitness goals. Here are some specific instances when using a walking heart rate chart would be beneficial:

  • For beginners embarking on a walking exercise program, a walking heart rate chart provides personalized guidelines to determine the appropriate exercise intensity level. This helps them avoid overexertion injury and ensures their workouts are safe and effective.
  • Regularly monitoring heart rate during walking and comparing it to the target heart rate chart allows individuals to track their progress and adjust their exercise intensity accordingly. This helps them maintain an appropriate challenge level and optimize their training effects.
  • Consistently higher or lower heart rates than expected may indicate underlying health conditions, such as high blood pressure or bradycardia. Walking heart rate charts can help individuals identify these potential issues and seek further evaluation from a healthcare professional.
  • Healthcare practitioners and athletic trainers will often use a walking health rate chart to assess and monitor fitness levels.  This can then be used to design cardiac rehabilitation or fitness training programs, depending on the reason for use. 

What do the results mean?

The results from a free walking heart rate chart provide insights into your heart rate response during exercise and help you determine the effectiveness and intensity of your walking workouts. By comparing your heart rate to the target heart rate zones for moderate and vigorous intensity exercise, you can assess whether you are exercising within the appropriate intensity level to achieve your fitness or other walking-related goals.

Moderate-intensity target heart rate zone

If your heart rate falls within the moderate-intensity target heart rate zone, it indicates that your walking pace is challenging you enough to improve cardiovascular health and overall fitness. This zone is ideal for individuals starting an exercise program or those seeking a general improvement in their cardiovascular health.

Vigorous-intensity target heart rate zone

If your heart rate falls within the vigorous-intensity target heart rate zone, it indicates that your walking pace is more strenuous and can help you burn more calories and improve your aerobic capacity. This zone is suitable for individuals with a higher fitness level who are aiming to enhance their performance and achieve more significant fitness goals.

Below moderate-intensity target heart rate zone

If your heart rate consistently falls below the moderate-intensity target heart rate zone, your walking pace may not be challenging enough to elicit a significant training effect. Consider increasing your walking speed or incorporating additional intensity variations into your routine.

Above vigorous-intensity target heart rate zone

If your heart rate consistently exceeds the vigorous-intensity target heart rate zone, it may indicate that your walking pace is too strenuous and could lead to overexertion or potential injury. Consider slowing down your pace or consulting with a healthcare professional to determine an appropriate intensity level for your fitness level and health conditions.

Research & evidence

Research supports the use of walking heart rate charts as they serve as a subtle yet effective method to determine exercise intensity, which is crucial for optimizing workout benefits. Monitoring your walking heart rate accurately gauges exercise intensity, ensuring you stay within your target heart rate zone for desired health outcomes and preventing undertraining or overtraining, which can impede progress. 

Maintaining your heart rate within the target zone during walks significantly enhances cardiovascular health, lowering blood pressure, improving cholesterol levels, and promoting overall heart function. Tracking your walking heart rate aids in effective weight management by correlating exercise intensity with calorie burn, supporting weight loss efforts. Regular monitoring of walking heart rate also reduces the risk of chronic diseases like diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease by improving insulin sensitivity, lowering blood pressure, and reducing inflammation (Welltory, 2023)

Research on the relationship between heart rate response during a 6-minute walk in older people emphasizes the importance of using walking heart rate charts for optimizing cardiovascular health. The study, involving 2,224 participants, underscores that impaired chronotropic response, a key metric monitored through heart rate charts, is associated with elevated risks of mortality and incident coronary heart disease. This reinforces the significance of tracking heart rate during walking, as it is a valuable indicator for assessing cardiovascular health and identifying potential risks. Utilizing walking heart rate charts can aid in achieving the optimal intensity during exercise, reducing the risk of adverse outcomes highlighted in the research (Girotra et al.).

Why use Carepatron as your walking heart rate app?

​​Carepatron excels in providing an integrated health and fitness management experience through its walking target heart rate app and walking heart rate chart by age software. Recognizing the importance of convenience, the platform offers easily downloadable heart rate target charts in PDF format, granting users seamless access to vital information wherever and whenever needed.

The Carepatron app allows users to print and keep charts at home or in their gym bags for quick reference, fostering a user-friendly experience or accessing them directly from their device. The platform encourages interaction by enabling users to share charts with trainers or healthcare professionals, facilitating discussions about fitness goals and target heart rate zones. The charts serve as a visual aid during exercise, helping users monitor their heart rates effectively. Additionally, the app empowers users to track their progress over time by comparing current heart rates to the specified target zones.

The charts cater to users with varying technical expertise, presenting easy-to-understand information for effective use. They encompass target heart rate zones for both moderate and vigorous intensity exercise, making them versatile across fitness levels or walking goals. Moreover, Carepatron ensures inclusivity by providing walking heart rate charts tailored to different age groups.

Practice Management Software


Girotra, Saket, et al. “Heart Rate Response to a Timed Walk and Cardiovascular Outcomes in Older Adults: The Cardiovascular Health Study.” Cardiology, vol. 122, no. 2, 2012, pp. 69–75, pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22722364/, https://doi.org/10.1159/000338736.

Welltory. “Walking Heart Rate Zone — Calculate Optimal HR and Target HR for Walking.” Welltory, 26 Mar. 2023, welltory.com/walking-heart-rate/. Accessed 19 Nov. 2023.

Who typically requests a Walking Heart Rate Chart?
Who typically requests a Walking Heart Rate Chart?

Commonly asked questions

Who typically requests a Walking Heart Rate Chart?

Individuals of all fitness levels, from beginners to experienced walkers.

When are Walking Heart Rate Charts used?

Walking heart rate charts are used by individuals of all fitness levels, from beginners to experienced walkers, to determine their ideal heart rate range during exercise, monitor their heart rate, track their progress, identify potential health concerns, and optimize their exercise routine.

How are Walking Heart Rate Charts used?

To use a walking heart rate chart, determine your maximum heart rate by subtracting your age from 220, find your age group on the chart, and monitor your heart rate during exercise using a heart rate monitor or fitness tracker. Adjust your walking pace if your heart rate falls below or exceeds the target zone.

How long does a Walking Heart Rate Chart take?

It takes only a few minutes to determine your target heart rate zone and start using a target heart rate chart.

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