The Warrior Diet: Results, Meal Plan, And Benefits To Lose Weight

The Warrior Diet Plan

By Patricia Buenaventura on Jul 02, 2024.


Fact Checked by Nate Lacson.

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What is the Warrior Diet?

The Warrior Diet is a distinctive form of the intermittent fasting plan designed by Ori Hofmekler, a former member of the Israeli special forces, to enhance health, performance, and body composition by triggering innate survival instincts. This specific dietary regimen prescribes a 20-hour fasting period, followed by a four-hour eating window each day. Do note that despite its benefit claims, there is an absence of scientific evidence to support the purported diet advantages.

Someone who follows the Warrior Diet can expect three distinct phrases over a three-week duration, each characterized by specific objectives and dietary guidelines. Here's a breakdown of each phase:

Initial phase

Also known as the detox phase, during this time, the goal is to enhance the body's toxin elimination capabilities and avert fat accumulation. Individuals can consume modest quantities of dairy products, hard-boiled eggs, and raw fruits and vegetables during the fasting period. Substantial meals with vegetables, protein, and high-fat foods are encouraged to be ingested during the rest of the hours allotted.

Second phase

The focus shifts to optimizing the body's ability to utilize fat for energy. While the food choices during the 20 hours allotted are similar, with an added restriction of one fruit serving intake daily, during the four hours where one can increase their caloric intake, the individual may include a serving of whole grains or legumes.

Final phase

Finally, the purpose of this phase is to enhance the body's proficiency in utilizing carbohydrates for energy. Similar to the second phase, the food options while fasting are the same but with an increase in fruit intake, turning it from one to two. As for the four hours that don't follow the strict calorie restriction, the food selection will expand to include another serving of whole grains/legumes and a dessert.

Throughout the diet, patients are encouraged to avoid processed foods and increase the food intake of more nutritious foods to increase their chances of gaining the potential health benefits of the warrior diet.

Do remember that individuals who are considering this dietary regimen are advised to exercise caution and seek professional guidance to ensure that their nutritional needs are met and potential drawbacks are adequately addressed.

Printable The Warrior Diet Plan

Download this The Warrior Diet Plan to help clients improve their health and well-being.

What to eat and what to avoid

What to eat

  • During the 20-hour fasting phase: Modest servings of dairy products, hard-boiled eggs, and raw fruits and vegetables. Non-caloric drinks such as coffee, tea, and water are encouraged to maintain hydration.
  • During the 4-hour eating window: Substantial meals featuring a balance of vegetables, animal protein, fats, carbohydrates, and desserts like dark chocolate, fruit, or honey.

What to avoid

Individuals are encouraged to avoid processed food like chips, cookies, and fast food; refined carbohydrates like white bread, white rice, pasta, and sugar; alcohol like beer, wine, and liquor; and artificial sweeteners like aspartame and saccharin.

Health benefits of the Warrior Diet

There are multiple health benefits to the warrior diet, which individuals who have done intermittent fasting or have followed the specific diet plan have observed. Some of these include blood sugar control, weight loss, and improvement in brain health, cholesterol, and blood pressure.

For an elaboration on each of the health benefits of this specific intermittent fasting plan, refer to the points below:

May Aid Weight Loss

Numerous forms of intermittent fasting have demonstrated associations with losing weight. A study closely mirroring the principles of the Warrior Diet, specifically the fasting duration and eating window duration, showed that individuals who followed said diet exhibited more substantial weight loss compared to counterparts who distributed the same caloric intake evenly throughout the day. According to another source, those with a one-meal-per-day approach exhibited increased muscle mass and fat mass reduction.

However, do note that the extent of these effects hinges on the quantity consumed during the four-hour window. If an individual indulges or overeats unhealthy food during the time frame, it could nullify the calorie deficit or even lead to weight gain.

May improve brain health

There are scientific investigations into intermittent fasting and the positive influences it has on regulating inflammatory pathways. The effect of this is positively impacting brain function. Do note, however, that there's still ongoing research with regard to this benefit.

Decreased inflammation

According to some studies, intermittent fasting may aid in reducing inflammation in one's body. That's because fasting can lead to a reduction in the production of pro-inflammatory cells, which cause tissue inflammation. To add, ingesting more healthy and organic food choices like leafy vegetables, fatty fish, and fruits like berries are known to have anti-inflammatory properties.

Controls Blood Sugar and Increases Insulin Sensitivity

There are studies that have found that patients who have type 2 diabetes can have better blood sugar control. Furthermore, periods of under-eating and short-term fasting can elevate one's insulin sensitivity throughout the day. With regard to this benefit, it's essential to acknowledge that a patient has an increased chance of having hypoglycemia when they follow intermittent fasting.

Improved blood pressure and cholesterol

Some studies indicate that intermittent fasting has the potential to decrease blood pressure and cholesterol levels, thereby reducing the risk of heart disease. It's essential to note, however, that these studies employed different fasting methods and durations compared to the Warrior Diet, making the applicability of the results uncertain.

Enhanced cellular repair and longevity

Animal studies suggest that intermittent fasting may initiate autophagy, a process involving the breakdown and recycling of damaged cells, potentially preventing diseases and promoting longevity. Nevertheless, the lack of comprehensive human studies leaves uncertainties regarding the duration and frequency required for fasting to confer these benefits.

Risks of the Warrior Diet

Like with any diet plan, there are risks that come with changing one's eating patterns and reducing or restricting certain food intake daily, like negative physical and mental side effects.

For an elaboration on the risks of this diet plan, keep reading below.

Can cause stress

The Warrior Diet can cause nutritional stress not caused by total calorie reduction but rather because of periods of fasting or undereating. The result? A trigger of stress response agents.

Negative physical side effects

The Warrior Diet may lead to physical side effects, some of which could be severe, such as fatigue, low energy, dizziness, anxiety, insomnia, low blood sugar, constipation, fainting, hormonal imbalance, and irritability. Aside from those, health professionals state that dieters will not get enough nutrients when following such a diet.

Decreased concentration

One of the possible side effects of the Warrior Diet is decreased concentration. By eating very little for most of the day, individuals may experience low blood sugar, which can affect their brain function and mental clarity. They may also feel hungry, tired, irritable, and distracted, which can impair their productivity and performance at work, school, or exercise. Moreover, the Warrior Diet may disrupt your sleep quality, which can also affect your cognitive abilities and mood.

It can lead to developing eating disorders

Adhering to a strict and inflexible eating schedule might foster an unhealthy connection between food and one's body. Feelings of guilt, anxiety, or obsession about food, calories, and weight may emerge.

Additionally, the potential for binge eating or overconsumption during the designated four-hour eating window may contribute to digestive problems, weight gain, and emotional distress. If one binges on large food quantities, one may feel regret and shame. These feelings may further negatively impact the individual's mental health and body image.

Difficult to stick to a specific strict diet plan

A glaring limitation of the Warrior Diet is the time restriction, specifically the time when one is allowed to eat, which is limited to a four-hour period. Individuals may find this difficult to stick to, especially if they are going out for breakfast or lunch to participate in social activities.

It’s inappropriate for many people

The Warrior Diet is not a way of eating that's recommended for a wide range of people or one everyone should follow.

Groups of people who aren't recommended to follow the Warrior Diet include children, pregnant/nursing women, people with chronic diseases, professional athletes, underweight people, and people who have a history of disordered eating.

Aside from the aforementioned groups, women are also highly susceptible to hormone changes because of intermittent fasting, causing unpleasant side effects.

Hunger and fatigue

Consuming minimal food for the majority of the day can result in feelings of hunger, low energy levels, irritability, and difficulties in concentration. These effects may impact mood, productivity, and performance in various aspects of life, such as work, school, or exercise.

Deficiencies with nutrient-dense foods

Restricting food choices and intake during most of the day may lead to insufficient levels of essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber necessary for optimal health. This deficiency could increase the risk of health issues like anemia, osteoporosis, infections, and other related problems.

The Warriors Diet Plan (with meal timings) PDF example

For those who are looking for guidance on how to use the Warrior Diet chart template, here’s a PDF file of a template with information and clinical notes for your convenience. This example template is available in both digital and printable formats. You may select whichever suits your professional needs.

However, note that all information presented in the sample template is entirely fictional, and you must only use it for explanatory purposes. Furthermore, our provided example represents one of the many ways you can utilize the blank template. It’s encouraged that you explore alternative approaches to serve your professional requirements better. 

To obtain a copy of this invaluable resource, you can either review the sample template below or select the "Download Example PDF" button. This will get you a comprehensive and illustrative version of the template, serving as a practical reference for your purposes.

Download this The Warrior Diet Plan example:

The Warriors Diet Plan (with meal timings) PDF example

A 7-day sample menu for the Warrior Diet Plan

If your patient wants to do intermittent fasting ala Warrior Diet, they and you will need to plan their meals carefully. By creating a warrior diet meal plan, one increases the chance of getting enough nutrients, antioxidants, and fiber that their body needs for optimal health while avoiding processed foods and artificial sweeteners. They will also need to adjust their eating window according to their schedule and preferences.

Here is an example of a 7-day menu diet plan for the Warrior Diet. Patients and their referring physicians are encouraged to modify it according to their needs and tastes during their scheduled medical visits.

Day 1

While fasting, an individual may hydrate with glasses of water/coffee/tea/milk. They may munch on an egg and carrots to keep hunger at bay.

During the eating period, individuals may enjoy grilled lean animal protein like chicken breast alongside a well-dressed salad with a myriad of vegetables and cheese. Carbohydrates, such as a potato with condiments or a sandwich with their chosen spread, may also increase their calorie intake and enjoyment factor.

Day 2

While fasting, glasses of water, coffee, or tea are encouraged. They may eat a cup of Greek yogurt with an apple and a hard-boiled egg.

During the eating period, the individual may have protein-rich foods like steak with condiments and cooked veggies as sides. They may also have Cooked vegetables blended into a soup. Depending on the phase, some fruit or dark chocolate may be added.

Day 3

As they fast, they must hydrate with multiple glasses of water, coffee, tea, and other non-caloric beverages. Then, eat some cottage cheese, an egg, and fruit of choice.

During the eating period, stir-fry with cooked vegetables, a protein alternative, and brown rice is a good meal choice. For dessert, they may have both a fruit salad and a healthy pastry of choice.

Day 4

As they fast, to keep hydrated, individuals may drink water, coffee, tea, and other non-caloric beverages and eat a dairy product of choice, fruit of choice, and an egg.

During the eating period, individuals can eat roasted protein, vegetables, carbohydrates, and a dessert of choice. Examples of dishes are roasted chicken, potatoes, and broccoli; whole wheat bread with a spread of choice; and a pie.

Day 5

While fasting, individuals mustn't forget to drink water, coffee, tea, and other non-caloric beverages to stay hydrated. During this time, they may also eat hard-boiled eggs, dairy, and fruit of choice.

Then, during the eating period, individuals may have seafood with healthy fats, such as a piece of salmon, paired with cooked vegetables and a salad. They may enjoy a dessert of choice at the end of their meal.

Day 6

While fasting, similar to other days, the individual must hydrate with a non-caloric beverage and keep hunger at bay with an egg, dairy of choice, and fruit of choice.

For their one meal for the day, they may have an international-themed dish like curry, soup, or stew with a carbohydrate of choice and a dessert of their choice.

Day 7

Despite being the 7th day, the individual must hydrate with the same non-caloric beverages and recommended warrior diet plan low-calorie foods, which are dairy, an egg, and a fruit of choice.

During the eating window, the individual must ensure that they include at least a single ingredient from the different food groups in their meal. An idea of a dish may be pasta of choice with a side salad and/or bread and dessert of choice to top it off.

How will you feel after following the Warrior Diet?

How one may feel after following the Warrior Diet will depend on individual factors, such as age, gender, health status, activity level, and food choices. Some people may experience positive effects, such as weight loss, improved blood pressure and cholesterol, and enhanced cellular repair and longevity. Others may experience negative effects, such as hunger and fatigue, nutrient deficiencies, disordered eating, mood swings, stress, and anxiety.

Some of the factors that may influence how one feels after following the Warrior Diet are:

  • The duration and frequency of fasting: The Warrior Diet requires you to fast for 20 hours every day, which is longer and more extreme than other forms of intermittent fasting. This may be difficult to sustain in the long run and may cause more stress and discomfort to your body and mind.
  • The quality and quantity of food: The Warrior Diet allows one to eat one large meal within a four-hour window at night, but it also recommends eating whole, organic, nutritious, and unprocessed foods. If one eats too much or too little or chooses unhealthy foods, one may not get enough nutrients, antioxidants, and fiber that the body needs for optimal health. One may also experience digestive issues, weight gain, and increased inflammation.
  • The timing and type of exercise: The Warrior Diet advises individuals to exercise during their fasting period, which may improve their fat-burning and insulin sensitivity. However, exercising on an empty stomach may also affect energy levels, performance, and recovery. One may need to adjust the intensity, duration, and type of exercise depending on your goals and preferences.

To conclude, therefore, how you feel after following the warrior diet may vary. The moment the individual feels negative side effects, it's highly recommended that they stop the diet immediately and set a scheduled medical visit with their referring physician.

How can Carepatron help with the Warrior Diet Plan?

Carepatron plays a pivotal role in supporting the implementation of the Warrior Diet plan by offering a sophisticated and user-friendly app and software.

The seamless integration of Carepatron into healthcare practices is facilitated by its intuitive design, requiring no specialized training. This allows practitioners to devote their attention to essential tasks such as guiding or advising patients who want to embark on a certain diet plan based on their observations.

Carepatron's extensive set of features is a key asset in managing the intricacies of the Warrior Diet. The platform encompasses client records, note-taking capabilities, telehealth video appointments, and robust customer service, creating a comprehensive toolkit for practitioners. This streamlines the entire process, enabling seamless interactions with clients, which is particularly crucial when dealing with diet plan charts such as the warrior diet plan.

The commitment to collaboration and security distinguishes Carepatron. The platform facilitates smooth communication within teams, professional networks, and clients, fostering a collaborative environment. Compliance with global security standards, including HIPAA, GDPR, and HITRUST, ensures the secure handling of sensitive healthcare data. The voice-to-text transcription feature not only saves practitioners valuable time in documentation but also ensures automatic and secure data storage.

Carepatron's customization options empower practitioners to tailor the app to their specific needs, optimizing efficiency and productivity in line with the Warrior Diet plan. The app's accessibility and global support further solidify its standing as the preferred choice for practitioners worldwide, offering indispensable assistance in implementing and managing the Warrior Diet with proficiency and security.

With all these benefits and more, if you think that Carepatron is the best GP management software, go ahead and join the thousands of healthcare practitioners benefitting from our tools and features.

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How much weight can one lose in a week on the Warrior diet?
How much weight can one lose in a week on the Warrior diet?

Commonly asked questions

How much weight can one lose in a week on the Warrior diet?

The amount of weight one can lose in a week on the Warrior diet will depend on multiple factors. Therefore, a specific amount cannot be provided.

However, if you would like to compute, according to Mayo Clinic, in order to lose a pound of fat per week, one needs to create a daily calorie deficit of around 500 calories.

Can you eat meat on the Warrior diet?

Yes, one can eat meat on the warrior diet, but not in the first week of the three-week cycle. In the second and third weeks of the cycle, meat is allowed, but only during the four-hour eating window in the evening.

How long should you follow the Warrior diet?

There is no definitive answer to how long one should follow the warrior diet, as different people may have different goals, preferences, and responses to this type of intermittent fasting. However, some general tips or things to consider that can help you decide are:

  • Your medical conditions and concerns.
  • Personal goals and expectations.
  • Progress and overall well-being
  • Body's response

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