Suicide Assessment Checklist

Dive into understanding suicide risk and learn how a comprehensive suicide assessment checklist can assist mental health professionals in identifying potential risks.

By Audrey Liz Perez on Jul 02, 2024.


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What is a Suicide Assessment Checklist?

A Suicide Assessment Checklist is a comprehensive tool mental health professionals utilize to systematically identify individuals who may be at an increased risk of suicide. It serves as a roadmap for clinicians, providing an organized structure to assess both immediate and long-term suicide risks based on various recognized factors, some of which include prior suicide attempts, mental health history, family history of suicide, and more.

This checklist is not a standalone diagnostic tool but works alongside professional judgment and other assessment methodologies. It aids professionals in thoroughly exploring a client's mental state, life circumstances, and risk factors related to suicide, hence facilitating a complete understanding of their current situation. The information from a Suicide Assessment Checklist helps clinicians design an appropriate and tailored intervention strategy.

Moreover, a Suicide Assessment Checklist is essential in preventive mental health care. Systematically identifying key risk factors and warning signs aids in initiating early interventions, significantly contributing to the prevention of suicide. These checklists are available in various forms, including printable documents and digital versions like suicide assessment checklist apps or software, increasing their accessibility and ease of use across different practice settings.

Specific versions of the checklist, such as the suicide assessment checklist Rogers and suicide assessment checklist for children, have been designed to cater to particular populations, acknowledging the diverse factors influencing suicide risk across different age groups and contexts.

In summary, a Suicide Assessment Checklist is a critical tool that helps comprehensively and systematically evaluate suicide risk, forming an integral part of the overall suicide risk assessment process.

Printable Suicide Assessment Checklist

Download this Suicide Assessment Checklist to help ensure the safety of your patients.

How does it work?

A Suicide Assessment Checklist is filled out during an interview with a client or based on information gathered from different sources, such as medical and psychiatric records, collateral information from family or friends, and self-reporting by the client. Here are the steps involved:

Step 1: Identify Basic Information

This includes the client's name, contact information, and evaluation date.

Step 2: Evaluate Risk Factors

This section evaluates historical and current risk factors, including previous suicide attempts, mental health history, family history of suicide or mental disorders, and access to lethal means.

Step 3: Identify Warning Signs

Warning signs immediately signal that the person may be at risk of suicide. These can include expressions of a desire to die, giving away possessions, or mood changes.

Step 4: Perform a Mental Health Assessment

Assess the presence and severity of mental health disorders that may contribute to suicide risk, such as depression, anxiety, substance-related disorders, and psychosis.

Step 5: Assess Social and Environmental Factors

These include the individual's living situation, social support, history of abuse, and exposure to stressful or traumatic events.

Step 6: Identify Protective Factors

These elements in a person's life may decrease suicide risks, such as positive social support, problem-solving skills, or access to mental health care.

Step 7: Formulate a Summary and Action Plan

Based on the information gathered, the mental health professional assesses the overall level of suicide risk and formulates an action plan.

Suicide Assessment Checklists Example

To help guide you through the process, we have provided a filled-out sample of a suicide assessment checklist. This example should guide completing the checklist, illustrating what information to gather and how to summarize the overall risk.

Download this Suicide Assessment Checklist Example:

Suicide Assessment Checklists Example

When would you use this Template?

A Suicide Assessment Checklist is a valuable tool for mental health professionals to use in various situations to help determine an individual's suicide risk. Here are some instances when this resource could be utilized:

Expressed Suicidal Ideation

If an individual explicitly communicates thoughts or desires of suicide, it's essential to conduct a thorough suicide risk assessment using this checklist.

History of Self-Harm or Suicide Attempts

An individual who has a history of self-harm behaviors or previous suicide attempts is at a higher risk for suicide. The checklist can help in reassessing their risk over time.

Significant Life Stressors

If an individual is going through significant life stressors such as losing a loved one, job loss, relationship breakdown, or financial hardship, a suicide risk assessment can help evaluate their coping mechanisms and potential for self-harm.

Diagnosed Mental Health Disorder

Mental health disorders such as depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, or any condition that leads to feelings of hopelessness, can increase the risk of suicide. Regular suicide risk assessments are crucial in these cases.

Changes in Behavior

Sudden changes in behavior, personality, or mood can indicate underlying issues and a potentially increased risk of suicide. These can include social withdrawal, sudden calmness after a depression, or changes in sleep or eating patterns.


A Suicide Assessment Checklist brings several benefits to the process of suicide risk assessment:

1. Structured Approach

Suicide risk assessment can be complex, given the myriad factors that need to be considered. A checklist offers a systematic way of gathering and organizing this information, reducing the chances of missing important details.

2. Comprehensive Evaluation

The checklist covers a broad range of risk factors, protective factors, and warning signs, providing a holistic picture of the individual's situation. This thorough evaluation helps in creating an accurate risk profile.

3. Guides Interventions

The information from the checklist is crucial in formulating an intervention strategy tailored to the individual's needs. It can help identify the areas where the individual requires the most support and guide the treatment plan.

4. Records Keeping

The completed checklist serves as a valuable record of the individual's risk level at a specific point in time. This can be useful for tracking changes over time and adjusting the intervention as needed.

5. Enhances Communication

A standardized checklist can help enhance communication between healthcare providers involved in the individual's care. It ensures everyone uses the same framework to assess risk, leading to a more consistent and coordinated approach.

Why use Carepatron as your Suicide Assessment Checklist app?

Choosing the right platform for managing your suicide risk assessments is crucial, and Carepatron stands out as an ideal choice for numerous reasons.

Streamlined Workflow

Carepatron offers a streamlined, user-friendly workflow that ensures seamless navigation. Its design facilitates easy entry, review, and updating of assessment checklists, promoting efficiency and saving valuable time for mental health professionals.

Comprehensive Assessment Management

Carepatron's Suicide Assessment Checklist Software is not just a digital form. It's a comprehensive tool that allows mental health professionals to manage their assessments, plan interventions, track progress, and review history all in one place. You can schedule follow-ups, set reminders, and document your sessions, ensuring every detail gets noticed.

Safe and Secure

Patient confidentiality and data security are paramount. Carepatron guarantees high-level data encryption and secure storage. You can rest assured that sensitive patient information remains confidential and protected.

Accessibility and Compatibility

Whether you're at your desk or on the move, Carepatron is there. The platform is compatible with various devices, including computers, tablets, and smartphones, ensuring you can access your suicide assessment checklists anytime, anywhere.

Collaborative Features

Carepatron allows for easy collaboration among a team of professionals. Share information, delegate tasks, and discuss patient cases in a secure environment. This facilitates a multi-disciplinary approach to patient care, which is crucial in managing patients at risk of suicide.

Dedicated Support

With Carepatron, you’re not just getting an app. You are joining a supportive community. Our dedicated customer service is ready to assist you with queries or issues, ensuring a smooth user experience.

Carepatron’s Suicide Assessment Checklist app is valuable for any mental health professional. Its blend of usability, comprehensive features, security, and dedicated support makes it a trusted ally in suicide risk assessment and intervention planning.

Therapy Software
Who uses Suicide Assessment Checklist?
Who uses Suicide Assessment Checklist?

Commonly asked questions

Who uses Suicide Assessment Checklist?

Mental health professionals such as psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, and counselors commonly use suicide assessment checklists.

When do you use Suicide Assessment Checklist?

A suicide assessment checklist is used when there is a concern about an individual's potential risk for suicide.

How is the Suicide Assessment Checklist used?

The checklist is filled out during an interview with the individual or based on information gathered from other sources. It helps the mental health professional assess various risk and protective factors, identify warning signs, and formulate an action plan.

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