Sharp Purser Test

Get access to a free Sharp Purser Test template and example. Learn how to perform this test to evaluate your patient's atlanto-axial joint.

By Ericka Pingol on Jul 02, 2024.


Fact Checked by RJ Gumban.

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What is a Sharp Purser Test?

The atlanto-axial joint is a crucial joint in the neck that connects the skull to the first two vertebrae of the spine. It comprises two articulations: one between the atlas and axis (C1 and C2) vertebrae and another between the dens of the axis and anterior arch of the atlas.

The atlanto-axial joint allows movement in the neck, from side to side and up and down. Without it, the neck would be very stiff and uncomfortable. It also plays a vital role in stabilizing the head on the spine during activities such as running, jumping, or other vigorous movements. However, its location at the top of the spine makes it vulnerable to injury. Damage to this joint could lead to significant pain and reduced mobility in the neck.

A healthcare professional may use a to evaluate for any possible damage to the atlanto-axial joint. This test involves palpating the posterior aspect of the axis or the second cervical vertebra below the skull's base.

The patient may feel a slight snapping sensation or "clunking" in the joint if there is any damage. Further tests, such as X-rays or MRI scans, may be necessary to diagnose abnormalities accurately.

Have a look at this video to see how the Sharp Purser Test is performed:

Printable Sharp Purser Test

Download this Sharp Purser Test to evaluate your patient's atlanto-axial joint.

How does this Sharp Purser Test work?

Our free Sharp Purser Test template offers a comprehensive guide on conducting this exam, allowing you to evaluate the atlanto-axial joint. Here's how to get started:

Step One: Access the free exam worksheet

Get a copy of the Sharp Purser Test using the link on this page or from the Carepatron app. You can also download it from our resources library.

Step Two: Discuss the Sharp Purser Test with your patient

Explain the importance of the Sharp Purser Test and any risks associated with the procedure. Make sure to answer any questions they may have before proceeding.

Step Three: Perform the test

You may refer to the steps listed on our free Sharp Purser Test template to administer the assessment. Observe your patient's response during the exam and record any relevant information.

Step Four: Explain your findings

Once the exam is complete, explain your findings to the patient and any steps that should be taken next. You may refer them for further testing to confirm your diagnosis or to a specialist for treatment. Be sure to answer any questions during the discussion and provide resources if necessary.

Sharp Purser Test Interpretation

The Sharp Purser Test is a valuable tool to assess the atlanto-axial joint's range of motion and stability. The test can help screen various neck injuries and provide valuable information for diagnosis.

A positive result on the Sharp Purser Test can suggest the joint is unstable, hypermobile, or a ligamentous injury could present. Further imaging or tests should be ordered if these results are indicated. 

While the Sharp Purser Test can help diagnose neck injuries, it should not be used in isolation. The results of this test must be interpreted in the context of other physical tests, the patient's history, and any imaging studies.

Sharp Purser Test example (sample)

We have created a Sharp Purser Test PDF example to help you understand how our free template works. This sample can be used for educational purposes or as a reference in your practice. You can view it here or download the PDF version.

Download the free Sharp Purser Test example (sample):

Sharp Purser Test example (sample)

When to use this Sharp Purser Assessment?

The Sharp Purser Test is a useful screening tool for neck pain and can help diagnose injuries in the upper cervical spine. It assesses range of motion at the lower cervical spine and the strength of muscles across the front and back of the neck. You may conduct this test to:

Identify any areas of tightness or weakness in the neck muscles

The Sharp Purser Test can help determine whether a patient has neck pain due to musculoskeletal issues or another underlying medical condition. It can also be used as an indicator of the effectiveness of treatment.

Test the patient’s range of motion

This assessment allows you to measure a patient’s range of motion in their neck, which can provide insight into any underlying medical issues.

Check for reflexes

You can use the Sharp Purser Test to check for any reflexes in the patient’s neck that may indicate a medical condition. This is important as nerve-related issues must be treated differently than musculoskeletal issues.

Evaluate neck symmetry

You can use the Sharp Purser Test to compare the patient's range of motion between both sides of the neck. This will allow you to see if any asymmetry indicates an underlying medical issue.

Who are these Sharp Purser Test PDF for?

The Sharp Purser Test PDF is useful for healthcare professionals wanting to evaluate their patient's atlanto-axial joint. It's beneficial for:

  • Physical therapists
  • Neurologists
  • Chiropractors
  • Sports medicine specialists
  • Nurses
  • Physicians
  • Occupational therapists

This assessment tool can also be used in various settings, from private clinics to hospitals to rehabilitation centers.

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Benefits of free Sharp Purser Test

Our free Sharp Purser Test offers many advantages for healthcare providers and patients. Here are some of them:

It's easy to administer

This free template provides easy-to-understand instructions to help you perform the Sharp Purser Test in minutes. You don't have to spend time searching for complex instructions or purchasing expensive tools.

It's non-invasive and quick

The Sharp Purser Test is a non-invasive assessment that you can quickly administer. It won't require any needles or other uncomfortable procedures, and patients will be comfortable during the procedure.

It's suitable for all ages

The Sharp Purser Test is suitable for people of all ages, including children, adolescents, adults, and seniors. This makes it an ideal assessment tool for any patient experiencing neck pain.

It allows patients to feel in control of their condition

The Sharp Purser Test encourages patients to take an active role in their treatment. By helping them identify the source of their pain, they can make informed decisions about their care plan and feel empowered to manage their condition.

Why use this Sharp Purser Test app?

Are you a physical therapist looking for the right practice management software to help streamline your business? Carepatron is the answer!

Our comprehensive and intuitive software solution will give you a complete picture of your operations, so you can focus on running your practice efficiently while providing quality patient care. With Carepatron, you can quickly and easily manage patient records, insurance billing, appointment scheduling, and more!

Running a practice can be pretty challenging, which is why our software is designed with convenience in mind. We provide a user-friendly platform so you can navigate through your tasks quickly without any hassle. Plus, our support team is available to help whenever you have questions.

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Physical Therapy Software
What does Sharp Purser Test evaluate?
What does Sharp Purser Test evaluate?

Commonly asked questions

What does Sharp Purser Test evaluate?

The Sharp Purser Test evaluates the range of motion and strength of the neck. It is designed to assess muscular imbalance, pain, stiffness, and other symptoms causing a patient’s discomfort.

Who should use the Sharp Purser Test?

The Sharp Purser Test can be used by any healthcare provider treating patients with neck pain or other symptoms related to the upper spine. It is recommended for physical therapists, osteopaths, chiropractors, and primary care physicians.

What are the benefits of using the Sharp Purser Test?

The Sharp Purser Test is used to measure and document a patient’s condition. This can help healthcare providers better understand what might be causing their discomfort and tailor treatments for their needs. It also provides helpful insights into the range of motion, strength, and postural alignment of the neck, which can aid in diagnosing the cause of the issue.

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