Problem-Solving Even When Feeling Hopeless DBT Worksheet

Give your client a copy of the Problem-Solving Even When Feeling Hopeless DBT Worksheet when they need strategies to solve specific problems.

By Patricia Buenaventura on Jul 02, 2024.


Fact Checked by Nate Lacson.

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What is Dialectical Behavior Therapy?

Developed by psychologist Marsha M. Linehan in the 1980s, , or dialectical behavior therapy, is an evidence-based psychotherapy rooted in cognitive-behavioral therapy combined with Easter philosophical concepts and mindful practices. Medical practitioners with a DBT certification, such as therapists, psychiatrists, psychologists, and nurses, currently use dialectical behavior therapy to treat various mental health conditions. Some are bipolar, substance abuse, eating disorders, depression, and anxiety.

DBT sessions can be conducted in three ways: individual, group, and telephone crisis/phone coaching. The referring physician may use one or all of the session options. Whichever they choose, however, they do have a similar purpose, and that is to teach, equip, and develop the four primary skills:

  • Mindfulness: This is being more aware and accepting of present experiences and thoughts.
  • Distress Tolerance: This is overcoming challenging times without resorting to self-destructive coping techniques.
  • Interpersonal Effectiveness: This is knowing and being firm with their feelings and how they want to improve their relationships.
  • Emotional Regulation: This deals with first/primary emotions before turning into secondary or other emotions.

With these four significant skills, mental health practitioners aim to help clients accept their desires and emotions while working and making positive changes in life.

Printable Problem-Solving Even When Feeling Hopeless DBT Worksheet

Download this Problem-Solving Even When Feeling Hopeless DBT Worksheet and encourage clients to develop problem solving skills.

How to use the Problem-solving Even When Feeling Hopeless DBT Worksheet:

Access and Download the Template

To access and download a printable and digital copy of the “Problem-Solving Even when Feeling Hopeless DBT Worksheet” by either:

  • Clicking the “Download Template” or “Use Template” button.
  • Searching “Problem-Solving Even When Feeling Hopeless DBT Worksheet” in Carepatron’s template library’s search bar on the app or website. 

Explain and Fill Out the Template

Though there are straightforward instructions on the template you gave to your client, when the client needs clarification, has any questions, or wants to accomplish the worksheet, you must be able to explain the template’s sections/questions. To help you out, we’ve listed down the areas below and some tips you may provide that they may find helpful:

  • Break your problem into small, solvable steps: Provide an example like “If a person is in debt, they may look at ways to spend less money and make more money. Small solvable steps may be unsubscribing from a service they no longer need or offering language learning lessons”. 
  • Ask for help: Aside from friends and family, you may ask if they have people they trust at places of worship, work, etc. You may also remind them that there are organizations that offer help. 
  • Try a brainstorming session: Ask the client if they know at least four people they can trust to brainstorm with them. If they only trust one person, or even if you’re the only one they trust, let them know that’s perfectly fine. In addition, ensure them that during this time, solutions they may come up with may be a mix of realistic or not. The goal is to come up with as many ideas as possible. Choosing the best ones will be done as the last step of the section. 
  • Challenge the assumptions about the nature of your problems: Remind them that the chosen person must be a professional or someone they trust who knows them well. That way, they won’t be judged, and the client will likely believe what the other person says is true. 
  • Root Cause Analysis: This section can be challenging, especially if the client isn’t comfortable analyzing themselves, their environment, and their relationships, whether past or present. It’d be helpful if you were there to ask them prompting questions if they seem stuck.
  • What to Do: Like the section before this, it may provide solace to the client if you were there to help them develop problem-solving strategies if they find themselves. 

Discuss the Template

Even if you were with your client most of the time they’re answering the worksheet, it’s best to discuss the completed worksheet with them to know them better or to provide them with additional beneficial tools or information that may assist them the next time they problem-solve independently. 

Securely Store

The completed worksheet carries sensitive information about the client. Therefore, your client should store the physical copy securely or upload the document on Carepatron. On Carepatron, only you - the referring physician - the client, and any relevant parties can access the file when needed. 

Problem-Solving Even When Feeling Hopeless DBT Worksheet Example

Here’s a downloadable PDF of a completed “Problem-Solving Even When Feeling Hopeless DBT Worksheet” sample template. You may use this example as a guide or educational resource to help you explain how to answer the worksheet to your client.

Grab a copy of the sample worksheet by viewing it below or clicking the “Download Example PDF” button. 

Download this Problem-Solving Even When Feeling Hopeless DBT Worksheet Example:

Problem-Solving Even When Feeling Hopeless DBT Worksheet Example

When would you use this Problem-solving Even When Feeling Hopeless DBT Worksheet?

Psychiatrists, psychiatric nurses, psychologists, social workers, family therapists, or any therapist with a DBT certification can include the Problem-Solving Even When Feeling Hopeless DBT Worksheet in their client’s treatment plan. The worksheet will be especially helpful to clients who:

  • Feel depressed or hopeless about their current problem.
  • Need some help with developing a problem-solving attitude.
  • Gravitate towards a single way to solve their problem, even if they’re no longer effective or healthy.

Even if we’ve provided circumstances and situations where you can use this worksheet, we’ll leave it up to you if and when you will give your client a copy. You will know best if this worksheet will be beneficial and at what point of their treatment plan it will make the most sense to do this exercise. 

What are the benefits of using this Problem-solving Even When Feeling Hopeless DBT Worksheet?

Provides Structure and Guidance

Developing a “problem-solving attitude” can be challenging, especially if it’s the client’s first time and they don’t know how to do it. The Problem-Solving Even When Feeling Hopeless DBT Worksheet can help provide structure and guidance until they know how to do it independently or develop said attitude. 

Improves Relationships

Certain sections in the worksheet will require the client to reach out to people they may trust, which may improve and strengthen the relationship between the client and the person they trust.

Create Individualized Treatment Plans

With the Problem-Solving Even When Feeling Hopeless DBT Worksheet, you can better understand how clients deal with their problems. Furthermore, aside from having the client develop a “problem-solving attitude,” you can come up with other exercises they can do to manage emotions brought about by problems, create coping mechanisms, etc. 

Easily Accessible

Our “Problem-Solving Even When Feeling Hopeless DBT Worksheet” isn’t only free but easily accessible and fillable on any PDF editor on any gadget you have on hand. 

Why use Carepatron as your Dialectical Behavior Therapy app?

It’s because mental health practitioners with DBT training, like psychiatrists, psychologists, and therapists, use Carepatron to productively and efficiently manage their therapy practice. If they can do more with Carepatron, you can too!

If you’re wondering how Carepatron’s tools and features have helped them and can help you with your practice, here’s a list of the tasks you can automate and processes you can streamline on our desktop software and mobile-friendly app: 

Managing Your Schedule

Patients aren’t only free to request appointments. Still, all approved ones can appear on both your Google/iCal calendar and our built-in calendar to customize the look of the built-in calendar for organization purposes.

Remind Patients

Send automated reminders via SMS and email to clients of their payment dues and upcoming appointments by setting up a system on Carepatron. 

Create Medical Documents, Notes, and Invoices

No need to start from scratch. Instead, save time, money, and effort by using any of the 1000+ customizable and printable SOAP notes, invoices, and medical document templates in our template library. 

Storing Client Information and Essential Records

Rest assured that all the records you upload and client information you input in the patient portal are secured in our HIPAA-compliant EHR. 

Handling Payments

Offer more accessible payment options and quickly process payments on Carepatron. 

These and more are available for you at Carepatron! Don’t miss out on getting free access to all of these. Sign up for a free account on Carepatron today!

Electronic Health Records Software
How long does it usually take to accomplish the Problem-solving Even When Feeling Hopeless DBT Worksheet?
How long does it usually take to accomplish the Problem-solving Even When Feeling Hopeless DBT Worksheet?

Commonly asked questions

How long does it usually take to accomplish the Problem-solving Even When Feeling Hopeless DBT Worksheet?

It can take at least an hour to accomplish the “Problem-solving Even When Feeling Hopeless DBT Worksheet,” especially if it’s the client’s first time and they prefer to answer the worksheet independently.

How can the Problem-solving Even When Feeling Hopeless DBT Worksheet help a person?

The Problem-Solving Even When Feeling Hopeless DBT Worksheet can help a person break down the problem to find a solution and develop a “problem-solving attitude.”

When is this Problem-solving Even When Feeling Hopeless DBT Worksheet best used?

The Problem-solving Even When Feeling Hopeless DBT Worksheet is best used when the client has a problem and feels hopeless because of it, or they cannot find a solution to their problems.

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