Preparticipation Physical Evaluation Form

Download our Preparticipation Physical Evaluation Form template to streamline sports health assessments, ensuring safety and readiness for young athletes.

By Olivia Sayson on Feb 14, 2025.


Fact Checked by Gale Alagos.

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What is a Preparticipation Physical Evaluation Form?

A preparticipation physical evaluation (PPE) is a targeted medical assessment designed to determine if children and adolescents are medically eligible for sports and other physically demanding activities. This evaluation provides a comprehensive preparticipation physical evaluation overview to ensure individuals are physically prepared and safe to engage in their chosen sports.

The process includes reviewing the child's medical history form, emphasizing prior injuries, illnesses, or conditions that could impact their participation. By identifying potential health risks early, the evaluation supports the goal of making participants eligible for sports without undue risk of harm. It is an essential step in injury prevention, especially when conducted alongside a routine health supervision visit.

Healthcare providers, typically the child's primary care provider or a licensed expert in pre-participation exams, use a detailed Preparticipation Physical Evaluation Form to document findings. This is usually aligned with guidelines from the Preparticipation Physical Evaluation (PPE) Monograph, 5th Edition (American Academy of Family Physicians et al., 2019), ensuring the evaluation covers all necessary health and safety aspects. This process determines if a participant is medically eligible for sports or if additional precautions are required.

Through different resources such as podcasts and voices, blogs, or this guide, parents and athletes can gain deeper insights into the importance of the preparticipation physical evaluation sport process, helping foster safer and healthier sports environments.

Preparticipation Physical Evaluation Form Template

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Preparticipation Physical Evaluation Form Example

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How does our Preparticipation Physical Evaluation Form template work?

Our Preparticipation Physical Evaluation Form template simplifies documenting a child’s medical history and physical exam findings. Here's how to use it effectively:

Step 1: Access the template

Access the Preparticipation Physical Evaluation Form from this page by clicking "Use template" for a customizable file you can edit on the Carepatron platform, or click "Download" for a fillable PDF template.

Step 2: Fill out personal and medical information

Complete the personal details section, including the individual’s name, age, contact information, and medical history. Include current medications, allergies, and any previous health issues. Answer all questions regarding past medical conditions and surgeries accurately.

Step 3: Answer health-related questions

The form includes questions on general health, heart conditions, previous bone or joint injuries, and other medical concerns. Be thorough and precise. This information is essential for identifying potential health risks or injuries that may impact sports participation.

Step 4: Complete the physical exam section

A healthcare provider will conduct a physical exam, including measurements of height, weight, vital signs, and checks of specific body areas. The provider will assess general health and look for any abnormalities in the eyes, heart, muscles, and joints.

Step 5: Review and sign consent

After completing the form, carefully review all sections for accuracy. The individual or parent/guardian must sign the consent section, which authorizes the physical exam and confirms the form’s completion.

Step 6: Submit and retain the form

Once signed, keep the completed form in the individual’s medical file for future reference. Submission to other departments is not required unless specified. Retain the form for record-keeping or future evaluations if necessary.

When to use the Preparticipation Physical Evaluation Form

The Preparticipation Physical Evaluation Form template is essential for anyone preparing to participate in sports or physical activities.

  • Before participation in sports: The PPE Physical Evaluation Form should be completed annually for athletes, particularly children and adolescents, to assess their readiness for physical activity and sports participation.
  • To ensure athlete safety: The PPE Monograph 5th Edition serves as a guide for conducting thorough evaluations to minimize injury risks and confirm the athlete's physical readiness.
  • To address health concerns: The template helps healthcare providers and the athlete's primary care provider identify any underlying medical conditions or risks before participation in a competition.
  • For children and young athletes: With millions participating in sports, this form is crucial to ensuring that young athletes are healthy and physically fit to safely engage in sports activities, from recreational play to competitive levels.

Benefits of using our Preparticipation Physical Evaluation Form

Here are some of the benefits of using our free and printable Preparticipation Physical Evaluation Form template:

Streamline documentation

With our form template, all the necessary information and sections have already been provided for you. This helps streamline the documentation process and ensures that all essential factors are considered during the evaluation.

Easy access and organization

You can easily upload the form template to the Carepatron app or keep a hard copy for your records. This makes accessing and organizing all the necessary information for each child's evaluation easy.

Improved communication

The form's structured format facilitates clear communication between healthcare providers, athletic departments, and parents/guardians, ensuring that everyone is on the same page regarding the child's health status and ability to participate in sports.

Enhanced patient safety

The form organizes medical history and physical exam results and helps identify potential health risks early on, reducing the likelihood of complications during sports participation.


American Academy of Family Physicians, American Academy of Pediatrics, American College of Sports Medicine, & American Medical Society for Sports Medicine (Eds.). (2019). Preparticipation physical evaluation monograph (5th ed.). American Academy of Pediatrics.

What happens if a health concern is identified during the PPE?
What happens if a health concern is identified during the PPE?

Commonly asked questions

What happens if a health concern is identified during the PPE?

If a health concern or medical condition is identified during the Preparticipation Physical Evaluation, the healthcare provider will assess its severity and implications. Depending on the findings, they may recommend additional testing, treatment, or follow-up care.

Can this template be used for all sports?

Yes, this Preparticipation Physical Evaluation Form is designed to universally apply to all sports. It includes a comprehensive set of questions and sections to cover general health and specific conditions that could impact an athlete’s participation, regardless of the sport they are engaging in.

What if the athlete is cleared for participation with conditions?

If an athlete is cleared for participation but has specific conditions (e.g., a previous injury or heart condition), healthcare providers may recommend modified activities or specific precautions.

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