Pediatric Burn Chart

Optimise pediatric burn care with the Pediatric Burn Chart Template, a tool designed to streamline the assessment and management of burns in pediatric patients.

By Liliana Braun on Jul 02, 2024.


Fact Checked by RJ Gumban.

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What is a Pediatric Burn Chart Template?

The Pediatric Burn Chart Template is an essential and comprehensive tool designed to cater specifically to healthcare professionals engaged in the critical assessment and management of pediatric burn injuries. Crafted with precision, this template incorporates specialized features such as pediatric burn percentage charts and detailed burn percentage charts tailored to the unique anatomical characteristics of pediatric patients. A key colimponent of this template is the inclusion of a rule of nines burn chart specifically formulated for the pediatric population, offering a systematic approach to accurately gauge the extent and severity of burn injuries in children.

This template acts as a structured framework, providing in-depth information and guidelines vital for healthcare practitioners in the evaluation, diagnosis, and formulation of effective treatment plans for pediatric burn cases. Its pediatric-centric focus ensures that healthcare professionals can navigate the complexities of burn injury assessment with heightened accuracy and specificity, considering the nuances associated with pediatric physiology. By integrating specialized charts and considerations, the Pediatric Burn Chart Template emerges as an invaluable resource in the pediatric healthcare landscape, facilitating a comprehensive and targeted approach to pediatric burn care.

Printable Pediatric Burn Chart

Download this Pediatric Burn Chart designed to cater specifically to healthcare professionals engaged in critically assessing and managing pediatric burn injuries.

How does it work?

The steps involved in filling out a Printable Pediatric Burn Chart Template are given below.


  1. Before starting, gather essential information about the child, including their name, age, date of birth, medical history, and details of the burn injury (location, size, depth, cause).
  2. Review the specific sections of the chart and understand what information each field requires.

Data collection:

  1. Regularly record the child's vital signs, including temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate, and blood pressure.
  2. Utilize a standardized pain assessment tool appropriate for the child's age and cognitive abilities to document their pain level.
  3. Carefully observe the burn wound and document its appearance (color, size, depth), presence of drainage, bleeding, or signs of infection.
  4. Record the type, dose, and time of administration of all medications prescribed for the child's burn treatment and pain management.
  5. Monitor and record the child's fluid intake (including oral fluids and intravenous fluids) and urine output to assess hydration status.
  6. Note any other relevant observations, such as changes in the child's mood, behavior, or sleep patterns.


  1. Conduct a comprehensive initial assessment immediately after the burn injury and document all findings in the chart.
  2. Continue to monitor and record vital signs, pain levels, wound status, and other relevant information at regular intervals throughout the recovery process.
  3. Adjust the frequency of monitoring based on the severity of the burn, the child's individual needs, and healthcare provider recommendations.


  1. Use clear and concise language to document all information in the chart.
  2. Include the date and time of each recording for accurate tracking of progress.
  3. Have healthcare providers sign and date their entries in the chart.

Pediatric Burn Chart example (sample)

At Carepatron, our commitment to simplifying the workflow of healthcare practitioners extends to the domain of pediatric burn care. Introducing our Pediatric Burn Chart Template PDF, we strive to empower healthcare professionals with a specialized tool designed to enhance the assessment and management of pediatric burn injuries. This comprehensive template includes a pediatric burn percentage chart and a detailed burn percentage chart, tailored to the anatomical characteristics of pediatric patients, ensuring precision in evaluating the extent and severity of burns.

Download this Pediatric Burn Chart example:

Pediatric Burn Chart example (sample)

When would you use this template?

Acute care settings:

  • Emergency departments: upon arrival at the emergency department, the Pediatric Burn Chart Template helps assess the severity of the burn, track initial vital signs and pain levels, and guide initial treatment decisions.
  • Burn units: throughout the child's stay in the burn unit, the chart facilitates comprehensive monitoring of vital signs, pain levels, wound healing progression, medication administration, and fluid intake and output.
  • Operating rooms: during burn surgery, the chart provides a clear record of relevant information for the surgical team, including pre-operative assessments, medications administered, and any potential complications.

Outpatient care settings:

  • Burn clinics: during follow-up appointments, the chart allows healthcare providers to track the child's recovery progress, assess the effectiveness of treatment plans, and make necessary adjustments.
  • Pediatric clinics: primary care providers can utilize the chart to monitor the child's healing progress, address any concerns regarding pain management or scarring, and coordinate care with specialists.

Research and education:

  • Clinical research: Pediatric Burn Chart Templates can be used to collect data for research studies aimed at improving burn care practices and developing new treatment strategies.
  • Education and training: utilizing the chart in educational settings helps healthcare professionals learn about pediatric burn assessment, treatment protocols, and pain management strategies.

What do the results mean?

When using a Free Pediatric Burn Chart Template common results include:

  • Burn size and depth: indicates severity and potential complications. Larger, deeper burns tend to be more serious than smaller, shallower burns.
  • Vital sign changes: elevated temperature may signal infection, increased heart rate can indicate pain or stress, and low blood pressure suggests dehydration.
  • Pain scores: guide pain management interventions. The higher the pain the more likely they are to get pain relief. 
  • Wound appearance: redness, swelling, and drainage are normal during healing, while eschar formation needs monitoring. Granulation tissue and skin regrowth are positive signs.
  • Fluid intake/output: reflects hydration status, ensuring proper fluid replacement.
  • Medication records: track treatment and avoid medication errors. These can highlight if improvements are being made or not and guide the recovery process. 
  • Changes in behavior/mood: may indicate underlying issues needing attention.

Research & evidence

Pediatric burns are a significant concern, affecting millions globally due to various causes. Effective management involves meticulous classification based on total body surface area and injury depth, requiring comprehensive interventions. Large burns manifest in multisystemic effects, necessitating intensive medical therapy and aggressive surgery. 

Specialized burn centers, equipped with multidisciplinary teams, are optimal for comprehensive care. Pediatric Burn Chart Templates play a vital role in providing essential tools for accurate assessment, strategic planning, and collaborative care in addressing these challenges (Krishnamoorthy et al., 2012).

The World Health Organization's Global Burn Registry enhances understanding of pediatric burn epidemiology. In a 20-country analysis, 42% of 8,640 entries were children, with scald burns prevalent in ages 1-5 and flame burns in older children. Over half experienced major burns, requiring critical and surgical interventions. 

A concerning limitation emerged—23% reported "limited" critical care capacity for pediatric patients. This emphasizes the crucial role of Pediatric Burn Chart Templates in optimizing care and addressing resource challenges globally (Jordan et al., 2022).

Why use Carepatron as your  Pediatric Burn Chart app?

In the dynamic landscape of healthcare, where precision and efficiency are paramount, Carepatron takes center stage as the go-to solution for healthcare professionals seeking an intuitive and user-friendly Pediatric Burn Chart app. Our platform revolutionizes the creation and implementation of burn percentage chart templates, providing a seamless experience for healthcare practitioners. 

Carepatron's Pediatric Burn Chart app stands out with its user-friendly interface and intuitive design, offering an easily downloadable burn percentage chart that simplifies the assessment of burn severity and treatment planning. The app's game-changing features ensure accessibility and simplicity, transforming the way healthcare professionals approach burn care. 

Designed for efficiency, Carepatron's user interface enables healthcare providers to navigate the chart creation process effortlessly, saving valuable time and effort. The app's effectiveness is further enhanced by incorporating essential medical codes and terminology, facilitating easy access to the necessary tools for optimal healthcare delivery.

Beyond template provision, Carepatron fosters collaboration among healthcare teams, providing a dynamic platform that supports a holistic approach to patient care. The Pediatric Burn Chart software's versatility accommodates the diverse needs associated with individual, family, and community factors involved in the recovery from burns. Carepatron stands as a reliable ally for healthcare professionals, ensuring precision and efficiency in the intricate landscape of pediatric burn care.

medical dictation software


Jordan, K. C., Di Gennaro, J. L., von Saint André-von Arnim, A., & Stewart, B. T. (2022). Global trends in pediatric burn injuries and care capacity from the World Health Organization Global Burn Registry. Frontiers in Pediatrics, 10.

Krishnamoorthy, V., Ramaiah, R., & Bhananker, S. (2012). Pediatric burn injuries. International Journal of Critical Illness and Injury Science, 2(3), 128.

How do you create a Pediatric Burn Chart template?
How do you create a Pediatric Burn Chart template?

Commonly asked questions

How do you create a Pediatric Burn Chart template?

Carepatron provides a ready-to-use burn percentage chart which can be printed or used online.

When are Pediatric Burn Chart Templates used?

During acute care (e.g., emergency departments, burn units) and outpatient care (e.g., burn clinics, pediatric clinics) for burn assessment, treatment monitoring, and communication.

How are the Pediatric Burn Chart Templates used?

To document vital signs, pain levels, wound healing, medication administration, fluid intake/output, and other observations for informed care decisions.

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