Medical Intake Form

Improve the onboarding process at your practice with this medical intake form. Easily accessed and intuitively designed, this form will improve patient and practitioner satisfaction.

By Liliana Braun on Jul 02, 2024.


Fact Checked by RJ Gumban.

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What is a Medical Intake Form?

When a new patient begins treatment at a medical practice, they are required to complete an intake form. These documents have a range of different purposes and are primarily used to inform the healthcare business about vital pieces of information regarding the patient’s personal and medical history. Additionally, intake forms often have insurance sections, so the practice can quickly and easily verify the patient’s insurance plan, simplifying the medical billing process. Although crucial, intake processes can be lengthy and complicated when not done right. This is why we have put in the time and effort to create a downloadable and easily used  template. Separated into the various relevant sections, our PDF template can be saved onto your device, where it can be accessed and distributed to patients when necessary. The template has been developed to streamline your intake process, helping patients seamlessly access the care they need from your medical practice. In this guide, we’ll provide an outline of how our intake form template works, as well as some of the many benefits that you can reap if you utilize it within your day-to-day work. Let’s get started!

Printable Medical Intake Form

Download these templates for Medical Intake Form to improve your paperless intake process and HIPAA compliance.

How to Use This Template for Medical Intake Forms

Fortunately, using our medical intake form template isn’t very difficult. To maximize usage of the form, just follow these easy steps: 

Step One: Download the PDF template

Firstly, you need to download the template from the link that is included on this page. The document should open in a PDF reader on your device, and from here it can either be edited directly or saved onto your device. To edit the intake form, you just have to click into the different boxes and start typing. 

Step Two: Distribute the form 

When a patient books a session or appointment at your medical clinic, it’s time to distribute the intake form. There are a couple of ways that you can do this. Firstly, you can send them a link to the PDF template and they can edit it online before sending you the completed form. Alternatively, you can wait until the day of the appointment and ask your client to complete the intake form while they are in the waiting room. Although both of these options are fine, we definitely recommend the first one. By asking your patients to complete the intake form prior to the day of their session, you will reduce the amount of time they spend in the waiting room and improve the efficiency of the intake process. 

Step Three: Upload patient data into the system

After a patient has completed the intake form, you need to upload the information they have written into your practice’s EHR system. Intake forms cover personal details, medical history, and insurance information: data that will guarantee better treatment of care. By using an EHR, you will ensure all of the relevant practitioners have access to critical information in real-time and can make more informed clinical decisions regarding their patient.

Medical Intake Form Example (Sample)

When you have followed these three steps, you’ll have a completed intake form, accurate data in your system, and practitioners that are ready to deliver informed treatment interventions. Although the information included on an intake form will differ depending on the type of practice you work at, we’ve created a sample form so you can see what this resource looks like in action.

Download this Medical Intake Form Example here:

Medical Intake Form Example (Sample)

Who Can Use this Printable Medical Intake Form (PDF)?

Pretty much every single healthcare business that sees and treats patients medically is able to utilize our intake form template. The healthcare specializations that will benefit from this PDF resource includes:

  1. General Practitioners
  2. Counselors
  3. Mental Health Therapists
  4. Psychologists
  5. Psychiatrists
  6. Occupational Therapists
  7. Nurses

The form is also suitable for patients of any and all ages, including infants, children, adolescents, young adults, adults, and elderly people. Furthermore, regardless of whether or not a patient has received extensive medical treatment in the past or if this is their first time receiving care, the intake form is still important. It can help inform practitioners of family medical concerns, allowing them to take preventative measures against genetically predisposed health outcomes. At the end of the day, if you are working at a healthcare business and are onboarding new patients, then this intake form will be applicable to your work.

Why is This Form Useful for Medical Practitioners?

There is a range of different uses of our intake form, designed to ease the workload of healthcare practitioners. Some of the uses include the following:

Streamline onboarding

Perhaps the most significant use of our intake form is the role it plays in streamlining onboarding. Getting new patients into your business is important, both for the safety of the client and for the financial stability of the practice. However, when not done well, this process can be complicated and time-consuming. With our intake form, you can automate onboarding and ensure the practice has access to all of the information they need to deliver quality care solutions to patients in need.

Reduce time spent in the waiting room

One of the other uses of this intake form is related to its ability to cut down on time spent in waiting rooms. Patients are looking for seamless healthcare solutions and don’t want to spend a long time filling out paperwork in waiting rooms. If you send the intake form to your clients prior to them coming into the practice for their appointment, you can significantly reduce the amount of time they spend waiting. This has the additional advantage of freeing up time for your practitioners, allowing you to book extra appointments and increase revenue.

Medical Practitioner Software Feedback

Benefits of medical intake form templates

In addition to having a range of costs, our medical intake form template is also guaranteed to lead to various benefits, including:

Cut down on costs

By using an intake form template that can be distributed online, you will be able to stop unnecessary paper-related costs. For example, you will no longer need to purchase printing paper, copiers, ink cartridges, or pens. Although these may seem like minor purchases, I’m sure you’re aware of how quickly they add up. Also – going paperless is fantastic for the environment. 

Improve patient satisfaction

As we mentioned, utilizing an intake form template can reduce the time that patients spend in the waiting room. Showing patients from day one that you are capable of delivering a seamless care delivery process will elevate patient satisfaction and encourage loyalty. Although these processes can obviously become complicated by certain factors and are hard to keep seamless all of the time, incorporating resources like our template can help increase efficiency. 

Obtain accurate data 

The main purpose of the intake process is to keep the medical practice well informed. Without the right kind of data, this entire process will become void. We’ve done our research and understand the type of information that needs to be included in an intake form, and our template reflects this. By implementing this PDF resource, you will ensure that all of the patient data stored within your system is accurate and kept up to date.


Although intake forms aren’t typically shared between different providers as they solely pertain to one specific business, the information included in them can help facilitate better inter-departmental communication. Practitioners can reach out to one another with any questions or concerns they may have, helping to ensure that coordination of care is both organized and transparent. 

Better clinical outcomes

Finally, all of these benefits are likely to contribute to improved clinical outcomes. If your healthcare business has accurate patient data, improved satisfaction, and elevated communication, practitioners are more likely to make well-informed clinical decisions. In turn, patients will respond to treatment effectively and clinical outcomes should greatly improve.

Why Use Carepatron For Medical Intake Forms?

Carepatron is the leading practice management software that is available in today’s digital market. It offers solutions to automate the onboarding process, including a robust set of downloadable templates and sophisticated voice-to-text transcription software. Carepatron is also integrated with HIPAA-compliant storage capabilities that employ bank-grade encryption and various other safeguards, ensuring that your patients’ data is protected at all times. Finding solutions to streamline these processes at your medical practice is critical if you want to remain competitive in today’s healthcare industry. With Carepatron, you will be able to offload various administrative tasks to the system, which will automate and complete them with greater accuracy. In addition to these onboarding tools, Carepatron also offers documentation, billing, coding, scheduling, patient engagement, and mobile health solutions. Essentially, it is the perfect software for anyone looking to improve the processes at their medical practice.

Medical Intake Forms Software
What is required on a medical intake form?
What is required on a medical intake form?

Commonly asked questions

What is required on a medical intake form?

There aren’t exactly hard and fast medical intake form rules that determine the information that needs to be in these documents. Because intake forms are designed to make your life easier, you get to have a lot of say in what goes in them. Nevertheless, there are a few areas that we think are absolutely necessary for intake forms, including:

  • Patient’s personal and contact details
  • Past medical history (including family history)
  • Why the patient is seeking treatment at your practice
  • Goals for treatment
  • Insurance information
How should I store my intake forms?

After the intake forms have been completed, you should store the data somewhere accessible and secure. The information is protected and you need to adhere to HIPAA guidelines. The best way to guarantee that patient privacy remains protected is to use an online system, like an EHR or practice management platform. These systems are integrated with electronic and physical safeguards that protect patient data round-the-clock, preventing any possibility of a data leak or hack.

When should I give an intake form to a new patient?

We recommend giving the intake form template to a patient a few days before their first appointment. This will give them enough time to complete the form and get it back to you before the day of their appointment. By having the data uploaded into the system prior to when the patient comes in the practice, the onboarding process will be much more seamless.

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