Femoral Nerve Entrapment Test

Check if your patient has a damaged femoral nerve with a Femoral Nerve Entrapment Test. Click here for a free template and guide on how to use it.

By Patricia Buenaventura on Jul 02, 2024.


Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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What is a Femoral Nerve Entrapment?

, also known as femoral neuropathy or femoral nerve dysfunction, is when a patient’s femoral nerve is pinched, compressed, entrapped, or damaged, causing the patient’s loss of sensation or movement ability in the leg. If not identified or diagnosed right away, femoral nerve entrapment can:

  • Interfere with a patient’s walking ability
  • Negatively affect the sensation of a patient’s leg and foot
  • Prevent the flow of blood in a nerve that will result in damage to the tissue
  • Cause more injuries because weakness in one’s leg muscles can increase one’s risk of falling

To diagnose, a practitioner must conduct several physical exams, an interview, and additional tests such as CT scans, EMG, MRI, and nerve conduction.

One of the physical tests a practitioner can conduct is the femoral nerve entrapment test, also known as the prone knee bending test or reversed Lasègue test. The test helps practitioners check the femoral nerve up to the nerve roots of the upper lumbar spine (L2-L4).

Heard of the test but unfamiliar with the instructions, results, and the like? Proceed to the next section for step-by-step directions on downloading and using the template we’ve created that comes complete with the test’s instructions, result interpretation, and more.

Printable Femoral Nerve Entrapment Test

Download this Femoral Nerve Entrapment Test to check if your patient has a damaged femoral nerve.

How does this Femoral Nerve Test work?

Step One. Access the Template. 

Access and download the template by:

  • Clicking the “Use this Template” or “Download Template” button above
  • Searching for the “Femoral Nerve Test” in Carepatron’s template library on our website or app

Step Two. Conduct the Test

Before you begin, don’t forget to complete the required basic information, such as the patient’s name, your name, and the exam date. Afterward, you may proceed to follow the test instructions. 

Though you have a copy of the directions in the template, to help you prepare as early as now, we’ve written the step-by-step below. 

  1. Have your patient in a prone position or lying face down. You may provide a pillow to place under their abdomen for their comfort.
  2. Bend or flex the knee 90 degrees.
  3. Hyperflex the knee or push the ankle downwards or towards the buttocks.
  4. If the patient doesn’t show any symptoms, stabilize the hip with one hand, lift the knee, and push the ankle towards the buttocks once more.

Step Three. Interpret

Once finished with testing, record the patient’s results and findings. We’ve also provided the interpretation guide you’ll find on the template:

(+) Positive test if:

  • The patient feels a tightness in the anterior thigh
  • The patient feels a shooting, stabbing, or burning sensation symptomatic of nerve pain. 

Step Four. Proceed with Further Testing

As mentioned in the first section, this test isn’t enough to diagnose femoral nerve entrapment. So, it’s best to have them undergo several more physical exams, interviews, or imaging tests like CT scans, EMGs, and MRIs. 


To obtain a Femoral Nerve Entrapment Test Score, simply tick the negative or positive checkbox based on the interpretation that matches your observation. 

Femoral Nerve Entrapment Example (Sample)

Here’s an example of a filled-out Femoral Nerve Entrapment Test template. Hopefully, this will give you an insight into how this assessment may look when completed. 

Grab a copy you can reference in the future by clicking the “Download Example PDF” button above.

Download this Femoral Nerve Entrapment Test Example (Sample) here:

Femoral Nerve Entrapment Example (Sample)

When to use this Femoral Nerve Entrapment Assessment?

Practitioners who can use the Femoral Nerve Entrapment Assessment are patients who either have the symptoms of femoral neuropathy or participate in activities that can cause damage to the femoral nerve. 

To assist you, we’ve listed the causes and symptoms for your reference. 


  • Direct injury causing a pelvic fracture
  • Growing tumor or anything else that may be blocking/trapping a part of the nerve
  • A catheter placed into the femoral artery, which is usually needed for some surgical procedures
  • Internal bleeding or hemorrhage behind the abdomen
  • Pressure on the nerve for a long time
  • Diabetes or hip arthritis


Who are these Femoral Nerve Entrapment Test PDF for?

Any practitioner specializing in diagnosing and treating injuries in the lower extremities, especially the leg and knee, will benefit from a PDF copy of the Femoral Nerve Entrapment Test. To be more specific, here’s the list of the practitioners we’re describing above.

  • Physiatrist
  • Neurologist/Neurosurgeon
  • Orthopedist
  • Primary Care Doctor/Physician
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Benefits of the Free Femoral Stretch Test

Easy to Understand 

The few instructions of the Free Femoral Stretch Test are written in layman’s terms which makes it easy to understand and follow. To add, the template is short and designed to be intuitive so you can effortlessly navigate through the sections. 

Quick to Administer

Because the Femoral Entrapment Test is short, you only need a few minutes to conduct it. That means you’ll have the test results in no time ready to be used as a basis for further testing. 

Written Copies for Reference

With our template, you now have written copies you can use as a reference. That way, you don’t have to worry about forgetting the results. And on Carepatron, you can give them limited viewing access so they don’t have to look for you to know the test results. 

Encourages Communication

There are several causes of femoral nerve entrapment. One way to identify the cause is to communicate with your patient and ask about their injury or medical history. To add, since this test can’t be the sole basis for a diagnosis, if the patient tests positive, it encourages communication among practitioners to identify the cause and formulate a treatment plan moving forward. 

Fully Digital

Since our template is fully digital, it makes it editable and accessible on any local PDF editor on any of the gadgets you have on hand or right on Carepatron. Even better, you can store the results right on Carepatron for effortless sharing with relevant parties. 

Why use this Femoral Nerve Entrapment app?

Beyond being an application where you can get the guide and template of the femoral nerve entrapment test, Carepatron is also a leading practice management software you can access on your desktop or iOs/Android mobile gadgets. Having Carepatron at your fingertips equips you with the means and tools to automate administrative tasks and streamline business/clinical processes. That way most of your time, effort, and focus goes toward patient care.

If you download Carepatron, you get access to the following features and resources for free:

  • Over 300 downloadable, digitally editable, and printable templates of forms, surveys, tests, assessments, and other medical documents. You can even make your own and download them in PDF form.
  • A HIPAA-compliant secure EHR system for your client’s medical records and digital notes.
  • Software applications for telehealth and scheduling right on your platform
  • An automated payment system you can set up for your client.

All these and more if you sign up at Carepatron today!

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Who created Femoral Nerve Entrapment Test?
Who created Femoral Nerve Entrapment Test?

Commonly asked questions

Who created Femoral Nerve Entrapment Test?

Wasserman was the one who created the Femoral Nerve Entrapment test in 1919.

How to interpret Femoral Nerve Entrapment Test?

Interpretation is as simple as if the patient gets a positive test because they feel tightness or pain, it means they are more likely to have femoral nerve entrapment and they should undergo further testing as soon as possible.

How to perform Femoral Nerve Entrapment Test?

You perform a Femoral Nerve Entrapment Test by following the instructions on the template and writing down the results on the same document. For a more comprehensive step-by-step, please refer to the “How does this Femoral Nerve Test work?” section above.

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