Food Journal Template

Understand your patient’s eating habits better by providing them with a food journal template they can use. Click here to download a free copy.

By Patricia Buenaventura on Jul 15, 2024.


Fact Checked by RJ Gumban.

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What is a Food Journal Template?

A food journal, commonly called a food diary, is a record detailing an individual's daily dietary intake. This customizable log that doubles as a clinical document serves as a comprehensive repository, capturing the types of foods and beverages consumed and various contextual elements that contribute to a holistic understanding of one's eating habits. The flexibility inherent in a food journal template specifically allows individuals to tailor the level of detail to their preferences, accommodating both simplicity and intricacy.

In its most encompassing form, this document includes entries on what was eaten and drank throughout the day, spanning meals, snacks, and beverages. The quantification of consumption, specifying portion sizes or quantities, adds a quantitative dimension to the record. Temporal aspects also find representation, with entries noting the times of meals or snacks and the locations where these occurred, like home, work, or in transit. Additionally, the social component is captured by documenting whether the individual dined alone or in the company of others.

Beyond the tangible elements of diet, a food journal delves into the more nuanced realms of personal experience. By recording hunger levels before and after eating, individuals gain valuable insights into their eating patterns, discerning between genuine hunger and other motivations for consuming food. Equally important is exploring emotional states associated with eating, thus unraveling potential links between mood and dietary choices.

How Does It Work?

Step One. Access the Journal

Retrieve the Food Journal Template by downloading it by clicking either the “Download Template” or the “Use Template” button. You can also head to Carepatron’s app or website's extensive resources library and enter “Food Journal Template” in the search bar.

Step Two. Discuss and Explain the Template

Discuss with your client what you both may want to track using the food journal template. Afterward, you can give further instructions on how to fill it out.

Step Three. Answer the Journal

Encourage your client to fill out every section of the journal. Encourage them to answer honestly and in whatever manner they feel comfortable - bullet points or sentences. It’s also best to provide them with a timeline and date for the next consultation.

Step Four. Review and Develop Next Steps

When the patient has filled out the template, discuss their responses on the next consultation. Then, depending on the responses, you may formulate the next steps. These may be recommendations or interventions to improve their eating habits.

Step Five. Monitor Progress and Securely Store the Template

On their journey to developing better eating habits, you may have your patient complete the food journal multiple times to track their progress. For every filled-out template, it’s best to securely store them in Carepatron, a HIPAA-compliant software that safeguards electronic patient records.

When Would You Use This Template?

A food journal proves invaluable in various situations, emphasizing the importance of mindful eating and personalized nutrition.

Weight Management Journey

Firstly, for individuals embarking on a weight management journey, whether it involves weight loss, gain, or maintenance, the food journal emerges as a strategic tool. The template then serves as an instrumental guide to meticulously track calorie intake to pinpoint areas where adjustments can be made to align with specific weight-related goals.

Identify Potential Food Intolerances or Allergies

Secondly, the food journal is pivotal in identifying potential food intolerances or allergies. Recording dietary intake alongside associated symptoms systematically recognizes patterns and determines potential sensitivities or allergic reactions to certain foods.

Manage Health Conditions

In medical conditions, a food journal becomes an essential companion for those managing health conditions such as diabetes or heart disease. It aids individuals in adhering to prescribed dietary restrictions recommended during scheduled medical visits and ensures that nutritional needs are met, fostering overall health and well-being.

Improve Nutritional Balance

Moreover, the food journal serves as a lens through which individuals can assess and improve their nutritional balance. By scrutinizing dietary choices, it becomes possible to evaluate the intake of essential nutrients and make informed adjustments for a more balanced and wholesome diet.

Helps with Emotional Eating

The food journal becomes a powerful ally for those grappling with emotional eating. It facilitates the identification of patterns linked to stress, boredom, or other emotions, empowering individuals to recognize these triggers and develop healthier coping mechanisms.

Research & Evidence

Existing studies and articles elaborate upon the benefits of food journaling. Here are the findings from two of them:

According to an article published by Harvard Health, “Research shows that for people interested in losing weight, keeping a journal can be a very effective tool to help change behavior. In one weight loss study of nearly 1,700 participants, those who kept daily food records lost twice as much weight as those who kept no records.” (Ldn, 2019)

Aside from weight loss, according to an article published in the American Society for Nutrition, “studies show that mindfulness has a great influence on how much we eat, how we feel when we eat and when we choose to eat.” (Dicken, 2019). When it comes to mindfulness, food journals become a tool that patients can use to practice mindfulness, especially when it comes to improving their eating habits. 

Ultimately, the effectiveness and usefulness of food journals will depend on the decisions the referring physician and patients make regarding their purpose and how to customize them further. Therefore, it’s highly recommended that to make the most out of the resource, patients and the referring physician collaborate and clarify what to place in the said document.


Dicken, C. (2019, October 23). The benefits of food journaling. American Society for Nutrition.

Ldn, K. D. M. M. R. (2019, January 31). Why keep a food diary? Harvard Health.

How do you create a Food Journal template?
How do you create a Food Journal template?

Commonly asked questions

How do you create a Food Journal template?

You can create a food journal template by opening a document on Carepatron or customizing the one we provided.

When are Food Journal Templates used?

Food journal templates can be used when patients want to manage their weight/health conditions/emotional eating habits, improve their nutritional balance, or identify any food allergies or intolerances.

Who creates a Food Journal Template?

The food journal food template is created through a collaboration with the referring physician, most likely a nutritionist or registered dietitian, and their patient.

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