Exploring Your Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors PTSD Worksheet

Discover the power of CBT with the Exploring Your Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors PTSD Worksheet. Understand PTSD and how to utilize this tool effectively.


By Audrey Liz Perez on Jul 02, 2024.


Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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Exploring Your Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors PTSD Worksheet PDF Example
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What is Trauma and PTSD?

Trauma is a deeply distressing or disturbing event that leaves a lasting emotional impact on an individual. It can manifest in various forms, such as physical, emotional, or psychological harm, and often occurs due to experiences like abuse, accidents, violence, loss, or natural disasters. Trauma is not solely defined by the event but also by the individual's emotional and psychological response. When someone experiences a traumatic event, it can trigger a wide range of emotional reactions, including fear, helplessness, and horror.

is a complex mental health condition that can develop after exposure to a traumatic event or a series of distressing experiences. It is characterized by a cluster of symptoms that persist long after the trauma. These symptoms often include intrusive and painful memories of the event, nightmares, flashbacks, emotional numbness, heightened anxiety, and avoidance of situations that remind the individual of the trauma.

In some cases, individuals with PTSD may also experience suicidal ideation or behaviors due to the intense emotional pain and distress associated with their traumatic experiences.

It's important to understand that PTSD is a severe condition that can significantly impact a person's life. Suicidal thoughts and behaviors can be a distressing part of living with PTSD, highlighting the urgency of addressing this issue with appropriate therapeutic interventions and tools like the "Exploring Your Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors PTSD Worksheet."

Printable Exploring Your Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors PTSD Worksheet

Download this Exploring Your Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors PTSD Worksheet to aid clients in addressing and handling suicidal thoughts and behaviors, promoting healing and recovery.

How To Use the Exploring Your Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors PTSD Worksheet

The Exploring Your Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors PTSD Worksheet is valuable for individuals and healthcare professionals dealing with PTSD. Here are the steps involved in using this template effectively:

Step 1: Download the Worksheet

Start by obtaining the worksheet, available as a free PDF download. It's a comprehensive resource designed to help individuals with PTSD explore their thoughts and behaviors related to suicide.

Step 2: Self-Reflection

Take time for self-reflection. Sit in a quiet, comfortable space, and focus on your thoughts and feelings regarding suicidal ideation. Be honest with yourself as you fill out the worksheet.

Step 3: Identify Triggers

The worksheet will guide you in identifying triggers or situations that intensify your suicidal thoughts. Recognizing these triggers is the first step toward managing them effectively.

Step 4: Seek Professional Help

If you find that suicidal thoughts are overwhelming or persistent, it's crucial to seek help from a mental health professional trained in CBT therapy or PTSD. This worksheet can serve as a valuable resource to share with your therapist.

Step 5: Track Progress

Use the worksheet to track your progress over time. Monitor your thoughts and behavior changes, and discuss these with your therapist during therapy sessions.

Exploring Your Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors PTSD Worksheet Example

To help users grasp the utility of the "Exploring Your Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors PTSD Worksheet," we have provided a sample completed worksheet as a guide. This example showcases how an individual might approach the worksheet and what responses might look like. It offers a practical illustration of how the worksheet can be a valuable resource in guiding individuals through exploring their thoughts and behaviors related to suicide.

By examining the example provided, users can gain insight into the depth of self-reflection and honesty required when using this worksheet. It underscores the importance of addressing triggers and seeking professional assistance while emphasizing the journey toward self-awareness and healing.

Download this Exploring Your Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors PTSD Worksheet Example: 

Exploring Your Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors PTSD Worksheet Example

When Would You Use This Exploring Your Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors PTSD Worksheet?

This worksheet is most appropriate for individuals experiencing PTSD symptoms, especially those involving suicidal ideation. Healthcare professionals, including therapists and counselors, can use it as part of their treatment plan to assist clients in addressing and managing their suicidal thoughts.

After a Traumatic Event

Following a traumatic experience or series of events, individuals may use this worksheet to process their emotions and thoughts, especially if they struggle with suicidal ideation.

In Therapy or Counseling

Mental health professionals, such as therapists or counselors, can incorporate this worksheet into their treatment plans for clients with PTSD who have suicidal thoughts. It is a valuable tool for facilitating discussions and exploring emotions during therapy sessions.

Periods of Intense Emotional Distress

Whenever individuals with PTSD experience a surge in emotional distress or the resurfacing of suicidal thoughts, they can turn to this worksheet as a means of self-assessment and as a guide for seeking help.

As Part of the Ongoing Recovery

For those on a journey of recovery from PTSD, this worksheet can be an ongoing resource. It allows individuals to monitor their progress, track changes in their thoughts and behaviors, and adapt their coping strategies as they heal.

In Crisis Situations

In cases of acute crisis, such as immediate thoughts of self-harm or suicide, individuals should seek help from a mental health professional or crisis hotline rather than relying solely on the worksheet. However, it can still be used as follow-up care and support after the crisis.

By recognizing these scenarios, individuals and professionals can appreciate the versatility and importance of the "Exploring Your Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors PTSD Worksheet" in the context of trauma and PTSD management. It serves as a structured and supportive resource during various stages of healing and recovery.

What are the Benefits of Using This Exploring Your Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors PTSD Worksheet?

Using the Exploring Your Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors PTSD Worksheet has several benefits, including:

Increased Self-Awareness

One of the primary benefits of using this worksheet is the promotion of self-awareness. It encourages individuals to delve into their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors related to suicidal ideation. Through self-reflection, users can better understand their mental state and identify patterns or triggers contributing to their distress. This heightened self-awareness is a crucial first step toward healing and recovery.

Example: A person using the worksheet might discover that suicidal thoughts intensify during certain social situations. This newfound awareness can lead to targeted interventions, such as practicing coping strategies for managing social anxiety.

Structured Approach to Complex Issues

Exploring suicidal thoughts and behaviors can be an emotionally challenging and complex process. This worksheet provides a structured framework for addressing these issues. It guides users through questions and exercises, breaking down the problem into manageable parts. This structured approach can make it more manageable to tackle such distressing topics.

Example: By following the worksheet, individuals can methodically examine their thoughts and behaviors, making it easier to identify specific areas that need attention and intervention.

Effective Communication Tool

This worksheet is a valuable communication tool for individuals working with mental health professionals. It allows them to articulate their thoughts and emotions more clearly and comprehensively. Sharing completed worksheets with therapists or counselors can facilitate more productive discussions and help professionals tailor treatment plans to the individual's needs.

Example: A therapist reviewing the completed worksheet may notice recurring thought patterns and use this information to design personalized coping strategies or interventions.

Progress Tracking

Over time, this worksheet enables users and healthcare professionals to track progress. By periodically revisiting the worksheet and comparing responses, individuals can observe changes in their thoughts and behaviors. This tracking mechanism helps evaluate the effectiveness of interventions and make necessary adjustments to treatment plans.

Example: Someone who initially struggled with intense suicidal thoughts may notice decreased frequency and intensity after several weeks of therapy. This positive change can be documented on the worksheet, providing a tangible measure of progress.


Taking an active role in managing one's mental health is empowering. This worksheet gives individuals a sense of agency over their well-being. It encourages them to confront difficult emotions and work toward developing coping strategies and resilience.

Example: As individuals fill out the worksheet and witness their progress in managing suicidal thoughts, they may regain a sense of control and hope for the future.


This worksheet's principles are rooted in cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), a well-established and evidence-based approach for addressing PTSD and related issues. Research has consistently shown the effectiveness of CBT in treating mental health conditions, including reducing symptoms of PTSD.

Example: Numerous studies have demonstrated the positive impact of CBT-based interventions on reducing suicidal ideation and improving overall mental health in individuals with PTSD. By using this worksheet, individuals align themselves with an evidence-based approach supported by scientific research.

In summary, the "Exploring Your Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors PTSD Worksheet" offers a range of benefits that can aid individuals in overcoming the challenges posed by PTSD and suicidal thoughts. It fosters self-awareness, provides structure, enhances communication with healthcare professionals, tracks progress, empowers individuals, and aligns with research-backed therapeutic principles. 

These advantages combine to create a valuable resource in mental health therapy and recovery.

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Carepatron is the ideal platform for healthcare professionals seeking comprehensive examination tools and mental health therapy support. It offers a range of features and benefits, including:

  • Secure and HIPAA-Compliant: Carepatron ensures the privacy and security of patient information, complying with HIPAA regulations.
  • Customizable Treatment Plans: Create personalized therapy plans for your clients, including those focusing on CBT therapy for PTSD.
  • Client Engagement: Engage clients through the platform, facilitating communication and progress tracking.
  • Efficiency: Streamline your practice with digital tools, from scheduling to note-taking, and focus on providing the best care.

In conclusion, the Exploring Your Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors PTSD Worksheet is a valuable resource in CBT therapy for PTSD. It empowers individuals to confront and manage their thoughts and behaviors related to suicide, fostering healing and recovery with healthcare professionals' guidance. When integrated with platforms like Carepatron, the journey toward mental health and well-being becomes even more effective and efficient.

Electronic Health Records Software
How long does it usually take to accomplish the Exploring Your Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors PTSD Worksheet?
How long does it usually take to accomplish the Exploring Your Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors PTSD Worksheet?

Commonly asked questions

How long does it usually take to accomplish the Exploring Your Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors PTSD Worksheet?

The time needed can vary significantly from person to person. It depends on the depth of exploration and reflection required. Taking as much time as needed for a thorough and honest assessment is essential.

How can the Exploring Your Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors PTSD Worksheet help?

This worksheet can help by providing a structured way to explore and address suicidal thoughts and behaviors. It can increase self-awareness, communication with professionals, and effective treatment planning.

Who can use the Exploring Your Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors PTSD Worksheet?

This worksheet is suitable for individuals dealing with PTSD and suicidal ideation. It can also be used by mental health professionals, therapists, counselors, and other healthcare providers as a part of their treatment and assessment process.

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