ESA Letter Oregon

Get your ESA Letter in Oregon for essential mental health support. Access compassionate healthcare services for emotional support animals, ensuring your well-being.

By Bernard Ramirez on Jul 02, 2024.


Fact Checked by Nate Lacson.

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What are emotional support animals?

Emotional support animals (ESAs) are crucial in providing comfort and companionship to individuals with mental or emotional health conditions. These animals, which can include dogs, cats, or other domesticated animals, are prescribed by licensed mental health professionals to alleviate symptoms associated with conditions like post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, or anxiety.

ESAs differ from service animals because they are not trained to perform specific tasks. Instead, their presence alone offers therapeutic benefits to their owners. However, both ESAs and service animals are protected under federal law, including the Fair Housing Act and the Air Carrier Access Act.

In Oregon, ESA owners can benefit from housing laws that require landlords to make reasonable accommodations for individuals with disabilities, including allowing ESAs in housing units with no pet policies and waiving pet fees. Similarly, universities in Oregon must consider requests for accommodations related to ESAs in on-campus housing.

To qualify for an ESA, individuals must obtain an ESA letter from a licensed mental health professional, which verifies the need for the animal. This letter is essential for accessing housing and air travel accommodations. While federal regulations are in place, enforcement and specific guidelines may vary, making it important to understand Oregon's ESA housing laws and regulations.

Overall, emotional support animals are invaluable companions for those with mental health conditions, offering comfort and support in various settings, from homes to air travel. With proper documentation and understanding of rights and responsibilities, ESA owners can confidently and easily navigate housing and travel accommodations.

Printable ESA Letter Oregon

Download the ESA Letter Oregon to access healthcare services for emotional support animals.

ESA Oregon laws

Oregon's laws regarding emotional support animals (ESAs) provide essential protections and accommodations for individuals with mental and emotional disabilities. Under the Fair Housing Act, Oregon housing providers must make reasonable accommodations for ESAs, including allowing them in housing units with no pet policies and waiving pet fees. Similarly, the Air Carrier Access Act ensures that individuals with ESAs can board flights with their animals without discrimination.

Individuals must obtain an ESA letter from a licensed mental health professional to qualify for these accommodations, certifying the need for the animal. This letter validates the ESA's presence in various settings, including housing and air travel.

While ESAs do not require specialized training like service animals, they offer invaluable support to their owners by alleviating symptoms of mental health conditions. Oregon's laws recognize the importance of these animals in promoting emotional well-being and strive to ensure that individuals with disabilities have equal access to housing and transportation.

However, it's essential to note that these accommodations are granted on a case-by-case basis, and individuals must adhere to certain guidelines and responsibilities outlined by housing providers and airlines. By understanding and respecting these laws, ESA owners in Oregon can enjoy the companionship and support of their furry friends while navigating daily life with greater ease and inclusion.

How to get an Emotional Support Animal in Oregon

Consult a licensed mental health professional

Schedule an appointment with a licensed mental health professional, such as a therapist, psychologist, or psychiatrist, who can evaluate your mental or emotional health and determine if an ESA would be beneficial for you.

Discuss ESA Need

During your appointment, discuss your need for an ESA and how having one could improve your overall well-being and quality of life. Be open and honest about your mental health challenges and how an ESA could provide comfort and support.

Obtain an ESA letter

If the mental health professional believes an ESA would benefit you, they can provide you with an ESA letter. This document verifies your need for an ESA and is essential for accessing accommodations under federal and state laws.

Understand ESA laws

Familiarize yourself with ESA laws in Oregon, including housing and travel accommodations provided under the Fair Housing Act and the Air Carrier Access Act. Knowing your rights and responsibilities as an ESA owner is crucial for navigating public and private spaces with your animal.

Select an ESA

Choose a suitable animal to serve as your ESA. This could be a dog, cat, or another domesticated animal that provides you with comfort and support. Consider factors such as temperament, size, and compatibility with your living situation.

Train Your ESA (if necessary)

While ESAs do not require specialized training like service animals, basic obedience training can help ensure your animal behaves appropriately in various settings. This may include leash manners, socialization, and basic commands.

How to use this ESA Letter Oregon template

Personalize the template

Fill in your personal information, including your name, address, and contact details. Ensure that all information is accurate and up-to-date.

Consult a licensed mental health professional

Schedule an appointment with a licensed mental health professional who can evaluate your mental or emotional health and determine if an ESA would be beneficial for you.

Request the ESA letter

Discuss your need for an ESA with the mental health professional during your appointment. If they believe an ESA would benefit you, request that they provide you with an ESA letter.

Include professional language

Ensure the template includes professional language and meets legal requirements for ESA letters. The letter should clearly state that you have a mental or emotional disability and that the ESA is necessary to alleviate symptoms of that disability.

Verify ESA information

Double-check that the ESA letter template includes all necessary information, such as the mental health professional's license number, contact information, and signature. This ensures that the letter is valid and credible.

Understand ESA laws

Familiarize yourself with ESA laws in Oregon, including housing and travel accommodations provided under the Fair Housing Act and the Air Carrier Access Act. Know your rights and responsibilities as an ESA owner to navigate public and private spaces with your animal effectively.

Present the letter as needed

Present the ESA letter to housing providers, airlines, or other relevant parties to request accommodations for your ESA. Be prepared to provide additional documentation or answer questions about your need for an ESA.

Keep a copy

Make copies of the ESA letter for your records and keep them in a safe place. You may need to present the letter multiple times or provide it as documentation for future accommodations.

By following these steps and appropriately using the ESA letter template, you can ensure that you receive the necessary accommodations for your Emotional Support Animal in Oregon.

ESA Letter Oregon example (sample)

The Oregon ESA Letter template provides a standardized format for individuals seeking Emotional Support Animals (ESAs). It includes personal details, a professional assessment of mental health needs, and a clear statement on the necessity of the ESA. This document complies with Oregon's ESA laws, ensuring validity and credibility.

The template emphasizes the importance of consulting a licensed mental health professional, verifying ESA information, and understanding relevant laws. By following this template, individuals can effectively request accommodations for their ESAs in various settings, including housing and air travel, while respecting legal requirements and ensuring their well-being.

Download this free ESA Letter Oregon example here:

ESA Letter Oregon example (sample)

Conditions that qualify for an ESA Letter Oregon

In Oregon, individuals may qualify for an ESA letter for various mental and emotional conditions, including:


Individuals with depression may experience persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and loss of interest in activities they once enjoyed. An ESA can provide companionship and motivation, helping to alleviate symptoms and improve mood.

Anxiety disorders

Anxiety disorders encompass a range of conditions characterized by excessive worry, fear, and nervousness. Whether it's generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, or specific phobias, an ESA can offer comfort and support during anxious moments, providing a calming presence and reducing anxiety levels.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

PTSD can develop after experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event, leading to symptoms such as flashbacks, nightmares, hypervigilance, and emotional numbness. An ESA can offer grounding and reassurance, helping individuals feel safe and secure, especially during times of distress or anxiety triggers.

Bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder involves fluctuations in mood, energy, and activity levels, ranging from depressive episodes to manic or hypomanic episodes. An ESA can provide stability and routine, offering emotional support during highs and lows and promoting balance and well-being.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

OCD is characterized by intrusive thoughts and repetitive behaviors or rituals performed to alleviate anxiety. An ESA can provide a distraction from obsessive thoughts and offer a sense of comfort, reducing the urge to engage in compulsive behaviors.

Panic Disorders

Panic disorders involve sudden and intense episodes of fear or anxiety, often accompanied by physical symptoms such as heart palpitations, sweating, and shortness of breath. An ESA can be calming during panic attacks, providing emotional support and helping individuals feel more grounded and secure.

Exception to Rules

In certain cases, there may be exceptions to the rules regarding Emotional Support Animals (ESAs) in Oregon. While ESAs are typically granted accommodations under laws such as the Fair Housing Act and the Air Carrier Access Act, there are circumstances where exceptions may apply. Here are some examples:

Health and safety concerns

If an ESA poses a direct threat to the health or safety of others, housing providers or airlines may deny accommodation. For example, if an ESA has a history of aggression or poses a risk of transmitting diseases, accommodation may be refused.

Undue administrative burden

Housing providers or airlines may deny accommodation if granting it would impose an undue administrative burden or fundamentally alter the nature of their operations. However, they must provide documentation to support their decision and explore alternative accommodations.

Fraudulent documentation

If an individual presents fraudulent or illegitimate documentation for an ESA, housing providers or airlines have the right to deny accommodation. Individuals must obtain ESA letters from licensed mental health professionals and comply with all legal requirements.

Non-compliance with policies

Individuals must comply with housing provider or airline policies regarding ESAs, such as pet policies or documentation requirements. Failure to adhere to these policies may result in denial of accommodation.

Case-by-Case basis

Each accommodation request is evaluated on a case-by-case basis, taking into account the individual's specific circumstances and needs and the housing provider's or airline's requirements. Flexibility and discretion may be exercised to ensure fair and reasonable outcomes.

While ESAs are afforded certain rights and protections under federal and state laws, exceptions may arise when accommodation is not feasible or appropriate. Individuals and housing providers or airlines need to communicate effectively and consider the unique factors involved in each case.

Where can you go with an ESA in Oregon?

In Oregon, individuals with emotional support animals (ESAs) can typically bring their companions to various public and private spaces, including:

Housing accommodations

ESAs are allowed in housing units, such as apartments and rental homes, even those with strict no-pet policies. The Fair Housing Act mandates reasonable accommodations for ESA owners, ensuring they can live with their animals without facing discrimination.

Air travel

Under the Air Carrier Access Act, individuals with ESAs can bring their animals into the aircraft cabin departing from Oregon airports. ESA owners can travel with their companions for added comfort and support during flights.

Outdoor areas

Many public parks and recreational areas in Oregon welcome ESAs, allowing owners to enjoy outdoor activities with their furry friends. However, it's essential to respect leash laws and any specific regulations set by individual parks or natural reserves.

Retail stores and restaurants

While some retail stores and restaurants may allow ESAs inside, it's essential to check with each establishment beforehand to ensure compliance with their policies. Additionally, service animals, including psychiatric service dogs, are typically granted access to these establishments under the Americans with Disabilities Act.


Employers may sometimes allow ESAs in the workplace as a reasonable accommodation for employees with mental or emotional disabilities. However, this is subject to employer policies and should be discussed and arranged on a case-by-case basis.

Educational institutions

Universities and colleges in Oregon may consider requests for accommodations related to ESAs in on-campus housing. However, policies may vary, and students must communicate with their institution's disability services office for guidance and support.

It's important to remember that while ESAs are granted access to many places, there may be exceptions and specific guidelines to follow. Checking with individual establishments and understanding relevant laws and regulations can help ESA owners navigate their experiences with their furry companions more smoothly.

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Can my landlord or airline deny my ESA letter?
Can my landlord or airline deny my ESA letter?

Commonly asked questions

Can my landlord or airline deny my ESA letter?

While landlords and airlines are generally required to accommodate ESAs under federal laws such as the Fair Housing Act and the Air Carrier Access Act, there are exceptions. If an ESA poses a direct threat to the health or safety of others or if granting accommodation would impose an undue administrative burden, accommodation may be denied.

What should I do if my ESA letter is denied?

If your ESA letter is denied by a landlord or airline, you may have recourse under federal or state laws. It's advisable to seek legal advice and explore options for challenging the denial, such as filing a complaint with the appropriate regulatory agency or seeking mediation.

Can I have more than one ESA with the same letter in Oregon?

Generally, an ESA letter covers one specific animal. However, in some cases, a licensed mental health professional may determine that multiple animals are necessary to address an individual's mental or emotional needs. Discussing this possibility with the professional issuing the ESA letter is essential.

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