Dementia Nursing Care Plan

Explore our Dementia Nursing Care Plan Template with practical examples. Download the free PDF to enhance patient care in dementia nursing.

By Liliana Braun on Jul 15, 2024.


Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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What is a Dementia Nursing Care Plan template?

Dementia, a collective term for progressive neurodegenerative disorders, casts a long shadow over cognitive function, memory, and behavior. Its insidious progression gradually erodes an individual's ability to perform everyday tasks, maintain relationships, and live independently.

As dementia encroaches, it becomes increasingly challenging for affected individuals to navigate the complexities of daily life, leaving them reliant on caregivers for support and assistance.

Dementia nursing care plans serve as a guidance template for nurses, providing a structured framework for developing individualized care plans tailored to each patient's needs. These comprehensive plans outline common nursing diagnoses, establish achievable goals, design effective interventions, and define clear evaluation criteria, all meticulously tailored to the intricacies of dementia management.

Dementia nursing care plans represent a compassionate commitment to promoting the well-being and quality of life of individuals battling dementia's relentless grip. By addressing the multifaceted challenges posed by dementia, these plans empower nurses to provide holistic care that encompasses physical, emotional, and social aspects, ensuring that patients receive the support they deserve throughout their journey.

How does it work?

When using a printable dementia nursing care plan template, the main steps involved are as follows:

  1. Gather patient information: Obtain a comprehensive understanding of the patient's dementia by reviewing medical history, assessing cognitive function, and evaluating functional abilities, including ADLs and IADLs. 
  2. Identify nursing diagnoses: Identify tailored nursing diagnoses related to dementia, such as impaired cognitive function and the risk for falls, laying the groundwork for targeted care interventions. 
  3. Set goals: Establish SMART goals for each nursing diagnosis, considering individual needs, preferences, and stages of dementia, ensuring a patient-centered approach. 
  4. Develop interventions: Design personalized interventions addressing the patient's unique needs, preferences, and holistic aspects of dementia care. 
  5. Determine evaluation criteria: Define clear, measurable criteria to assess the effectiveness of interventions and the patient's progress toward established goals. 
  6. Implement and monitor care plan: Put the care plan into action, implement interventions regularly, track the patient's response, document changes, and maintain open communication with the healthcare team. 
  7. Evaluate and revise care plan: Regularly assess the patient's progress, adjust interventions or goals based on the response, and periodically review the care plan to ensure ongoing relevance.

When would you use this template?

A dementia nursing care plan template is a valuable tool for nurses caring for patients with dementia at any stage of the disease. It provides a structured framework for developing individualized care plans addressing each patient's needs and challenges. Here are some particular situations where a dementia nursing care plan template would be used:

  • Newly diagnosed dementia: A care plan is crucial for establishing a baseline assessment, developing a personalized treatment plan, and monitoring the patient's progress as the disease progresses.
  • Ongoing dementia management: As dementia progresses, the patient's needs and challenges may change. A care plan can be regularly updated to reflect these changes and ensure that the patient receives the most appropriate care.
  • Preventing complications of dementia: A care plan can help to identify and address potential risks for complications, such as falls, skin ulcers, and malnutrition, which can significantly impact the patient's quality of life.
  • Enhancing patient and caregiver well-being: A care plan can guide and support caregivers, helping them understand the patient's needs and develop effective care strategies. This can contribute to improved patient outcomes and reduced caregiver stress.
  • Promoting communication and collaboration: A care plan facilitates communication and collaboration among healthcare providers involved in the patient's care, ensuring a coordinated approach to managing the patient's dementia.

What do the results mean? 

The results from a free dementia care plan template provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of the implemented interventions and the patient's progress in managing their dementia symptoms and maintaining their quality of life. These results inform nurses about the need for any adjustments or modifications to the care plan.

Positive results include:

  • Improvement in cognitive function, as measured by standardized assessments like the MMSE, improvement in cognitive function indicates a stabilization or slowing of cognitive decline.
  • Enhanced functional abilities, as evidenced by increased independence in activities of daily living (ADLs) and instrumental ADLs (IADLs), suggest improved self-care and participation in daily activities.
  • Reduced behavioral disturbances, such as agitation, aggression, or wandering, indicating a more calm and cooperative demeanor.
  • Improved sleep patterns, as reported by the patient or caregiver, suggest better rest and overall well-being.
  • Decreased risk of falls, as evidenced by fewer fall incidents or near-misses, indicating a safer environment and reduced risk of injury.

Negative results include: 

  • Decline in cognitive function, as measured by standardized assessments, suggests a progression of dementia.
  • Increased dependence on ADLs and IADLs, indicating a need for more assistance with daily tasks.
  • Worsening behavioral disturbances, such as increased agitation, aggression, or wandering, suggest a need for behavioral interventions or medication adjustments.
  • Persistent sleep disturbances require further evaluation of sleep hygiene, medication adjustments, or therapeutic interventions.
  • Increased fall risk suggests a need for environmental modifications, gait training, or assistive devices to reduce fall risk.

Research & evidence

The prevalence of dementia in long-term care settings emphasizes the critical need for structured dementia nursing care plan templates. With symptoms often insidious and easily attributed to other conditions or aging, these templates guide healthcare professionals in conducting comprehensive assessments, including reviewing medical history and evaluating cognitive and functional abilities.

Nursing diagnoses specific to dementia, such as impaired cognitive function and risk for falls, underscore the necessity of personalized care interventions.

SMART goal-setting ensures a patient-centered approach aligned with individual needs and the stage of dementia. The importance of dementia care plan templates lies in their role in designing tailored interventions, defining clear evaluation criteria, implementing the care plan effectively, and regularly evaluating and revising it.

In the context of the consequences associated with dementia, including cognitive decline and increased rates of falls and hospitalizations, the use of structured templates becomes instrumental in optimizing patient care and outcomes (Harrison Dening et al., 2019). 

In redefining dementia care, there's a growing acknowledgment of its life-limiting nature and the potential benefits of a palliative approach. Challenges in providing end-of-life care for individuals with dementia are being addressed through advanced care planning (ACP). This involves discussions and documentation of preferences, aligning with the person-centered care promoted by structured dementia nursing care plan templates.

These templates guide healthcare professionals through assessments, personalized interventions, and establishing clear evaluation criteria. By integrating ACP into these templates, the approach becomes structured and empathetic, prioritizing the unique needs of individuals with dementia in their end-of-life journey.

Co-designed ACP guides and templates further emphasize the commitment to enhancing communication processes and optimizing care quality for individuals and their families facing the complexities of dementia (Harrison et al., 2019). 


Emmady, P. D., Tadi, P., & Del Pozo, E. (2021). Dementia (Nursing). PubMed; StatPearls Publishing.

Harrison Dening, K., Castle, E., Scates, C., & De Vries, K. (2019). Advance care plans in dementia: user-centred design. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care, bmjspcare-2018-001700.

Harrison Dening, K., Sampson, E. L., & De Vries, K. (2019). Advance Care Planning in dementia: Recommendations for Healthcare Professionals. Palliative Care: Research and Treatment, 12(1).

Vera, M. (2022, March 18). 13 Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Nursing Care Plans. Nurseslabs.

How do you create a Dementia Nursing Care Plan template?
How do you create a Dementia Nursing Care Plan template?

Commonly asked questions

How do you create a Dementia Nursing Care Plan template?

Thorough assessment, accurate diagnosis, and personalized intervention plan. However, Carepatron offers a ready-to-use downloadable dementia nursing care plan template. 

When are Dementia Nursing Care Plan templates used?

Dementia Nursing Care Plan Templates are used whenever a nurse cares for a patient with dementia, particularly for newly diagnosed patients, for ongoing dementia management, and for preventing dementia complications.

How are the Dementia Nursing Care Plan templates used?

Nurses use Dementia Nursing Care Plan Templates as a guide to develop individualized care plans for dementia patients, tailoring them to each patient's needs and circumstances.

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