Symptom Severity Scale

Discover the Symptom Severity Scale: a concise tool for assessing and tracking symptom intensity, aiding in effective treatment planning.

By Joshua Napilay on Jul 15, 2024.


Fact Checked by RJ Gumban.

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What is a Symptom Severity Scale?

A Symptom Severity Scale (SSS) is a vital tool used in health-related quality of life (HRQoL) assessments to measure the severity of symptoms experienced by patients. It is a component of a group of health measurement scales aimed at evaluating health status, severity, and symptom-related impacts on daily functioning. Typically developed through factor analysis and statistical analyses, SSS aims to objectively assess severe symptoms and their effects on patients' lives.

The scale's psychometric properties, including internal consistency and construct validity, are rigorously evaluated to ensure reliability and validity. During data analysis, statistical significance is determined, often reporting mean scores with 95% confidence intervals (95 CI) to comprehensively understand differences in symptom severity across different groups of characteristics, such as age, gender, or diagnosis.

SSS is crucial in clinical evaluations, aiding in diagnosis, treatment planning, and monitoring patient progress over time. It allows healthcare professionals to assess symptoms' frequency characteristics, severity, and impact on patients' health-related quality of life.

Researchers often provide a practical guide for administering the scale to participants, including obtaining informed consent. Moreover, the authors declare any potential biases and limitations in their study to support transparency and reliability.

Why use a Symptom Severity Scale?

A Symptom Severity Scale (SSS) serves as a crucial tool in healthcare for several reasons:

  • Objective measurement: SSS provides a standardized method for quantifying the severity of symptoms experienced by patients. This objectivity helps healthcare providers accurately assess and compare symptom severity across individuals and over time.
  • Facilitates diagnosis: By systematically evaluating symptom severity, SSS assists in the diagnostic process by providing quantitative data that can aid in identifying underlying health conditions or monitoring disease progression.
  • Treatment planning: SSS guides treatment planning by helping healthcare providers tailor interventions based on the severity of symptoms. It allows for prioritization of interventions and selecting appropriate therapies to effectively alleviate symptom burden.
  • Monitoring progress: SSS enables the ongoing monitoring of symptom severity throughout treatment or disease management. Regular assessment helps track symptom changes, evaluate treatment effectiveness, and adjust interventions as needed to optimize patient outcomes.
  • Research and clinical trials: In research settings, SSS contributes to the collection of standardized data, allowing for the comparison of symptom severity across different patient populations, interventions, or study conditions. This facilitates evidence-based decision-making and the development of new therapies.
  • Patient-centered care: By incorporating patient-reported symptoms into clinical assessments, SSS promotes patient-centered care by acknowledging and addressing individual experiences of symptom burden. This approach fosters a better understanding of patient's needs and preferences, leading to more personalized and effective care.

How to use the Symptom Severity Scale

Administering a Symptom Severity Scale (SSS) involves several steps to ensure an accurate and reliable assessment of symptom severity in patients. Here's a general guide on how to administer an SSS effectively:

  1. Preparation: Before administering the SSS, please familiarize yourself with the scale's instructions, scoring system, and interpretation guidelines. Ensure you have the necessary materials, such as the questionnaire or electronic survey platform, ready for use.
  2. Explain the purpose: Explain to the patient why you are administering the SSS and how their responses will help assess their symptoms and guide treatment decisions. Emphasize the importance of providing honest and accurate responses.
  3. Provide clear instructions: Explain the instructions for completing the SSS to the patient. Ensure they understand how to respond to each item or question and use any response options (e.g., rating scales, checkboxes).
  4. Ensure privacy and comfort: Administer the SSS in a private and comfortable setting to encourage open and honest communication from the patient. Respect their confidentiality and assure them that their responses will remain confidential.
  5. Assist as needed: Offer assistance to the patient if they need help understanding any part of the SSS or require clarification on specific items. Avoid influencing their responses and encourage them to provide their perspective.
  6. Encourage completion: Encourage the patient to complete the SSS, ensuring they respond to all items or questions in the scale. Emphasize the importance of responding to reflect their symptom experience accurately.
  7. Review responses: Once the patient has completed the SSS, review their responses to ensure completeness and clarity. Please address discrepancies or missing information with the patient and help them make necessary corrections.
  8. Score the scale: Use the scoring guidelines provided with the SSS to calculate the total score based on the patient's responses. Ensure accuracy in scoring to obtain a reliable measure of symptom severity.
  9. Interpret results: Interpret the total score of the SSS in the context of the patient's overall symptom severity. Consider any predefined severity levels or clinical thresholds to determine the significance of the score and its implications for treatment planning.
  10. Document and communicate findings: Document the patient's SSS scores in their medical record and communicate the findings to relevant healthcare providers involved in their care. Discuss the implications of the SSS results with the patient and involve them in decision-making regarding their treatment and symptom management.

Common Symptom Severity Scales

Some common Symptom Severity Scales include:

  • Visual analog scale (VAS): A simple scale where patients rate their symptom severity by marking a point on a continuous line, typically ranging from "no symptoms" to "worst possible symptoms."
  • Numeric rating scale (NRS): Patients rate their symptom severity using a numerical scale, often ranging from 0 (no symptoms) to 10 (worst possible symptoms).
  • Brief pain inventory (BPI): Assesses the severity of pain and its impact on daily functioning through questions about pain intensity, location, and interference with activities.
  • Hospital anxiety and depression scale (HADS): Measures the severity of anxiety and depression symptoms using a self-report questionnaire with separate subscales for anxiety and depression.
  • Beck depression inventory (BDI): A self-report questionnaire used to assess the severity of depressive symptoms based on the patient's responses to various statements about mood, behavior, and physical symptoms.
  • Pittsburgh sleep quality index (PSQI): Evaluates sleep quality and disturbances over one month, providing a global score that indicates overall sleep quality and severity of sleep disturbances.

These scales are commonly assessed and used in clinical practice and research to assess the differences in the severity of symptoms across various conditions and populations.

Interpreting Symptom Severity scores

Interpreting Symptom Severity scores involves considering several factors:

  • Magnitude of score: Higher scores typically indicate greater symptom severity, while lower scores suggest milder symptoms.
  • Clinical thresholds: Determine if there are established clinical thresholds or cutoff scores indicating levels of severity (e.g., mild, moderate, severe) based on research or clinical guidelines.
  • Comparison to baseline: Compare current scores to baseline or previous assessments to track changes in symptom severity over time.
  • Patient's perception: Consider the patient's subjective experience and perception of their symptoms, as severity may vary based on individual tolerance and interpretation.
  • Impact on functioning: Assess how symptoms affect the patient's daily functioning, quality of life, and ability to perform activities of daily living.
  • Clinical judgment: Integrate symptom severity scores with clinical judgment, considering the patient's overall health status, comorbidities, and treatment response.
  • Communication with the patient: Communicate the meaning of the scores to the patient, discussing implications for treatment, management strategies, and potential interventions.
  • Collaboration with healthcare team: Share symptom severity scores with the patient's healthcare team for collaborative decision-making and care coordination.

Research and Evidence

The Symptom Severity Scale (SSS) has a rich history grounded in empirical research and clinical practice, making it a trusted tool for assessing symptom severity across various medical conditions (Dauvilliers et al., 2020). Its origins and development can be traced back to the early 20th century when healthcare professionals recognized the need for standardized methods to quantify the intensity and impact of symptoms on patients' lives. Over the decades, researchers and clinicians collaborated to develop and refine the SSS, drawing upon interdisciplinary insights from psychology, medicine, and public health (Möllestam et al., 2021).

The foundation of the SSS lies in robust empirical evidence derived from clinical studies, epidemiological research, and psychometric evaluations. Researchers have conducted numerous validation studies to establish the scale's reliability, validity, and sensitivity across diverse populations of age and health conditions (Vermond et al., 2014). These studies have demonstrated the SSS's ability to accurately capture the severity of a wide range of symptoms, including pain, fatigue, depression, anxiety, and cognitive impairment (Larsson et al., 2022).

Furthermore, the SSS has been incorporated into clinical trials, longitudinal studies, and observational research to evaluate treatment outcomes, track disease progression, and inform healthcare decision-making (Eloy et al., 2021). Its widespread adoption in research and clinical settings underscores its utility and effectiveness in assessing symptom severity and monitoring patients' health status over time.

Moreover, the ongoing evolution and evaluation of the SSS continue to be shaped by advances in measurement science, technology, and clinical practice (Spies-Dorgelo et al., 2006). Researchers regularly update and refine the scale to ensure its relevance, reliability, and validity in the evaluation in light of emerging evidence and healthcare trends.


Eloy, P., Tardivon, C., Martin‐Blondel, G., Isnard, M., Turnier, P. L., Maréchal, M. L., Cabie, A., Launay, O., Tattevin, P., Senneville, É., Ansart, S., Goehringer, F., Chirouze, C., Bousson, L., Laouénan, C., Etienne, M., Nguyen, D. T., Ghosn, J., & Duval, X. (2021). Severity of self-reported symptoms and psychological burden six months after hospital admission for COVID-19: a prospective cohort study. International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 112, 247–253.

Larsson, S., Von Feilitzen, G. S., Andersson, M., Sikora, P., Lindh, M., Nordén, R., Nilsson, S., & Sigström, R. (2022). Self-reported symptom severity, general health, and impairment in post-acute phases of COVID-19: a retrospective cohort study of Swedish public employees. Scientific Reports, 12(1).

Möllestam, K., Rosales, R. S., Lyrén, P., & Atroshi, I. (2021). Measuring symptoms severity in carpal tunnel syndrome: score agreement and responsiveness of the Atroshi-Lyrén 6-item and Boston symptom severity scales. Quality of Life Research, 31(5), 1553–1560.

Spies-Dorgelo, M. N., Terwee, C. B., Stalman, W., & Van Der Windt, D. (2006). Reproducibility and responsiveness of the Symptom Severity Scale and the hand and finger function subscale of the Dutch arthritis impact measurement scales (Dutch-AIMS2-HFF) in primary care patients with wrist or hand problems. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 4(1).

Vermond, R. A., Crijns, H. J., Tijssen, J. G., Alings, A. M., Van Den Berg, M. P., Hillege, H. L., Van Veldhuisen, D. J., Van Gelder, I. C., & Rienstra, M. (2014). Symptom severity is associated with cardiovascular outcomes in patients with permanent atrial fibrillation in the RACE II study. Europace, 16(10), 1417–1425.

What is the Symptom Severity Scale?
What is the Symptom Severity Scale?

Commonly asked questions

What is the Symptom Severity Scale?

The Symptom Severity Scale (SSS) is a standardized tool used to measure the severity of symptoms experienced by patients, providing a quantitative assessment of symptom intensity.

What is the symptom and functioning severity scale?

The symptom and functioning severity scale is a measure that evaluates both the severity of symptoms and their impact on daily functioning, providing a comprehensive assessment of the patient's health status.

What is the symptom frequency and severity rating scale?

The symptom frequency and severity rating scale are used to assess the frequency and severity of symptoms experienced by patients, offering insight into the frequency and intensity of severe symptoms.

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