What is a Metabolic Equivalent Chart?

A Metabolic Equivalent (MET) chart is a valuable resource used in the healthcare and fitness industry to assess and quantify the energy expenditure associated with various physical activities. It serves as a practical reference tool for healthcare practitioners, exercise physiologists, and individuals aiming to understand and monitor the intensity of different exercises.

MET values represent the ratio of the rate of energy expenditure during a specific activity to the rate of energy expenditure at rest. In simpler terms, MET values indicate how much energy a person expends while performing a particular activity in comparison to the energy they would expend at rest.

The MET chart typically lists a wide range of activities, from sedentary tasks like sitting or lying down (with a MET value of around 1.0) to more vigorous exercises like running or sprinting (with higher MET values). For example, light activities like walking may have a MET value of 2.9, while more intense activities like jogging might have a MET value of 7.0 or higher.

Healthcare practitioners and fitness professionals use MET charts to help individuals choose appropriate physical activities based on their fitness level, goals, and medical conditions. This tool is handy for creating tailored exercise programs for patients and clients, considering their specific needs and limitations.

The MET chart's inclusivity aligns with Carepatron's commitment to customization, as it allows practitioners to design exercise regimens that cater to the unique requirements of each individual. By referring to MET values, healthcare practitioners can ensure that exercise recommendations are not only effective but also safe and well-suited to the needs of their patients. 

This chart exemplifies the practical application of modern technology and data-driven decision-making in healthcare, further demonstrating the value of such resources to modern practitioners.

How Does it Work?

Using a Metabolic Equivalent (MET) chart is straightforward and involves several key steps that help healthcare practitioners and fitness enthusiasts determine the intensity of various physical activities. Here are the steps involved in using a MET chart:

1. Access the Chart

Find a reputable and printable MET chart. These charts are readily available online or in exercise physiology and healthcare textbooks. Alternatively, healthcare software like Carepatron may have integrated MET charts for easy access.

2. Identify the Activity

Locate the specific physical activity you want to assess on the MET chart. This can range from common activities like walking and jogging to more specialized exercises.

3. Determine the MET Value

Once you've found the activity, note the corresponding MET value in the chart. The MET value represents the energy expenditure of the activity.

4. Assess Intensity

Interpret the MET value to understand the intensity of the activity. Generally, activities with higher MET values are more intense and require more energy than those with lower MET values.

5. Customize Exercise Plans

Utilize the MET chart to tailor exercise plans for individuals based on their fitness levels and goals. For instance, when working with patients, healthcare practitioners can recommend activities with appropriate MET values that match the patient's capabilities and health conditions.

6. Monitor Progress

Regularly refer to the MET chart to track the progress of individuals engaging in physical activities. This allows for adjustments in exercise routines as individuals become fitter and more capable of engaging in higher MET-value activities.

7. Promote Safety

Ensure that recommended activities fall within the safe and appropriate MET range for the individual. The MET chart aids in choosing exercises that do not risk overexertion or injury.

When Would You Use This Chart?

The Metabolic Equivalent (MET) chart serves as a valuable resource for healthcare practitioners and fitness professionals in a variety of situations:

  • Exercise Prescription: When creating exercise prescriptions for patients or clients, healthcare practitioners can use MET charts to select activities that match their fitness levels, medical conditions, and goals.
  • Rehabilitation Planning: Physical therapists use MET values when designing rehabilitation plans, ensuring that exercises are appropriate for patients recovering from injuries or surgeries.
  • Cardiac Stress Testing: Cardiologists use MET charts during cardiac stress testing to assess how the heart responds to exercise. MET values help determine the level of exertion safe and effective for patients with heart conditions.
  • General Health Guidance: General practitioners can refer to MET charts when advising patients on appropriate physical activities to manage or prevent chronic conditions like obesity, diabetes, or hypertension.
  • Fitness Program Design: Personal trainers and fitness instructors rely on MET values to tailor fitness programs for their clients, considering their fitness goals and current fitness levels.
  • Occupational Therapy: Occupational therapists use MET charts to create work-related activities suitable for patients recovering from injuries or illnesses, allowing them to return to work safely.
  • Weight Management: Specialists in weight management use MET charts to recommend calorie-burning activities that support weight loss and maintenance for their clients.
  • Senior Fitness: Professionals working with older adults use MET charts to suggest exercises that improve mobility and overall well-being in a safe and age-appropriate manner.
  • Research and Studies: Researchers and scholars refer to MET charts in studies on physical activity and health to classify and analyze the intensity of various activities.
  • Personal Fitness Goals: Individuals and fitness enthusiasts can use MET charts to align their fitness routines with their personal goals and abilities, making informed choices about the activities that best suit their needs.

What do the Results Mean?

MET chart results represent energy expenditure of physical activities. Understanding them is crucial for exercise plans. Common results are explained below:

  • Low MET Values (≤2.0): Activities with low MET values, such as sitting, standing, or light walking, indicate low-intensity activities. They are suitable for beginners, those with limited physical abilities, or for recovery periods.
  • Moderate MET Values (2.1 - 5.9): Activities with moderate MET values, like brisk walking, cycling, or moderate aerobics, represent a moderate level of intensity. These activities provide cardiovascular benefits and are appropriate for general fitness.
  • High MET Values (6.0 - 8.9): Activities with high MET values, such as jogging, running, and vigorous swimming, are high-intensity exercises. They are ideal for individuals looking to build stamina and burn calories quickly.
  • Very High MET Values (≥9.0): Extremely high MET values are associated with intense activities, including sprinting, competitive sports, or heavy weightlifting. These activities require a high fitness level and should be approached with caution.
  • MET Values for Specific Activities: MET charts provide MET values for various activities. For example, yoga may have a MET value of 2.5, while rowing may have a MET value of 7.0. Understanding these values helps practitioners and individuals choose activities that match their fitness goals and abilities.
  • Customization: The MET values allow for the customization of exercise plans. Healthcare practitioners can recommend activities based on a person's fitness level, and individuals can select activities aligned with their goals and preferences.
  • Safety and Progress Monitoring: Lower MET values are often used for patients in rehabilitation or with medical conditions, while higher MET values are applied to those with advanced fitness. Monitoring progress involves gradually increasing the MET values as individuals become fitter and more capable.

Research & Evidence

The concept of MET dates back to the mid-20th century, with early research conducted by Dr. Hans H. Reimann in the 1950s, who established the MET as a unit for measuring energy expenditure during physical activities.

In the 1960s, Dr. Stanfield Rogers expanded on this work, developing a comprehensive compendium of MET values for various activities. Since then, numerous researchers and organizations, including the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and the World Health Organization (WHO), have contributed to the compilation and refinement of MET values.

MET values are rooted in the fundamental principles of energy metabolism and oxygen consumption. They are derived from measurements of oxygen uptake during different activities and represent the ratio of energy expended during an activity to the energy expended at rest (The Movement System, 2020).

Research studies have validated the accuracy of MET values by directly measuring energy expenditure using equipment like indirect calorimetry (Murphy, 2016).

MET charts and MET values are widely used in clinical settings to determine exercise intensity for patients with various medical conditions, such as cardiac diseases, diabetes, and obesity. The ACSM, in its Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription, relies on MET values to make exercise recommendations for individuals with different fitness levels and health conditions.

Large-scale epidemiological studies, such as the Harvard Alumni Health Study, have incorporated MET values to assess the relationship between physical activity and health outcomes. These studies have shown that higher levels of physical activity, measured in METs, are associated with improved health and reduced risk of chronic diseases (Bumgardner, 2020).


Bumgardner, W. (2020, December 11). What Are the Average Steps Per Minute for Different Exercises? Verywell Fit. https://www.verywellfit.com/pedometer-step-equivalents-for-exercises-and-activities-3435742

Murphy, M. (2016, February 13). Are you fit for your age? | Marie Murphy Health & Fitness. https://mariemurphyhealthfitness.com/2016/02/13/are-you-fit-for-your-age-2/

The Movement System. (2020, November 16). What is a MET? | Metabolic Equivalent for Exercise | Everything You Need to Know [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xR7KSB9CjFc

Who typically requests a Metabolic Equivalent Chart?
Who typically requests a Metabolic Equivalent Chart?

Commonly asked questions

Who typically requests a Metabolic Equivalent Chart?

Metabolic Equivalent Charts are commonly requested by healthcare practitioners, fitness professionals, and researchers.

When are Metabolic Equivalent Charts used?

MET charts are used when assessing exercise intensity, creating tailored exercise plans, and evaluating the impact of physical activity on health.

How are Metabolic Equivalent Charts used?

MET charts help customize exercise regimens, ensuring activities match individuals' fitness levels and goals while promoting safety.

How long does a Metabolic Equivalent Chart take?

Using a MET chart is quick and simple, typically requiring just a few minutes to access and find the relevant MET values.

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