
Understand the haptoglobin test and its uses, importance, procedure, etc, with our short guide. 

By Patricia Buenaventura on Jul 15, 2024.


Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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What is a Haptoglobin (HP) Test?

A haptoglobin test is a medical test that measures the amounts of haptoglobin in one’s blood. Haptoglobin is a protein produced by the liver that commonly binds with “free hemoglobin”, a byproduct of red blood cell destruction, to create a haptoglobin-hemoglobin complex which is commonly removed from the body as it passes through the liver. Because of its nature, the protein is used as a marker that helps assess the balance between red blood cell destruction and production. Whenever haptoglobin levels drop, it means that the body is eliminating red blood cells faster than the liver can produce it.

Generally, imbalances result from inherited conditions like spleen disorders, myelofibrosis, and cirrhosis, causing the person with said condition to develop hemolytic anemia. And one of the ways practitioners can detect hemolytic anemia or any other type of anemia is through a haptoglobin test.

A practitioner will usually request a haptoglobin test if the patient is exhibiting and experiencing symptoms of hemolytic anemia, such as having pale skin, jaundice, severe fatigue, cold hands, and feet, upper abdominal pain, lightheadedness, dizziness, arrhythmia, shortness of breath.

If you’re in need of a haptoglobin test template that functions as both a request form and a document to write down your analysis, interpretation, and any other observations/findings, keep reading for more information on how to access ours.

How does it work?

Step One. Access and Download the Template

Secure a copy of a digital or printable version of the haptoglobin test when needed by doing either of the following steps:

  • Click the “Download Template” or “Use Template” button

Step Two. Interview, Assess, and Examine the Patient

Before having your patient undergo the test, it’s best to interview them regarding their symptoms, assess their condition, or perform a physical examination to determine if the haptoglobin test is the appropriate assessment. If it is, you may fill out the request form section of the template.

Step Three. Collect the Sample

Remind your patient to bring the filled-out request form to the laboratory to prove that you requested the haptoglobin test. Only then will the practitioner in charge collect a sample to analyze.

Step Four. Analyze and Interpret the Results

Once you and your patient have the results, you may proceed with analysis and interpretation. Feel free to use the document section of the template to write down your observations and findings so you may use it as a guide you can refer to during treatment approach formulation.

Step Five. Store the Template Securely

Once done, you can securely store the template. It’s recommended that you store physical copies within the establishment with other relevant documents that belong to the patient. Meanwhile, digital copies should be stored on Carepatron, a HIPAA-compliant EHR, where you can limit access to relevant parties only.

When would you use this test?

A medical practitioner, specifically a doctor or a nurse, can use the test: 

  • When the patient is exhibiting signs and symptoms of anemia or hemolytic anemia, some of them are shortness of breath, rapid heart rate, jaundice, pale skin, and fatigue. 
  • When the patient is suspected to have anemia.
  • When they are checking if the patient has a bad reaction to a blood transfusion. In this scenario, the haptoglobin test is done alongside the direct anti-globulin test. 

If the patient’s condition doesn’t fall under any of the mentioned scenarios and you believe they can benefit from undergoing a haptoglobin, we’ll leave it up to your discretion since you’re more aware of the patient’s symptoms and medical history. 

What do the results mean?

Even though analysis and interpretation must be done considering multiple factors that may affect a patient’s results, if you need general guidelines or an idea of what the interpretation of certain results are on your free Haptoglobin test template, keep reading below:

  • Low Haptoglobin Levels: If the patient’s haptoglobin levels are lower than the lower limit of the normal range, which is 41 mg/dL, they may have hemolytic anemia or another form of anemia. 
  • High Haptoglobin Levels: If the patient’s haptoglobin levels are higher than the upper limit, more specifically, if it exceeds 200 mg/dL, the patient may have an acute phase response or conditions such as ulcerative colitis, a heart attack, or acute rheumatic fever. 
Who typically requests a Haptoglobin Test?
Who typically requests a Haptoglobin Test?

Commonly asked questions

Who typically requests a Haptoglobin Test?

A healthcare practitioner such as a nurse or a general physician may request a haptoglobin test if their patient has symptoms of anemia, recently had a blood transfusion, or will undergo other tests like a CBC, reticulocyte count, or bilirubin test.

When are Haptoglobin Tests used?

A haptoglobin test is commonly requested and used to diagnose a blood condition or to check if the patient has a bad reaction to a blood transfusion. 

How long does a Haptoglobin Test take?

Though collecting the sample for the haptoglobin test can take a few minutes, the turnaround time can vary depending on the laboratory. Generally, one can get the results within two or a few days.

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