What is a Haemoglobin Level Chart?

A hemoglobin level chart visually represents the varying hemoglobin levels in the blood, typically measured in grams per deciliter (g/dL). Hemoglobin is a protein found in red blood cells responsible for carrying oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body and returning carbon dioxide to the lungs for exhalation. Monitoring hemoglobin levels is crucial in assessing a person's overall health, as abnormal levels can indicate various medical conditions.

The hemoglobin level chart is a reference tool for healthcare professionals and patients. It typically consists of values considered normal for different age groups, genders, and populations. These reference ranges help diagnose and manage anemia, polycythemia, and other blood disorders.

Understanding a hemoglobin level chart is essential in clinical settings. It can help identify and track changes in a patient's health over time, guide treatment decisions, and assess the effectiveness of interventions. For instance, a hemoglobin level below the established normal range may suggest anemia, while levels above the range may indicate conditions like polycythemia.

Additionally, the hemoglobin level chart can be a valuable tool for individuals to monitor their health or track the progress of a specific condition. It allows them to compare their hemoglobin levels to established norms and identify potential issues.

Printable Haemoglobin Level Chart

Download this Haemoglobin Level Chart to track hemoglobin levels in the blood.

How Does it Work?

1. Obtain the Chart

Search online for a printable hemoglobin level chart or obtain one from a healthcare provider or medical website. Ensure it's up-to-date and specific to the population or age group of interest.

2. Understand the Reference Ranges

Examine the chart to identify the reference ranges for different categories, including age and gender. Note that reference ranges may differ for infants, children, adults, and pregnant individuals.

3. Record Your Hemoglobin Level

Obtain a recent blood test result that includes your hemoglobin level in g/dL. Ensure the test was conducted using a reliable method and represents your current health status.

4. Identify Your Category

Locate the appropriate category on the chart based on your age and gender. This will help you determine the normal range for your specific demographic.

5. Compare Your Hemoglobin Level

Find the value on the chart that corresponds to your recorded hemoglobin level. Compare it to the normal range for your category.

6. Interpret the Results

If your hemoglobin level falls within the normal range, your blood's oxygen-carrying capacity is likely healthy. If it falls below the normal range, you may be anemic; if it's above, it could indicate polycythemia.

7. Consult a Healthcare Professional

If your hemoglobin level is outside the normal range, it's crucial to consult a healthcare provider for further evaluation and guidance. Your doctor can conduct additional tests to identify the underlying cause of the abnormal hemoglobin levels and recommend appropriate treatment or interventions.

Using a printable hemoglobin level chart is a straightforward process that can provide valuable insights into your overall health and assist healthcare professionals in diagnosing and managing blood-related conditions. It is essential, however, to consult with a healthcare provider for a thorough assessment and interpretation of your hemoglobin levels.

Haemoglobin Level Chart Example (Sample)

This Haemoglobin Level Chart is a sample template designed for medical professionals to record and interpret patients' hemoglobin levels efficiently. It includes essential patient information, such as name, date of birth, and gender, to ensure accurate documentation. The chart allows for easy comparison of the patient's recorded hemoglobin level with the reference ranges tailored to the patient's age and gender, aiding in quick interpretation.

In the provided example, John Doe, whose hemoglobin level falls below the normal range, demonstrates how the chart can be filled out. The template offers options for clinical notes, recommendations, and contact information for the medical provider, facilitating a comprehensive and organized approach to tracking and addressing patients' blood health. This template is a valuable tool for medical practices, available as a downloadable Haemoglobin Level Chart PDF to streamline patient care and promote accurate record-keeping.

Download this Haemoglobin Level Chart Example: 

Haemoglobin Level Chart Example (Sample)


When Would You Use This Chart?

A hemoglobin level chart is typically used in various situations, depending on the specific needs and concerns of individuals, patients, and healthcare practitioners. Here's a breakdown of when you would use this chart:

  • Routine Health Check-ups: Individuals often use hemoglobin level charts to assess their general health during routine health check-ups. This is especially common in annual physical exams, where blood tests are conducted to ensure that hemoglobin levels fall within the expected range.
  • Symptomatic Concerns: If an individual experiences symptoms like fatigue, pallor, weakness, or shortness of breath, a healthcare provider may use the chart to investigate and diagnose potential underlying causes, such as anemia or other blood disorders.
  • Pregnancy Monitoring: Obstetricians use hemoglobin level charts during prenatal care to monitor the health of pregnant individuals. Anemia during pregnancy can affect the well-being of both the mother and the developing fetus.
  • Pediatric Care: Pediatricians use specialized charts for infants and children during regular check-ups to monitor growth and development and to diagnose and manage childhood anemia.
  • Sports and Athletics: Sports medicine specialists, coaches, and athletes may use these charts to monitor and optimize athletes' blood health. This is particularly relevant in endurance sports, where hemoglobin levels can impact oxygen-carrying capacity and overall performance.
  • Chronic Illness Management: Patients with chronic conditions such as sickle cell disease or thalassemia use these charts as part of their ongoing management to monitor changes in hemoglobin levels and overall health.
  • Blood Disorder Diagnosis and Management: Hematologists and other specialists use hemoglobin level charts for diagnosing and managing a wide range of blood disorders, including leukemia, myeloma, and polycythemia.
  • Geriatric Care: Geriatric care providers use the chart to assess and monitor the health of elderly patients at higher risk for anemia or other blood-related conditions.

What do the Results Mean?

A hemoglobin level chart helps to understand overall health status. Here are common result ranges and their meanings.

  • Normal Hemoglobin Levels: Normal hemoglobin levels typically range from 12 to 16 grams per deciliter (g/dL) in adult women and 13.8 to 17.2 g/dL in adult men. These values ensure that the blood effectively carries oxygen throughout the body.
  • Low Hemoglobin Levels (Anemia): Low hemoglobin levels may indicate anemia, causing fatigue, weakness, pale skin, and shortness of breath. Severity can be mild, moderate, or severe based on how far below the normal range the levels fall.
  • High Hemoglobin Levels (Polycythemia): Elevated hemoglobin levels above the normal range may suggest polycythemia, a condition where there is an excess of red blood cells. Polycythemia can be primary (polycythemia vera) or secondary (due to other medical conditions like chronic lung disease or heart disease). It can lead to complications such as increased blood viscosity and clot formation.
  • Hemoglobin Levels in Pregnancy: It is common for hemoglobin levels to decrease slightly during pregnancy. This is due to an increase in blood volume. Hemoglobin levels are monitored during prenatal care, and significant drops may indicate iron-deficiency anemia.
  • Hemoglobin Levels in Children: Hemoglobin levels in children vary by age. Infants are typically higher, gradually decreasing as the child grows. Pediatric charts provide appropriate reference ranges for different age groups.
  • Adaptation to Altitude: People living at high altitudes may have naturally higher hemoglobin levels as their bodies adapt to lower oxygen levels in the atmosphere.
  • Evaluation and Consultation: It's important to note that hemoglobin levels alone may not provide a complete clinical picture. Any abnormal results, whether low or high, require further evaluation by a healthcare professional to determine the underlying cause and appropriate treatment.

Research & Evidence

The concept of hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying protein in red blood cells, was first described in the mid-19th century. The development of methods for measuring hemoglobin levels in the blood followed soon after.

Hematology, the branch of medicine focused on blood study, played a pivotal role in understanding the importance of hemoglobin levels in health and disease. Researchers like Paul Ehrlich and others in the late 19th and early 20th centuries made significant contributions to the study of hemoglobin and its variations.

Over time, the establishment of reference ranges for hemoglobin levels became essential. These reference ranges are based on extensive research conducted on diverse populations, considering factors such as age, gender, and pregnancy.

Clinical trials and studies have been conducted to investigate the relationship between hemoglobin levels and various health conditions. For example, studies have explored the link between low hemoglobin levels and anemia and high levels of polycythemia.

Hemoglobin level charts have become a fundamental diagnostic and monitoring tool in healthcare. They are used to assess various conditions, including anemia, blood disorders, and the response to treatment in patients with these conditions.

Ongoing research and technological advancements have improved the accuracy and accessibility of hemoglobin measurement methods. Hemoglobin level charts have evolved to include age, gender, and population-specific reference ranges.

Professional medical organizations and institutions, such as the World Health Organization (WHO), use research-based evidence to establish clinical guidelines for diagnosing and managing anemia and other blood-related disorders. These guidelines often reference hemoglobin levels as a critical parameter.

Why Use Carepatron as Your Haemoglobin Level App?

Carepatron's Haemoglobin Level Chart app is the epitome of precision and convenience. Our cutting-edge software provides accurate and up-to-date reference ranges for hemoglobin levels, ensuring that healthcare professionals and individuals can confidently interpret results. 

Say goodbye to outdated charts – we keep our software current with the latest research and guidelines so you can trust the information you rely on for diagnosis and monitoring.

We understand the importance of user-friendliness. Our Haemoglobin Level Chart app features an intuitive interface that is easy to navigate. Whether you're a busy healthcare provider or an individual monitoring your health, our app streamlines the process, making it accessible and efficient for all users. 

No more sifting through complex charts; with Carepatron, you have the information you need.

With our platform, you gain access to a reliable and accessible Haemoglobin Level Chart app that you can count on. Our software is designed to be compatible with various devices and operating systems, ensuring you can use it your preferred way. 

We prioritize reliability, accuracy, and ease of use, making us the ideal choice for healthcare professionals, researchers, and individuals seeking a trustworthy resource for hemoglobin-level information.

Choose Carepatron's Haemoglobin Level Chart app for precision, convenience, and reliability – we support your healthcare and wellness journey at every step.

Clinical Documentation Software


Dean, L. (n.d.). Table 1, Complete blood count - Blood Groups and Red Cell Antigens - NCBI Bookshelf. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK2263/table/ch1.T1/ 

Lmnt, N. T. J. S. R. (2023, May 25). Low iron in pregnancy: Spot the symptoms of anemia. Nebraska Medicine Omaha, NE. https://www.nebraskamed.com/womens-health/pregnancy-birth/low-iron-in-pregnancy-spot-the-symptoms-of-anemia 

MacPherson, R. (2023, September 11). Normal Hemoglobin Levels: Ranges For Men And Women. Forbes Health. https://www.forbes.com/health/body/normal-hemoglobin-levels/ 

Nursing Study. (2022, February 11). Hemoglobin Level Chart According To Age. [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1B8QFgjMGYI 

Patra, S. K., & Patra, S. K. (2023, October 15). HBA1C Test Chart (Hemoglobin A1C): Check HBA1C normal range, levels, meaning & full form. Breathe Well-Being. https://www.breathewellbeing.in/blog/hba1c-a1c-chart-test-levels-normal-range/ 

Who typically requests a Haemoglobin Level Chart?
Who typically requests a Haemoglobin Level Chart?

Commonly asked questions

Who typically requests a Haemoglobin Level Chart?

Healthcare professionals, such as physicians, hematologists, and pediatricians, often request hemoglobin level charts for diagnosing and managing blood-related conditions. Individuals may also use these charts to monitor their health.

When are Haemoglobin Level Charts used?

Hemoglobin level charts are used during routine health check-ups, when individuals experience symptoms like fatigue or shortness of breath, during pregnancy for monitoring, in pediatric care, and for athletes to optimize their performance. They are also used in the diagnosis and management of various blood disorders.

How are Haemoglobin Level Charts used?

Users obtain a hemoglobin level chart, find their appropriate category based on age and gender, and compare their recorded hemoglobin level to the normal range. Results falling outside the range may prompt further evaluation by a healthcare professional.

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