Starting A Private Practice In Counseling Checklist

Simplify the process of building your own counseling practice by using our Starting a Private Practice in Counseling Checklist!

By Priya Singh on Jul 15, 2024.


Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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What is a Starting a Private Practice in Counseling Checklist?

Beginning a private practice in counseling may seem overwhelming and intricate, given the many administrative, legal, and logistical challenges that must be addressed. However, it is a gratifying pursuit that offers practitioners opportunities for professional growth, upskilling and independence. 

For counseling practitioners eager to begin this journey, our Starting A Private Practice in Counseling Checklist serves as a valuable tool. In organizing all of the requirements and considerations involved in building a private practice, the checklist can provide clarity to navigate challenges, cover clinical and business aspects, and ensure a well-prepared launch. Furthermore, the checklist emphasizes a patient-centered focus, which is most necessary in counseling and private practice. 

The checklist assures counselors that they are laying a solid foundation for their business, highlighting the need for legal, financial, insurance, and area planning. These can often be daunting for their complexity, yet they are necessary for the security of the business. The checklist can clarify how to approach these aspects of the practice, which may enhance the confidence of counseling practitioners aspiring to establish an independent practice. 

Balancing the delivery of high-quality counseling services with the demands of running a successful business can be challenging and requires a great amount of resilience, adaptability, and stable support networks. Our Starting a Private Practice in Counseling Checklist becomes a supportive tool for counselors, assisting them in confidently initiating their independent practice.

Starting A Private Practice In Counseling Checklist Template

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Starting A Private Practice In Counseling Checklist Example

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How does it work?

Our checklist serves as a tool crafted to systemize tasks in an organized format, allowing practitioners to establish their practice effectively. Here’s a breakdown of the steps involved: 

Step 1: Access the checklist

You can access the checklist here for an electronic copy or download a printable PDF copy using the following link:

Step 2: Develop a practice plan

Initiate the process by coming up with a name for your practice and defining your mission, vision, and goals to form the cornerstones of your practice. 

Step 3: Establish the legal and financial structures

Engage with legal and financial consultants to understand the types of frameworks required to support your counseling practice. In this step, checking the variability of your license to practice in your intended region may also be beneficial. 

Step 4: Setting your space

Select a location and explore designs to create a serene and organized workspace. 

Step 5: Insurance

Research an appropriate insurance provider that addresses your practice’s needs and liabilities. 

Step 6: Identify resources and begin networking

Identify roles, resources, and responsibilities for success and determine staff and equipment requirements. Additionally, begin building a network of professionals for support, referrals, and tips. 

Step 7: Create policies and document structures

Establish formal policies to communicate client expectations and develop client forms for a streamlined practice. 

Step 8: Integrate a practice management software 

Finding practice management software that incorporates all necessary administrative tasks and documentation is critical. 

Step 9: Develop a marketing strategy 

Formulate a marketing plan to initiate client recruitment and inform your practice’s reputation. 

Step 10: Ongoing progression

Continue elevating your practice by centralizing patient care and monitoring any changes, progress, or experiences. This will help you continue your professional growth.

When would you use this Template?

The Starting a Private Practice in Counseling Checklist Template is versatile and can be applied in various scenarios for counseling practitioners. Its primary purpose is to serve as a counselor resource by providing considerations and guiding actionable steps when establishing a private practice. Here are some situations where the value of this resource may be proven:

  • Private counseling practice ventures: Practitioners aiming to develop their practice in a specialized area of counseling can utilize the checklist to establish the required structures and processes. 
  • Informing business plans: A thorough business plan is essential to the success of any business but can be complicated given the many financial and legal considerations required. Aspiring counselors can rely on the checklist for guidance and feel confident they have taken all essential steps for a stable business. 
  • Upcoming counselors: Students or counselors in training who aspire to begin their own practice can use the checklist to shape their expectations. This ensures they are well informed in the requirements for private practice, assists them in deciding their path, and may help initiate networking with counselors who may provide guidance. 
  • Private practice advancement: The checklist can be an assessment tool to inform improvements to enhance the practice’s ability to meet client needs. As counselors advance in their business, they can refer back to the checklist to review their structures and current plans for necessary revisions. 
  • Expanding services: Practitioners looking to diversify or establish a niche counseling practice can employ the checklist to strike a balance between their interests and skills and the needs and preferences of their clients.


Using our free Starting a Private Practice in Counseling Checklist Template can lead to a range of benefits for counselors seeking to begin their own independent business. Although these may vary based on the aspirations, qualifications, and targets of the practice, here are some common outcomes and the implications for the practice: 

  • Structure and clarity: When planning to begin your own business, knowing where to begin can be difficult. Using the checklist offers counselors a clear direction for their business, guiding them on how to embark on this journey to privatization. 
  • Develops a systematic process: The checklist systematically organizes essential considerations and tasks, enabling practitioners to maintain order and plan their actions. This allows them to remain proactive, and the logical flow of actions can provide reassurance. 
  • Empowered action: The checklist elucidates complexities associated with starting a private practice, providing reassurance that fosters practitioner confidence. This can encourage proactive action and empower practitioners to overcome the challenges related to the process.
  • Continued advancement: Practitioners can continue advancing with advancements in the counseling practice by using the template as an assessment procedure. Here, the checklist can be updated to support continued progression. 
  • Centralizing client experiences: Prioritizing client experiences is at the heart of the checklist, motivating practitioners to take action to support their client’s needs.

Helpful tips to begin your journey

To help you embark on the journey to establishing your own counseling practice, we’ve compiled some tips and considerations to assist you in getting started. These can be used in conjunction with our free Starting a Private Practice in Counseling Checklist. 

Professional experience and development 

During or after your counseling training, consider gaining experience with an established counseling team specializing in your area of interest. This can be gained through volunteering, working in a professional counseling practice, or shadowing a qualified counselor. This can provide invaluable experience, professional contacts, and learning about the inner workings of a counseling practice. 

Find your niche area

Counseling itself is a broad area with many opportunities for various specializations. In the early stages of your training or practice, it can be beneficial to work with a diverse range of clients with various needs to understand where you feel you are of most value and find your preferred areas. This can help you identify a specific area in which you would like to specialize in counseling and subsequently focus on it when developing your practice.

Track counseling advancements and trends

Ensure that you stay updated on the practice advancements and monitor any changes related to political, social, economic or geographic areas that may influence your practice. This enables you to evaluate your counseling practice in relation to client needs and may inform you about potential opportunities for diversification.


DeAngelis, T. (2011). Are you really ready for private practice? gradPSYCH Magazine. American Psychological Association.

GoodTherapy (n.d.). Your Checklist for Starting a Private Practice in Counseling. GoodTherapy.

Sanok, J. (2023). 28-step Checklist to Start a Counseling Private Practice. LinkedIn.

How do you create a Starting a Private Practice in Counseling Checklist?
How do you create a Starting a Private Practice in Counseling Checklist?

Commonly asked questions

How do you create a Starting a Private Practice in Counseling Checklist?

The checklist can be created by simply using Carepatron’s Starting a Private Practice in Counseling Checklist. This resource offers a framework that systematically organizes all necessary steps to establish your business effectively.

When is the Starting a Private Practice in Counseling Checklist used?

These checklists are predominantly employed in developing private counseling practice plans but may also help inform business plans or be used as an assessment tool.

How are the Starting A Private Practice In Counseling Checklists used?

These checklists are primarily tailored to support counseling professionals aiming to initiate their own private counseling practice. However, they can also be utilized by students or future counselors contemplating entry into the field, or starting their own privatized practice.

Who creates a Starting A Private Practice In Counseling Checklist?

Any individual seeking insights into privatized counseling practice can use the checklist.

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