Personal Trainer Pricing Sheet

Set competitive rates for personal training sessions with our Personal Trainer Pricing Sheet. Elevate your fitness business with transparent pricing.

By Karina Jimenea on Jul 02, 2024.


Fact Checked by RJ Gumban.

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How to price personal training services

If you are a personal trainer looking to start your independent practice, one of the first things you must consider is knowing how to price your services. While starting your fitness business gives you autonomy, it also requires commitment and hard work to sustain it. Hence, knowing pricing structures will provide you with a headstart.

Pricing structure defines how you price your products or services. Depending on your client's specific needs and preferences, you may offer various pricing options such as hourly rates, package deals, or even a subscription membership. Other than these, allow them to opt for additional services on top of the basic ones. This can include customized workout plans, dietary advice, and group classes.

Consider offering discounted rates for group training sessions or when a client avails of multiple sessions. However, don't be too overwhelmed to provide every option possible. Listing every possible membership may confuse clients. It's better to keep membership options simple.

If you are starting, you can offer a free fitness assessment to your clients, providing valuable information about their current fitness status. Don't be that one personal trainer who sounds desperate to acquire clients. Chances are, you'll scare them away. You gain their trust by showing them you genuinely care about their health and fitness goals. In return, they will respond better and potentially enroll in your workout program.

Factors to consider when setting personal training rates

When deciding on your personal trainer cost, you need to work on the following areas:

  1. Target market: Consider your target clients' demographics, such as their income levels, preferences, and willingness to pay for personal training sessions.
  2. Cost of operations: Calculate the expenses, including rent, equipment, certifications, insurance, and marketing. This will help ensure you cover them while still achieving your profit margin.
  3. Market demand: Research on market trends, needs, and services offered by other personal trainers. Look into the baseline service prices and adjust them accordingly to remain competitive.
  4. Unique value proposition: There will be competitors in the personal training industry. Hence, you have to establish a compelling UPV that tells your target clientele about the value of your services and what sets you apart from other local competitors. Investing in marketing will also help.
  5. Qualifications and certifications: We all start somewhere, and investing in your qualifications and certifications is good for attracting clients. When you have a proven track record, chances are you can set higher prices based on the perceived value of your expertise.

Printable Personal Trainer Pricing Sheet

Download this Personal Trainer Pricing Sheet to help clients learn how to price their services.

What is a Personal Trainer Pricing Sheet?

A Personal Trainer Pricing Sheet is a tool that outlines pricing rates for the services offered by a personal trainer. The document provides transparent information to clients so they can understand and decide on the services they would like to avail based on their specific goals and budget. A personal trainer may include additional information in this sheet, like payment options, terms and conditions, contact details, and qualifications.

How does our template work?

This template is handy as it gives your personal training business a professional touch. Just follow these steps below to reap its maximum advantage:

Step 1: Download the template

Download the template from the provided link and save it to your preferred device.

Step 2: Personalize

Enter your name. Briefly describe your background and qualifications in the designated section. Doing this will allow clients to see your personal training experience, adding credibility to your craft.

Step 3: Fill out the table

List the services you offer and provide a brief description of each service. Enter the corresponding price for each service in the "Price" column.

Step 4: Customize membership options (if applicable)

Specify the details under the "Membership Options" section if you offer membership options. Describe the benefits of each membership type and set the pricing accordingly.

Step 5: Add additional deals or discounts (if applicable)

Include any special deals or discounts you offer on the table. Clearly state the terms and conditions of each deal or discount, including eligibility criteria.

Step 6: Provide contact information

Ensure your contact information is easily accessible within the document. Include your email address, phone number, or preferred contact method if clients need ongoing support. We've also provided a blank section if you want to include other essential information.

Personal Trainer Pricing Sheet example (sample)

Get started on your business by checking out our sample Personal Trainer Pricing Sheet PDF. This sample illustrates the potential services along with their description and rates. Note that this is only a reference, and the prices set here do not dictate how you price your services. Remember to decide on your pricing structure when studying and considering the abovementioned factors.

Download this free Personal Trainer Pricing Sheet template example here:

Personal Trainer Pricing Sheet example (sample)

Common pricing mistakes

When starting any business, it's common to make pricing mistakes. But to help you avoid these pitfalls, we'll give you a heads-up. Here are three common pricing mistakes to watch out for:

1. Underpricing your services

Setting low prices to attract customers is tempting, but underpricing can undervalue your expertise and lead to financial struggles. For example, if you're a personal trainer, offering sessions at low rates might initially attract clients. However, it could become unsustainable if you're not covering your costs.

2. Overcomplicating your pricing structure

Too many pricing options can overwhelm potential customers and make it difficult for them to choose. Simplify your pricing structure by offering clear options catering to different needs and budgets. It's easier for clients to decide when they are not confused.

3. Neglecting to adjust prices over time

Market conditions, expenses, and your business's value proposition can change over time. That is why you need to evaluate and adjust your prices periodically. Let's say you obtained further certifications to improve your skills or build a reputation in the industry. Paying higher rates would be best to reflect these in your prices. Keep track of market trends to make your services relevant and sustainable.

Why use Carepatron as your personal training software?

Carepatron is the ideal personal training software for your fitness business because our comprehensive features help enhance your daily business operations. You can integrate telehealth capabilities, enabling remote sessions and consultations for added convenience and flexibility. Its user-friendly interface and customizable templates and guides empower you to deliver personalized training plans to help clients in their fitness journey.

The patient portal feature in Carepatron provides clients with secure access to their accounts. It allows them to view schedules and track progress easily. Moreover, the platform's seamless payments and billing functionality simplifies the financial aspects of your business. Clients can pay conveniently, ensuring efficient transaction management. By leveraging Carepatron, you can focus more on delivering exceptional training experiences and helping your clients achieve their fitness goals.

Join other personal trainers who have revolutionized their fitness businesses with Carepatron. Sign up and empower your clients for success!

What are some pricing strategies to attract clients?
What are some pricing strategies to attract clients?

Commonly asked questions

What are some pricing strategies to attract clients?

Offering discounts for package deals or referral incentives can attract potential clients while maintaining value for your services.

How often should you evaluate and adjust your prices?

It's essential to evaluate and adjust your prices periodically, typically every 6-12 months, to stay competitive and reflect changes in your business costs or market demand.

Why is a personal trainer price list template critical?

A personal trainer price list template helps maintain consistency and transparency in pricing, making it easier for clients to understand your services and choose the options that suit them best.

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