Exercise Motivation Inventory-2
Help clients gain exercise motivation with Exercise Motivation Inventory-2. Get insights, examples, and a free PDF download.

What is the Exercise Motivation Inventory-2?
Motivation is the drive behind pursuing goals and aspirations that manifest our desires. Viewing it from this perspective can alter our perception, especially for many individuals. While it's common knowledge that exercise is essential, a question arises: do you truly possess a genuine motivation for physical activity?
Despite knowing why people engage in exercise, the significance of the perceived benefits individuals believe they derive from exercise has been overlooked until now.
The Exercise Motivation Inventory-2 (EMI-2) is a comprehensive and valuable self-report questionnaire meticulously crafted to examine individuals' motives and incentives for engaging in exercise and physical activity. It is a revised exercise motivations inventory that covers the original version's problems.
By utilizing the EMI-2, experts gain a profound understanding of the diverse motivations influencing exercise participation, uncovering the multifaceted psychological drivers underpinning the decision-making process when engaging in physical endeavors.
Exercise Motivation Inventory-2 Template
Exercise Motivation Inventory-2 Example
How does it work?
By following these steps, researchers, exercise professionals, and psychologists can effectively utilize this printable Exercise Motivations Inventory-2 template to gain profound insights into the motivations that drive people to participate in various physical activities:
Step 1: Introduce the inventory to clients
Explain to clients that the inventory aims to explore their exercise motives comprehensively, aiding in developing tailored exercise interventions and promoting a deeper understanding of their relationship with physical activity.
Step 2: Provide instructions
Encourage clients to carefully read each statement before selecting the response that best reflects their feelings and motivations.
Step 3: Discuss results with clients
Score your client's responses and review the inventory together. Address participants' concerns or questions about specific items for clarity.
The EMI-2 does not have right or wrong answers; it reflects participants' exercise motivations. Each item is scored individually, and healthcare professionals or researchers can interpret the overall pattern of responses and scores for each motivation category.
To calculate the total score, you must add the points for each item based on your client's self-ratings.
The inventory has 14 subscales as well:
- Stress management (items 6, 20, 34, and 46)
- Revitalization (items 3, 17, and 31)
- Enjoyment (items 9, 23, 37, and 48)
- Challenge (items 14, 28, 42, and 51)
- Social recognition (items 5, 19, 33, and 45)
- Affiliation (items 10, 24, 38, and 49)
- Competition (items 12, 26, 40, and 50)
- Health pressures (items 11, 25, and 39)
- Ill-health avoidance (items 2, 16, and 30)
- Positive health (items 7, 21, and 35)
- Weight management (items 1, 15, 29, and 43)
- Appearance (items 4, 18, 32, and 44)
- Strength and endurance (items 8, 22, 36, and 47)
- Nimbleness (items 13, 27, and 41)
To calculate the subscale scores, you must add the total score for all items involved in each one and then divide them by the number of items per subscale.
For example, let's make a mock calculation for social recognition. It has four items. Let's say a client rated themselves 5 for all four items. Their total score is 20. Since social recognition comprises four items, we'll divide that by four. The mean score for this is 5.
There are no score ranges for this. You can approach the subscale scores in a way that helps you determine your client's primary motivations for exercise.
When would you use this template?
Exercise psychologists, coaches, healthcare providers, and researchers can use the Exercise Motivation Inventory-2 to assess and understand the diverse factors that drive people to exercise.
By employing the EMI-2 template, professionals can tailor exercise programs, develop effective interventions, and advocate for physical activity as an essential component of overall well-being.
The inventory assists fitness centers and gyms in understanding members' exercise motivations, allowing for personalized offerings and targeted marketing strategies. Healthcare providers can use the EMI-2 to advocate exercise as part of a healthy lifestyle and provide relevant recommendations to patients.
Researchers can gather systematic data on exercise motivations, enabling robust comparisons and insightful findings on exercise behavior and health outcomes.
The EMI-2 template also benefits corporate wellness programs by identifying employees' exercise preferences and facilitating the design of tailored wellness initiatives. Public health organizations can use the inventory to gather population-level data on exercise motivations, guiding the development of impactful public health campaigns.
Physical therapy clinics can also leverage the EMI-2 to understand patients' exercise motivations and create personalized rehabilitation plans.
Using this EMI-2 template also offers the following benefits:
Reveals each client's exercise motivations
This comprehensive approach covers diverse dimensions, including enjoyment, stress management, competition, and health-related concerns. This can then provide practitioners with profound insights into what drives individuals to embrace physical activity.
Empowers personalized interventions
By identifying participants' dominant motives and unique preferences, professionals can design exercise programs that resonate intimately with individual needs, encouraging lasting motivation and fostering exercise adherence.
Tracks progress
The free Exercise Motivation Inventory-2 empowers practitioners to monitor participants' exercise motivations over time, offering a comprehensive window into their personal exercise journeys and how their motivations evolve/change over time.
Facilitates deeper insights into client exercise motivations
The well-structured inventory is a dynamic platform for individuals to reflect profoundly on their exercise-related desires and feelings, fostering a deeper understanding and establishing stronger bonds between practitioners and those they serve.
Commonly asked questions
The 14 subscales of the EMI-2 are stress management, revitalization, enjoyment, challenge, social recognition, affiliation, competition, health pressures, ill-health avoidance, positive health, weight management, appearance, strength and endurance, and nimbleness.
Researchers, clinicians, personal trainers, and individuals can use the EMI-2 to gain valuable insights into exercise motivations. This aids in developing tailored interventions and informed decisions about exercise habits, whether for a client who wants to engage in physical activity or a patient who is recommended to have lifestyle modifications.
Participants rate each item on a 6-point Likert scale, and the scores for each subscale are summed to create a total score. The EMI-2 can be administered individually or in a group setting, and the results can be interpreted using the provided scoring guide. The self-report measure enables participants to complete the questionnaire, taking approximately 15 minutes.