SOAP Notes for Mental Health Template

Mental Health SOAP note templates are an excellent way to promote consistency in your practice, enhance your note-taking, and make accurate assessments.

By Matt Olivares on Jul 02, 2024.


Fact Checked by Nate Lacson.

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SOAP Notes for Mental Health Template PDF Example
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What is a Mental Health SOAP Notes Template?

are an extremely effective way to record client information and their progress regarding their state of mind. As a widely used note-taking format, universally accepted by mental health practitioners, mental health SOAP notes detail clinical information to a rich degree and can be used to make more informed decisions when it comes to treatment plans. You can cover all bases, safeguard your judgments, and increase credibility when it comes to using them as legal and insurance evidence.

Diagnoses have never been easier to pinpoint and monitor, with SOAP notes allowing you to synthesize different judgment and assessment types in one place. Fellow healthcare professionals can examine your notes and pick up where you left off, which makes for great consistency and professionality. Using this SOAP example can help to alleviate mental health stresses, and allow you to treat patients with the highest standard of care. You can save time, and make every minute count.

Printable SOAP Notes for Mental Health Template

Check out these Mental Health SOAP Notes templates to improve your progress notes, productivity, and therapy outcomes.

How to Use This SOAP Note Template for Mental Health 

SOAP notes cover four important sections: subjective, objective, assessment, and plan. It’s super easy to use, with the simple layout covering all the bases that you could possibly need when it comes to assessing mental health. Health is tricky enough as it is, and so to ensure that you’re developing effective treatment plans that cater exactly to the issue at hand, consider these steps in your mental health practice. 

Step One: Download the template

Although it may seem obvious, make sure you have the template downloaded on your preferred note-taking device. You should be able to make changes to the page using the PDF software - if not, consider an alternative. 

Step Two: Fill out your credentials 

Fill out the date and time of your session with the client, as well as their name and ID, and your own professional information at the top of the page. This ensures that the SOAP note is for the specified client, and there is no confusion as to who it is for. 

Step Three: Complete the 4 SOAP sections

Complete the SOAP note form by filling out the relevant subjective, objective, assessment, and plan areas. These should be professional, succinct, and contain clear information that cannot be medically refuted. Your SOAP notes have a likely chance of being used for insurance and legal purposes, so it’s important that you take care of noting all information you perceive as critical to understanding your patient’s condition. 

Step Four: Sign the document

It is strongly recommended that you sign the document at the bottom of the page. This can authorize your notes, and ensure that you are the sole owner, which is always good practice for legal and insurance purposes. 

Step Five: Securely store your SOAP notes 

Once your SOAP note is complete, make sure to upload it within secure, HIPAA-compliant software. This protects your patient information, and ensures it is at minimal risk from security breaches and data hacks that can often occur within technology platforms!

Mental Health SOAP Note Example (sample)

Implementing our mental health SOAP note example can ensure that you present a holistic picture when it comes to your patient’s condition and that you don’t miss anything valuable. With our template, you can effectively tick off all requirements without having to think twice. Create a higher level of quality within your practice, without compromise.  

To enhance your note-taking, check out our SOAP note example here:

Mental Health SOAP Note Example (sample)

Who Can Use this Mental Health Template?

The mental health industry is broad and encompasses professionals from many different backgrounds and specializations. Fortunately, the universal format of this template means that mental health practitioners from various fields can achieve the same high-quality results without having to overhaul the design. You can record data specific to your needs and procedures without sacrificing quality or having to rearrange layouts, which is super convenient!

Here’s just a handful of the number of mental health professionals that this template would benefit:

It’s important to note that every type of mental health professional will approach SOAP notes a little differently, and that’s okay! While the internal content will differ depending on your evaluation and assessments needed, the format stays the same. Each practitioner will need to cover the subjective details about the client’s condition, the objective information that support initial judgments, the current assessments followed, as well as the plan for future course of action. Some professions may have more detailed sections than others, however, it’s important that each one is addressed in order to appropriately analyze mental health conditions.

Why is This Template Useful for Mental Health Therapists?

There are various purposes to integrating SOAP note templates within your practice, and in case you’re not convinced, here are some useful reasons why you should get started today:

  • Easy progress management: SOAP notes make it highly efficient for mental health professionals to closely monitor and track the progress of clients. You can assess the quality of their mental health condition and how responsive clients are to treatment over time, which is also great for communicating details to other healthcare practitioners.
  • Compiles subjective and objective: SOAP notes are an excellent way to collect information from both sides of the coin. Document subjective details pertaining to the client’s experience, as well as objective, factual details that encompass history and medical instruments. 
  • Simple referencing: Because each SOAP note captures the current condition of your client within the session, they make for a great paper trail in regard to their health journey. You can evaluate each step of the way in closer detail, and refer back to symptoms shown in similar patients for greater guidance.
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Benefits of Using the Mental Health SOAP note template 

In addition to their usefulness, there are a multitude of benefits that SOAP notes can reap from your business. Implementing mental health SOAP note templates can work to streamline your notetaking processes, and simplify your workload to increase efficiency. You can cut straight to the point, and record only the essentials. 

Excellent information sharing

It’s highly likely that you’ll need to share your clients’ information with other healthcare professionals, especially if they are forwarded to external care. This is in addition to sharing details with insurance companies who may need specific treatment and assessment information. SOAP notes allow you to have higher credibility for easy information sharing. 


One of the most important aspects of using SOAP notes within your mental health clinic is that it can cut down on time tremendously. You don’t have to allocate time to plan and draft your templates, with these all pointing out the essentials for you. You can save hours of time, prevent burnout, and add business value elsewhere. 


SOAP notes are beneficial in the sense that they incorporate client opinions and experiences to guide a treatment plan that works with what they envision. You can work together to draft a progress plan that is in alignment with both you and your client's goals. 

Greater clinical outcomes

Because SOAP touches on four critical dimensions of healthcare, it’s no surprise that it results in better clinical outcomes when it comes to the client's mental health. You can improve communication and accuracy in regard to representing their current state, and develop treatment plans that specifically address all their concerns. 

Provides cognitive framework

Having structured and organized SOAP notes means that you have meaningful interactions with patients to create a more effective framework to work with. Inevitably, over time, the more clients you meet with, and the more exposure to a variety of different mental health issues will work towards building an intuitive cognitive framework.

Why Use Carepatron for Mental Health SOAP note?

Carepatron is one of the leading practice management platforms when it comes to creating, managing, and storing clinical documents. Utilizing their broad template library, you can effectively implement mental health SOAP notes within your practice and follow a structured format to ensure accurate assessments. Whatever your needs may be, you can adopt a universal tool to increase the credibility and reliability of your evaluations.

Not only this, but with Carepatron, you can save immense time within your practice. With voice-to-text transcription services, you don’t have to worry about typing out extensive information. Simply talk into your device microphone, and capture all critical details without compromising on quality. 

Once you’ve completed your SOAP notes, you can store them securely within Carepatron’s HIPAA-compliant software. Rest easy knowing your information is in good hands and is protected with bank-level encryption, in conjunction with 24/7 monitoring. Failure to comply with these industry security standards can result in hefty fines, so to secure your client's health and your business, consider Carepatron.

Mental health software
What if I want to make changes to my note?
What if I want to make changes to my note?

Commonly asked questions

What if I want to make changes to my note?

If you’ve completed your SOAP note and wish to make changes, you absolutely can. However, you must sign and date each change made for authoritative purposes.

How long should a SOAP note be?

While the answer to this can vary depending on the client's evidence, and the number of issues at hand, it is a good rule of thumb to stick to 1-2 pages. Anything beyond this is considered too detailed.

Should I source quotes?

If you’re quoting a client, their close relations, or fellow healthcare professionals, it is important that you always provide a source. Verbatim is ideal, with source references boosting professionality within your practice.

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