Self Worth Worksheet

Strengthen your client's self worth with our free and printable Self Worth Worksheet. Access to a free PDF template and example to get started.

By RJ Gumban on Jul 02, 2024.


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What is a Self-Worth Worksheet?

A Self Worth Worksheet is a therapeutic tool to help individuals explore and understand their self-worth. Self-worth, fundamentally, is about how much a person values themselves and believes in their worth. It's a complex mix of thoughts, feelings, and attitudes that a person has about themselves, shaping their actions and reactions in various life situations. This concept profoundly influences crucial aspects of life, including one's mindset, by boosting self-esteem, confidence, motivation, and general outlook.

A healthy level of self-worth and esteem is essential for a reasonable person's mental and emotional well-being. When someone values themselves highly, they are more likely to have a favorable view of life and feel confident in their abilities. They approach challenges with a can-do attitude and maintain resilience in the face of setbacks.

Conversely, low self-worth can have detrimental effects. It often leads to negative emotions like depression and anxiety and can even manifest in physical symptoms. People with low self-worth might struggle with feelings of inadequacy, doubt their abilities, and be overly critical of themselves.

Mental health professionals, including therapists, psychologists, and counselors, often use Self Worth Worksheets for adults as a practical tool in therapy sessions. These self-esteem worksheets are designed to guide individuals through introspection and self-discovery.

Individuals can uncover deep-seated beliefs and emotions about themselves by responding to thought-provoking prompts and questions. This process is particularly beneficial for addressing issues related to self-esteem, such as external factors such as feelings of inferiority, impostor syndrome, or perfectionistic tendencies.

The Self Worth Worksheet mirrors human beings, reflecting a person's inner world of self-perception, personal values, and worth. It helps individuals recognize patterns in their self-thoughts and understand how they influence their daily lives.

By working through the worksheet, individuals can challenge negative beliefs, reinforce positive ones with more compassion, and embark on a healthier, more balanced sense of self-worth and value. This journey is crucial for personal happiness and fulfillment, building stronger relationships, and achieving success in various life domains.

Have a look at our Self Compassion Worksheet video to see how these resources can be accessed and implemented:

Printable Self Worth Worksheet

Download this Self Worth Worksheet to help your clients focus on their feelings of self worth.

How does it work?

This free Self Worth Worksheet includes various prompts to help your clients explore their self-worth. Follow these steps to get started with the self-love and template:

Step One: Get a copy of the worksheet

Download the Self Worth Worksheet using the link provided on this page or via the Carepatron app. You can also obtain a copy from Carepatron's resources library.

Step Two: Explain how it works

Hand a copy to your client and discuss the importance of the different points outlined in the worksheet. Encourage them to fill out each prompt and reflect on their thoughts and feelings about themselves.

Step Three: The client completes the template

Proceed to fill out the Self Worth Worksheet together with your client. This self-esteem worksheet is an entry point for you and your clients to discuss building their self-esteem and well-being.

Step Four: Reflect on the answers

Once your client has completed their worksheet, it's time to reflect and discuss all the answers. Talk about any patterns you see in the answers and how they can be addressed.

Self Worth Worksheets example (sample)

Our team has created a sample Self Worth Worksheet PDF to illustrate how this template can help your clients explore their self-worth. You can use this sample for educational purposes or as a reference during your sessions. You may view the example here or download it as a PDF.

Download the free Self Worth Worksheets Example (sample)

Self Worth Worksheets Example (sample)

Strategies for enhancing self-worth through worksheet activities

Incorporating the Self Worth Worksheet into therapy sessions is a powerful way to help clients build a stronger sense of self-worth. This section provides examples of detailed strategies and activities that therapists can use alongside the worksheet to facilitate this process.

Reflective journaling

  • Daily highlights: Encourage clients to write about positive experiences each day, focusing on what went well and why.
  • Personal achievements: Have clients note their achievements, no matter how small, to reinforce a sense of accomplishment.
  • Gratitude entries: Implement a practice of writing down things they are grateful for, enhancing positive thinking and self-appreciation.

Strengths identification

  • Skills inventory: Create a list of skills and abilities the client feels confident about, helping them recognize their competencies.
  • Success stories: Ask clients to recall instances where they felt successful or received positive feedback, reinforcing their sense of capability.
  • Talent exploration: Encourage clients to explore new areas or hobbies where they might discover hidden talents or interests.

Goal setting

  • Short-term objectives: Set small, short-term, easily achievable goals to build confidence.
  • Progress tracking: Record progress towards these goals, celebrating even minor successes.
  • Realistic expectations: Help clients set challenging yet attainable goals, avoiding setting them up for disappointment.

Positive affirmations

  • Daily affirmations: Encourage clients to start their day with positive affirmations focusing on self-worth and personal strengths.
  • Affirmation reminders: Suggest setting reminders or notes in visible places as constant positive reinforcement.
  • Personalized affirmations: Assist clients in creating affirmations specific to their challenges and aspirations.

Challenging negative beliefs

  • Identify and confront: Help clients identify negative beliefs and challenge their validity.
  • Evidence-based reframing: Use evidence from the client's life to reframe negative beliefs into more positive, realistic ones.
  • Cognitive restructuring: Teach techniques to actively change negative thought patterns into more positive and empowering ones.


  • Social scenarios: Use role-playing to simulate social interactions and practice responses to everyday situations.
  • Assertiveness training: Role-play scenarios where clients can practice assertiveness, helping them build confidence in expressing themselves.
  • Feedback and reflection: Provide constructive feedback after role-playing exercises and encourage clients to reflect on their experience.

Creative expression

  • Art therapy activities: Use drawing, painting, or sculpting to express and explore self.
  • Writing exercises: Encourage creative writing, such as poetry or short stories, as a means of self-expression.
  • Music and movement: Incorporate music or dance to help clients express emotions they might find hard to articulate.

Mindfulness and relaxation techniques

  • Breathing exercises: Teach clients breathing techniques to help manage stress and anxiety.
  • Mindful observation: Practice mindfulness exercises focusing on the present moment, enhancing self-awareness.
  • Guided imagery: Use guided imagery or meditation to promote relaxation and a positive mental state.

Therapists can provide a comprehensive approach to building healthy self-worth by integrating these strategies with the Self Worksheet. These activities complement the insights gained from the worksheet and offer clients practical tools to develop a stronger, more positive sense of self.

When would you use this template?

The Self Worth Worksheet is best used when helping clients address their self-esteem issues, such as low self-esteem, imposter syndrome, or perfectionism. You can also utilize this handy tool to:

Get to know your clients better

The Self Worth Worksheet is a fantastic starting point when getting to know your client. This worksheet can help break the ice and create an open discussion and personal power between you and your client.

Help your clients set achievable goals

This template can also be used to help your clients set achievable goals. Discussing their answers can create a plan with attainable goals to help them improve and build their self-worth.

Identify areas where they need more support

The Self Worth Worksheet can help clients identify areas where they need more support. This worksheet is a great way to recognize gaps in their self-esteem and worth that need attention and provide guidance on working on these areas.

Facilitate meaningful conversations about self-worth

The template is an invaluable tool for facilitating meaningful conversations about self-worth. By exploring your clients' answers in the Self self-worth worksheet, you can help them confidently navigate their journey to healthy self-esteem and acceptance together.

Benefits of free Self Worth Worksheet template

The Self Worth Worksheet is an easy-to-use tool that you can use to help your clients on their journey of self-discovery. Here are some of its other benefits:

It's fully digital and straightforward to use

This worksheet is easy to set up and can be used in digital or paper format. All you have to do is fill out the worksheet with your client, and you're good to go.

It's flexible

You can modify the template's layout and prompts to fit your client's needs. You can also use this worksheet in various settings, such as individual sessions or group workshops.

It helps improve communication

The Self Worth Worksheet can help you and your clients better communicate and understand individual differences. By engaging in meaningful conversations, you can gain a deeper insight into your client's needs and how they view themselves.

It can make your client feel in control

Our free template can help your clients understand their strengths and weaknesses. This will give them the power to take control of their lives and make positive changes.

Why Use Carepatron as Your Self Worth Worksheet app?

Carepatron is an exemplary platform for mental health professionals seeking to enhance their therapeutic practices, particularly when utilizing tools like the Self Worth Worksheet. The online patient portal offered by Carepatron is a game-changer in this regard. It provides a secure and accessible space where clients can conveniently engage with the Self Worth Worksheet. This feature is invaluable for fostering an ongoing process of self-reflection and growth outside therapy sessions. The portal also allows for seamless sharing and reviewing of completed therapy worksheets, enabling therapists to gain deeper insights into their clients' self-perception and progress.

Incorporating Carepatron's telehealth platform into your practice further amplifies the benefits. This platform facilitates virtual therapy sessions, where discussions about the Self Worth Worksheet can occur in real-time, regardless of physical location. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for clients who may face barriers to in-person sessions, whether due to geographical constraints, mobility issues, or time constraints. The telehealth feature ensures that the therapeutic process is continuous and accessible, providing clients with the support they need when they need it.

Moreover, Carepatron streamlines the administrative side of therapy practices. With features like appointment scheduling, automated reminders, and secure document storage, therapists can spend less time on paperwork and more on what truly matters — helping clients improve their self-worth and overall mental well-being. By choosing Carepatron, you're not just adopting a software solution but enhancing the therapeutic experience for you and your clients.

Embrace Carepatron for a more connected, efficient, and impactful therapy practice. Sign up now and take the first step towards transforming how you work with clients on their journey to self-discovery and growth.

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Who uses the Self Worth Worksheet?
Who uses the Self Worth Worksheet?

Commonly asked questions

Who uses the Self Worth Worksheet?

The Self Worth Worksheet can be used by professionals such as counselors, therapists, and life coaches. It's an excellent tool for helping clients navigate their journey of self-discovery.

When do you use the Self Worth Worksheet?

You can use the Self Worth Worksheet anytime during your client's journey. It can be used in individual sessions, group workshops, or even as a homework assignment.

What are the benefits of using a Self Worth Worksheet?

A Self Worth Worksheet can help your clients better understand themselves. It can also help improve communication between you and your client and give them a sense of control over their lives.

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